- Notice Date
- 6/20/2011
- Notice Type
- Sources Sought
- 541990
— All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
- Contracting Office
- NASA/Glenn Research Center, 21000 Brookpark Road, Cleveland, OH 44135
- ZIP Code
- 44135
- Solicitation Number
- NNC11ZMA019O
- Response Due
- 7/6/2011
- Archive Date
- 6/20/2012
- Point of Contact
- Timothy D Smith, Engineer/Project Manager, Phone 216-977-7546, Fax 216-433-8000, Email - Ernest C. Mensurati, Contracting Officer, Phone 216-433-2727, Fax 216-433-2480, Email
- E-Mail Address
Timothy D Smith
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- NASA/GRC is hereby soliciting information about potential partnering opportunitiesfor the purpose of openly soliciting a spacecraft partner to assist in the preparation ofan Earth Venture-2 proposal to be submitted to NASA Headquarters.PREFACEA Principal Investigator (PI) has partnered with the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) onan orbital Earth Science mission in anticipation of a call for Venture-classinvestigation, or Earth Venture-2 (EV-2). This Notice of Partnering Opportunity (NPO)seeks potential partners to participate in a proposal development activity that addressesthe scientific instruments and orbital spacecraft on an EV-2 mission proposal.Theofferor(s) chosen will participate directly as a member of the proposal team in thevarious stages of the mission design and proposal process.SECTION 1 INTRODUCTIONGENERAL INFORMATIONEarth Venture (EV) class missions consist of a series of uncoupled, relativelylow-to-moderate cost, small to medium-sized, full orbital and sub-orbital missions, andinstruments which are regularly solicited and competitively selected Earth Scienceinvestigations as recommended by the recent National Research Councils decadal survey inEarth science, Earth Science and Applications from Space: National Imperatives for theNext Decade and Beyond (The National Academies Press, 2007, available at Earth Venture -2 Program Status: The EV-2 Announcement of Opportunity (AO) for fullorbital missions was released on June 17, 2011.{6A859523-6EB9-EBA0-7FA4-7681FE3F6AF4}&path=openThe Earth Venture Program is an element within the Earth System Science Pathfinder (ESSP)Program with the goal to enable improved understanding and prediction of climate, weatherand natural hazards. More information on the Earth Venture project is available at OF NOTICEThe GRC EV-2 team is issuing this Notice of Partnering Opportunity for the purpose ofopenly soliciting a spacecraft partner to assist in the preparation of an Earth Venture-2proposal ( to be submitted to NASA HQ.This open andcompetitive process is being conducted in accordance with NASA FAR Supplement 1872.308. By this Notice, the GRC EV-2 team is seeking information from partners regarding theiravailability, capabilities, past performance, and anticipated mission costs that relateto Earth science systems, technologies and capabilities for the GRC EV-2 mission. ThisNotice also authorizes NASA GRC to award contracts to its selected spacecraft partnerwithout further competition or justification, should the proposal be selected.This partnering opportunity is being issued to select a teaming partner for the GRC EV-2spacecraft and to support the team throughout the mission. The offeror(s) chosen willparticipate directly as a member of the proposal team in the various stages of the GRCEV-2 mission design and proposal process.PARTICIPATIONParticipation in this partnering synopsis is open to all categories of U.S. and non-U.S.organizations, including educational institutions, industry, not-for-profit institutions,the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, as well as NASA Centers and other U.S. GovernmentAgencies. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Other MinorityUniversities (OMUs), small disadvantaged businesses (SDBs)(8a), veteran-owned smallbusinesses, service disabled veteran-owned small businesses, HUBZone small businesses,and women-owned small businesses (WOSBs) are encouraged to apply. Participation bynon-U.S. organizations is welcome but subject to NASAs policy of no exchange of funds, inwhich each government supports its own national participants and associated costs.SECTION 2 SCOPEOVERVIEWThis Notice is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government to enter into acontract. This Notice is subject to revision or cancellation at any time.Based on the responses to this Notice, GRC anticipates selecting one or multipleinstrument suppliers and a single spacecraft vendor with which GRC would then immediatelywork directly with in development of the GRC EV-2 mission. During the proposaldevelopment phase, more specific roles and cost estimates for the selected partners willbe developed. If the GRC EV-2 proposal is selected, GRC intends to negotiate withoutfurther competition or justification, a contract with the proposal partner, consistentwith their agreed upon role and this Notice. During these contract negotiations, thespecific statement of work, contract terms and conditions, and contract value will beformalized. There will be no exchange of funds between NASA and the selected partner for the GRC EV-2proposal development. That is, NASA will not be responsible for any costs incurred byrespondents in preparing a response to this Notice or by the selected partner inpreparation of the GRC EV-2 proposal.DETAILS OF THE OPPORTUNITYGRC EV-2 Schedule: Schedule: The following schedule describes the major milestones for the Earth Ventureproposal.AO release:June 17, 2011Proposals Due:September 15, 2011Selection Announced:NASA Fiscal Year 2012Launch: With in ATP + 5yearsPre-selection proposal supportThe potential partner shall provide support using their own resources.This willinvolve:Weekly telecom meetings with the science and engineering teamHelping to define the end-to-end performance requirements, including instrumentinterfaces with the spacecraft, etc.Defining the flight system architecture, including launch vehicle interfacesIdentifying study topics, prediction performance, and conducting trade studiesCost estimation for all mission phases, including spacecraft disposal at end-of-missionPreparation of the mission proposal for submittal to NASA Face to Face Meetings include: kick off meeting, Red Team ReviewUpdates to technical, cost and schedule inputs as required for integrated proposalsubmittalIt is expected that the selected partner would provide (at no cost to NASA), conceptualdesigns, technical data, proposal inputs, schedule and cost estimates consistent with theproposal AO when released.EARTH VENTURE SPACECRAFTThe offeror must propose a single spacecraft carrying the GRC EV-2 science payload. Itis imperative that the responses demonstrate a clear understanding of how such flightsystems will be built, deployed, and operated within the constraints of the Earth Venture2 cost cap. The responses shall include the spacecraft and all associated subsystems. The launch vehicle shall be provided by NASA and should not be included. The proposedspacecraft should be compatible with a NASA-provided Expendable Launch Vehicle (ELV), notlimited to, but most likely a Pegasus or Falcon 1. This element also includes instrumentaccommodation.The spacecraft is expected to operate in circular Low Earth Orbit (LEO) at a sunsynchronous inclination of between 92-98 degrees and an altitude of 600-800km (+/- 10km). Final orbit altitude has yet to be determined.The remote optical sensing instruments will be operated over an expected operational lifeof 3 years. During that period the spacecraft requirements are shown in Table 1. Thesensors (1-3) will have observing fields towards earth NADIR and at a -20 to -30o offsetfrom the orbit path, with both forward and backward observation with respect to theflight path. The sensors and their electronics could have an integrated mass as much as~75kg, and operate with an average power of up to75 watts (nominal, no contingency). Itis anticipated there will be two instruments, one approximately 25cm x 25cm x 25cm, andthe second approximately 50cm x 50cm x50cm.. There are possible moving mirror assemblieswithin the instruments. The instruments are planned to operate at a near 100% dutycycle.ParameterRequirementControl/Knowledge3-Axis StabilizedAttitude Pointing Control360 arcsecPointing Knowledge75 arcsecPointing Stability (jitter)2.0 arcsec/secTable 1. Attitude Control System (ACS)The ACS should minimize optical contamination on the science instruments.The spacecraft architecture should be able to provide thermal control for the scienceinstruments. The spacecraft and mission architecture should not preclude the use of anactive thermal control system should the instruments require active cooling.The spacecraft and ground support network architectures should support a science datadownlink volume as large as 150 Gbyte/24-hours and the spacecraft should have S, X, andKu band options.Proposers should address how requirements will be identified and tracked and how theinterfaces will be managed. The responder will be judged on the systems engineeringapproach and plan. This plan should also identify major milestones and facilitiesavailable for assembling and testing each component and as an integrated system. Integration and test (I&T) includes the science payload integration, the spacecraft busintegration, overall I&T of the spacecraft, transportation to the launch site, launchvehicle integration, launch support, on-orbit support, and spacecraft end of lifedisposition.SECTION 3 RESPONSES TO NOTICEThe evaluation team will use the following factors in selection and award. Thegovernment will evaluate the submitted proposal based on these factors that are listed inorder of importance:a.Technical capability: Offeror(s) will be evaluated on the approach for design,development, integration, test and certification, delivery and operation of thespacecraft bus that accommodates the remote optical sensing instrument payload, withinthe requirements of the EV-2 Announcement of Opportunity. This criterion will includeevaluation of how the spacecraft proposed could enable a mission to meet a scientificobjective. Offeror should provide rationale as to how the technical maturity of thespacecraft is suitable for a low earth orbit earth science mission and can enablescientific discoveries. b.Relevant experience, past performance, and availability of key personnel: Thiscriterion evaluates the offerors relevant recent experience, past performance in similardevelopment activities, and key personnel available to support the development. Capability includes quality and management process certifications and systems.c.Cost and Schedule: Offerors will be evaluated on cost and schedule performanceon similar development activities. Proposals will be evaluated on the affordability oftheir approach, and the overall probable cost, including the offerors willingness toshare cost risk. Top-level schedules will be evaluated as to the overall approach and tovalidate their reasonableness and risk. This criterion also evaluates the offerors ontheir resources commitment and ability to control both cost and schedule. d.Facilities: Offerors will be evaluated on the appropriateness of design andmodeling capabilities to support the effort, and appropriateness and accessibility offabrication and testing facilities to support the effort. This criterion also evaluatesthe offerors facilities (development, integration, testing and analyses) to conduct theproposed effort.e.Proposal Preparation: Offerors will be evaluated on their prior proposalpreparation experience, and willingness to commit resources (skills and time) that wouldsupport the proposal phase.NASA GRC anticipates completing its evaluation and selection process by July 13, 2011. Selected partners will be contacted directly by the GRC project manager or managementsponsor to develop the proposal. At that time, GRC may ask for supplemental informationto your proposal. At a minimum, non-selected firms will be notified and provided thebasis for the selection decisions.All proposals will be treated as proprietary information and controlled as such.RESPONSE INSTRUCTIONSThe response is limited to a 40 page Powerpoint presentation that fully addresses theevaluation criteria in not less than 12-point font, submitted as an electronic PDFdocument. Excluded from the page count are the cover letter, title pages, table ofcontents, resumes, and an acronym list. Offerors are free to attach additionalappendices that further describe their capabilities. However, only the required 40Powerpoint pages will be evaluated for selection.The offerors proposals are due to NASA GRC no later than 5 p.m. EDT on July 6, 2011. Anyresponses received after this time and date will be handled as late proposals inaccordance with FAR 15.208.Responses to this Notice must be submitted in the form of an email. A response compact disk can be submitted by mail or hand-carried, which includes deliveryby courier services to the following address:NASA Glenn Research CenterAttn: Ernest Mensurati MS 60-121000 Brookpark RdCleveland, OH 44135The written offer package shall include discussion of the following:The approaches for supporting an EV-2 proposalThe approach for design, development, integration, test, delivery and operation of thespacecraft bus that accommodates the remote optical sensing instrument payload, andenables the EV-2 mission. Identification of major subcontractors and suppliers. Plannedfor use of facilities including Government furnished facilities, The demonstration of a clear understanding of the technical challenges for theinstruments, spacecraft and mission.Address instrument and spacecraft requirementsIdentification of major mission design and development risksAny unique capabilities, facilities, or experience with this type of missionA rough order of magnitude (ROM) cost estimate, schedule, and a draft top level WorkBreakdown Structure (WBS).The proposal structure shall indicate implementation in accordance with NASA ProceduralRequirements (NPR) 7120.5D NID, NASA Space Flight Program and Project ManagementRequirements with the understanding that an update of cost, schedule and technical inputsmay be necessary as part of the EV-2 proposal development process. Discuss spacecraft assembly, test, launch and operationsProvide and discuss the spacecraft I&T flow for the mission. Identify supportfacilities (fabrication, I&T, storage, etc.) for the mission management strategy for eachmission phase. (I.e. what are the costs and how will the potential partner mitigate costgrowth?)Additionally, the proposal shall:Discuss relevant experience, past performance, technical capability and availability ofkey personnel.Provide substantive evidence of successful participation in similardevelopments.Provide evidence of successfully controlling cost and schedule for similar developmentprograms and provide evidence of management processes in this area (i.e. Earned ValueManagement, risk management, mission assurance, systems engineering, quality control,etc.)Include originally proposed costs and schedules of similar developments and actual costsof the same with rationale explaining variances.Provide a proposed contract in either a fixed price or cost reimbursable environment andindicate the cost risk associated with either arrangement.Provide estimated cost breakdown at the major subsystem level. Also describe theofferors cost estimating methodology, whether it is based on parametric cost estimating,history of similar activities, or a bottoms-up estimating process.Provide names, telephone numbers, and email addresses for the principal technical pointof contact (POC) and contracting POC for work done on similar development activities.Discuss facility availability, access and the ability to meet the proposed objectives.Identify the pertinent mission for which you have provided proposal writing support andmission support beyond Phase A. Provide data on scope of the design, the role that youplayed in the proposal process, the portions of the proposal you have written or providedassistance in writing, and a customer reference POC.COMMUNICATIONSQUESTIONSAll questions pertaining to this Notice must be submitted to the contracting officer inwriting or via email. Responses to the questions will be posted on the solicitationpage.COMMUNICATION RESTRICTIONSGRC will impose local restrictions on communications regarding this notice and theprocessing of responses. All communications with potential respondents will berestricted to the technical and procurement points of contact identified in the synopsisof this Notice.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELEASESIt is the responsibility of potentials respondents to monitor the NASA AcquisitionInternet Service (NAIS), GRC Procurement site for any further information concerning thisNotice.Evaluators of proposals, which are submitted under this process, may include non-USGovernment personnel (i.e. the Principal Investigator). Therefore, proposers are herebyon notice that proposals submitted hereunder may be released outside the Government, butshall be released solely for the purpose of evaluation of proposals as part of thisselection process. All proposers acknowledge acceptance of this condition by thesubmittal of their proposals.Please advise if the requirement is considered to be a commercial or commercial-typeproduct. A commercial item is defined in FAR 2.101.This synopsis is for information and planning purposes and is not to be construed as acommitment by the Government nor will the Government pay for information solicited.
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