99 -- Military Health Systems (MHS) Enterprise Information Technology (IT) Services
- Notice Date
- 11/24/2020 8:36:45 AM
- Notice Type
- Special Notice
- Contracting Office
- ZIP Code
- 78234#
- Response Due
- 9/30/2020 1:00:00 PM
- Archive Date
- 01/30/2021
- Point of Contact
- Christopher Rieper, Phone: 2102216229, Mark Hinkle, Phone: 2102216597
- E-Mail Address
christopher.d.rieper.civ@mail.mil, mark.a.hinkle2.civ@mail.mil
(christopher.d.rieper.civ@mail.mil, mark.a.hinkle2.civ@mail.mil)
- Description
- 24 November 2020 The Government will hold a Pre-Solicitation Conference from 0900 to 1130 Eastern Time on 10 December 2020. The conference briefing will be a summary of the complete Request for Quote (RFQ), which was developed collaboratively based on numerous draft releases and corresponding industry feedback. The slides and the link/phone number for the Microsoft Teams event will be posted on beta.sam.gov no later than 8 December 2020. Registration for the conference is not required. Additionally, the Government will host 30-minute one-on-one virtual meetings with interested parties during the afternoon of 10 December and all day on 11 December. The sessions must be with prime offerors and may include their team members (i.e. subcontractors, teaming partners). To schedule your Pre-Solicitation one-on-one session, please contact the POC for scheduling listed below. The purpose of the one-on-one meetings is for industry to ask specific questions about the solicitation. The Government will accept questions verbally during the virtual meetings. No written submissions will be accepted prior to or during the virtual meetings. Responses to non-proprietary questions will be shared with Industry via beta.sam.gov. Please send one-on-one meeting requests, from the prime Quoting company, listing the name of the Quoter and all individual emails participating in the telecom, to Mr. Chris Rieper at christopher.d.rieper.civ@mail.mil. Include the individuals� names of any subcontractors and team members participating on the call.� One-on-one requests must be received no later than COB 4 December 2020. (end) 03 November 2020 This update is to publish the following documents: 1.����������� DRAFT Exhibit 5.3 � Labor Role Descriptions 20201103 2.����������� Phase 1 Submission Update 20201103 3.����������� Questions and Answers 20201103 4.����������� DRAFT MHS EITSI Attachment 7 � Contractor Personnel List 20201103 Exhibit 5.3 - Labor Role Descriptions establishes requirements for identified labor roles.� As part of quote preparation, contractors will map their GSA schedule labor categories to the roles in Exhibit 5.3. At BPA award, this mapping will establish the labor categories to be used throughout the life of the EITSI BPA. Please remember that we take your questions seriously and review each and every one. We will continue to be selective on which questions/comments we respond to. We request that questions/comments on these documents be sent by Tuesday, November 10th.� Any responses we provide to questions/comments received will be published on beta. Sam. We expect to be releasing other significant documents within the next month, such as: .�������������� Phase 2 Quote Submission Requirements .�������������� Reports Matrix .�������������� Performance Requirements Summary .�������������� Update to the BPA PWS and Call Order 1 PWS .�������������� Full draft RFQ information Please send all questions to christopher.d.rieper.civ@mail.mil. (end) 16 October 2020 This update is to publish the Draft Call Order 1 PWS and includes the following documents: ������������������������������� 1) Draft EITSI Call Order 1 PWS ������������������������������� 2) Draft BPA PWS Attachment 1 (Definitions and Acronyms) ������������������������������� 3) Draft Call Order PWS Exhibit 2.1 (Deliverable Milestones) Note that this draft Call Order is subject to change based on J-6 priorities and funding. We request that questions/comments on this Draft Call Order 1 PWS be sent by Wednesday Oct 28.� We will continue to be selective on which questions/comments we respond to.� Please understand that we take answering your questions seriously and review each and every one.� Any responses we do provide to questions/comments received will be publicized on beta.sam. We expect to be releasing other significant documents within the next month, such as: ������������� Labor Role Descriptions by end of October ������������� Reports Matrix by end of October ������������� Performance Requirements Summary by early November ������������� Update to the BPA PWS by early November ������������� Full draft RFQ information by mid November Please send all questions to christopher.d.rieper.civ@mail.mil. (end) 16 October 2020 A newly drafted OCI Mitigation Plan Checklist has been attached to beta.sam.� This checklist will also be available with the final solicitation.� This checklist is meant to help guide the development, and streamline the review, of each OCI Mitigation Plan.� Please do not treat this as an all-encompassing checklist. There may be factors and/or techniques not represented on this checklist that you utilize and should be discussed within your OCI Mitigation Plan.� The Government contemplates accepting OCI Mitigation Plans prior to the release of the formal solicitation, but will formally announce when we will begin accepting those plans in a future beta.sam update. (end) 02 October 2020 � � � � � � � � This updated publishes the latest draft version of the Phase 1 Gate Criteria.� In addition�is the first draft for the Phase 2 Evaluation Criteria.� Phase 2 quote preparation instructions will be provided separately at a later date.� Request your comments NTL 9 Oct 2020.� As always, please direct any comments/questions to the Contracting Officer at christopher.d.rieper.civ@mail.mil. ����������� For planning purposes, the following tentative dates are provided: Call Order PWS � Mid October Draft RFQ/Pre-Solicitation Conference/One-on-Ones � Mid November RFQ - Early December Phase 1 Quotes � Mid December Phase 2 Quotes -� Early February (end) 11 September 2020 This update is to publish the following documents: 1) Updated Draft EITSI BPA PWS 2) Draft BPA PWS Attachment 1 3) Draft BPA PWS Exhibit 1.2 4) PWS Questions and Answers In an effort to make further progress towards this requirement, we will be accepting questions/comments on the updated Draft BPA PWS, but will be selective on which questions/comments we respond to.� Please understand that we take answering your questions seriously and review each and every one, but the time it takes to publish responses to 100% of them limits our progress in other areas of development.� Note that going forward we may make updates to draft documents based on a question/comment without publishing an individual answer/response. Any responses we do provide to questions/comments received will be publicized on beta.sam. As indicated in the recent Industry Update, the Draft Call Order 1 PWS is scheduled to be released by the end of this month, so please continue to monitor beta.sam for that update.� All questions may be sent to christopher.d.rieper.civ@mail.mil. (end) 1 September 2020 Some people are having issues with the Bidders Library Request Form duplicating the entries across all fields.� A new form has been uploaded which should fix this issue.� Visually these are the same request form, so use whichever works for you. (end) 27 August 2020 The MHS Enterprise IT Services Bidder's Library is now active and is progressively being populated with information.� To access the Bidder�s Library, complete and return the attached MHS EITS Bidders Library Request Form, as instructed within the form itself. Please note that simply filling out the form and returning it does not guarantee access.� We may follow up a request with questions depending on the initial responses provided. (end) 26 August 2020 This update is to publish the 26 August Industry Update Questions Form.� Please utilize this spreadsheet to list your questions and return to christopher.d.rieper.civ@mail.mil by 4:00 p.m (San Antonio, Texas Time) 4 September 2020. (end) 24 August 2020 Update to the below�OCI Industry Update's�information: The briefing is scheduled for Wednesday, 26 August 2020, 1400-1430 Eastern Time. The format will be in Microsoft Teams. All industry partners are invited and all attendees will be in listen-only mode. There is no registration, and no confirmation of attendance is required. Instructions for submitting questions will be provided at the end of the briefing. To join the conference, use either a Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari browser. Please copy and paste the following link into your browser's address bar: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NDg4ZTNiZjAtM2ZkNC00NzQ4LWE5MTMtZTliZGUxMzI3OWMw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2221acfbb3-32be-4715-9025-1e2f015cbbe9%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22271937bf-f24a-4db2-84c7-59a761e07c28%22%2c%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3atrue%7d If you do not have internet capability, you can dial into the conference by dialing: 571-388-3904,,385672259# In addition to the above I have uploaded the following documents to this opportunity: 1) EITSI BPA OCI Brief (end) 24 August 2020 Updated and finalized additional Q&As (non OCI/Non PWS) based questions.� In addition updated the Phase I evaluation model.� Thank you all for your feedback, questions, and inputs on these.� In addition to the above I have uploaded the following documents to this opportunity: 1) DRAFT Phase�1 Evaluation Model� 2) Non-OCI Related Q&A Responses The OCI presentation and instructions will be posted by COB today as a separate continuation of this publication. (end) 21 August 2020 The MHS EITSI Team invites you to join us for a short Industry Update on OCI guidelines. The DHA Action Officer along with the Contracting Officer, will provide updated information based on numerous questions and recommendations received from Industry partners. �The briefing is scheduled for Wednesday, 26 August 2020, 1400-1430 Eastern Time.� The format will be in Microsoft Teams. �A link will be provided on beta.sam.gov by COB Monday, 24 August 2020.� All industry partners are invited and all attendees will be in listen-only mode. �There is no registration, and no confirmation of attendance is required. In addition to the above I have uploaded the following documents to this opportunity: 1) OCI Language Update� 2) OCI Related Q&A Responses 3) Announcment for OCI Industry Update Please note the definition for Major Subcontract placed at the bottom of the Q&A Responses Check back on beta.sam.gov often for updates.� Thank you. (end) 10 August 2020 A question was received that we�feel needs to be published with the answer ahead of, and separately�from, the whole Q&A list.� The intent is to highlight the ability of GSA contractors an option to have 10 years of performance available to participate in this requirement.� The full Q&A list will be published at a future date.� The question and response are as follows: Question (pertains to the evaluation model)� - We recommend the removal of Item #6, namely the following: ��Certify the length of your GSA IT Schedule 70 contracts will support the MHS EITS 10 years from anticipated award in 2021.� � Response -�If potential quotor's GSA Schedule contract does not have the required period of performance remaining (which include any option periods), they may submit a dual offer request to GSA to satisfy the 10 year requirement. Potential Quoters are further advised that this DHA EITSI procurement is a GSA FASt Lane initiative under the Information Technology Category, meaning the process timeframe is as quick as 45 days. �The offeror must be responsive and follow the FASt Lane Eligibility Guidelines. For further information please contact your GSA Schedule Contracting Officer. �Additional information can be found at: https://www.gsa.gov/technology/technology-purchasing-programs/mas-information-technology/sell-through-mas-information-technology/making-it-easier-fast-lane� (end) 24 June 2020 The updated DRAFT PWS, along with Attachment 2, Exhibit 1, Exhibit 3.1, Exhibit 3.2, Exhibit 3.4, and a PWS Questions and Comment sheet has been published. Thank you all for providing questions and comments to help shape this version of the Draft PWS.� We would like to ask for one final round of Questions and Comments on these documents. All PWS questions/comment are due NO LATER THAN 17 July�2020 by 4:00 p.m. (local San Antonio, TX timezone). All responses should be provided to: christopher.d.rieper.civ@mail.mil.� **This is a separate response date from what is being requested below on the 15 June 2020 Update.� Please use the form provided to help standardize responses and help reduce response times.� This is a different response form (specific to the PWS) then requested below. (end) 15 June 2020 The fourth release of questions and answers have been posted.� This is the final release and all questions and comments received have now been addressed.� The responses are provided on two separate PDF documents titled:� 1)�Release 4 MHS EITS Industry Day Q_A PWS Comments Section 15 June 2020 2)�Release 4 MHS EITS Industry Day Q_A Acquisition Strategy Comments Section 15 June 2020 The release of the DRAFT Phase I Evaluation model has been published�for comment/feedback.� Within that document, the Government would like suggestions�on Small Business Participation.� We are NOT requesting answers, responses, and/or�quotations;�this is being published strictly for feedback/question purposes only. Additionally the Government is trying to identify�an incentive/disinsentive model that may work well with this program,�and would like response to�the following questions: 1. Provide suggested pricing structures and approaches to motivate the EITSI contractor to achieve required service levels consistent with economic efficiency. Incentives can be monetary, nonmonetary, positive, or negative. They may be based on cost, schedule, quality of performance, or any combination. The government is particularly interested in innovative pricing structures that are executable within the laws, regulations, and policies applicable to Federal contracting, GSA Schedules, and FAR Part 8. 2. Provide samples from Federal or Commercial contracts or a point of contact that can provide samples. Lastly, an new Follow-Up Question and Comment sheet has been published.� Within the comments sheet are response sections to the questions above, and a section for follow-up questions now that all of the questions and answers have been published.��Please use the form provided your response.� This�helps standardize response format�and help reduce our response times to you. All non-PWS responses and follow-up questions/comment are due NO LATER THAN 30�June�2020 by 4:00 p.m. (local San Antonio, TX timezone). All responses should be provided to: christopher.d.rieper.civ@mail.mil.�� Please use the form provided to help standardize responses and help reduce response times. (end) 19 May 2020 The third release of questions and answers have been posted.� There will be an additional release of questions answered published in the near future. The publishing of draft documents is projected to begin early June, but not until all of the questions and answers have been addressed. No response is needed at this time, but please continue to monitor this system for future updates. (end) 12 May 2020 Update: In order to continue to enforce safe working conditions and practice social distancing, a live industry day will not be scheduled for the EITSI requirement at this time.� We will continue to provide updates and maintain a feedback loop as the EITSI requirement matures and documents become available for draft release.� Documents such as an updated PWS, Draft evaluation criteria/solicitation instructions, and Draft RFQ will be released at an appropriate time with a desired response date for questions and comments.� No response is needed at this time as this is just providing general information, but please continue to monitor this system for future updates. (end) 25 April 2020 Update: Release Two of the questions received to-date have�been posted.� Please remember that questions will be answered incrementally and we hope to post additional answers to questions as we are able.� As a reminder: As specified during the Virtual Industry Day Briefing, all questions and comment are due NO LATER THAN 29 April 2020.� That being said, please feel free to submit questions and comments before that�time, as the published responses may lead to other questions and/or comments.� Responses to questions and comments received will be�released incrementally, but all responsive questions and comments will be addressed.�� (end) 21 April 2020 Update: A copy of the 14 April 2020 Virtual Industry Day Attendee List has been posted. Release One of the questions received to-date has also been posted.� Please remember that questions will be answered incrementally and we hope to post additional answers to questions as we are able.� As a reminder: As specified during the Virtual Industry Day Briefing, all questions and comment are due NO LATER THAN 29 April 2020.� That being said, please feel free to submit questions and comments before that�time, as the published responses may lead to other questions and/or comments.� Responses to questions and comments received will be�released incrementally, but all responsive questions and comments will be addressed.�� (end) 15 April 2020 Update: A copy of the DRAFT Performance Work Statement has been posted for review and questions/comments. In addition a Questions and Comments spreadsheet has also been uploaded for use.� This will standardize the format that questions/comments are received, please use this spreadsheet for the submission of questions and comments.� You will notice that the spreadsheet has two sheets (titled PWS Comments and Acquisition Strategy Comments).� We ask that you separate your comments into the appropriate sheet when filling out.� If you have comments that are neither PWS related�or Acquisition Strategy related, please put those comments under the Acquisition Strategy Comment sheet.� You will also note that twenty (20) rows have�been populated on the spreadsheet.� You are not limited to the number of questions/comments you can provide, but we ask that you please follow this format as you add additional rows. As specified during the Virtual Industry Day Briefing, all questions and comment are due NO LATER THAN 29 April 2020.� That being said, please feel free to submit questions and comments before that�time, as the published responses may lead to other questions and/or comments.� Responses to questions and comments received will be�released incrementally, but all responsive questions and comments will be addressed.�� Lastly, a list of attendees to the 14 April Virtual Industry Day is being populated.� Once available that list will also be provided as a file to the beta.sam posting. (end) 14 April 2020 Update: Additional Adobe Connect login instructions for the MHS EITS Virtual Industry Day: When signing-in, please select ""Guest"" and include your full name, company, and contact information in the name block. (end) 13 April 2020 Update: A copy of the Virtual Industry Day slideshow has�been posted in preparation for tomorrows event.��A�duplicate copy of the agenda has been uploaded as well.� No changes to the agenda have been made. (end) 9 April 2020 Update: The virtual industry day agenda and attendance information has been posted.� Please note, beta.sam requires�a response date to be selected as part of the posting process.� This RFI is being used as a centrallized communication and�information source�until a better method is available.� To help avoid future confusion, I have extended the beta.sam response date to 30 September 2020.� That being said, any response date will be indicated in each respective updated description field�and/or posted documentation.� Thank you for your understanding. (end)� 25 March 2020 Update: The following documents are being posted for your situational awareness and in preparation for our upcoming Virtual Industry Day on 14 April 2020, at 13:00 Eastern. The Government has requested information in the attachment. Please use the provided templates and be concise with your responses. Also, please note the following: -� Please hold all your questions with regard to the COAs and strategy indicated in the slides until after the Industry Day Briefing. -� Responses to the Government�s information requests are due no later than 8 April 2020. Please use the provided templates, where indicated. -� Examples of your company�s experience may be provided in your own format, up to the page limit indicated. (end) 17 March 2020 Update: Reschedule Announcement: Military Health System (MHS) Enterprise IT Services (EITS) Industry Days The MHS EITS Team announces changes to Industry Days: 1.Virtual Industry Day scheduled for 25 March is rescheduled to Tuesday, 14 April 2020, 1300-1500 Eastern Time. The format will be web conference using Adobe Connect and a teleconference line. The purpose of the Virtual Industry Day will be to discuss the government�s acquisition strategy and to review a draft of the Performance Work Statement (PWS), which is planned to be released shortly after the session. Specific agenda, Adobe Connect, and dial-in information will be provided NLT 9 April 2020. Check back on beta.sam.gov often for updates. All industry partners are invited; however, audio and video spaces will be limited. We encourage our industry partners to congregate as much as practical to utilize one connection for multiple company employees. 2.Industry Day scheduled for Tuesday, 28 April 2020, in the Northern Virginia area is To Be Determined. Specific format for meeting i.e., Face-to-Face or Virtual will be determined, and registration information will be provided NLT 11 May 2020. Check back on beta.sam.gov often for updates. (end) 4 March�2020 Update: Military Health System (MHS) Enterprise IT Services (EITS) Industry Days Announcement The MHS EITS Team announces the upcoming Industry Days: 1. Virtual Industry Day scheduled for Wednesday, 25 March 2020, 1300-1500 Eastern Time. The format will be web conference using Adobe Connect and a teleconference line. The purpose of the Virtual Industry Day will be to discuss the government�s acquisition strategy and to review a draft of the Performance Work Statement (PWS), which is planned to be released shortly after the session. Specific agenda, Adobe Connect, and dial-in information will be provided NLT 17 March 2020. Check back on beta.sam.gov often for updates. All industry partners are invited; however, audio and video spaces will be limited. We encourage our industry partners to congregate as much as practical to utilize one connection for multiple company employees. 2. Industry Day scheduled for Tuesday, 28 April 2020, in the Northern Virginia area. The format will be theater/presentation style, with a limit of two personnel from each company. The purpose of the Industry Day is to discuss planned schedule to award and to review the draft Request for Proposal (RFP) documents. Specific agenda, location, and registration information will be provided NLT 14 April 2020. Check back on beta.sam.gov often for updates. (end) 7 Feb 2020 Update: Attached to this updated notice is the DRAFT Scope Document for MHS Enterprise IT Services. The PWS is still actively being refined and is not ready for DRAFT release at this time, but the information in the Scope�Document will be incorporated into the PWS (planned DRAFT PWS release April 2020). We invite comments and�recommendations, but will not be answering questions at this time. Any�comments and recommendations received will be considered, and may be incorporated in the final product. (end) The purpose of this update is to post the questions and answers received at the 16 December 2019 industry briefing. �The corresponding briefing in already uploaded to this posting. ""To update the AdobeConnect schedule and time to Monday, 16 December 2019, from 14:00 to 15:30 Central Time., extend due date to 17 December 2019, and attach updated Agenda document."" This is a follow up posting for�HT0050RFI09232019 that was originally posted on 23 September 2019. Due to system switch from Federal Business Oppurtunities to Beta Sam, this follow up includes the original RFI posting, attachment, Q&A,��Industry Briefing Update Slides, call-in information to Adobe-Connect Industry Update Briefing. ""The DHA Deputy Assistant Director Information Operations/J-6 (DAD IO/J-6) is seeking information on enterprise information technology (IT) services, focused on the goal of implementing enterprise IT services consistent with industry best practices to support a large, global healthcare organization.""
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- SN05859969-F 20201126/201125053758 (samdaily.us)
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