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Notice Date
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Solicitation Notice
Contracting Office
NASA Procurement Office, Code DA00, Stennis Space Center (SSC), MS 39529-6000
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
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Point of Contact
Gregory Fletcher, Contract Specialist, Phone (228) 688-2223, Fax (2281) 688-1141, Email gregory.fletcher@ssc.nasa.gov - Beth L Bradley, Contract Specialist, Phone (228) 688-3764, Fax (228) 688-1141, Email beth.bradley@ssc.nasa.gov
E-Mail Address
Email your questions to Gregory Fletcher
NASA/SSC plans to issue a Request for Quotations (RFQ) for the following commercial services in accordance with the Statement of Work entitled, "Cadastral Survey Services" provided below: STATEMENT OF WORK CADASTRAL SURVEY SERVICES 100 - Scope of Contract The intent of this contract is to obtain surveying services for locating and marking United States land boundaries, within Stennis Space Center?s Restrictive Easement. No current government monuments or land boundaries exits on the associated tracts. This survey will meet all State requirements for a class ?B? survey. The Contractor is to locate United States boundary lines, setting corner points, appropriate monuments and accessories as needed, to identify these lands belonging to the Federal Government. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, (except for Government Furnished materials) transportation, equipment, tools, operating supplies, and incidentals to complete the work specified. All work shall be performed by or under the direct supervision of a person licensed to practice surveying in the State of Mississippi. a. Notify NASA?s Point of Contact (POC) one (1) week prior to beginning work. b. Gain adjoining landowner permission prior to entering, clearing or blazing on their property. c. Research such records and conduct field investigations as necessary to conduct survey. d. Locate, survey, and identify United States land(s). e. Clear the true boundary lines between the NASA and private lands of light brush. f. Blaze trees not previously blazed that are larger than three (3) inches diameter DBH, on the boundary line or within two (2) feet of said line. The maximum number of trees to be blazed is 8 per chain, on each side of the line. g. Paint and/or post the boundary lines between NASA and private lands. h. Collect Global Positioning System (GPS) data from every corner. i. Prepare an original Cadastral Survey Plat(s). The survey plat shall become the property of the NASA and information shown shall include, but is not limited to the following: 1. Title Block containing NASA name, location, description of property surveyed and dates surveyed. 2. North Arrow, declination, basis of bearing, legend, and bar scale. 3. Boundary lines, tie lines, and their corresponding bearings and distances, both measured and record. 4. Major topographic features, such as highways, roads, railroads, power lines, streams two(2) feet and larger, bridges, etc? that cross Boundary lines. 5. Description of corners found and corners set. 6. Ties for each corner involved in the survey shall be described on the plat using geodetic bearing and actual measured distances as well GPS data. 7. All appurtenance (fences, structures, etc) that may indicate encroachment, lines of possession and/or use, or conflict of title 8. Sheet number and match lines when more than one sheet is used for plat. 9. The plat shall show the legal reference of acreage of NASA Lands. 10. Certification Statement, signed and dated, by the surveyor and required in the State in which the survey is located. 120 ? Description and Location This survey is to monument and mark the boundary between the NASA Stennis Space Center property and adjoiners. As there may be adjacent acquisitions segments bordering a contiguous area, only the perimeter of these segments shall be surveyed. The project is located in Township 6S, Range 17W, on the NASA?s Stennis Space Center in Pearl River and Hancock Counties, Mississippi as shown on Exhibit A. 130 - Government Furnished Property The Government shall furnish to the Contractor the following listed materials, supplies, property or services (hereinafter referred to as Government Furnished Property). The Contractor shall be liable for all loss or damage of such Government Furnished Property until completion and final acceptance of work required under this contract. If the Government fails to supply in a timely manner Government Furnished Property suitable for its intended use, and upon written request from the Contractor, the Contracting Officer shall make an equitable adjustment of contract delivery or performance dates or contract price or both, pursuant to the Changes clause of the General Provisions of the contract. At the conclusion of the project, the Contractor shall return any remaining Government Furnished materials. Government Furnished Property shall be stored at NASA?s Natural Resource Building B9801 and shall be delivered to Contractor by the NASA Technical Manager or his representative as needed. a. Boundary signs. b. Metal or carsonite posts. c. Red enamel boundary marking paint. d. Copies of existing field maps, and legal descriptions. 140 ? Contractor Furnished Items a. All labor, equipment, instruments, research materials, and tools necessary to accomplish the work, except those items furnished by the Government as stated in Section 130 above. b. Nails, common aluminum, minimum 2-1/2 inches long. c. Galvanized corner monuments with caps. d. Other misc. materials as needed. 150 ? Definitions a. Boundary Line: The true line separating the lands of the United States from it?s adjoiners as described in the legal instruments establishing United States ownership. b. Tie Line: A survey connection from a point or corner on the boundary line to a point whose position is required, or a connection to close a survey on a previously determined point. c. Control Survey: A survey which provides the horizontal position data for the support and control of subordinate boundary surveys. d. DBH: Diameter at breast height. e. Improved Road: a gravel or paved road. f. POC: Point of Contact. 160 - Project Priorities When more than one area is involved, work on and completion of work shall be in the order listed below: 1. Segments: #2088,2089,2091,2092,2093,2094,2095,115, 1900,1901,1902 2. Segments # 2009,2010,2012,1013 200 ? Technical Specifications 210 ? Corners: Applicable State laws and the Minimum Standards for Land Surveying in the state of Mississippi shall govern, provided that they are not less than the requirements set forth in these specifications. 211 ? Monumentation: All Corners involved in this contract shall be established using the type of monument approved by the NASA. The blank caps or tablets shall be stamped as to include the year, surveyor?s registration number and corner identification agreed to prior to placement. 3/8 inches x 18 inches steel rods shall be placed inside the aluminum pipes. Monuments shall extend four (4) inches or more, but not to exceed twelve (12) inches, above ground and be solidly placed. If the corner monument is a living tree, or other natural monument, it shall be identified by bark scribing and/or hacking, along with appropriate sign. 212 ?Starting Corners: The survey of any tract of land shall begin at, or be tied into an original corner (GLO, grant, lot, survey, tract, etc.) or any existing corner of the subject which has been proven or identified by the Contractor. The accuracy of the point of beginning and procurement of the original notes, plats, and/or descriptions or adjoining boundaries shall be the responsibility of the Contractor (see Section 140). 213 ? Reference Monuments: When a corner falls within a road right-of-way, or in a body of water and a corner monument cannot be placed in the true corner position, a reference monument or monuments shall be set on line, as nearly as possible to the true corner or as directed by the Point of Contact or his representative. Each cap shall be stamped, Reference Monument or Ref. Mon. or R.M. with the bearing and distance to the true corner as shown. A standard pipe corner, concrete monument, or stem type corner with identifying caps may be buried beneath the road surface. 214 - Bearing Trees and Objects: When available, each corner used in the survey shall be witnessed by at least three(3) healthy Bearing Trees, (6) inches DBH or larger, near the corner and as widely spaced by angle as practical. All Bearing Trees shall be base blazed at ground level. All distance measurements shall be to the center of the tree. If trees are not available, bearing objects, i.e., prominent boulders, other natural features, or identified pipes may be used. Unless otherwise directed, only the true corners shall be witnessed. 215 - Guard Posts: Three guard posts shall be located surrounding each corner in an equilateral triangle. The posts shall be galvanized metal, and shall be located on the government property within two(2) feet from the monument. A live tree may be used in place of a post, provided the face of the tree is no more than two (2) feet from the monument. 220 ? Boundary lines 221 ? Practices: The Contractor shall begin work from a corner, proven accepted by him, as described in Section 212. A transit, theodolite or total work station shall be used to measure angles and laser range finder electronic equipment shall be used to measure distances. All bearings shall be based on the true meridian, with the method of determination noted. Agonic charts are not suitable for determining declination. 222 ? Offsetting from Random Lines and/or True Lines: True lines may be established by offsetting from the random line. The true or final line may be rerun using the corrected bearing or located by offsetting from stakes on the random line. The method used shall be noted in the field books. Intervisible markers shall be set along the true boundary line to facilitate checking and the placement of posts. All measurements shall be expressed in the units in which they were measured. If a record unit of measurement is desired, such as chains, this distance shall be placed in parenthesis. The error of closure on a closed traverse shall be a minimum of 1:3000 or the standard set by the respective State. When a survey is conducted so that a closed traverse is not required, the Contractor shall use equipment and methods of surveying to obtain this accuracy. When dependent resurveys are required the original measurement and bearings shall be identified on the plat. 223- Clearing and Blazing of True Boundary Lines: Only sufficient clearing to permit line of sight shall be done on random lines. Random lines shall be run on the subject tract when possible. On the true line in accordance with arrangements with the adjoining property owners and applicable State laws, the boundary shall be brushed for a distance of two (2) feet on each side of the boundary line unless it is defined by such features as a stream or road, etc. Whenever possible, shrubs and saplings shall be trimmed with the tops left intact. Sufficient Line Trees shall be left to adequately mark the location of the line. a. Blazes and Hacks (1) Blazes shall be made just through the cambium layer of the tree into the live wood at five to six (5 to 6) feet above ground, and shall be two to four (2 to 4) inches wide and six to eight (6 to 8) inches long. (2) Hacks A single horizontal cut made with the heel of an axe four (4) inches above and below the blaze, penetrating the wood, but not notched. b. Standards (1) Previously marked trees from adjacent landowners shall not be reblazed or rehacked, but new markings will be made on the same tree same tree. (2) The Contractor shall stamp Surveyor Number (as directed by COR) on all corner monuments set during this contract. (3) Line or boundary line shall be blazed, on opposite side of the Tree, along the line and shall be painted with one 3? band of red paint. (4) A Line Tree may be substituted for a post whenever its location along the line permits (except at road crossings). (5) A metal post shall be set on line when there is a break in the line of two hundred (200) feet or more or there are no trees available for marking. The distance between line trees or posts shall not exceed one hundred (100) feet. (6) Property Boundary Signs shall be placed on line on metal posts, or line trees. Posts should be placed firmly, extending about four (4) feet above ground level. The signs shall be four (4) inches below the top of the post. Property boundary signs placed on line trees shall be five to six (5 to 6) feet above the ground with aluminum nails left protruding at least one (1) inches. Location of signs shall be: o At each corner facing private land and bisecting the angle. o Intervisible along the line, but not to exceed six hundred 600 feet where feasible. Open areas may require closer spacing. o At streams, trails, road crossings, and on ridge tops. 230 ? Survey Notes; Record Cards; Conflicts; Plats a. Survey Notes: The surveyor shall keep an accurate and complete record of the survey in a standard field notebook and make no erasures. Any corrections or changes shall be made by first neatly drawing one line through the data to be corrected or changed, then the new information shall be neatly recorded above, below, or next to the lined out information. If errors are found in the field books, the COR shall return them to the Contractor for correction at no additional expense to the Government. The books shall become the property of the NASA and shall be retained by the Government after the completion of the contract. (1) Bearings and distances of each line shall be shown in a progressive manner for all closed traverse surveys. Open surveys shall be adequately cross-referenced to permit a clear interpretation of the work and shall require the same stipulations as to recording. (2) Each page of the surveyor?s notebook shall be numbered and the description of such work shall appear in an index in the front of the book, with a reference to the page number. (3) The surveyor shall properly record the point of beginning, describing the means by which it is identified. If the corner has acceptance of the adjoining landowners, and said landowners were present or contacted, such facts shall be recorded with dates, names, and addresses. (4) Distances to all definite, reasonably permanent: topographical or cultural features which shall assist in future identification of lines or corners shall be recorded. Artificial objects which are material to identification shall be recorded. Any enclosures, use, or habitation which appear on the line of survey shall be recorded as to size, description, nature, and claimant or occupants name shall be recorded in a suitable sketch in the notebook as they appear in relation to the course of the line, with a measurement from the location to the nearest accepted corner. (5) Surveyors shall record all corners to adjoiners properties found along the survey line, recording the type and size of monument is applicable, and bearings and distances to Bearing Trees and/or witness/reference objects. Any additional necessary markings by the Contractor during the survey shall be described in detail, including the date the markings were done. (6) The Contractor shall state the method used to determine the true meridian and give the declination of the date of survey. Magnetic meridians are not permitted. (7) A small summary sketch shall be prepared in each notebook, showing the area, lines run, true bearings of lines, and corners set. Page numbers locating the information shall be recorded on the sketch. (8) Surveyors shall record in the notebooks the crew members names, type of instrument and equipment used, and any other pertinent information on a daily basis. (9) Immediately following the last page used in each notebook, the surveyor shall record the following statement: State of _________________________County of ______________ I hereby certify that the survey covered by the foregoing notes was well and carefully done; the bearings and distances were actually measured, the corners were established and witnesses, and the lines were marked as indicated by the notes. Signature____________________Registration No._______________ Title________________________Date_________ c. Conflicts The COR or his designated Inspector shall inform the Contractor before issuing notice to proceed of any known conflicts along any of the lines to be surveyed or refurbished. Any conflicts discovered by the Contractor in the course of the project shall be reported to the COR in writing within five (5) working days of the discovery. Where adjoining landowners or deny permission for marking lines, such information is to be reported in writing to the COR. Such lines are to be left staked and ready for marking and painting. The Contractor shall survey and monument the boundary in accordance to the Government?s deeds (or proponents exchange deeds). Any differences found between record and actual information shall be noted on the plat. The Contractor shall be prepared to testify in court if called upon by the United States Attorneys. In consideration of such testimony, payment shall be made by the Department of Justice in accordance with its prescribed regulations and procedures. d. Plats: Three plats for each survey group shall be prepared showing the true boundary lines, corners monumented, and corners found. The stamp or seal of the Registered Surveyor shall be affixed to the plat. One copy of Digital plats will be furnish representing the paper survey above provide on 1 labeled compact disk (CD). 240 - Global Positioning Data GPS data shall be recorded on all corners and be identified readily on the survey plat. GPS equipment should be of survey grade quality with a minimum of L1 antennas / preferably with L1/L2. A record of procedures followed throughout the survey should be provided (hard copy report and digital copy of the data collection and processing) as part of the final product. NAD 83 for Horizontal and NAVD 88 for vertical. All GPS vertical should use GEOID 99 to convert ellipsoid heights to orthometric heights. Accuracy shall be less than 5 centimeters. Coordinates for all corners should be provided in the following: (NAD 83 and NAVD 88) 1. Latitude and Longitude/ellipsoid height/height above sea level in US feet 2. State plane coordinates//height above sea level in US feet 3. UTM/height above sea level in meters. All horizontal positions should give coordinates to the millimeter level/or equivalent and vertical in hundredths of a foot or millimeter level. 250 ? Exhibits Exhibit A1 Segment map of work areas. Exhibit A2 Hancock County Ownership Map Exhibit A3 Images and topographic map 300 ? Inspection and Acceptance 310 - Inspection The COR shall make periodic inspections of the work in progress in order to check for compliance with contract requirements. 420 - Payment Periodic payments may be made for completed and accepted items listed on the schedule upon receipt of invoice from Contractor. 500 - Period of Performance The period of performance shall be the date of this order and continue through six (6) months. Exhibits identified in Paragraph 250 will be attachments in Adobe This procurement is a total small business set-aside. See Note 1. The NAICS Code and Size Standard are 541370 and $4.0 Million respectively. The anticipated release date of RFQ No. NNS-Q-04-14 is on or about January 21, 2004 with a quotation due date of February 5, 2004. All responsible sources may submit a quotation which shall be considered by the agency. An ombudsman has been appointed. See NASA Specific Note "B". The solicitation and any documents related to this procurement will be available over the Internet. These documents will be in Microsoft Office 97 format and will reside on a World-Wide Web (WWW) server, which may be accessed using a WWW browser application. The Internet site, or URL, for the NASA/SSC Business Opportunities page is http://prod.nais.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/eps/bizops.cgi?gr=C&pin=64 Prospective offerors shall notify this office of their intent to submit an offer. It is the offeror's responsibility to monitor the Internet site for the release of the solicitation and amendments (if any). Potential offerors will be responsible for downloading their own copy of the solicitation and amendments (if any). Any referenced notes may be viewed at the following URLs linked below. All contractual and technical questions must be submitted in writing (e-mail or FAX) to Gregory Fletcher, Contract Specialist not later than January 28, 2004. Telephone questions will not be accepted.
Web Link
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