- Notice Date
- 10/20/2011
- Notice Type
- Modification/Amendment
- 621910
— Ambulance Services
- Contracting Office
- NASA/Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Houston Texas, 77058-3696, Mail Code: BG
- ZIP Code
- 00000
- Solicitation Number
- NNJ11379879R
- Response Due
- 11/4/2011
- Archive Date
- 10/20/2012
- Point of Contact
- Aneesah K. Vaughn, Contract Specialist, Phone 281-244-5329, Fax 281-244-2370, Email - Lauren N. Johnson, Contracting Officer, Phone 281-483-2780, Fax 281-244-2370, Email
- E-Mail Address
Aneesah K. Vaughn
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- THIS NOTICE CONSTITUTES AMENDMENT NO. 004 TO THECOMBINED SYNOPSIS/RFQ FORINTERNATIONAL EMERGENCY AND OTHER RELIEF SERVICES. Companies shall acknowledge allamendment(s) in their quote. This notice serves as the official amendment to subjectsynopsis/RFQ and a written amendment will not be issued.The purpose of this amendment is to extend the proposal due date from 10/31/2011 to11/04/2011. This amendment also addresses all offerors questions with a revised RFP thatis conistent with responses. The RFP will be replaced in it's entirety with the following:This notice is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared inaccordance with the format in FAR Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additionalinformation included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation;offers are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. The Government intends to acquire commercial services using FAR Part 12, together withFAR Part 13 - Simplified Acquisition Procedures and FAR Part 16.5 - Indefinite DeliveryContracts. The resulting Purchase Order will be a Single Award utilizing Fixed-PriceIndefinite-Delivery Indefinite-Quantity Delivery Orders with a Minimum Guarantee of$10,000 to be stated in the Schedule and total Maximum Orders limited to $500,000. Relevant Attachments:Model contract: Historical data of travelers/trips: One-on-One Communications Questions and Answers: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS This notice is being issued as a Request for Proposal (RFP) for International Emergencyand other Relief Services for NASA travelers with minimum requirements as follows: The offeror shall provide all resources necessary to accomplish International Emergencyand Other Relief Services for NASA travelers, including Evacuation and RepatriationServices to a hospital in the United States (U.S.) with attending medical teams, medicalequipment, and use of western equivalent services in country to stabilize patients forevacuation. The contractor is responsible for providing the medical assistance necessaryto receive required medical attention and/or definitive care including medicalevacuations, when necessary. Other required services include assistance with obtaining the following; medicalmonitoring, medical referrals and consultations with English-speaking doctors, hospitaladmittance and coordination to ensure timely access to medical care, facilitation ofhospital payments, coordination of insurance information, medications, vaccines, bloodtransfers, medical devices and repatriation of mortal remains for overseas travelers andtranslation services. The contractor is expected to provide medical translations toinclude telephonic language assistance with medical incidents or medical translations ofmedical records to the extent required to resolve the medical emergency.The trigger for a medical transport to the U.S. is a patient requiring accompanyingmedical personnel during transport. Decisions to evacuate based on this trigger will bea joint determination between the contractor and NASA.The offerors responsibility begins upon being informed of a medical event involving anemergency of a NASA traveler. The process of notifying the contractor will be finalizedat the time of award and is dependent upon the technical approach of the successfulofferor. Historically, the enrollee, the NASA doctors, and/or NASA management hasinformed the contractor of a medical event. Medical assistance can require in-patienthospitalization or require definitive care of some sort, whether it is in-patient oroutpatient. CLIN 001A:The Federal Travel Regulations (FTR) for transportation of a person with an emergencymedical condition may be utilized for temporary-duty travelers (TDYs) when applicable. For instance, employees on TDY requiring definitive inpatient or outpatient medical carefollowing minor emergencies and not triggering the requirement for a medical transport tothe US, NASA will return the traveler to the US by using the credit of the existingreturn airline ticket of the traveler.However, any additional costs for providing therequired services will be the responsibility of the contractor. However, if a majorincident occurs which triggers a medical transport to the US (i.e. a patient requiringaccompanying medical personnel during transport) all evacuation cost will be theresponsibility of the contractor and no additional cost will be paid by NASA. It isestimated that TDY travelers are approximately 95% of the estimated trips.CLIN 001B:For permanent change of station (PCS) requiring definitive inpatient or outpatientmedical care following minor emergencies and not triggering a medical transport to theUS, the contractor shall not be responsible for the returning airline ticket of thetraveler. However, any additional costs for providing the required services will be theresponsibility of the contractor. If a major incident occurs which triggers a medicaltransport to the US (i.e. a patient requiring accompanying medical personnel duringtransport) all evacuation cost will be the responsibility of the contractor and noadditional cost will be paid by NASA. It is estimated that PCS travelers areapproximately 5% of the estimated trips. NASA JSC currently has employees permanentlystationed in Moscow and Star City Russia, The Hague, Netherlands, and Tsukuba, Japan. These employees travel frequently from and within their international country ofresidence.The contractor is responsible for all costs excluding the medical bills as that is theresponsibility of the NASA traveler receiving medical attention. It is intended for thecontractor to guarantee payment of hospital expenses in the event of a medical emergency.It will be the contractors responsibility to collect the necessary insurance informationfrom the NASA traveler when required. The contractor is expected to coordinate paymentof medical expenses with the NASA traveler receiving medical attention and/or theirinsurer. The traveling member and NASA shall be responsible jointly for reimbursement ofmedical expenses if the contractor is not reimbursed within a reasonable timeframe. II. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE Delivery of services are required from the date of award through the date of expirationof the purchase order, expected to be one year with four (4) one year options;notwithstanding continuations under task orders issued pursuant to FAR 52.216-22,paragraph(d). III. INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS A.Historical Data:NASA Johnson Space Center employees historically make approximately 1200 trips overseasper year. (See attachment 2 for actual data) 60% of trips no longer than 10 days 30% of trips no longer than 30 days 5% of trips or up to 120 days 5% of trips are between 120 days to 365 days (including NASA PCS employees and eligibledependents)*This is a breakdown of trips not travelers and some travelers make more than one trip. **There are approximately 3200 Civil Servant employees eligible for coverage under thiscontract and of this number approximately 600 historically traveled internationally tocomprise approximately 1200 trips.NASAs Historical data assumes a total of 1 full blown medical evacuations every 2years and 2 semi medical evacuations every year. An example of a semi medical evacuationwould be an employee breaking an ankle but is to return to the US without accompanyingmedical personnel.. See Attachment entailed Historical data of travelers/trips for additional information.B.Past Performance: Offerors shall provide a minimum of 3 (three) Past performance sources of informationand references that demonstrates their expertise and ability to successfully perform theSOW requirements for evaluation by the Government. No particular format is requested butthe offerors are requested to limit responses to no more than 3 pages total. The offerorshall provide information to clearly portray that the offorer has experience withaccomplishing the statement of work requirements. Past performance information providedshall be relevant and similar in size, scope, and magnitude to the service being procuredunder the subject RFP.Only the past 3 (three) years of past performance experience isconsidered relevant. The evaluation team may utilize past performance databases alongwith other sources to obtain further information about the offerors past performanceinformation and present contracts when evaluating past performance. An offeror will notbe evaluated favorably or unfavorably on past performance if the offeror cannot provide arecord of any relevant past performance information or if past performance informationis not available.C.Pricing: NASA is soliciting for a prepaid fixed price service(s) inclusive of profit rather than amembership model fee paid after service delivery. NASA assumes that prepaid fixed priceservices are individual emergency evacuation membership plans in which NASA pays a fee(up front) for international travelers in exchange for access to the range of serviceslisted in the minimal requirements. NASA is responsible for ensuring payment to the awardee for all members that are enrolledin the membership plan. The offeror should propose a CLIN structure that provides thecost for the technical approach that meets the requirements. Potential offerors maysubmit competitive pricing as a fixed price group rate or a per traveler fixed rate.However, all services shall be quoted as a pre-paid fixed price as NASA does notanticipate an itemized CLIN structure and all prices should be all inclusive (by type oftraveler such as PCS and TDY) with the exception of the F. Optional Security EvacuationRequirements.Offerors may propose fees for travelers based upon trip duration periods or upon its ownavailable commercial services. Offerors shall propose prepaid fixed price service(s)including profit/fee with and without security evacuations. D.Scenarios: Offerors shall describe how they would respond to (3) three medical response scenariosprovided below. Responses for each scenario shall not exceed 1 page each. These scenarioswill be evaluated by the Government and considered in the evaluation described in Part VIFactors for Award. All three scenarios weight equally for evaluation purposes. 1) A 35 year old female NASA employee has been diagnosed with a metastatic brain tumorafter suddenly collapsing at a meeting while performing her duties in Tsukuba Japan. Sheis admitted to the intensive care unit in Tsukuba and is on ventilator support. She isotherwise stable and is on anti-seizure medication and is responsive to commands. Thepatient is originally from North Carolina, with family in the North Carolina area. Sheand the family would like definitive care in North Carolina, and she has been acceptedfor transfer by the Cancer Center of North Carolina. Please describe your response/action plan. Note: For the purposes of this exercise please assume that the patient isintubated with an endotracheal tube and is on primary assist control ventilator supportand sedated.2) A 42 year old male was playing volleyball in Star City, Russia when he stepped in ahole and sustained a tri-malleolar fracture of the left ankle. He was seen in the NASAremote clinic and x-rays confirm the fracture. He was placed in a posterior plastersplint. He has received previous orthopedic care in Houston for his knee, and would likethe same surgeon to fix his ankle. Due to the swelling, surgery will be scheduled inabout 48-72 hours to allow the swelling to recede. The NASA surgeon believes he canreturn to the US with accompanying medical personnel, but preferably business class sothat he may elevate his leg, and use crutches non-weight bearing. Please describe yourresponse / action plan. 3) A 52 year old astronaut is performing Sea Survival in the Black Sea. After severalruns in the capsule he is noted to be in tachycardia. Upon EKG placement, he is noted tobe in atrial fibrillation with a ventricular rate of 110. He is given a beta blocker bythe NASA surgeon and is stable with a rate of 94. The NASA surgeon is going to place himon subcutaneous Lovenox and a beta blocker and believes the patient can return to theU.S. via commercial air transportation with an escort. Please describe your response /action plan. Note: For the purposes of this exercise please assume that the patient islocated at the Port of Odessa in the Ukraine. The destination is the Cleveland ClinicHospital in Cleveland, Ohio for ablation therapy. He is stable on lovenox subcutaneoustherapy.E.Registration/Tracking Process:Offerors shall describe their intended on-line processes or procedures used to registerNASA travelers for international emergency services. (For processing NASA travelers) F.Optional Security Evacuation Requirement: NASA is considering ordering emergency security evacuation services. A firm fixed priceand the offerors commercial terms and conditions should be submitted separately for thisoption; however, is not required to be considered for award. Once NASA makes an award,this option may or may not be exercised. The Security Evacuation Option should bepriced separately and is not currently included in the NTE of $500,000. If theGovernment chooses to exercise this option, the NTE will be increased accordingly ifnecessary.G.Additional Instructions: All responsible sources may submit an offer which shall be considered by the agency. TheGovernment intends to make a single award for all items on an 'all or none' basis; (withan exception to the security evacuation services that are optional) therefore, offerorsmust propose all items. Partial quotes will not be accepted. One-on-one communications were offered by the Government (to briefly clarifyrequirements) the week of September 12, 2011. Offerors requested a time slot in writingon or before September 2, 2011 to Aneesah Vaughn ( OfficialQuestions and Answers in response to these one-on-one communications are herby providedin amendment number 4 to the RFP. Offerors were not required to participate in(one-on-one) communications. Offerors may still submit a proposal even if they chose notto participate in one-on-one communications. Offerors limited the number of participantsto no more than 4 personnel. The Government did not reimburse offerors for expensesincurred for one-on-one communications. All contractual and technical questions were submitted in writing (e-mailed or faxed) toAneesah Vaughn ( not later than September 7, 2011. Telephonequestions were not accepted. Due to the nature of the changes in the RFP, the current response date is extended toNovember 4, 2011.Offers for the items(s) described above are due by November 4, 2011 NLT 4:00PM (CST) toNASA-JSC, Attn: Aneesah Vaughn (, JSC-BG, Houston, TX, 77058and must include, solicitation number, discount/payment terms, taxpayer identificationnumber (TIN), identification of any special commercial terms, and be signed by anauthorized company representative. E-Mail offers are preferred. Offerors are encouragedto use the Standard Form 1449, Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Items formfound at URL: Prospective offerors shall notify this office of their intent to submit an offer. It isthe offeror's responsibility to monitor the following Internet site for the release ofsolicitation amendments (if any): Potentialofferors will be responsible for downloading their own copy of this combinationsynopsis/solicitation and amendments (if any). IV.CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Offerors must comply with the mandatory terms and conditions in the model contract. The provisions and clauses in RFP NNJ11379879R are those in effect through FAC 2005-53. The NAICS Code and the small business size standard for this procurement are 621910-Ambulance Services Emergency medical transportation services, air or ground and $7Mrespectively. The offeror shall state in their offer their size status for thisprocurement. Offerors shall provide the information required by FAR 52.212-1 (JUNE 2008), Instructionsto Offerors-Commercial Items, which is incorporated by reference. The FAR may be obtained via the Internet at URL: The NFS may be obtained via the Internet at URL: http://www.hq.nasa.go V. OFFEROR REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS Offerors must include completed copies of the provision at FAR 52.212-3 (MAY 2011),Offeror Representations and Certifications - Commercial Items with their offer. These maybe obtained via the internet at URL: These representations and certifications will be incorporated by reference in anyresultant contract. VI. FACTORS FOR AWARD Selection and award will be made to that offeror whose offer will be most advantageous tothe Government, with consideration given to the factors of proposed technical merit,price, and past performance. It is critical that offerors provide adequate detail toallow evaluation of their offer. Additional Factors for award1. Joint determination for a medical evacuation need between the contractor and NASA.2. US Home-Based Evacuations 3. Procedure for registering travelers 4. Handling of trip cancellations and trip postponements 5. Ability to participate in table Top Drills (Create an Incident) 21 (two) per year.Telecom or video conferencing acceptable6. Willingness to receive data and collaborate with existing travel risk managementvendor 7. Determination of financial responsibility
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