C -- Indefinite Delivery Architect-Engineer Contract for Multidisciplinary Services for SWF and SWD, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Notice Date
- 12/18/2007
- Notice Type
- Solicitation Notice
- 541330
— Engineering Services
- Contracting Office
- US Army Engineer District, Fort Worth, PO Box 17300/819 Taylor Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102-0300
- ZIP Code
- 76102-0300
- Solicitation Number
- W9126G-08-R-0131
- Response Due
- 1/31/2008
- Archive Date
- 3/31/2008
- Point of Contact
- Linda M Griffith, 817-886-1067
- E-Mail Address
Email your questions to US Army Engineer District, Fort Worth
- Small Business Set-Aside
- 8a Competitive
- Description
- 1.THIS ANNOUNCEMENT CONTINUES UNDER Solicitation No. W9126G-08-R-131a. YOU MUST DONWLOAD BOTH ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE COMPLETE SYNOPSIS. CONTRACT INFORMATION: a. General: This contract is for Multidisciplinary Services for SWF and SWD, U.S. Army Corp s of Engineers in accordance with PL-582 (Brooks A-E Act) and implemented in FAR Part 36.6. Services are required for engineering, design, and related services to potentially include but not limited to any or all of the following: Engineering Analyses and Design; Corps of Engineers Civil Works & Water Resource Planning; Hydrology and Hydraulic modeling, CADD/GIS/Mapping Services; Surveys; Cultural Resources Investigations; Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Investigations; Environmental Studies; Geote chnical Investigations; Fluvial Geomorphologic and Stream Restoration Studies; Aquifer Recharge; Report Writing; and Independent Technical Review. All work must be done by or under the direct supervision of licensed professional Engineers or Architects. Fi rms will be selected for negotiation based on demonstrated competence and qualifications for the required work. North American Industrial Classification System Code applicable to this project is 541330, Engineering Services, which has a size standard of $4 ,500,000 in average annual receipts and corresponds to SIC Code 8711. This announcement is open to all Section 8(a) businesses. Anticipated award will be on or about May 2008. One IDC contract will be awarded from this announcement for a cumulative amount $2,500,000, with a Minimum Guarantee amount of $5,000.00 for a term not to exceed five years. This is considered part of a multiple award along with Solicitation Nos. W9126G-08-R-0130 and W9126G-08-R-0132. If more than one contract is awarded under any o f these announcements, the Contracting Officer will consider the following factors in deciding which contractor will be selected to negotiate an order: (1) uniquely specialized experience, (2) performance and quality of deliverables under any current Inde finite Delivery Contracts, (3) current capacity and ability to accomplish the order in the required time, (4) familiarity with design criteria/codes and construction methods used at the locality, and (5) equitable distribution of work among the contractors . Price will not be used as a criterion. In the event this contract is used to develop design-build supporting documents for use in a two-phase design-build selection (FAR 36.302), the prime A-E and subconsultants shall be prohibited from teaming with de sign-build firms to compete in the final design-build construction solicitation in accordance with FAR 9.505-2. b. Nature of Work: The services necessary for each requirement will be negotiated and awarded as individual task orders. The A-E shall furnish all services, materials, supplies and supervision required to fully complete each task order. The A-E shall be able to provide: a) development of full design packages and Request for Proposal (RFP) packages for design-build of multiple facility types; b) design support and consultant services in various combinations of architectural, structural, civil, mechanical and electrical disciplines; c) construction management services; d) cost estimating, cost control, scheduling, and construction simulation servi ces (risk scenarios, change order analysis, alternative methods), e) design, drafting, and planning services for renovation, demolition and alterations to existing facilities. The A-E should expect to become a significant part of the governments USACE Pr ogram delivery team. c. Contract Award Procedure: Before a small disadvantaged business is proposed as a potential subcontractor, they must be certified by the U.S. Small Business Administration and registered in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database. NO STATE-LEVEL certifications shall be accepted. Failure of a proposed small disadvantaged business to be certified by the U.S. Small Business Admi nistration at the time the SF 330 is submitted will result in their elimination as a proposed subcontractor. The Service Contract Act will apply to this acquisition. The proposed services will be obtained by Negotiated Firm-Fixed Price Contract. To be eli gible for contract award, a firm must be registered in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR). Register via the CCR Internet site at d. Place of Performance: Projects are anticipated to be primarily, but not limited to, those in the Civil Works Program executed within the Southwestern Division. 2. PROJECT INFORMATION: No specific projects are identified at this time. As projects are received for execution, use of the contracts awarded under this announcement will be considered, if A-E services are to be utilized. The work may involve: a. Engineering Analyses and Design- Hydrologic, Hydraulic, Geotechnical, Groundwater, Civil, Structural, and Cost Estimating; b. Corps of Engineers Civil Works & Water Resource Planning - Plan Formulat ion, Socio- Economic Impacts, Economic Cost-Benefit Analyses, and Management and execution of feasibility-level planning studies of flood damage reduction, environmental/ecosystem restoration, recreation, water quality, water supply, and erosion control; c . CADD/GIS - CADD and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) services; d. Surveying and Mapping Planimetric, topographic, photogrammetric and bathymetric field and aerial surveys, vertical and horizontal controls, digitally formatted data processing, cross -sections, boundary surveys, gradient boundary surveys, construction layout, and G.P.S. surveys; e. Mapping Services - Topographic and bathymetric mapping, and aerial photography to include stereo photogrammetric and LIDR; f. Environmental Studies - Condu ct environmental studies and planning efforts including but not limited to: forestry, biological/ecological analyses, geology, soils, socioeconomics, outdoor recreation planning, remote sensing, records searches, oversight of field operations, community re lations, public scoping meetings, Work Plans, Health and Site Safety Plans, Sampling and Analysis Plans, detailed project schedules, storm water pollution prevention studies, habitat assessments and mitigation plans; conduct environmental assessments and E nvironmental Impact Statements in compliance with NEPA and other environmental laws and regulations; provide Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) support for environmental studies/plans, including Phase I and/or Phase II Environmental Site Assess ments, to gain environmental compliance with laws and regulations; support for Corps of Engineers coordination with Federal, State and Local regulatory agencies, and other related deliverables; g. Independent Technical Review - Perform technical review of multi-disciplinary projects/studies performed by others; h. Cultural Resources Studies Site identification surveys, evaluation of site eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), artifact recovery and curation preparation, site file and NRHP form preparation, and data recovery planning and implementation; and i. Perform design services to include plans, specifications and cost estimates for Civil Works and work for other government agencies. 3. SELECTION CRITERIA: The selection crit eria are listed below in descending order of importance. Criteria a thru e are primary. Criteria f thru h are secondary and will only be used as tie-breakers among technically equal firms. (a) SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL COMPETENCE: (En sure that all special experience requirements are reflected on appropriate personnel resumes at Section E, Part I, SF 330: (1) Firms must demonstrate recent experience (within the past 5 years) and significant experience in Corps of Engineers Civil Works water resources project planning and design within the geographic boundaries of the Southwestern Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. (1) Hydrology Demonst rate the following: (i) Modified puls routing and Snyder's unit hydrograph procedures; (ii) Ability to develop hydrologic models using software packages such as HEC-1, HEC-HMS, HEC-GeoHMS, HEC-FFA, and RES-SIM; (iii) Period of record analysis; (iv) Disch arge frequency analysis; (v) Interior drainage and pump design; and (vi) Pipe networks (distribution and collection system analysis, design and assessment). (2) Hydraulics Demonstrate the following: (i) Develop models using but not limited to HEC-2, HEC- RAS, HEC-GeoRAS, HEC-FDA, HEC-RPT software packages; and (ii) Fluvial geomorphology, sediment transport, channel evolution and stability, and stream restoration. (3) Planning and Project Management Demonstrate the following: (i) Familiarity and recent ex perience with Corps of Engineers Civil Works Planning Process and Regulations; (ii) Ability to develop and progress projects using Primavera Project Planner or SureTrakTM Project Manager; (iii) Ability to prepare required documents for feasibility-level pl anning studies of flood damage reduction, environmental/ecosystem restoration, recreation, water quality, water supply, hydropower, and erosion control; (iv) Ability to document and provide monthly financial data (i.e. obligations, expenditures, etc) to Co rps of Engineers; (v) Ability to communicate orally (monthly meetings) and in written formats (bi-weekly project status updates); and (vi) Ability to plan, prepare, and conduct Public Meetings.. (4) Economic Analyses (i) Demonstrate the capability to col lect, analyze, and input all necessary data to run Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center risk-based Flood Damage Analysis, HEC-FDA software program for flood control studies utilizing tools such as GIS and real estate valuation software such as Marshall and Swift; (ii) Demonstrate capability to design economic research and study plans for various types of water resources studies; (iii) Firm should demonstrate the capability to apply appropriate statistical/probabilistic methodologies, including b ut not limited to Monte Carlo simulations and various sampling procedures, to economic analyses for various types of water resource projects; (iv) Demonstrate experience in conducting agricultural and recreational impact analyses in regards to various type s of water resources studies; (v) Firm must demonstrate the ability to design and execute surveys/research aimed at estimating monetary and non-monetary costs and benefits (NED) associated with stream based recreation alternatives and resource based existe nce values; and (vi) Firm must also demonstrate the ability to conduct socio-economic impact analysis using Government accepted input-output models and be skilled in life-cycle costing and financial ability to pay analysis as well as address issues relatin g to environmental justice. (5) Civil Engineering Design Demonstrate the following: (i) Recent experience and significant experience in Civil Design plans and specifications; and (ii) Civil engineering designs developed using GEOPAKTM or InRoadsTM softwa re packages and delivered in MicrostationTM CAD Version 8.5 interface. (6) GIS and Mapping Demonstrate the following: (i) Experience in developing large area digital topographic and bathymetric mapping using state of the art aerial photography as a base; (ii) Experience in traditional ground surveying capabilities performed by a Texas registered professional land surveyor; (iii) Ability deliver mapping data in ArcInfo/ArcView format and/or A/E/C standards; (iv) Ability to process DEM data, develop TINS a nd produce contours; and (v) Ability and experience in rectifying different coordinate systems between diverse products to produce useable maps. (7) Environmental Analyses Demonstrate the following: (i) Ability to conduct and develop NEPA compliant Envir onmental Impact Statements (EIS), Environmental Assessments, and Biological Assessments; and (ii) Capability to perform all environmental studies related to a C ivil Works Feasibility Study Planning including but not limited to: biological/ecological/forestry surveys, biological assessments (BA), Phase I and/or Phase II environmental site assessments (ESA) per ASTM E 1527-00, site characterizations to determine na ture and extent of HTRW contamination to support feasibility-level planning and/or design decisions, management and oversight of chemical analytical services consistent with that referenced in current USEPA guidance/requirements resulting in legally defens ible data for inclusion into project deliverables, environmental assessments (EA), environmental impact statements (EIS), and environmental baseline surveys (EBS) (8) Environmental Planning Demonstrate the following: (i) Capability to perform Cost Effect iveness and Incremental Cost Analysis for ecosystem restoration analyses on Corps of Engineers Civil Works Planning studies using IWR-Plan Software. (ii) Capability to perform environmental data gathering, analyses, HEP determinations, mitigation planning and EIS preparation. (9) Water Resource Planning Demonstrate the following: (i) Understanding of water availability, water rights, groundwater and other water planning issues in the State of Texas; and (ii) Capability to perform water availability/right s analysis through computational models like WAM, GAM and others. (10) Cultural Resources Demonstrate the following: Ability to perform all cultural resources activities associated with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and its imple menting regulation. (11) Geotechnical Design, Investigation and Analysis - The A-E firm will be required to demonstrate proficiency in the following areas and shall have a working knowledge of all related Corps Engineering and Design standards: (i) Instru mentation Installation, Monitoring and Evaluation; (ii) Subsurface Exploration; (iii) Inspection of Subsurface Explorations; (iv) Laboratory Testing; (v) Static & Dynamic Stability Analyses; (vi) Seepage Analyses; (vii) Geotechnical Reports; (viii) Fiel d Geotechnical Observations and Evaluations; (ix) Materials Investigations; (x) Dam Safety Training; (xi) Geophysical Studies: (xii) Numerical Modeling; (xiii) Graphic Log Preparation using gINT; (xiv) Pavement Design; and (xv) Use of Geotechnical Engine ering Software such as: GeoStudio Suite including SEEP/W and SLOPE/W, gINT, gINT for ArcGIS, PCASE, LPILE, FLAC and PLAXIS; (12) Public Information - Demonstrate the capability to conduct public information programs to include information dissemination and gathering, person-to-person and phone surveys, conduct structured workshops, charets, and public meetings; (13) Technical Review Demonstrate the capability to conduct independent technical review of planning and technical design documents for adherence to established professional principles, practices, codes, criteria, laws and policy. (b) PROFESSIONAL CAPABILITIES: This contract will require for the A-E (either in-house or through consultant) as a minimum, the following (in descending order of importa nce): (1) Civil, Structural, Cost, Geotechnical, and Hydrologic and Hydraulic Engineers responsible for technical products must be registered. (2) Landscape Architects and Surveyors must be registered in the State of Texas. (3) Archeologists, Chemists, Ind ustrial Hygienists responsible for technical products must be registered or certified as required by various State laws. (4) Other discipline areas required: Program Management, Project Management, Geology, Hydrogeology, Fluvial Geomorphologist, Forestry, Biological Sciences, Economics, Geography, CADD, GIS, Technical Writing, and Public Information. Submitting firms should demonstrate the education, training, registration/certification, overall and relevant experience, publications, awards, and longevity with the firm of key management and technical personnel. Ensure that one page resumes are provided for each of the personnel proposed for each discipline. Rep eat Resume page as needed to provide all required resumes. Additionally, key staff submitted shall not be changed after award without the prior written approval of the Contracting Officer. In the event the selected firm decides to utilize personnel in the performance of this Contract for which resumes were not submitted prior to award, the firm shall prior to the utilization of these personnel, submit their resumes to the Contracting Officer for approval. The qualifications of the substituted personnel mus t be equal to or better than those whose resumes were submitted. (c) Firms must demonstrate adequate team capacity and project management for complex work, ability to initiate, manage and complete three large (greater than $500,000) concurrent task orders and ability to meet unforeseen schedule changes. (d) Knowledge of Locality: Firms must demonstrate familiarity within the Civil Works boundaries of the Southwestern Division, US Army Corps of Engineers. (e) Demonstrate past performance with respect to cost control, quality assurance, and compliance with performance schedules. The following, items (f) through (h), are secondary criteria: (f) SUBCONTRACTING: Firms must show the extent of participation of SB, SDB, WOSB, Service Disabled VOSB, HubZone SB, a nd HBCU/MI in the proposed contract team, measured as a percentage of the estimated effort. (g) VOLUME OF DOD CONTRACT AWARDS: In Section H, Part I, SF330, firms must show their last 12 months DOD contract awards stated in dollars (see details in a subse quent paragraph). (h) In Section H, Part I, SF330, include a brief presentation of internal controls and procedures that firms use to insure that a quality design is produced. THIS ANNOUNCEMENT CONTINUES UNDER Solicitation No. W9126G-08-R-131a. YOU MUST D ONWLOAD BOTH ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE COMPLETE SYNOPSIS.
- Place of Performance
- Address: US Army Engineer District, Fort Worth PO Box 17300/819 Taylor Street, Fort Worth TX
- Zip Code: 76102-0300
- Country: US
- Record
- SN01472237-W 20071220/071218224937 (
- Source
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