J -- Phillips Service Contract for medical equipment - Attachment
- Notice Date
- 10/23/2017
- Notice Type
- Attachment
- 811219
— Other Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance
- Contracting Office
- Department of Veterans Affairs;VAMC Bedford;200 Springs Road;Bedford MA 01730
- ZIP Code
- 01730
- Archive Date
- 12/1/2017
- Point of Contact
- Harold Nice
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Award Number
- VA797H-17-D-0022
- Award Date
- 10/2/2017
- Description
- Chapter VI: Other Than Full and Open Competition (OFOC) SOP Attachment 2: Request for Limited Sources Justification Format >$150K Revision 05 Date: 05/02/2016 LIMITED SOURCES JUSTIFICATION ORDER >$150,000 FAR PART 8.405-6 Acquisition Plan Action ID: VA241-17-AP-4032 This acquisition is conducted under the authority of the Multiple Award Schedule Program. The material or service listed in par. 3 below is sole source, therefore, consideration of the number of contractors required by FAR Subpart 8.4 Federal Supply Schedules, is precluded for the reasons indicated below. Restricted to the following source: Manufacturer/Contractor: Philips Manufacturer/Contractor POC & phone number: Marylou L. Graham 781-929-4516 Mfgr/Contractor Address: PHILIPS HEALTHCARE, A DIVISION OF PENAC 22100 BOTHELL EVERETT HWY BOTHELL, WA 98021 Marylou L. Graham 781-929-4516 Dealer/Rep address/phone number The requested material or service represents the minimum requirements of the Government. AGENCY AND CONTRACTING ACTIVITY: Department of Veterans Affairs Brockton VAMC_ 940 Belmont Street _ Brockton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evision 05 Original Date: 03/22/11 1BHF 1 PG 5 $IBQUFS 7*: 0UIFS 5IBO 'VMM BOE 0QFO $PNQFUJUJPO (0'0$) 401 "UUBDINFOU 2: 3FRVFTU GPS -JNJUFE 4PVSDFT +VTUJGJDBUJPO 'PSNBU >$150, (a) A DESCRIPTION OF THE SUPPLIES OR SERVICES REQUIRED TO MEET THE AGENCY S NEED: Planned maintenance service - PM inspection monthly (12), Routine system calibration, Remedial maintenance, Quality assurance evaluations, Replacement of parts (not including disposables & accessories. The items to be serviced are High Tech Medical Medical Equipment made up of CT Scans, MRI machines and other direct patient related Dianostic Equipment. $ 1,110,855.66 ESTIMATED DOLLAR VALUE: REQUIRED DELIVERY DATE: 10/1/2017 IDENTIFICATION OF THE JUSTIFICATION RATIONALE (SEE FAR 8.405-6), AND IF APPLICABLE, A DEMONSTRATION OF THE PROPOSED CONTRACTOR S UNIQUE QUALIFICATIONS TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED SUPPLY OR SERVICE. (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY AND COMPLETE) Specific characteristics of the material or service that limit the availability to a sole source (unique features, function of the item, etc.). Describe in detail why only this suggested source can furnish the requirements to the exclusion of other sources. NAC contract vehicle V797H-17-D-0022 is provided for the purpose to expedite service requirements on Philips High Tech Medical Equipment. Philips is the only the only provider found capable to perform the standard of coverage required by OEM and the Boston VAMC. The OEM has the ability to provide remote service to the equipment and are approved by Clinical Engineering. A patent, copyright or proprietary data limits competition. The proprietary data is: (If FAR 8.405-6(a)(2)iii before posting. Do not include specific proprietary data. Only mention the type of equipment, procedure, etc. to show that proprietary supplies or services are being procured.) Philips is the manufacturer of the equipment to be serviced and has limited sole proprietary of the required services. The services do have to be performed by a certified Philips technician. Philips does not authorize third parties to subcontract their services. This equipment is extremely specialized and highly technical in nature and should only be performed by individuals affiliated with Philips. Any equipment other than OEM shall not be used on the equipment because it may pose unnecessary risk to patient care. These are direct replacements parts/components for existing equipment. OFOC SOP Revision 05 Original Date: 03/22/11 Revision 05 Date: 05/02/2016 1BHF 2 PG 5 Chapter VI: Other Than Full and Open Competition (OFOC) SOP Attachment 2: Request for Limited Sources Justification Format >$150K Revision 05 Date: 05/02/2016 The material/service must be compatible in all aspects (form, fit and function) with existing systems presently installed/performing. Describe the equipment/function you have now and how the new item/service must coordinate, connect, or interface with the existing system. All parts associated with the equipment to be serviced must be OEM or certified by the manufacturer. The new work is a logical follow-on to an original Federal Supply Schedule order provided that the original order was placed in accordance with the applicable Federal Supply Schedule ordering procedures. The original order must not have been previously issued under sole source or limited source procedures. An urgent and compelling need exists, and following the ordering procedures would result in unacceptable delays. DESCRIBE WHY YOU BELIEVE THE ORDER REPRESENTS THE BEST VALUE CONSISTENT WITH FAR 8.4 TO AID THE CONTRACTING OFFICER IN MAKING THIS BEST VALUE DETERMINATION: $997,948.83 $112,906.83 $997,948.83 The National Acquisition Center has already been determined fair and reasonable. Procurement is consistent with prior year pricing at per year referencing Task Order VA241-16-F-2070. Philips has provided the government with a comparable amount for FY17 with additional components making up the difference. DESCRIBE THE MARKET RESEARCH CONDUCTED AMONG SCHEDULE HOLDERS AND THE RESULTS OR A STATEMENT OF THE REASON MARKET RESEARCH WAS NOT CONDUCTED: Market Research was done to ensure that there are no SDVOSB' or VOSB's capable of performing these services. This research was done by posting a RFI on FBO. Further market was not done because a memo dated August 23,2016 reinstated the NAC as a Mandatory Source. Market Conditions have not changed when considering risk as it relates to third party services. ANY OTHER FACTS SUPPORTING THE JUSTIFICATION: Far 8.405-6 {B} Only one source is capable of providing the supplies or services required at the level of quality required because the supplies or services are unique or highly specialized is the Basis of my minimum requirement in order to be certified by ACR and other regulating agencies findings. OFOC SOP Revision 05 Original Date: 03/22/11 1BHF 3 PG 5 OFOC SOP Revision 05 Original Date: 03/22/11 Revision 05 Date: 05/02/2016 1BHF 4 PG 5 A STATEMENT OF THE ACTIONS, IF ANY, THE AGENCY MAY TAKE TO REMOVE OR OVERCOME ANY BARRIERS THAT LED TO THE RESTRICTED CONSIDERATION BEFORE ANY SUBSEQUENT ACQUISITION FOR THE SUPPLIES OR SERVICES IS MADE: The Ageny shall do a risk analysis to determine risk considering going to other than OEM. The equipment is highly technical and the interested parties must be able to self perform a measurable amount of the service. REQUIREMENTS CERTIFICATION: I certify that the requirement outlined in this justification is a Bona Fide Need of the Department of Veterans Affairs and that the supporting data under my cognizance, which are included in the justification, are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that processing of this limited sources justification restricts consideration of Federal Supply Schedule contractors to fewer than the number required by FAR Subpart 8.4. (This signature is the requestor s supervisor, fund control point official, chief of service or someone with responsibility and accountability.) LISA M. BRADLEY Digitally signed by LISA M. BRADLEY 268447 DN: dc=gov, dc=va, o=internal, ou=people, 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=lisa.bradley@va.g 268447 ov, cn=LISA M. BRADLEY 268447 Date: 2017.08.16 13:34:11 -04'00' SIGNATURE DATE 8/16/17 Lisa Bradley -C--h-i-e--f- Supervisory Clinical Engineer Clinical Engineering NAME TITLE SERVICE LINE/SECTION Boston VA Healthcare System FACILITY APPROVALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH FAR 8.405-6(d): a. CONTRACTING OFFICER S CERTIFICATION (required): I certify that the foregoing justification is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Stacy S. Dion 684244 Digitally signed by Stacy S. Dion 684244 DN: dc=gov, dc=va, o=internal, ou=people, 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=stacy.dion@va. gov, cn=Stacy S. Dion 684244 Date: 2017.08.16 14:15:08 -04'00' 8/16/17 CONTRACTING OFFICER/DESIGNEE S SIGNATURE Stacy Dion / Contracting Officer NAME AND TITLE DATE WRJ VAMC FACILITY OFOC SOP Revision 05 Original Date: 03/22/11 Revision 05 Date: 05/02/2016 1BHF 5 PG 5 Services Team Supervisor: I certify that the foregoing justification is accurate and complete to the Paul E Marvin best of my knowledge and belief. Digitally signed by Paul E Marvin 916912 DN: dc=gov, dc=va, o=internal, ou=people, S9IGN1AT6URE912 Paul Marvin Services Team Supervisor 0.9.2342.19200300.100D.1A.1T=Epaul.marv, cn=Paul E Marvin 916912 Date: 2017.08.16 14:05:40 -04'00' Director of Contracting/DESIGNEE: I certify that the foregoing justification is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. MICHAEL R. CORRIVEAULT 223457 Digitally signed by MICHAEL R. CORRIVEAULT 223457 DN: dc=gov, dc=va, o=internal, ou=people, 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=michael.corrive, cn=MICHAEL R. CORRIVEAULT 223457 Date: 2017.08.21 09:44:07 -04'00' 8/21/2017 DATE FORJacobs, Gerald Michael Corriveault, DDoC NCO 1 Director of Contracting HIGHER LEVEL APPROVAL (Required For orders over $700,000): VHA SAO HCA REVIEW AND APPROVAL (over $700,000 to $13.5 million): I have reviewed the foregoing justification and find it to be complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief and approve for restricting consideration of the Federal Supply Schedule contractors to fewer than the number required by FAR Subpart 8.4 Digitally signed by JOSEPH MALETTA JOSEPH MALETTA 1347841 1347841 DN: dc=gov, dc=va, o=internal, ou=people, 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=joseph.maletta@, cn=JOSEPH MALETTA 1347841 Date: 2017.08.23 08:37:37 -04'00' 8/23/2017 Maletta, Joseph DATE VHA Head of Contracting Activity (HCA)
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- Document(s)
- Attachment
- File Name: VA797H-17-D-0022 VA241-17-F-2175 VA797H-17-D-0022 VA241-17-F-2175_1.docx (
- Link:
- File Name: VA797H-17-D-0022 VA241-17-F-2175 Philips LSJ FY 18.pdf (
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- Note: If links are broken, refer to Point of Contact above or contact the FBO Help Desk at 877-472-3779.
- File Name: VA797H-17-D-0022 VA241-17-F-2175 VA797H-17-D-0022 VA241-17-F-2175_1.docx (
- Record
- SN04720147-W 20171025/171023230759-d711da55582d857c491a9ade4c25f8e4 (
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