D -- Land Mobile Radio Maintenance and Repair
- Notice Date
- 11/23/2010
- Notice Type
- Modification/Amendment
- 811213
— Communication Equipment Repair and Maintenance
- Contracting Office
- Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection, Procurement Directorate - DC, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Room 1310 NP, Washington, District of Columbia, 20229, United States
- ZIP Code
- 20229
- Solicitation Number
- HSBP20059518A
- Point of Contact
- Kimberly L. Cooper, Phone: 571-468-7027, M.L. McDaniel, Phone: 571-468-7164
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Land Mobile Radio (LMR) Maintenance and Repair Services DESCRIPTION This announcement constitutes a Request for Information (RFI) as well as a Sources Sought Request (SSR). The United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is seeking contractors interested in providing commercial equipment and services to support tactical communication requirements. The equipment and support shall be comparable and compatible with the current LMR equipment in the table below. Currently Motorola Corporation is the only known source with capabilities to pr ov id e s p ec i f i c and propri eta r y s o lution s tha t m e et CBP 's LMR moderni z ation r e quir e m e nt s. T h ese cap a biliti es a r e critical t o of fi ce r s a f e ty. The purpose of this notification is to identify potential contractors with the skills, experience, and knowledge required to successfully complete the requirement as a firm-fixed price effort. This announcement does not constitute a commitment, implied or otherwise that a procurement will be issued. This is not a request for proposal (RFP) or an invitation for bids (IFB). Currently, CBP requires repair and maintenance services that cover approximately 70,000 subscriber equipment radios, no longer covered under the original manufacture's warranty. Since these radios are actively engaged in daily operational law enforcement activities, the maintenance services Contractor(s) shall process these radios as expeditiously as possible. The chart below provides historical and forecast data of LMR Maintenance and Modernization. MAINTENANCE FISCAL YEAR 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* Repairs 2,864 3,977 5,463 1,810 2,051 Upgrades 414 57 251 422 120 MODERNIZATION Checkouts 9,520 19,171 13,497 4,754 7,031 Blitzs no data 6,488 10,974 63 4,366 UNICOR 1,429 1,647 1,121 808 700 Legacy no data 20 1,660 231 420 TOTALS 14,227 31,360 32,966 8,088 14,687 *fiscal year forecast Potential Contractors shall provide a vehicle that provides maintenance and repair services on portable and mobile radios, consolettes, and service monitors to be maintained and kept up to factory and CBP specifications. The contractor shall provide subject matter expert support for the LMR system. The LMR equipment below shall be maintained and kept up to factory specifications not reliant upon specific serial number. 1. Voice Privacy Portable Radios - ASTRO Saber, XTS300 and XTS 5000 2. Voice Privacy Mobile Radios - ASTRO Spectra Plus and XTL5000 3. Voice Privacy Consolettes -- ASTRO Spectra XTL5000 4. Communications Systems Analyzers T he Managed Field Support Services team shall assist the customer as required with radio and network configuration, end-user support, and technical support to bridge the gap between CBP and provider engineering and other maintenance services. These individuals are required to support the customer at the customer's location(s) or remotely or at a designated location dedicated for the period of performance to CBP. Potential sources for this requirement will be required to submit technical data in response to the attached requirements. The Government will not reimburse any costs incurred in submitting a response to this RFI. Contractors shall be required to provide the Government supplies or services that meet or exceed requirements for tactical communications equipment and services described in the RFI attachments. NOTE : Attachment 1 -CBP LMR Subscriber Requirements Attachment 2-Operation & Management (O&M)Srvc Reqmnts Attachment 3-LMR Maintenance Service Requirement BACKGROUND The tactical communications requirement is for commercial off the shelf (COTS) based systems and associated services for O&M Maintenance - LMR maintenance service and repair of portables, mobiles, consoles, and remotes. Details of each category as well additional explanatory information are provided in Attachments 1 through 3. The requirement is for commercially available equipment. There is a need to continue to pursue technological improvements during the life of these agreements and a technical refresh insertion clause will be included in any resultant agreements. There may be compatibility restraints when the requiring activity must interoperate with legacy systems. In those instances, subscriber equipment and communications systems infrastructure equipment must be compatible with and/or interface with constraints such as the following: •1. IPv6 compliant as per the applicable Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Requests for Comment (RFC) and approved standards •2. Compliant with Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) TIA-102.CAAA-B for vibration and shock •3. Compliant with all National Telecommunications and Information Administration ( NTIA ) rules and regulations as they apply to Land Mobile Radio •4. Compatible with both the Integrated Wireless Information Network ( IWIN ) and Enhanced Land Mobiles Radio ( ELMR ) systems •5. Compatib le with operation in a SMARTZONE system •6. Compati ble with operation in a Vote Scan system •7. Project 25 (P-25) compliant, specifically the P25 Common Air Interface, TIA -102 and P25 Digital & FM Analog Modulation •8. Compliant with National Institute of Standards and techchnology (NIST), Federal Information Processing Standard ( FIPS ) 140-2 and Advanced En cryption Standard (AES) Standard (FIPS 197) OBJECTIVE The objective of this procurement effort is to provide equipment and services to support the tactical communication systems currently used by CBP. This acquisition may result in establishing competitive sources for the acquisition of tactical communications equipment and services to leverage buying power and promote high volume discounts at the lowest price possible, when acquiring tactical communications equipment and services. Services shall be required during core duty hours, Monday through Friday, excluding Federal Holidays. Contractor personnel may be required to be on-site to support the user during the core duty hours. During certain times, the contractor may be required to work overtime hours to perform mission essential tasks. CBP Quality Assurance Personnel (QAP) shall approve all overtime requests prior to any overtime work being performed. Description o f s uppli e s /se r v ic es The p urpose of th e an t i c ipa t ed co nt ra c t i s to p rov id e s uppli es a nd se r v i ce s co n sisti n g of a n c il lary tac ti cal co mmu n i catio n e q ui p me nt, b ack h a u l d es i g n, site develop m e n t, dep l oyme n t, a nd o p ti m i z atio n of Project 25 ( P- 25) co mpli a n t i nf r as t r u c tu re w ith a goa l to a dd t o, as we ll a s u pdate, interoper a b l e l a n d mob il e r ad i o sy s t e m s. NOTE: P - 25 complia n t i n frastr u ctu r e i s a ny in frast r uc tu r e t h at will a l low for in teroperab i lit y w ith n at i o n - wid e tacti c al c ommuni c a t i o n s in ac c o r d an ce wi t h th e tec h n i c a l s p e cifi c ation s m a nd at ed b y th e Fede r a l C omm u ni cat i ons C ommi ss i on a n d a do p t e d by th e Departm e nt of H o melan d S ecurit y. M ot or o la Cor p or a t ion pr ov id es s p ec i f i c and propri eta r y s o lution s tha t m e et CBP 's LMR moderni z ation r e quir e m e nt s. T h ese cap a biliti es a r e critical t o of fi ce r s a f e ty. Th e sa li e nt ch a ract e ristic s of M o tor o l a's pr opr i e t ary s oluti on a r e as f ollo w s: Back w ard Co mp a t ib i l it y wi th Le ga cy E nc r yp t i o n C BP 's moderni z ed LMR sys tem s e mp loy A d va n ce d E ncr y ption S tandard ( A E S ) t o pr o t ec t law enforcement se n s iti ve v oice co mmunic a ti o n s. Whil e AES is an indu st r y s tandard emplo y ed by m a n y LMR m a nu f a c tur e r s, the moderni ze d CBP L MR s yst e m s mu s t be int e rop e r a bl e with l eg a cy e quipm en t na tio nwide in th e e ve n t th a t ag ent s / o f fic e rs ar e depl oye d o ut s id e th e ir a r e a o f res p o n s ibilit y. CB P 's l e g acy L MR sys t e m s e mpl oy a proprietar y i mpl e m en t at i o n of Data E ncr y ption Standard (D E S ) encr y ption. Age n t T racking and S a fe t y F e a t u re s - Global Positioning Systems ( G P S) an d M a n D own C BP 's na t ionwid e op e ra t ional requirem e nt s for LMR in c lude th e requirem e n t th at " The por ta bl e handh e ld s ub s crib e r unit s shal l h av e Glob a l Po s iti o ning S y stem (G P S ) capabil it i es." GPS capabilit y i s a feature o ff ered b y se v eral L MR m a nuf a cturer s. In the current CBP f l eet of portable sub s criber unit s G PS cap a bilit y is a va ilable only through th e propri e tar y s houlder micr o phon e. The micr o phone pr o duce s th e GPS signal, w hich i s t hen proce ss ed through gat e wa y equipment that ha s alre a d y be e n pu r cha s ed to supp or t thi s f e ature in oth e r focu s a r eas. T he only known equipmen t that can pr ov ide G P S s er v ic e on our sys t e m s e quipment i s Mot o rola's. M a n Down i s a prop r ietar y featur e o ff er e d b y M o t o rola w hich all o w s an o ff i c er in di s tre ss t o pres s an e m erg enc y button ; a n alarm i s s ent t o di s patch pro v iding bo t h th e di s tre ss c all and th e o fficer l o cation (th r ough GPS ). T his i s a critic a l sa f e t y fe a t ure for C BP a ge nt s a nd o f f ic e r s, a nd i s link e d b a ck t o th e ope r ati o nal re quir e m e nt f or GPS. Vo t e Scan Tec hn o lo gy M oto r o l a P- 25 LM R eq u i pm e n t pr ov id es a u ni que, pr op ri e tar y f uncti o nalit y c a ll e d Vo t e S can th a t c an m ee t th e e nh a n ce d c ove r age a n d c a pac i ty re q uir e m e nt s b y op tim i z in g th e sca rc e reso ur ce of ra di o fre quen cy spec t r um t o m ax imi ze t he c o ve r age of t h e n etwo rk. T h e V o t e Sca n capa bili ty offe r s wi d e ar e a ro a min g c ap a bili t i es f or a ge nt s and off ic e r s th a t ope r a t e b ey ond th e ir p h ys i ca l areas of r esp on s ibil i t i es. F urt h e r, Vo t e Scan c han n e l s all o w u se r s t o m a intain co mmuni ca t ion w h e n c ond uc tin g a n o p era ti o n ove r a la r ge geog r a phi c a r ea (e. g., r o llin g s u rve ill a n ce, v ehicle pursui t). It al s o accomm o dat es th e r e quir e m e nt to c o mmuni c at e w ith t h e l oc al autho r iti e s on t heir VHF channel s a s well as other federal la w enf o rcement u se r s includin g int e r o p e rabl e encr y pted communications. As a result, Motor o l a i s th e o nl y v e nd or a t thi s point t h a t c a n p r ov ide the e quipm e nt so lution n ee de d to m eet th ese cr iti ca l C BP LMR u se r s r equireme nts, a nd sa ti sfy th e la w e n f o rc em e nt m iss i on o f C B P. Cod e Plug Co n f i gu r a t ion A " cod e plug " is a so f tw a re c o n f i g u ra ti o n f il e th a t d ef in e s th e c h a nn el i z at i o n, fea tu res, a nd di s pl ay s of a radio. St a ndardi z ati o n of c ode plu g s i s c riti ca l to e n su r e th a t a l l r a di o s fun c tion in a uni f orm m a nn e r in e a c h g i v en F o c u s A r ea. Va ri o u s e l e ment s o f th e c o d e plu g s will be uni fo rm n a ti o nwide. Eac h L MR equipment m a nu f a c t ure r u se s a p r op r iet a ry c o d e plu g t o mana ge th e con f i g uration o f th e ir r a di o s. Use of a s in g l e ve nd or f o r sub scr ibe r unit s g r ea tl y s impl ifie s th e m a na g em e nt of th e code plu gs. I f multipl e ve nd o r s a r e u se d, multipl e c ode plu g s, a nd mul t ipl e va ri a bl e s must b e acco mm o d a t e d t o o ptimi ze int ero per a bil i t y with o th e r CBP co mp o nent s, Fe d er al, st a te, loc al, a nd trib a l p a rtn e r s. T h e u se o f a sin g l e vendor for radi o e quipm e nt s impli f i es th e co d e plu g d e v e l o pm e nt a nd man ag em e n t p roc e ss, which in tu r n h e lp s e n s u re th at r adi o s co n t inu e t o f unc t i o n a s a ge nt s and off i c er s h a v e c o m e t o ex p e ct. Security Requirements •· This acquisition does not involve access to classified information. Information relevant to the CBP LMR systems (including design features, operating parameters, configuration, frequencies, and encryption/security features) is sensitive but unclassified (SBU). Services Contractor(s) will be required to develop, implement and maintain a security plan that addresses protection of the information, equipment and facilities associated with this project. The Security Plan requirements will be addressed in the solicitation in a separate document which includes CBP standard security clauses. •· Sensitive Information - Sensitive information that will be disclosed includes design features, operating parameters, configuration, frequencies, and encryption/security features relevant to the CBP LMR systems. •· Contractor Clearance and Access - Some of the contractor's employees will be required to pass a background investigation. Security clearance and/or background investigation requirements will be included in the Security Plan. The chart below represents the current CBP estimate for annual repair and maintenance services required for LMR equipment. CBP is seeking information from potential Contractors that represents the most efficient, cost effective vehicle to acquire these repair and maintenance services. Information includes recommendations for comparable, compatible equipment, and contracting method, i.e. flat rates, cost per unit, etc. Equipment Maintenance & Repair Item Number Description Quantity Unit of Measure 0001 Voice Privacy Portable Radios - ASTRO Saber, XTS300 and XTS 5000 10,552 Each 0002 Voice Privacy Mobile Radios - ASTRO Spectra Plus and XTL5000 6,422 Each 0003 Voice Privacy Consolettes -- ASTRO Spectra XTL5000 398 Each 0004 Communications Systems Analyzers -- 28 Each Warranty Management The contractor will administer and enforce all commercial warranties offered by equipment manufacturers and or distributors for parts used in the maintenance requirement. Equipment or Software Updates/Enhancements The contractor shall recommend updates and enhancements to equipment that has been identified as critical to extend its life or to ensure more reliable operations. Infrastructure; Operation & Maintenance; Tower Services The contractor shall, when required and approved by the QAP, travel to the users' location to provide on-site technical assistance for technical issues, installation, maintenance, minor construction, and/or trouble shooting of problems encountered. Program Management The contractor shall provide management covering the performance of all objectives covered in this document during the entire period of performance. • Project and Personnel Management. The contractor shall provide project oversight/management as necessary to track, manage, and report on the cost, schedule, and performance status of this requirement. • The contractor shall appoint a Program Manager (PM) with sufficient corporate authority to direct, execute, and control all elements of this contract. • Project Management Review: The contractor shall present overall status and a description of delivered equipment, completed services in a Monthly Status Report. • Travel Travel anticipated in accordance with Government Joint Travel Regulation (JTR). Shipping Shipping anticipated Freight on Board (FOB), FOB-Destination Techical Requirements •· Sustainment and Support Services. The objective is to engage contractor support services for tactical communications equipment and ensure reliable operations for those systems identified in Attachment 1 - CBP LMR Subscriber Requirements; and Attachment 2 -- Operation & Management (O & M) Service Requirements. •· The contractor will provide COTS equipment support consisting of help desk function, failure diagnostics, equipment function testing, equipment repair, material purchasing, spares analysis, troubleshooting techniques, shipping and receiving services, inventory management, equipment warranty management, and financial management. Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) and Government Furnished Information (GFI) The requirement has GFE and GFI. Transition Period A transition period is required RESPONSES Interested parties are requested to submit a summary of their capabilities that will allow them to support the tactical communications equipment and services requirements of CBP. Please indicate if your company is classified a small business by the Small Business Administration for North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) NAICS 334220. In the body of the email, include a vendor Point of Contact (POC), phone number and email address of the person to be contacted regarding any correspondence between the Government and the Vendor. This person should be a primary contact and capable of addressing questions or issues associated with the submission and content of the Capability Statement. Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Electronic files larger than 5 MB shall be broken down into multiple files with no one file exceeding 5 MB. Each electronic submission shall include: •· RFI number and "Capability Statement" in the Subject Line · If the submission includes more than one electronic email, please include the file number and total files being submitted (e.g., File 1 of 4, File 2 of 4, etc.) in the Subject Line •· In the body of the email, include a vendor Point of Contact (POC), phone number and email address of the person to be contacted regarding any correspondence between the Government and the Vendor. This person should be a primary contact and capable of addressing questions or issues associated with the submission and content of the Capability Statement. •· Identify which of the technical categories listed under the Background paragraph above for which you are capable and interested in bidding. Contractors may propose on one or more of these categories. •· Include a brief summary of email content, Contractor name and firm's mailing address •· Indicate if your company is designated a small business by the Small Business Administration for NAICS 334220 •· Attach a Capability Statement that describes, as appropriate, applicable qualifications, technology description, equipment list, past performance, or relevant experience on similar projects for the technical categories you are interested in bidding. · The Government also requests comments regarding the technical requirements stated in the attachments to this RFI. Questions regarding this RFI shall be in writing and may be addressed to the Contract Specialist at the following email address, Please indicate the RFI number followed by, "Question" in the subject line of your e-mail. The deadline for submitting questions is 5:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time (EST) on November 19, 2010. Proprietary information, if any, should be minimized and MUST BE CLEARLY MARKED. To aid CBP, please segregate and mark proprietary information. Please be advised that all submissions become the property of the Federal Government, and will not be returned. At the Government's discretion, questions and answers may be posted on the FedBizOpps (FBO) site where this RFI is posted. CBP may schedule an Industry Day in the Washington, DC area for this requirement in early December 2010. CONTACT INFORMATION Primary points of contact are : •· Kimberly L. Cooper, Contract Specialist at · M. Lea McDaniel, Contracting Officer at RESPONSE INFORMATION MUST BE RECEIVED BY 5:00 pm eastern standard time (EST), on November 22, 2010
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- Place of Performance
- Address: Place of performance to be determined, United States
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- SN02332968-W 20101125/101123234540-c5f814aa211cd3dc171174e647c9d1d8 (
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