70 -- Maintenance of US Army TRADOC Classroom XXI Program
- Notice Date
- 2/10/2006
- Notice Type
- Solicitation Notice
- 519190
— All Other Information Services
- Contracting Office
- General Services Administration, Federal Technology Service (FTS), Acquisition Services Division (3TS), 20 North 8th Street, 10th Floor, Philadelphia, PA, 19107
- ZIP Code
- 19107
- Solicitation Number
- R3060404
- Response Due
- 2/17/2006
- Archive Date
- 3/30/2006
- Description
- NOTICE: THE GOVERNMENT INTENDS TO ISSUE A SOLE SOURCE ORDER FOR THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES DESCRIBED BELOW. ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS SOLICITATION MUST BE SUBMITTED TO CHRISTOPHER ANDERSON AT THE ADDRESS GIVEN BELOW, BEFORE FEBRUARY 17, 2006. STATEMENT OF WORK Distance Learning Sustainment DATE: 02 DEC 05 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Organization. 1.1.1 Identification. United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Training (DCSOPS&T), ATTN: ATTG-CF, Training Development and Delivery Directorate (TDADD), Distributed Learning Division (DLD), Bldg 161, Room 108, Fort Monroe, Virginia 23651-5000. 1.1.2 Mission. Modernize outdated schoolhouse resident classrooms across Army installations to provide schoolhouse instructors with a digital platform to conduct training; provide the infrastructure to deliver digital training from the schoolhouse to remote Digital Training Facilities and Reserve Components; and provide soldiers with 24/7 reach back capability for training access anytime/anywhere. 1.2 Background and Objective. 1.2.1 Background. This effort supports the TRADOC Army School Classroom Modernization Program, Classroom XXI (CRXXI). TRADOC is the proponent for courses teaching technical and tactical proficiency, military occupational specialty (MOS) qualification and reclassification training, leader development, and functional skill development. The resident training infrastructure consists of hundreds of classrooms built over the last 50 years. Current classrooms lack the information technology to support delivery of digital web-based training. CRXXI is the advanced instructional technology environment in which the soldier in the Legacy Force and the Transformation Force will train. This TRADOC initiative modernizes the institutional training classroom with information age technology to gain training efficiencies, while maximizing solder training effectiveness. Modernization requires investment in hardware, software, facilities, and communications. CRXXI provides a training infrastructure of interoperable, electronically linked classrooms that are conducive to student learning while enhancing the student?s ability to see, hear, and participate in the learning experience. The CRXXI solution consists of: Classrooms. CRXXI Program modernizes TRADOC resident training classrooms to transmit and deliver digital training ?anytime, anywhere? from Army proponent schoolhouses with reach back capability from barracks, homes and digital training facilities. This program transforms current instructor-centric, self-contained classrooms into student-centric, multimedia platforms with worldwide capabilities for students to obtain and share training material and collaborate with other students. Classroom XXI establishes both the architectural criteria for classroom rehabilitation and the technology standards for Army schoolhouse training, using open architecture and standards-compliant technologies for interoperability Digital Training Access Centers (DTAC). The DTAC is a central network room connecting the classrooms. The DTAC electronically stores and distributes the digital proponent record copy of approved training materials. Instructors and students will access training materials through the DTAC. The programmed 15 DTACs fielded by FY02 require sustainment. 1.2.2 Objective. Sustain the technological training environment by modernizing institutional training classrooms. The Service program includes ongoing engineering. The contractor shall integrate, procure, stage, install, test and provide technical assistance to fielded Army installations. Fielding and sustainment includes all equipment, hardware, software required to produce a high technology environment with video tele-training (VTT) capabilities in a rehabilitated classroom. 1.3 Technology Environment. The CRXXI is a turnkey solution. The contractor shall engineer, integrate, procure, stage, install, test, and sustain fielded facilities. The technology solution is part of the classroom modernization program. Use of turnkey solution technology contract ensures timely technology insertion in rehabilitated facilities to support programmed fielding of Army training requirements. 1.3.1 Hardware. Hardware will be commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) or non-developmental items (NDI). Equipment will be maintained under warranty. Contractor support must be available to provide timely maintenance, to exchange faulty equipment, and to minimize system downtime due to equipment failure. Digital Training Access Center (DTAC). The DTAC is a network room providing data storage and transfer capability for all schools located on an installation. It is a communications area with space for four to eight equipment racks. Classrooms. The TRADOC CRXXI Master Plan identifies 5 levels of classrooms based on training capabilities. The SOW only considers Levels 1 and 3. The Level 1 instructor presentation system supports training delivered using instructor-led discussion techniques, allowing the instructor the capability to access training material from a centralized storage facility, the DTAC, to lead the students through the training process from an Instructor Computer Workstation. The Level 3 classroom includes an individual computer for each student, two-way audio, an instructor management system, and a local area network (LAN) connected to the installation network. The Level 3 classroom also features video teletraining (VTT) equipment to support the delivery of instructor-based synchronous distance learning. Types of equipment that will provide these capabilities are as follows: Audiovisual presentation system with projectors, video screens, audio system, audiovisual controller, etc; student management system controller; student management student station; VTT platform; streaming video to desktop; network connectivity and licensing; and installation and integration for turnkey solution. 1.3.2 Software. Product licenses furnished by the Government are Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, and Microsoft network services including Active Directory. Additional software will be COTS. Types of software furnished by the Government would include: Microsoft Windows based environment. Microsoft Office. Network administration and scheduling. Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI) authoring tools. Government training management programs and systems such as Army Training Requirements and Resource System (ATRRS) and support systems identified in the Army Training Information Program (ATIMP). 1.3.3 Networking. Elements of the teleprocessing and network systems are: Local area networks (LAN) ? this is used to identify the network inside the classroom. Campus area networks (CAN) ? this applies to the connectivity between buildings on the installation. Wide area network (WAN) ? this applies to the connectivity between installations. The program plan is to leverage existing installation and network systems. CRXXI security architecture must have capability for system to be attached to installation backbone to comply with requirement for availability, confidentiality, authentication, and integrity of the information used and exchanged. 1.4 Performance. Work is to be accomplished for the General Services Administration (GSA), Federal Technology Service (FTS). Acceptance by the Government of satisfactory services provided is contingent upon the contractor performing in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract. Normally the PM, the GSA ITM, and the contractor's representative(s) will confer once a month telephonically, to review performance, although the representatives may occasionally confer on at a classroom location. 1.5 Period of Performance. The period of performance is from April 1, 2005 through September 30, 2005. 2.0 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Task Description. The Contractor shall provide the expertise needed to ensure program standardization and life cycle sustainment. Services will be ordered and controlled by means of specific objectives, deliverables and constraints. Equipment will be installed at military service schools located on TRADOC installations. For tracking purposes, the Contractor?s proposal for Material, and the PM?s acceptance, shall include the Army base name and base number (located at Attachment B) and a proposal number. The Contracting Officer and Contractor may mutually agree to add items to the task order provided that they have been added to SEWP III, and this shall be done via a modification to the Task Order. 2.1.1 Material Spare and replacement parts will be as priced on Attachment A. Only these items are eligible to be ordered by the PM. During the period of performance the PM will request specific Material. In response, the Contractor will provide a proposal for orders to the PM and Contracting Officer. The Contracting Officer has review authority that the items proposed are in fact on the NIH SEWP III contract. If the items proposed are not on SEWP III, the Contracting Officer, within twenty-four hours, will bar the order from being processed via stamped e-mail to both the Contractor?s Program Manager and to the PM. Following the twenty-four hour period, the PM will finalize the order proposal and issue shipping instructions to the Contractor. To expedite orders, the Contracting Officer may grant consent via e-mail at any time following receipt of the order proposal. 2.1.2 Sustainment Engineering. The Contractor shall provide project management for the CRXXI program. The Project manager shall assess the current and future configurations of the CRXXI Distance Learning Program throughout the Sustainment period. The Contractor is to validate orders against the existing inventory and confer with the PM for future planning. Support technology changes in the classroom. Perform evaluations, tests, and make recommendations for future systems or equipment to be implemented. Provide the reports listed in section 2.2.1 of this SOW The Contractor shall maximize the use of available square footage and ensure proper equipment selection to include the presentation system, screen size, and audio system for each modernized classroom. Determine additional technical solutions to meet ongoing school training requirements and capabilities Implement a warranty/maintenance/repair program for response within 24 hours. Monitor software maintenance upgrades under license from software manufacturers and recommend installation as necessary. 2.1.3 Support. The Contractor shall provide support consisting of the following responsibilities: Provide system integration and classroom interoperability for the individual classrooms. Equipment will be installed at military service schools located at installations under TRADOC?s mission cognizance Modify software to accommodate the individual characteristics of each classroom. Consolidate and assemble as needed the procured equipment, store the equipment off site at the contractor facility, and then provide single haul transport capability to the military service school location for installation and testing. Equipment must be consolidated and assembled off site at the contractor facility and delivered to the site as a single unit. No capability exists at the military site to receive drop shipment. Stage, transport, install, test and certify all equipment, cabling, and technologies to include electrical system and uninterrupted power supplies using degree qualified electrical and system engineers. House equipment not mounted in the classroom in an equipment rack in the communications area of the classroom. Provide initial operator training and training support packages for students, instructors, system administrators, and user maintenance. Develop and deliver schematic diagrams of ?As built? specifications. Install upgrades to technologies for existing classroom hardware and software. Perform cleanup and final removal of all trash from the site. 2.1.4 Help Desk. The Contractor shall maintain a national Help Desk during normal workday (0900 ? 1700 EST) for classroom system administrator use and an online reference library for troubleshooting assistance. 2.2 Deliverables. All deliverables must meet the acceptance standards of the Computer Sciences Department of the United States Military Academy (a copy of which is available upon request), and meet the requirements set forth in the contract. The following reports are deliverables and are to be provided in paper and in digital format to the User Program Manager on the dates indicated. Digital documentation must be Microsoft Office 2000/XP compatible. 2.2.1 Reports. The following reports are required REPORTS Support Area Title Delivery Date/Description Management CRXXI Task Matrix Develop and submit a CRXXI task implementation matrix, laying out all major tasks, milestones, and responsibilities necessary for the sustainment of DTACs. This report is due two weeks following award. Management Weekly Progress Report Monthly. Provide matrix of reports and send weekly status of these milestones. Management Monthly Progress Report Monthly. Provide matrix of reports and send monthly status of these milestones. Management Bill of Materials (BOM) Develop a detailed Bill of Materials for equipment, staging cost, installation/integration cost, travel and living cost, transportation cost, etc. Management Test and Acceptance Checklist for Level 1 and Level 3 Classrooms The contractor will develop and submit a complete Test and Acceptance Checklist based on his proposed solution. He will follow the acceptance checklist and sign his approval and acceptance of Level 1 and Level 3 Classrooms on completion of installation and delivery. Management Work/Milestone Schedules Submit draft work schedule to User Program Manager for approval and coordination 25 working days prior to site work start date. Submit final to Program Manager ten working days prior to site start work date. The schedule will identify work the start date, key events, and work completion date. Work must be continuous. Management Site Equipment Inventory Report Submit to Program Manager for approval and coordination with site 10 or more working days prior to installation. Report will provide item listing of all equipment delivered by site. At a minimum, the report will provide item manufacturer, identification, model number/version, serial number, and location with the classroom (instructor desk, equipment rack, etc.) Provide Inventory Report in Microsoft Excel. Management Functional Network and audiovisual diagrams Upon delivery and installation of products, submit an updated network diagram and functional audiovisual diagram of all systems for classrooms NLT 10 working days after installation. Submit 2 copies, as well as electronic copy. Management Hardware/Software documentation Upon delivery, organize, and provide user with documentation, CD-ROMs, and warranties for all hardware and software. Organize and submit all manuals with documentation in plastic binders to user. CRXXI POC at site must sign his/her name and date to accept this item, providing his/her acceptance prior to departure of contractor engineering teams. Management Final Test and Acceptance Report for modified classrooms On completion of installation and prior to exiting the site, the contractor or his designee will perform a complete test and acceptance test, not less than two days in length. The contractor shall provide to the Program Manager a signed complete Test and Acceptance Checklist and Report. The contractor shall note any deficiencies in writing and a timetable for correction within 5 days. 2.2.2 Schedule. Delivery schedules are dependant upon orders from the User PM. 2.2.4 Delivery Instructions. The contractor provides for delivery at their own election and with coordination with the User PM. 2.3 Key personnel. Key Personnel may not be removed from the task without express approval of the Information Technology Representative (ITM) and the Contracting Officer. 2.4 Materials. Materials are to be provided by the contractor consistent with in provision 2.1.1 of this SOW. The Material prices shall be identified in Attachment A. Upon acceptance of the final BOM and receipt of payment for the equipment, all materials become property of the Government 2.5 Acceptance The User PM shall have the responsibility to review all deliverables (Material and Reports) associated with this task and the GSA ITM shall accept or reject the deliverables and related invoices. The User PM shall have the right to reject or require correction to any deliverables that do not meet the requirements of the SOW. For any rejected deliverable, the User PM shall notify the contractor in writing as tot eh specific reasons why the deliverable was rejected. The contractor shall have ten (10) business days to correct the rejected deliverable and return it to the User PM. The User PM has the responsibility to monitor the progress of the Support work and, specifically to ensure 1) the contractor worked the on-site hours it claimed; 2) the labor hours and skill categories were actually provided; and 3)the overall effort met the work standards and objectives of the SOW. 3.0 GOVERNMENT FURNISHED RESOURCES 3.1 General. The Government will provide utility services such as telephone, water, electricity, restroom facilities as necessary. 4.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONSIDERATIONS 4.1 Points of Contact. 4.1.1 User Project Manager (PM) Glenna Dobie TRADOC Classroom XXI Program Manager Headquarters, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Attn: ATTG-CF Bldg 161, Room 108 Fort Monroe, Virginia 23651-5000 Phone: Commercial (757) 788-5542, DSN 680-5542 Fax: (757) 788-5544 4.1.3 GSA Representative/ITM William Palmer 4494 Paddock Lane Virginia Beach, VA 23464 Phone: (757) 467-2079 Fax: (215) 446-0251 4.1.4 Contracting Officer?s Technical Representative (COTR) Same as provision 4.1.3. 4.1.5 Client?s Security Officer. Not applicable. 4.1.6 GSA Contracting Officer See GSA Form 300 4.1.7 Contractor Representative. Name (To be completed by the contractor) address 1 address 2 city, state, zip phone & fax email 4.2 Place of Performance. Work is to be performed at Army installations throughout the U.S. as listed in Attachment ?A? ?Locations? 4.3 Hours of Work. Contractor personnel are expected to conform to customer agency normal operating hours. Site installation will begin on the first working day of the week, unless otherwise coordinated with and approved by the government. Any hours beyond normal operating hours, generally 7:30 ? 4:30, holidays, and weekends must be coordinated and approved with the site by the User Program Manager not less than 25 days in. 4.4 Travel and Training. 4.4.1 Travel: Actual expenses are limited by the Government Travel Regulations. 4.4.2 Training. None anticipated. 4.5 Privacy and Security 4.5.1 Clearances. This project is ?Unclassified.? 4.5.2 Privacy Act. Work on this project requires that personnel have access to Privacy Information. Personnel shall adhere to the Privacy Act, Title 5 of the U.S. Code, Section 552a and applicable agency rules and regulations. 4.6 Personal Service. The client has determined that use of the GSA requirements contract to satisfy this requirement is in the best interest of the Government, economic and other factors considered. This task order is not being used to procure personal services, which is prohibited by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 37.104, titled ?Personal services contract.? 4.7 Section 508 Part 1194 Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards. All electronic and information technology (EIT) procured through this Statement of Work/Bill of Materials and any resulting contract, task order, delivery order, or purchase order must meet the applicable accessibility standards at 36 CFR 1194, unless an agency exception to this requirement exists. 36 CFR 1194 implements Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
- Place of Performance
- Address: TRADOC, DCSOPS&T, ATTN: ATTG-CF, TDADD, DLD, Bldg 161, Room 108, Fort Monroe, Virginia 23651-5000.
- Zip Code: 23651-5000
- Country: USA
- Zip Code: 23651-5000
- Record
- SN00985671-W 20060212/060210213733 (
- Source
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