C -- Unrestricted AE service for AERC
- Notice Date
- 5/19/2006
- Notice Type
- Solicitation Notice
- 541330
— Engineering Services
- Contracting Office
- US Army Engineer District, Fort Worth, PO Box 17300/819 Taylor Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102-0300
- ZIP Code
- 76102-0300
- Solicitation Number
- W9126G-06-R-0056
- Response Due
- 6/19/2006
- Archive Date
- 8/18/2006
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- 1. CONTRACT INFORMATION: a. General. These Multidiscipline Design or other Professional Services are being procured in accordance with PL-582 (Brooks A-E Act) and implemented in FAR Part 36.6. Firms will be selected for negotiation based on demons trated competence and qualifications for the required work. North American Industrial Classification System Code applicable to this project is 541330, Engineering Services, which has a size standard of $4,500,000 in average annual receipts and corresponds to SIC Code 8711. This announcement is open to all businesses. The initial contract is anticipated to be awarded on or about August/September 2006. Up to two ID/IQ contracts with a base period and four options for total contract capacity of $45 million ea ch may be awarded from this announcement. b. Nature of Work: A-E services are expected to be required for engineering, design, and related services to potentially include but not limited to any or all of the following: design, drafting, and planning serv ices for new construction and/or renovation, demolition and alterations of existing facilities; military construction programming; civil works studies and design; construction cost estimating; topographic or boundary surveys; on site construction managemen t; various engineering studies and site investigations; value engineering services; subsurface geotechnical investigation and testing. Environmental studies/surveys and abatement design services may also be required. All work must be done by or under the direct supervision of licensed professional Engineers or Architects. c. Contract Award Procedure: If a large business firm is selected for this announcement it must comply with the FAR 52.219-9 clause regarding the requirement for a subcontracting plan o n that part of the work it intends to subcontract. The subcontracting goals for the Fort Worth District which will be considered in the negotiation of this acquisition are: (1) at least 51.2% of a contractors intended subcontract amount be placed with s mall businesses (SB); (2) at least 8.8% of a contractors intended subcontract amount be placed with small disadvantaged businesses (SDB); (3) at least 7.3% of a contractors intended subcontract amount be placed with women-owned SB (WOSB); (4) at least 1. 5% of a contractors intended subcontract amount be placed with service-disabled veteran-owned SB; (5) at least 3.1% of a contractors intended subcontract amount be placed with HUBZone SB. The plan is not required as part of this submittal, but will be r equired with the fee proposal of the firm selected for negotiations. Before a small disadvantaged business is proposed as a potential subcontractor, they must be certified by the Small Business Administration and registered in the Central Contractor Regis tration (CCR) database. Failure of a proposed small disadvantaged business to be certified by the Small Business Administration at the time the SF 330 is submitted will result in their elimination as a proposed subcontractor. The Service Contract Act wil l apply to this acquisition. The proposed services will be obtained by Negotiated Firm-Fixed Price Contracts. Projects outside the primary area of responsibility may be added upon approval of all parties and at the Option of Fort Worth District, Corps of Engineers. Task Orders issued against contracts awarded under this announcement may be by or for other Government agencies. To be eligible for contract award, a firm must be registered in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR). Register via the CCR Internet site at If multiple contracts are awarded under this announcement, the Contracting Officer will consider the following factors in deciding which contractor will be selected to negotiate an order: (1) uniquely specialized expe rience, (2) performance and quality of deliverables under the current IDIQ, (3) ability to accomplish the order in the required time, (4) familiarity with desig n criteria/codes and construction methods used at the locality, and (5) equitable distribution of work among the contractors. 2. PROJECT INFORMATION: No specific projects are identified at this time. As projects are received for execution, use of contr acts awarded under this announcement will be considered if A-E services are to be utilized. Services may potentially include, but are not limited to any or all of the following: research analysis, development, design for construction, alteration and repai r of real property, program management, professional services, pre-design site-assessment, feasibility and concept studies, space planning and programming, design and design concepts/standards, value engineering, life cycle costing, and post design-shop dr awing review. Additional services include but are not limited to: investigations, surveys and mapping, test and evaluation modeling and simulation studies and analysis (including data collection and verification), consultation, construction cost estimates , construction inspection, preparation of record drawings, soils engineering, drawing reviews, preparation of operational maintenance manuals, environmental studies, National Historic Preservation Act analysis and documentation, historic and cultural resou rce investigations, design review, seismic analysis, design construction cost reconciliation, environmental testing, statement of work review, site survey and evaluation, remediation design and EPA compliance for hazardous materials such as petroleum produ cts, automotive chemicals, asbestos lead and radon, designing security and communications systems, designing fire protection and life safety systems and other technical services related to project requirements as specified in individual contract Task Order s. Other Studies and Related Services: The A-E may be required to undertake any reviews, studies or investigations. Other services included such things as planning services, site selection, relocation services, environmental document processing, testing s ervices, professional experts at hearings, and photographs. Design considerations also include landscaping, architectural hardware, electronic communications, environmental or EPA regulatory considerations including storm water pollution prevention plans a nd Section 404 Permit considerations. Project deliverables may include engineering studies, environmental surveys (wetlands/waters of the U.S., asbestos, lead based paint, soil, etc.), soil borings/samples for testing, boring logs, CADD produced plans spe cifications prepared utilizing Specsintact (government furnished software), construction cost estimates prepared utilizing M-CACES or MII (government furnished software), and design analysis. All deliverables are required in hard copy and as electronic fi les on compact disks. 3. SELECTION CRITERIA: Selection criteria for this acquisition are listed below in descending order of importance (first by major criterion and then by each sub-criterion). Criteria: (a)-(d) are primary criteria; items (e)-(g) are secondary and are used as tie-breakers among technically equal firms. (a) Specialized Experience and Technical Competence (Ensure that all special experience requirements are reflected on appropriate personnel resumes at Section E, Part I, SF 330: (1) The selected team must demonstrate recent experience (within the past 5 years) and significant experience in performing work on a wide variety of sites located within the United States, its territories and possessions in a manner that complies with Federal, S tate, and Local laws and regulations, and within the timeframe required. It is anticipated that multiple task orders may be awarded simultaneously to the selected firms. Firms must document specialized experience and technical competence in the design of Government facilities over 5 million dollars, demonstrating a minimum of three examples within the past 5 years. (2) Firms must demonstrate the capability to d esign projects incorporating the latest Force Protection/Anti-Terrorism criteria including any additional service requirements by the Department of Homeland Security. (3) Firms must have personnel with at least five years experience in Fire Protection and Life Safety Design that are familiar with the use and application of NFPA codes 80 and 101. (4). Document specialized experience in the design of Department of Homeland Security detention facilities, Border Patrol facilities or comparable non-government f acilities. (5) A-E firms shall describe partnering experiences. The Fort Worth District and/or other assigned Corps Districts intend to partner these contracts with selected firms, and the A-E may be required to attend partnering meetings to define the Districts expectation, create a positive working relationship, encourage open communications, and identify common goals. (6). A-E firms, including joint ventures, will be required to demonstrate that they can perform all aspects of design, either by in-ho use or through their subcontractors capability. (7) A-E's are required to demonstrate the ability to complete design documents. (8) Firms must demonstrate experience in evaluating contractor's submittals and performing construction surveillance. (9) Demon strate experience in design and survey for abatement of asbestos, lead-based paint, and the handling/disposal of other toxic and regulated substances. Survey team members must have demonstrated experience in use of a suitable X-ray fluorescence device dur ing on-site surveys for lead based paint. (10) Firm must demonstrate past designs, which comply with Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. (11) Firm must demonstrate success in prescribing the use of recovered materials, achieving waste reduction, pollution prevention, energy efficiency and conservation in facility design. (12) Demonstrate past performance in preparing Request for Proposal (RFP) packages and design-build solicitations comp leted in the last five years. (13) Firms must demonstrate the ability to submit drawings in both AutoCAD and Bentley Microstation utilizing current versions. (b) Professional Capabilities: Indefinite Delivery Contracts will require for each A-E Contract or (either in-house or through consultant) as a minimum, the following: One Project Manager, three Registered Architects, one Landscape Architect, one Architectural Hardware Specialist, one interior designer, three Registered Electrical Engineers, three R egistered Mechanical Engineers, three Registered Civil Engineers, three Registered Structural Engineers, one Qualified Fire Protection Engineer (A qualified fire protection engineer is defined as an individual meeting one of the following conditions: 1) An engineer having a Bachelor of Science or Master of Science Degree in Fire Protection Engineering from an accredited university engineering program, plus a minimum of 5 years work experience in fire protection engineering; 2) A registered professional engi neer (P.E.) who has passed the fire protection engineering written examination administered by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveys (NCEES); or 3) A registered P.E. in a related engineering discipline with a minimum of 5 years expe rience, dedicated to fire protection engineering that can be verified with documentation), one Life Safety Specialist, two certified environmental survey personnel (asbestos, lead based paint, soil, etc.), two environmental design personnel (asbestos, lead based paint, soil, etc.), one Value Engineer, two experienced M-CACES Cost Estimators, one Registered Communications Distribution Designer, one Registered Surveyor and survey crew, a geologist or soils engineer and geotechnical drill rig and crew to colle ct soil borings and samples, and a testing lab (Geotech and Environmental-asbestos, lead based paint, soil, etc.). None of the required personnel can be dual d isciplined (except that the Life Safety Specialist can be one of the required registered Architects if qualified), i.e. a separate employee must be on the Design Team except as noted for each stated requirement above to meet the personnel required. Ensure that resumes are provided for each of the required Architects, Engineers, and other personnel specifically required. Resumes for the survey crew, drill crew and testing lab are not required. Repeat Resume Page as needed to provide all required resumes. (c) Capacity: Firms must demonstrate adequate team capacity to design three (1 3 million dollars) task orders concurrently. (d) Demonstrate past performance with respect to cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules. The fo llowing, items (e g) are secondary criteria: (e) Subcontracting: Firms must show the extent of participation of SB, SDB, WOSB, Service Disabled VOSB, HubZone SB, and HBCU/MI in the proposed contract team, measured as a percentage of the estimated effo rt. (f) Volume of DoD contract awards and dollars over the past three years. (g) Geographic Proximity of the firms knowledge of various locations throughout the United States and its territories and possessions. 4. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Submittals s hall be sent to: US Army Corps of Engineers, ATTN: Mr. Charles H. McGregor, Jr, 819 Taylor Street, Room 3A28, CESWF-PM-INS, Fort Worth, Texas 76102-0300 (P.O. Box 17300). (a) Interested firms having the capabilities to perform this work must submit one copy of SF 330 (6/2004 Edition), as indicated below to the above address not later than 3:00 p.m. (Central Time) on the response date of June 19, 2006. If the response date is a Saturday, Sunday or Federal Holiday, the deadline is 3:00 p.m. of the next b usiness day. (b) Responding firms must submit a copy of the originally signed, current (within the past 12 months) and accurate SF 330, Part II for themselves and each proposed consultant even if an SF 330, Part II is already on file. SF 330, Part II sh all be provided for the specific prime, other offices of the prime and subcontractor offices proposed to perform the work. Indicate in Block 5b of each SF 330, Part II if the firm is a Large, Small and Disadvantaged or Woman-Owned Small Business. To be c lassified as a small business, a firms average annual receipts or sales for the preceding three fiscal years must not exceed $4.5 million. (c) Submit only one SF 330, Part I for the design team, completed in accordance with the forms instructions. It mu st contain information in sufficient detail to identify the team (prime, other offices of the prime firm and consultants) proposed for the contract. The A-E shall not include company literature with the SF 330. (d) In Block No. 4 of SF 330, Part II, prov ide the Data -Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number issued by Dun and Bradstreet Information System for the prime A-E or Joint Venture. The DUNS number must be for the firm performing the work (i.e. not the parent company DUNS number, but a DUNS number specifically for the office performing the work. Each branch and/or office and /or joint venture must have their own DUNS number. (e) In Block C of the SF 330, Part I, identify the discipline/service to be supplied by each consultant. Provide brief resum es in Block E of the on-staff or consultant employees you intend to use to perform the work. Resumes must be submitted for each employee required to meet the minimums stated above in paragraph 3b. In Block G-26, along with the name, include the firm/loca tion the person is associated with. (f) A maximum of 10 projects including the prime and consultants, will be reviewed in Part I, Block F. Use no more than one project per page. (g) In Block H of the SF 330, Part I, provide a narrative to address each o f the requirements, including subparagraphs, of items listed in Section 3, Selection Criteria of this announcement. (h). In Section H, Part I, SF330, firms mus t show their last 12 months DoD contract awards stated in dollars (see details in a subsequent paragraph). (i) In Section H, Part I, SF 330, include a draft Design Quality Control (DQC) Plan. It shall include a brief presentation of internal controls an d procedures that you use to insure that a quality design is produced DoD awards shall be shown in an itemized summary including Agency, Contract Number/Task Order No., Project Title, and Award Amount dollars. Include a total of all listed awards. Note t hat award of Indefinite Delivery Contracts should not be counted as award amounts; only actual Task Orders and any modifications thereto should be included in the amounts. When addressing Team capabilities, clarify planned capability, existing capability, and prior experiences if any. Include any other relevant information including a short discussion of why the firm is especially qualified based upon the specific selection criteria listed in Section 3. Do not exceed twenty pages for Block H. Front and back side use of a single page will count as 2 pages. Pages in excess of the maximums listed will be discarded and not used in evaluation of the selection criteria. (j) Personal visits to discuss this announcement will not be scheduled. (k) Solicitatio n packages are not provided for A-E contracts and no additional project information will be given to firms during the announcement period. Facsimile transmissions will not be accepted. To be eligible for contract award, a firm must be registered in the Do D Central Contractor Registration (CCR). Register via the CCR Internet site at For further questions and/or concerns, please contact: CCR Assistance at (888)277-2423 or Electronic Commerce Information Center (ECIC) at (800) 334-3414, Points of Contact: Contracting E-mail any questions to US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District, Ms. Linda D. Eadie, email address: (817) 886-1085, or email: and for any Technical information contact Charles H. McGregor, Jr. at (817) 886-1708. Place of Performance N/A
- Place of Performance
- Address: US Army Engineer District, Fort Worth PO Box 17300/819 Taylor Street, Fort Worth TX
- Zip Code: 76102-0300
- Country: US
- Zip Code: 76102-0300
- Record
- SN01054018-W 20060521/060519221151 (
- Source
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