99 -- Chemical Biological Operational Analysis (CBOA) 2020
- Notice Date
- 2/10/2020 7:37:07 AM
- Notice Type
- Special Notice
- 5417
— Scientific Research and Development ServicesT
- Contracting Office
- ZIP Code
- 22060
- Response Due
- 3/27/2020 2:00:00 PM
- Archive Date
- 08/01/2020
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- Description
- A.������ INTRODUCTION THIS IS A REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) ONLY - This RFI is issued solely for information and planning purposes - it does not constitute a Request for Proposal (RFP) or a promise to issue an RFP in the future. This notice does not constitute a commitment by the United States Government to contract for any supply or service whatsoever. All information submitted in response to this announcement is voluntary; the United States Government will not pay for information requested nor will it compensate any respondent for any cost incurred in developing information provided to the United States Government. Not responding to this RFI does not preclude participation in any future RFP, if any is issued. If a solicitation is released, it will be synopsized on the Beta.SAM.gov, website: https://beta.sam.gov/. It is the responsibility of the potential offerors to monitor this site for additional information pertaining to this requirement. The purpose of this RFI is to gain information leading to Government/Industry partnering to accelerate the development of technologies that will enable the Warfighter to assess, protect and mitigate chemical, biological and radiological threats. B.����� BACKGROUND This RFI intends to identify developmental technologies that are interested in being part of a scenario-based Chemical Biological Operational Analysis (CBOA) event at Ft Carson, CO, 27?31 July 2020. The CBOA is funded by The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Research and Development-Chemical and Biological Warfighter Integration Division (RD?CBW) with the intent of obtaining Warfighter insight on emerging chemical and biological defense technologies, identifying potential areas for improvement, and supporting vulnerability and system limitation analysis of emerging capabilities in contested environments at an operationally relevant venue. This event is conducted with representatives from Government Research and Development (R&D) organizations, academia, and industry. The event provides an opportunity for technology developers to interact with operational personnel and determine how their efforts might support military capability gaps and high priority mission deficiencies. The environment facilitates a collaborative working relationship among participants; supports the identification, assessment, and dissemination of emerging and mature technology information, and accelerates the delivery of capabilities to the Warfighters and those they support. Technology demonstration papers submitted for consideration must identify prototypes (typically Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) 4-6), or a similar representation of the prototype, ready for user assessment that address areas presented within the RFI. After minimal training, the prototypes will be put in the hands of the warfighter to use while conducting realistic missions in adaptive scenarios. Technology developers will receive feedback directly from warfighters and a summary report of their findings. They will be unable to accompany the warfighter during their scenarios. (DoD TRL definitions: http://acqnotes.com/acqnote/tasks/technology-readiness-level). While aligning with the mission objectives, Force Modernization capabilities sought are categorized as follows: Real Time Understanding (Assess): Create a functionally integrated framework that enables commanders to achieve a level of understanding early enough to make informed risk-based decisions to protect the force while retaining freedom of action in a Chemical Biological and radiological (CBR) environment. The force requires: Integration of CBR information requirements into a commander's intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) collection plan. Integration of CBR centric sensing and detection capability with �all-source� information receptors and collectors. The capability to assess and analyze information from ISR sources to establish knowledge of CBR threats and hazards in the Operational Environment (OE). Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) tools that help commanders and their staffs determine threat patterns of behavior and operations that typically precede CBR use. The capability to analyze and integrate decision support products into the commander's decision cycle to provide risk based, real time understanding of the complex CBR environment, providing an advantage against our adversary. Inherent Survivability (Protect): Enabled with integrated protection individually and collectively, the force conducts multi-domain combat operations without degradation in a CBR environment. The force requires: Integration of physiological monitoring with personal protection equipment and military working dogs to protect from and monitor the effect of all CBR hazards without physical degradation or loss of combat effectiveness. Adaptive Collective Protection (COLPRO) that allows command and control and medical activities to sustain operations without individual protective equipment (IPE) in a CBR environment. Vaccine delivery systems to protect the force from known CBR hazards to reduce reliance on IPE and COLPRO. Flexible and adaptable protection options against biological agents, leveraging an understanding of the OE and atmospheric conditions. Material alternative across the range of military operations that shield, repel, absorb, strip, trap, and/or otherwise neutralize or facilitate removal of contaminants from organizational equipment and supplies while reducing hazards to personnel. Negate Hazard Effects (Mitigate): Provide commanders the flexibility to make and implement risk-based informed decisions on the mitigation of residual CBR contamination without reduction of combat power or unnecessary expenditure of time and resources. The force requires: Organic/crew level mitigation capability that allows first line leaders to assess and mitigate contamination, focused on reducing risk to their squads and crews decreasing reliance on CBR protective posture. Automated and waterless mitigation capability to reduce logistical burden and increase responsiveness.� Forward diagnostic capability coupled with therapies applications to reduce reliance on specialized medical enablers and maintain combat power forward. Rapid reconstitution of CB contaminated unit and individual equipment in forward area(s) Note: Commercial off the shelf (COTS) unmanned aerial vehicles (uAV) require an exception to policy (ETP) in order for the system to be flown at Ft Carson, CO. uAV systems selected for participation will be included in the ETP but waiver approval is not guaranteed. If selected for participation and ETP is not approved, other accommodations may be available on a case by case basis to include other assessments methodologies or securing a prototype sensor to an approved uAV platform. TIMELINE The key milestones for CBOA 2020 Technology Selection are outlined below. All dates are tentative: 27 March 2020: Technology submissions deadline 5-7 May 2020:� Table Top Exercise to support technology down-select 25 May 2020: Technology selections released 27-31 July 2020: Execution of event (Ft Carson, CO) C.����� INTENT CBOA 20 will be oriented upon building and maintaining operational readiness for combat operations against a technology enabled adversary.� The DTRA RD-CBW in collaboration with Army, Marines, Air Force, and Special Operations Command (Army Special Operations Forces [SOF]), will assess capabilities at the tactical level (Small Unit Tactical Operations) designed to address, at a minimum, �the following topics and capability attributes within the CBR mission objectives: 1.� Movement and Maneuver - General Purpose Forces moving (Vehicle mounted - remote detection at speed/Dismounted) into a Sensitive Site Assessment/Sensitive Site Exploitation/Disablement scenario. Capabilities should answer any of the following: How does the Force know it's under a CBR attack? How does the Force protect itself from CBR attack? How does the Force provide cueing capability at distance, increase reach and survivability, and allows interrogation by discrete, mobile, autonomous/semi-autonomous sensors? How does the Force enhance Command and Control independently? How does the Force protect Sustainment hubs/ capabilities in a CBR environment? How do we give an area commander persistent understanding of the hazards in his operational environment, across all the domains (air, land, maritime, space, and cyberspace)? Related to Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), how do we give an area commander the ability to see and understand the operational environment with enough fidelity to enable proactive decisions that enable survivability and maintain combat power, and our freedom of movement to go where units want to go when units want to go prior to a WMD attack? How do first line leaders assess and mitigate contamination at the lowest level with organic/crew level mitigation capability(ies), focused on reducing risk to their squads, teams, and crews without reliance on CBR enablers? How do the Services conduct automated and waterless mitigation to reduce logistical burden and increase responsiveness of CBR enablers? 2.� Named Area of Interest (NAI) - Uniform Personnel entering or securing a site with possible contamination or holding a site where a threat is coming. Capabilities should answer any of the following: How does the force clear a site with known contamination? How does the Force conduct autonomous/semi-autonomous mitigation capability(ies) to expeditiously reduce contamination on fixed sites and key terrain to ensure freedom of movement? How do we give an area commander persistent understanding of the hazards in his operational environment, across all the domains (air, land, maritime, space, and cyberspace)? Related to WMD (CBR), how do we give an area commander the ability to see and understand the operational environment with enough fidelity to enable proactive decisions that enable survivability and maintain combat power, and freedom of movement to go where units want to go when units want to go prior to a WMD attack? 3.� Point Exploitation with Chemical & Biological Lab � Service Members entering secured site with CBR laboratory to conduct deliberate assessment and exploitation. Capabilities should answer any of the following: Related to WMD (CBR), how do we give an area commander the ability to see and understand the operational environment with enough fidelity to enable proactive decisions that enable survivability and maintain combat power, and freedom of movement to go where units want to go when units want to go prior to a WMD attack? How do we identify possible hazards; sample hazardous materials and safely transport samples to the next higher level of identification laboratory for further testing; provide guidance on site exploitation and the skill sets needed (for example engineers, explosive experts, CBR experts, CBR trained medical providers, etc.) and mitigation strategies to the Commander for CBR? Participate in the establishment of an initial exclusion zone if required to support the area. Conduct decontamination for personnel, sensitive equipment and others. 4.� Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Unmanned Ground Vehicles (uAV/uGV) CBR Operations. Capabilities should address any of the following needs: Autonomous Operations/Mapping Multiple NAI screening Onboard CBR Sensors CBR Sensors � emplaced/recovered/expendable/3D printable replacements or replacement parts Autonomous environmental sampling and recovery Extended Operations (hot swap components) Contamination Indicator Network compatible with all Service communications platforms Post uAV/uGV CBR Restoration Operations Sacrificial Coatings Physical Coverings (CBR Protection/Signature Management) Service Member Workload Reduction Physical Man/Machine Collaboration (e.g. sensor array) Cognitive Wizard/Decision Support (e.g. situational recommendations) Additive Capabilities Monitoring Multifunction-mode Sensors (e.g. things that Service Members can�t do or don�t do well) Maintenance Monitoring 5. Military Working Dog (MWD). �Capabilities should address any of the following needs: CBR/toxic industrial material hazard and ballistic protection for either ocular (eye), respiratory, auricular (ear), paws, or whole dog or combination such as ocular and respiratory Physiological status monitoring to include at a minimum MWD�s temperature with notification display on collar or data transmitted to wearable device on the handler, allows parameters to be set for the individual MWD Decontamination for MWD such as waterless or low water Easily decontaminated MWD equipment such as collars; leashes; use of strippable coatings that are non-toxic or inert if the MWD should lick, chew, inhale, or ingest a piece of the strippable coating MWD wearable cooling system Mobile MWD test and evaluation platforms and associated computer applications Mobile MWD team (1 MWD and 1 handler) test and evaluation platforms and associated computer applications MWD handler synthetic training environments MWD team synthetic training environments MWD training aids such as scent training aids Sensors for heavier than air gases (NH3, CO, CO2, H2SO4, etc.) that affect the MWDs olfactory system capability at the level of the MWD with capability to alert handler of MWD�s level of exposure 6. Training and Education. Capabilities should address any of the following needs: Training tool to assist personnel conducting Maintenance while in IPE/personal protective equipment (PPE) Training tool to assist personnel in handling CBR Logistics for all classes of supply Training tool to support Sustained Operator Training of CBR technologies Operational Decision Support for commanders and staffs such as decision trees and quick reference guides Training tool to assist personnel caring for highly infectious patients on proper donning/doffing IPE/PPE, how to appropriately dispose of waste, etc... Training tools for medical personnel to conduct treatment of conventional injury and CBR patients in CBR environment Synthetic training environments to perform first aid and buddy aid in full IPE/PPE in CBR environment 7. CBR Medical. Capabilities should address any of the following needs: Ability to provide diagnostic level testing for suspected or known highly contagious patients. Ability to rapidly process and test for highly infectious pathogens/CBR in far-forward CBR environments without the need for environmentally controlled and/or ""clean"" environment, need smaller footprint /non-lab and non-medical personnel (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments Waived) Ability to effectively manage and dispose of Category A hazardous waste (Ebola type patients generate significant volumes of waste/day). Mobile patient decontamination (lighter, leaner, more agile capability, less or no water to include whole body, wound, and ocular decontamination).� Current system is big and not easily transported. Modernize medical information management, information technology and equipment capacity to ensure real-time disease surveillance data (human and animal) and information sharing capability. Ability to take patients vital signs while still in IPE/PPE (medical equipment designed to be used while patient is still in IPE/PPE and medical provider is in IPE/PPE) or patient is in chemical patient protective warp or patient isolation unit (biological) Protection of medical supplies in a CBR/contested environment at medical treatment facilities Modernized medical filtration equipment and shelters to function in the CBR environments greater than 72 hours Deployable CBR sensors to detect/report threats at expeditionary locations to include direct reporting to command surgeon/surgeon�s cell and all Roles of Care in the operational environment as well as to intelligence, command staffs, force health protection assets, and CBR assets in operational environment 8.� Other.� Submission of technology prototypes enabling capabilities that advance the mission of DTRA RD-CB by anticipating, defending and safeguarding against CBR threats for the Warfighter but that are not necessarily defined by the above topics areas are also encouraged.� All innovative solutions that can be applied to make the use of chemical and biological weapons against our forces ineffective in future battles will be considered.���� D.� � � ELGIBLE SOURCES Technology demonstration papers submitted for this RFI will be considered from the following U.S. and Foreign Enterprises: Industrial/commercial entities including small businesses. Accredited Degree granting colleges and universities. Not-for-profit organizations. Other Non-U.S. sources. DoD-sponsored Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) specified in DFARS 235.017- 1. University Affiliated Research Centers (UARCs), provided that it is permitted by the UARC's DoD sponsor. E.����� SECURITY REQUIREMENTS The submittal process under this RFI is intended to be as streamlined as possible in order to allow the Government to leverage technology solutions capable of meeting urgent warfighter needs. Respondents should not submit classified information in the technology demonstration papers and International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) restrictions should be clearly listed. F.� � � SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS The Respondent shall complete and submit both the attached Input Planning Form and Quad chart in order to be considered for participation in this event.� Consider the following when completing the forms: Title your Quad Chart and Input Planning Form with the name of your technology. This is the name the Unique Mission Cell (UMC) will use throughout the event. Be sure to add names and email addresses of any individuals who should be contacted for event preparation and post-event with questions and reports. Do not include any classified or propriety information on the Input Planning Form or Quad chart. Please leave the Quad Chart in PowerPoint format.� The Input Planning Form may be submitted in PDF or Microsoft Word (6.0 or greater) format. If you are submitting more than one technology, you must submit both a Quad Chart and a Input Planning Form for each technology. You may attach additional white papers, documentation, etc., but at a minimum you must submit BOTH the Quad Chart AND the Input Planning Form in order to be considered for attendance Please submit Input Planning Form, Quad chart and other supplemental information to:� dtra.belvoir.rd.mbx.rd-cbw-submissions@mail.mil no later than 5:00 PM EST on Friday, 27 March 2020 Information and materials submitted in response to this RFI WILL NOT be returned. You will receive an email verifying your submission was received. Each submission must address only one capability. However, multiple submissions addressing different capabilities may be submitted. The Input Planning Form and Quad chart submissions will be reviewed by Government Personnel and contractors on contracts that directly support the Government. �Supplemental information will be reviewed as needed. Each technology submission must address only the CBOA 20 event. Selected Respondents will be invited to participate in the CBOA experiment by May 25, 2020. CBOA will provide venues, supporting infrastructure, and assessment (operational and technical) personnel at no cost to the selected respondent. The respondent's travel and shipping will be at the respondent's expense. The Government will provide no funding or reimbursement to respondents as part of this RFI and/or CBOA.� Questions regarding the RFI, Input Planning Forms or Quad charts for CBOA 20 should be directed to the CBOA 20 mailbox: dtra.belvoir.rd.mbx.rd-cbw-submissions@mail.mil� G.� � � BASIS FOR SELECTION TO PARTICIPATE Selection of Respondents to participate will be based on the extent to which the technology represents a particular class or level of capability that can be provided to the warfighter. Other considerations include but not limited to the following: Relevance of or adaptability to military operations/missions Relevance to current and future operational needs Breadth of application Technical maturity Integration into a Common Operating Picture if applicable Selected and Non-Selected Respondents will be notified in writing based on the timeline in section B. H.� � � ADDITIONAL INFORMATION All Respondents shall clearly identify and mark in writing all proprietary information provided on all supplemental documents. Technical lessons learned by CBOA may be broadly disseminated within the Government and Government support contractors. Respondents must provide information that clearly asserts rights in technical data if developed exclusively or partially at private expense in order to claim any restrictions. Developed exclusively at private expense means development was accomplished entirely with costs charged to indirect cost pools, cost not allocated to a government contract, or any combination thereof. Identification of the data or software must have enough specificity to support the respondent's assertion is important for the parties to avoid misunderstanding during the information gathering assessment activities. I.� � � USE OF INFORMATION The purpose of this notice is to gain information on possible Government/Industry collaboration for development of CBR technologies and capabilities, and to accelerate the delivery of these capabilities to the warfighter. All proprietary information contained in the response shall be separately identified and marked. Any proprietary information contained in response to this request will be properly protected from any unauthorized disclosure. The Government does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this RFI Notice or to otherwise pay for the information solicited. J.� � � POINTS OF CONTACT Questions on the objectives or preparation of technical demonstration papers should be addressed to: dtra.belvoir.rd.mbx.rd-cbw-submissions@mail.mil, and the Subject Line must be titled: QUESTION(s) for CBOA.
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