C -- A-E Services IDIQ - RFI #4, Q & A
- Notice Date
- 2/13/2018
- Notice Type
- Modification/Amendment
- 541330
— Engineering Services
- Contracting Office
- Department of the Air Force, Air Combat Command, 55 CONS, 101 Washington Sq Bldg 40, Offutt AFB, Nebraska, 68113-2107, United States
- ZIP Code
- 68113-2107
- Solicitation Number
- FA4600-18-R-AE01
- Archive Date
- 3/15/2018
- Point of Contact
- MARIANN GALE PETIT, Phone: 4022946005, Lucas M. Thomas, Phone: 402-232-5993
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- Total Small Business
- Description
- RFI #4, Questions & Answers Offutt AFB Architect-Engineering (A-E) IDIQ Synopsis DESCRIPTION & CONTRACT INFORMATION: The 55th Wing at Offutt AFB, Nebraska has a requirement for an Architect-Engineer (A-E) Services contract and contemplates awarding Two firm-fixed price (FFP), Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract where the work will be required on an "as-needed" basis. Potential projects will require Architectural and Engineering (A-E) Services for the design and investigation of construction projects on Offutt AFB and off-site facilities in the eastern Nebraska area. Additional services to be available under this contract on an "as needed" basis include: mechanical, electrical, fire protection, communication engineering, interior design, civil, structural, and environmental engineering. The A-E shall perform all services specifically defined in the Statement of Work (SOW) for each delivery order awarded under this contract. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: The ordering period is expected to be (5) Five Years with no option to extend. DOLLAR VALUE: The IDIQ will have a not to exceed monetary limit of $4,950,000. The value of individual Tasks Orders range in value from $1,000 to $4,950,000.00. Historical total volume has ranged from $1,000,000.00 to $3,000,000.00 for the life of the contract. The project(s) under the IDIQ may include award of multiple task orders and require work on multiple task orders at the same time. No contract for construction of any project shall be awarded to the firm, subsidiaries, or affiliates that designed the project. Prior to contract award, the selected firm must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) at Failure to register may render the firm ineligible for award. If already registered, ensure representations and certifications in SAM are current. This announcement is set aside 100% for Small Business participation. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this acquisition is 541330. SCOPE OF SERVICES: An Architectural and/or Engineering firm shall be the prime consultant for this contract. A professional Engineer, licensed in the State of Nebraska, shall stamp all Engineering drawings. A professional Architect, licensed in the State of Nebraska, shall stamp all Architectural drawings. Title I (Type A) Investigative and Analysis services may include studies, reports, design analysis, constructability and peer reviews, surveys, and cost estimates. The selected A-E will need to become familiar with Offutt AFB facility design, antiterrorism, and CAD Standards; as well as other Government codes that may be required for selective projects. Title I (Type B) Design services (not to exceed 6% of the estimated construction cost) may be required for programming, comprehensive planning, area development, design of new facilities; or the renovation, repair, and maintenance of residential, commercial, and industrial facilities; including building renovations and new building construction. Design services may include preliminary conceptual sketches; presentation drawings; final construction drawings. AutoCAD 2013 (or the latest version) drawings; specifications written in the Construction Specification Institute (CSI) format; economic analysis, construction cost and time estimates; engineering calculations, logs; and study reports. Projects may include various combinations of architectural, landscape architecture, structural, civil, geotechnical, mechanical, electrical, environmental and other engineering and technical disciplines. Title II (Type C) Services may be required for the supervision, inspections, review of submittals, responses to RFI's (Request for Information), implementation of change orders which could involve cost estimates, specifications, justifications, along with revised drawings for any construction projects. SELECTION CRITERIA: Selection of the firm will be in accordance with FAR 36.602, Selection of firms for A-E contracts whereby discussions will be held with at least three (3) of the most highly qualified firms. Upon completion of the selection process, negotiations will be conducted to establish desired A-E discipline's hourly rates, direct, indirect, and general and administrative overhead rates, profit and other cost elements. Order of importance : There are four (4) primary evaluation factors and two (2) secondary factors for this solicitation. Factors 1 through 4 are considered equal in importance. Factors 5 and 6 are in order of importance and are of lesser importance compared to Factors 1 through 4, and will be applied to the most highly qualified firms. The criteria will be applied as follows: Primary Selection Criteria: Criterion 1 - Professional Qualifications and Experience Criterion 2 - Specialized Experience and Technical Competence Criterion 3 - Past Performance Criterion 4 - Computer Aided Drafting and Design Capability Secondary Selection Criteria: Criterion 5 - Location Criterion 6 - Average Volume of Federal Work (Tie Breaker) CRITERION 1, PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE (1) Professional qualifications necessary for satisfactory performance of required services. Evaluation will consider key personnel of the primary firm and consultants to be used in this contract in terms of: SF 330, Part 1, Section E: •a) professional registration; •b) education, training, relevant experience; •c) awards, professional activities, and longevity with the firm; •d) other relevant certifications. •e) The availability of an adequate number of personnel in the key discipline shall be presented to ensure that the firm can meet the potential of working on multiple task orders. Rating Description Highly Qualified (HQ) 1. The A-E Firm has a separate in-house staff for each of the primary disciplines. 2. The A-E Team includes at least one individual (Architect, Civil Engineer, Structural Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, and Electrical Engineer) registered to practice with at least 10 years of demonstrated professional experience and an engineering and/or architect degree recognized by accredited U.S. Education Institutions. 3. Persons in charge of the services, performing independent checking of documents and field work, and signing documents, must have an engineering and/or architect degree recognized by accredited U.S. Education Institutions and demonstrated experience in the specific field, and on similar projects to those in the task order. Qualified (Q) 1. The A-E team must include at least one individual (Architect, Civil Engineer, Structural Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, and Electrical Engineer) registered to practice in the professional field involved with at least 5 years each of demonstrated professional experience. 2. Persons in charge of the services, performing independent checking of documents and field work, and signing documents, must have an engineering and/or architect degree recognized by accredited U.S. Education Institutions and demonstrated experience in the specific field, and on similar projects to those in the task order. Unqualified (U) The A-E Team does not have the qualifications listed under "Qualified". Unqualified A-E Team will be ineligible for contract award. Within the Highly Qualified rating, firms will be ranked based on the highest qualifications listed under this factor. Submission Requirements: Provide brief resumes of Key Personnel, including those of each proposed team member who will serve as Project Manager, discipline Designers of Record (DOR) to include Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Structural, and Cost Estimator. The DOR shall perform and direct the design within their respective discipline and shall sign and seal the drawings. All Project Managers and DORs must be professionally registered in their discipline. Provide state of professional licensure/registration and discipline in Block 17 of the resume. Licensing may be verified. CRITERION 2, SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL COMPETENCE (2) Specialized experience and technical competence, SF 330, Part 1, Section F, G, and H, in the type of work required, including, •a) design excellence and quality of work (last five (5) years); •b) breadth and diversity of projects; •c) design strength in Government specific factors e.g., security, anti-terrorism, DoD, Air Force, DoD Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC)/DoD Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS). e.g., demolition projects, nonappropriated funded facilities, office remodeling, renovation of historical facilities, air field lighting, pavement repair and replacement, geothermal heating, communication and cabling knowledge, exterior and interior security design including SCIF, field investigations, surveys, and subsurface investigations, interior design and general engineering/architecture for buildings and offices. •d) illustrate experience with AutoCAD 2013 (or newer); ArcGIS, GPS and other technology to perform professional Architectural design, analysis, and contract documents.; •e) demonstrate design strength in Sustainable Design and/or Environmental Restoration; e.g. LEED certified design experience, energy conservation/efficiency and/or use of alternate energy sources, pollution prevention, waste reduction and use of recovered materials. Ra t i n g D e s cr i p t ion H i g h l y Q ua li f i ed ( HQ ) A f i r m will be c onsid e r e d " H i g h l y Qu a li f i e d " w h e n a f i r m c a n p r ovide six ( 6) d e si g n p r oj ec ts t h a t w e r e e x ec ut e d within the p a st f ive (5) y e ar s, representing similar type of work as noted above. A/E firm shall highlight this work in their presentation and detail how their project would be relevant to this solicitation. Include v ery specific descriptions with experience in security issues and force protection. Q ua l i f i ed ( Q ) A f i r m will be c onsid e r e d " Qu a li f i e d " w h e n a f i r m c a n p r ovide three ( 3) d e si g n p r oj ec ts t h a t w e r e e x ec ut e d within the p a st f ive (5) y e ar s, representing similar type of work as noted above. A/E firm shall highlight this work in their presentation and detail how their project would be relevant to this solicitation. Include v ery specific descriptions with experience in security issues and force protection. U nqua l i f i ed ( U ) A - E T eam does n o t ha v e t he qu a l i f i ca t i o n s l i s t ed u nd er " Q u a l i f i ed". U nqua l i f i ed A - E T eam w il l be i n e l i g i b l e f o r co n t r act a w a r d. Within the Highly Qualified rating, firms will be ranked based on the highest qualifications listed under this factor. S U B M I SS ION R E QU I R E M E N TS : Any additional information needed to fully demonstrate capabilities that are not covered in section F and G shall be submitted in section H and will reference this criterion. CRITERION 3, PAST PERFORMANCE (3) Past performance with Government agencies and private industry and CPARS (Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System) in terms of cost control, quality of work, responsiveness to issues and changes, and compliance with performance schedules (capacity to accomplish the work in the required time), will be evaluated with emphasis on RECENT AND RELEVANT projects submitted on the SF 330s. A firm with no record of past performance information shall be evaluated neither favorably nor unfavorably. •a) past and current customer satisfaction; e.g., overall customer satisfaction, rapport with customer, information sharing, reporting procedures and technology used, meeting design, cost, and schedule goals; •b) performance records, e.g., quality of work as measured over a number of projects completed within/or under budget and within/under schedule: •c) relationship & history of work with proposed consultants, •d) quality, cost, and schedule and control procedures and technology used. •e) any contractor client reference or letter of appreciation will also be accepted Ra t i n g D e s cr i p t ion H i g h l y Q ua li f i ed ( HQ ) A fir m w i l l be c on s i d e r ed t o ha v e " H i g h l y Q ua l i f i ed" Past P e r f o r m ance w hen a f i r m has r e ce i v ed e v a l ua ti ons t h at a v e r a g e abo v e s a t i s f a c t o r y w i t hout any e v a l ua t i ons b e l ow s a t i s f a c t o r y f or t he p r o j e c t s s ub m it t ed und e r C r it e r i on 2. P a s t P er f o r m a n ce e va l u at i ons m u s t be fi n a li z ed. I n t er i m e v a l u a ti o n s w i l l not be c ons i d ere d. Q ua l i f i ed ( Q ) A fir m w i l l be c on s i d e r ed t o ha v e " Q ua l i f i e d " Pa s t P er f o r m ance w hen a f ir m has r ec e i v ed e v a l u a t i ons t h at a v e r a g e s a t i s f a c t o r y w i t h out any e v a l u a t i ons be l ow s a t i s f a c t o r y f o r t h e p r o j e c t s sub m i t t ed u nder C r i t e r i on 2. P a s t P er f o r m a n ce e va l u a t i ons m ust be fi n a li z ed. I n t e r i m eva l u a t i ons w i l l n ot be con s i de r ed. Unqualified (U) A firm will be considered to have "Unqualified" Past Performance when a firm received two or more Marginal ratings for the projects submitted under Criterion 2. An "Unqualified" rating will make the A-E ineligible for a contract award. Past Performance evaluations must be finalized. Interim evaluations will not be considered. Neutral (N) Not Rated. No past performance records are available upon which to base a meaningful per performance risk prediction. This is neither a negative nor positive assessment. Those rated as Neutral will carry the same weight as Qualified (Q). Within the Highly Qualified rating, firms will be ranked based on the highest qualifications listed under this factor. S U B M I SS ION R E QU I R E M E N TS : Section H of SF 330. F or e ac h p r oj ec t p r ovid e d a s e x p e r i e n c e und e r C RITERION 2: a) I f a U. S. fe d e ra l c ont r ac t, p r ovide a c o p y of the Government P erf o r m a n c e Ev a lu a tion. b ) I f n ot a fe d era l c ont rac t, p r ovi d e any performance evaluation that was completed by the facility o f the f i r m th a t w a s a w ar d e d the c ont rac t. I f no e v a lu a tion e x i s ts, so st a t e ; c ) P r ovide ac c e ssible own e r p oints of c ont ac t - n a m e, titl e, a dd re ss, t e l e phone n umb er, a nd e m ail a dd re ss. CRITERION 4, COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING AND DESIGN (4) Computer aided drafting and design capability. The A-E's capability to originate or transfer all drawings compatible with Offutt AFB Autocad 2013 Format. •a) This criterion will consider use of Autocad 2013 and newer versions. Other advanced computer design programs may be considered including illustrations of projects indicating their capability, descriptions or feedback from contractors or customers on the usefulness of advanced designs and impacts on change orders and efficiencies. Ra t i n g D e s cr i p t ion H i g h l y Q ua li f i ed ( HQ ) A fir m w i l l be c on s i d e r ed t o be " H i g h l y Q ua l i f i ed" if they clearly demonstrate at least three (3) years experience using Autocad 2013 or greater. Q ua l i f i ed ( Q ) A fir m w i l l be c on s i d e r ed t o be " Q ua l i f i ed" if they clearly demonstrate at least one (1) year experience using Autocad 2013 or greater. U nqua l i f i ed ( U ) A fir m w i l l be c on s i d e r ed t o be " U nqu a l i f i ed" if they do not demonstrate any or limited experience of using Autocad 2013 or greater. Within the Highly Qualified rating, firms will be ranked based on the highest qualifications listed under this factor. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Section F and H if necessary of SF 330. Clearly indicate if Autocad 2013 or newer was utilized for each project and include any other information on design capabilities. CRITERION 5: LOCATION (5) Location. The current physical address for the primary A-E Firm home office location along with any sub contractors that the A-E Firm intends to utilize as part of their team (architectural, mechanical, electrical, civil and structural engineers) will be considered for this criterion. A-E firms will receive a rating based on their location proximity to the address provided for submissions in this synopsis (Offutt AFB in Bellevue, Nebraska 68113). Application of this criterion will only occur if three (3) or more firms fall into the highly qualified category. Rating Description Highly Qualified (HQ) A firm will be considered "Highly Qualified" if the A-E primary office is within a 60 mile radius, with no more than 2 of the disciplines listed above outside the 60 Mile radius. Qualified (Q) Those not meeting the Highly Qualified above will be considered Qualified. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Provide the current physical address of the primary A-E office to be used for this contract. The SF 330 must clearly indicate the office's address and geographical location. CRITERION 6: AVERAGE VOLUME OF FEDERAL WORK (6) Average annual volume of Federal work in the past 12 months with the objective of effecting an equitable distribution of Government A-E contracts among qualified firms. Firms do not submit data for this criteria. Rating Description Highly Qualified (HQ) A firm will be considered "Highly Qualified" if the volume of work is between $0 -$5,000,000.00. Qualified (Q) A firm will be considered "Qualified" if the volume of work is more than $5,000,000. TIE BREAKER: If there are more than one Highly Qualified firms, they will be ranked by actual amount of Federal work, the least amount being the most qualified. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENT: SF 330 Section II. ADDITIONAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Submit the Standard Form 330, Architect-Engineer Qualifications (Parts I and II) electronically on CD (three (3) CD's), and three (3) bound copies to arrive on or no later than 1200 noon CST on 28 February 2018 to: 55th Contracting Squadron/PKA Attn: Mrs. Gale Petit/TSgt Lucas Thomas 101 Washington Square, Bldg 40 Offutt AFB, NE 68113-2107 NOTE: Any additional information that is required in the selection criteria above, and is not addressed on the SF 330 (Part I or II), must be submitted in Part I, Setion H of the SF 330. Facsimile transmission will not be accepted and will be considered non-responsive. Text for each applicant is limited to 50 pages (front and back is two pages) total for each submittal, exclusive of indexing tabs, project photos or drawings with brief captions. Pages shall be 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches. Part II's and resumes are considered to be part of the 50 pages. All submittals shall be bound. All additional questions shall be submitted in writing to the points of contact below. POINT OF CONTACT: The point of contacts for this Synopsis are: Contract Administrator Mrs. Gale Petit 402-294-6005 Contracting Officer LUCAS M. THOMAS, TSgt, USAF 402-232-5993
- Web Link
- Permalink
- Place of Performance
- Address: Offutt AFB, NE, Bellevue, Nebraska, 68113, United States
- Zip Code: 68113
- Zip Code: 68113
- Record
- SN04821867-W 20180215/180213231815-62ddf95ea95af32665c1a047e7d7cf93 (
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