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99 -- Source Sought Notice: DFSP Norwalk �Environmental Remediation Services

Notice Date
7/31/2020 10:31:20 AM
Notice Type
Sources Sought
562910 — Remediation Services
Contracting Office
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
8/3/2020 10:00:00 AM
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Clare Sanchez, Phone: 5717674373, Rhoji Fernandez, Phone: 5717678555
E-Mail Address
Clare.Sanchez@DLA.mil, Rhoji.Fernandez@DLA.mil
(Clare.Sanchez@DLA.mil, Rhoji.Fernandez@DLA.mil)
Source Sought Notice:� DFSP Norwalk �Environmental Remediation Services. In accordance with FAR 6.302-1(d) and FAR 5.201, the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Energy, Bulk Petroleum Supply Chain Services, Environmental Services Branch (FESDA) is posting this sources sought notice. FESDA is considering award of a sole source fixed-price modification to the Source Group, Inc. for environmental remediation services at Defense Fuel Support Point (DFSP) Norwalk in California and the anticipated period of performance for the tasks listed below is two months (1 Sep 2020 through 31 Oct 2020). This notice is for market research purposes� and all responsible sources are encouraged to submit a capability statement�in writing to Clare.Sanchez@dla.mil which shall be considered by the agency. No solicitation is being issued at this time.�Capability statements shall not exceed 5 pages and must include information sufficient to enable the Government to make a determination that an equivalent service exists which would meet the Government's needs as stated herein. Any information submitted in response to this notice is voluntary. The Government will not pay for any information submitted in response to this notice. Contractor responsibilities include: TASK 1: Remedial Systems Operation and Maintenance Operate and maintain the current active and passive remediation systems, including soil vapor extraction, groundwater extraction, biosparging, absorbent sock installation for passive recovery of light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL), and total fluids extraction at the DFSP Norwalk site. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) tasks will include performing routine maintenance, including replacement of bag filters, scheduled cleaning of air filters, ensuring that system pumps, blowers, and other equipment operates in accordance with manufacturer�s requirements, cleaning of oil/water separators, product recovery tanks, settling tanks, and other in-line equipment. O&M will also include changing of oil in air compressors, greasing of pumps, and calling in contract service warranty visits. Collect samples of air and water waste streams in accordance with applicable permits. Conduct manual and automated light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) removal. Properly dispose of recovered LNAPL and absorbent materials in accordance with applicable regulations. Collect samples of the influent and effluent wastewater and test for polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS). Laboratory testing of PFAS compounds shall be performed utilizing using Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) in accordance with USEPA Methond 537 Modified and Department of Defense Quality Systems Manual (QSM) version 5.1 or later. Reporting limits will follow the QSM ver. 5.1, or later, and the Environmental Protection Agency�s (EPA) health advisory which limits the combined concentrations of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluoro-octanesulfonate (PFOS), to 0.070 micrograms per liter in groundwater. In the event that PFAS compounds are identified at concentrations exceeding the EPA health advisory limit, the Contractor shall not release the wastewater until PFAS compounds can be removed or treated. As part of the O&M task, project engineers and geologists shall review operating data and to assist in troubleshooting of system components and ensuring maximum system effectiveness and run time while maintaining compliance with all permit requirements. Contractor shall conduct weed abatement during the period of performance, including: trimming and collecting weeds that grow throughout the interior of the DLA-responsible area of the 36-acre facility and weed abatement on the exterior-facing portions of the site. Contractor shall maintain and pay for permits to ensure the on-going operation of the soil vapor extraction system; this includes but is not limited to the South Coast Air Quality Management Agency and Los Angeles County Sanitation District with associated fees. This task will include preparation and distribution of quarterly reporting and annual reports, as required, by: the Los Angeles County Sanitation District for the pending �Special Purpose Discharge Permit�; Water Replenishment District of Southern California, Non-Consumptive Water Use Permit�; South Coast Air Quality Management district permit, and Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (LARWQCB) directives. Contractor shall arrange for a third-party electric services consumption and billing assessment. This task includes all daily, weekly, and monthly operations and maintenance, sample collection, database maintenance, as well as permit compliance tasks. TASK 2: Environmental Compliance Support Assist in daily, weekly, and monthly compliance inspections, as requested; assist with audits and regulatory inspections; provide support for Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health Management System, if applicable; and archive records. Storm Water; review and update the current Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP); maintain Compliance with the current General Construction Permit requirements including: storm water monitoring and reporting; storm water inspections; storm water reporting; and BMP implementation and maintenance. This task will involve the following activities: 1. CUPA Reporting under California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) a. Track, process, and pay regulatory permit invoices including the following: Los Angeles County Fire Department CUPA; Consolidated Permit for Hazardous Waste Generator and Hazardous Material Storage, and APSA (AST Compliance) Programs; b. Provide updates to the Facility�s Business Emergency Plan and hazardous waste and material inventories through the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS). c. Updates to be provided as needed but at least once per year; and prepare and submit to CERS an Annual Business Emergency Plan and gathering data for the annual Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) inventory. 2. Hazardous Waste Management � Based on waste volumes generated, update the hazardous waste generator status to large quantity generator (LQG). If LQG status is deemed applicable to the site, LQG requirements must be met including: Preparing a Hazardous Waste Management Plan; Waste tracking to ensure accumulation times are being met; Biennial Reports must be prepared and submitted to the DTSC; Proper hazardous waste storage areas and satellite accumulation areas; Provide annual hazardous waste training; Pay fees for the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration for the Hazardous Waste Generator Fee Return; and Prepare the EPA Verification questionnaire and provide payment. Tracking, coordination, and recordkeeping of hazardous waste profiles and hazardous waste manifests to DTSC and other agencies as necessary; Conduct required hazardous waste and hazardous materials inspections; and manage, track, and coordinate the disposal of universal waste. 3. Aboveground Storage Tank Compliance and Spill Prevention. Prepare, maintain, and update as needed a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan for all aboveground storage tanks 55 gallons or greater; Conduct SPCC Training; Prepare a training matrix to ensure required regulatory training is developed and presented on time; Perform an review of the SPCC Plan; Perform an inspection and inventory of spill response equipment, and update the documentation in the SPCC Plan; Perform monthly SPCC Inspections; Provide� spill response training; Be present in the event of a spill response (including after-hours spill responses); and provide prepare and submit the appropriate regulatory spill response notifications, as necessary. 4. Pest Management. Maintain Pest Management database; Assist in the collection of pesticide use and tracking information; Provide pest management information for� reporting to DLA headquarters. 5. Air Quality. Track Site�s air quality permits not associated with remediation systems (discussed in Task 1) including renewal dates, fees, and permit conditions; and prepare and submit South Coast Air Quality Management District Air Emissions Reports. 6. Storm Water. Review and update the current Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and maintain compliance with the current General Construction Permit requirements including: Storm water monitoring and reporting; Storm water inspections;� storm water reporting; and BMP implementation and maintenance. 7. Dust Control Apply soil binding agent to unpaved areas of the site to minimize airborne dust produced by seasonal wind storms. Treat 36-acre parcel one time prior to the start of seasonal wind storms. Contractor shall apply water for dust control to the same parcel as needed. TASK 3: DFSP Norwalk Utility and Invoice Processing Utilities to be paid include but are not limited to water, electricity, natural gas, and sewer. TASK 4: DFSP Norwalk RAB Support Implement and manage the Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) process including but not limited to: 1. Providing all documents to the Norwalk County Library, uploading documents to the Norwalk RAB website and RWQCB GeoTracker website; 2. Manage the RAB website. 3. Manage and implement semi-annual RAB meetings, including but not limited to publishing notices in two newspapers, making room and equipment arrangements, drafting and circulating the agenda, preparing minutes, etc. 4. Prepare and circulate a Fact Sheet/Community Newsletter to residents in a one-mile radius of the site (approximately 11,000). 5. Receive & prepare responses to public comments. 6. Attend and participate at the RAB meetings, including presenting the results of recent site activities. The Contractor shall provide hard copies of all final documents that are prepared for the DFSP Norwalk site to the Norwalk County Library for inclusion in the Document Depository and electronic copies (PDF) copies shall be uploaded to the Norwalk RAB website and Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board�s (RWQCB) GeoTracker website. Documents will include, but not be limited to, all quarterly system reports, semiannual groundwater monitoring reports, progress reports, work plans, compliance reports and monitoring data, and investigation reports. The Contractor shall maintain a record of all documents that have been prepared, including author/responsible party and the date when the report was provided to the Library or uploaded to the website. TASK 5: DFSP Norwalk Groundwater Sampling & Reporting. Conduct sampling events per the Groundwater Monitoring Plan. This task includes monitoring and gauging the water and product levels in all on-site and off-site wells that comprise DLA�s network, totaling approximately 85 wells. Monitoring shall include liquid level measurement for groundwater and when present, free product. Approximately 60 of the 85 wells monitored will be sampled with analysis of water samples for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), fuel oxygenates, and gasoline range organic compounds (TPHg) by EPA Method 8260, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), as jet fuel number 5 (JP5), by EPA Method 8015M. Purge water generated during the sampling of groundwater monitoring wells shall be containerized and transported to the groundwater extraction and treatment system for disposal. Prepare & submit Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling Report for the fall groundwater monitoring and sampling event at DFSP Norwalk. The report will include and integrate data provided by Kinder Morgan Energy Partners (KMEP). A Draft copy of the Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling report will be provided to KMEP�s consultant for review and comment. Upon receipt of comments provided by KMEP, the Contractor shall revise the report and provide the Draft to DM-FEE for review and comment. Following resolution of DM-FEE comments, the final will be distributed to the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (LARWQCB) and interested project stakeholders, at the direction of DM-FEE, and an electronic copy of the final report will be uploaded to the Geotracker site. As part of the spring sampling event, Contractor shall compile all field forms and analytical data and transmit to Kinder-Morgan (KM) and their consultant for inclusion in the report of findings that they will prepare. Contractor shall review the draft report prepared by KM�s consultant prior to the finalization of the document. TASK 6: El Toro Pipeline Site Groundwater Monitoring Pre-Mobilization Activity- The Contractor shall provide project management event coordination for quarterly groundwater monitoring and sampling and bi-weekly light, non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) removal at the El Toro Pipeline Site Release Site located in Tustin, California. In accordance with the requirements of the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (SARWQCB), groundwater monitoring wells must be sampled on a quarterly basis and LNAPL must be removed on a regular basis. The location of the pipeline release at a major intersection in Tustin, with migration onto adjacent, privately owned properties, requires detailed coordination of this work. As part of this task, the Contractor shall ensure that personnel and vendors are scheduled and that the affected private property owners are notified of the groundwater monitoring and sampling as well as LNAPL removal events in accordance with the property owners Right of Entry Agreement or Easement. Coordinate updates to and maintenance of the project database using Locus Technologies. Ensure all deliverables and supporting data records are maintained for currency and can be made available upon request of the CO or COR. Costs associated with the acquisition of Encroachment permits, and traffic control plan updates, if needed, shall be prepared as part of Task 10 described below. TASK 7: El Toro Pipeline Site Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring Contractor shall conduct groundwater monitoring and sampling of select groundwater wells on a quarterly basis at the Tustin Release Site for three quarters. Activities included under this Task include liquid level measurements in groundwater monitoring wells; removal of LNAPL from wells that contain recoverable thicknesses; purging each well using low-flow purge techniques, with the collection of water quality parameters during purging; collecting groundwater samples from select monitoring wells; Laboratory analysis of groundwater samples shall include: TPH-JP5 by EPA Methods 8015B and TPH as gasoline (G), and VOCs by 8260B, including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX), methyl-tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), and tertiary-butyl alcohol (TBA). A total of up to thirty-five (35) monitoring wells will be sampled during the event conducted in the third quarter, 2020, and sixteen (16) wells will be sampled during the events for the remaining quarters. Additionally, include the four product recovery wells installed at Plaza Lafayette as part of the groundwater monitoring. Each sampling event shall include the appropriate quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) field duplicates and trip blanks collected and submitted to the laboratory for analysis. Field activities shall be completed in accordance with requirements of the property owners and City of Tustin Encroachment Permit, which may require work outside of normal working hours. Following each groundwater sampling event, investigation-derived waste shall be transported for disposal at a licensed soil disposal or recycling facility. TASK 8: El Toro Pipeline Site Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring Reporting The Contractor shall prepare quarterly groundwater monitoring and sampling reports for the El Toro Pipeline Site. The report shall include tabulated groundwater elevation and groundwater analytical data, hydrocarbon distribution and groundwater gradient maps, field documentation, laboratory reports, and data interpretation. The reports will also include hydrographs presenting groundwater elevations and product thicknesses versus time for select product-containing wells. Draft copies of all reports shall be provided to DM-FEE for review and comment. Following reports will be finalized and distributed to the SARWQCB and interested project stakeholders, at the direction of DM-FEE. TASK 9: El Toro Pipeline Site Encroachment Permitting In order to access groundwater monitoring wells that contain LNAPL within city streets, an encroachment permit and associated traffic control plan are required. The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Tustin to secure the required encroachment on a quarterly basis and shall provide an updated traffic control plan, if required. Task 10: El Toro Pipeline Site LNAPL Recovery On a bi-weekly basis, the Contractor shall conduct well gauging and LNAPL removal at the Tustin release site. Field activities shall be completed in accordance with requirements of the property owners and City of Tustin Encroachment Permit, which may require work outside of normal working hours. The recovered product shall be transported off-site under a hazardous waste manifest for recycling. Task 11: El Toro Pipeline Site Quarterly LNAPL Reporting The Contractor shall compile and maintain groundwater and LNAPL gauging data and LNAPL recovery details. On a quarterly basis, the Contractor shall prepare a summary report for submission to the SARWQCB to document the LNAPL recovery efforts. These reports will contain a summary of LNAPL recovery volumes by well and as a total. The quarterly reports shall include summary tables of groundwater elevation and monitoring well product thickness data.
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