99 -- Acquisition, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of technical-educational equipment intended for Vocational Training Institutes benefiting from financial support from the Charaka Fund in 24 lot #N�DAO/CB/MCA-M/EW-39-DEF/Gov
- Notice Date
- 12/8/2021 8:40:05 AM
- Notice Type
- Special Notice
- 541611
— Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
- Contracting Office
- ZIP Code
- 20005
- Response Due
- 12/30/2021 6:00:00 AM
- Archive Date
- 01/14/2022
- Point of Contact
- Youssef Medouar
- E-Mail Address
- Description
- General Information Country:��MoroccoCity/Locality:��RabatNotice/Contract Number:��N�DAO/CB/MCA-M/EW-39-DEF/GovPublication Date:��Nov 30, 2021Deadline:��Dec 30, 2021Agency:��Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)Buyer:�� Eligibility of Bidders:��SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE (SPN) Country Morocco Project Name Education and Training for Employability Procurement Title Acquisition, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of technical-educational equipment intended for Vocational Training Institutes benefiting from financial support from the Charaka Fund in 24 lots Procurement Ref. Number DAO/CB/MCA-M/EW-39-DEF/Gov Type of Procurement (goods, works or services as applicable) Goods Employer Millennium Challenge Account-Morocco (Agence MCA-Morocco) Publication Date November 30, 2021 Submission Deadline December 30, 2021 at 3 p.m in Rabat, Morocco The Millennium Challenge Account-Morocco has received financing from the Millennium Challenge Corporation toward the cost of the �Education and Training for Employability and Land Productivity projects� and intends to allocate part of the proceeds relating to the contribution of the Government of Morocco to payments under the contract for �Acquisition, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of technical-educational equipment intended for Vocational Training Institutes benefiting from the financial support of the Charaka Fund in 24 lots�: # Batch N� Batches designation 1 Lot E31 Lot E 3.1 : Banc de c�blage 2 Lot E32 Lot E 3.2 : Bancs didactiques de r�gulation 3 Lot E33 Lot E 3.3 : Bancs Pneumatiques et Hydrauliques 4 Lot E34 Lot E 3.4 : Banc didactique Electronique et Instrumentation 5 Lot E35 Lot E 3.5 : Moteurs �lectriques 6 Lot E36 Lot E 3.6: Automates programmables 7 Lot E37 Lot E 3.7: Equipement �lectricit� b�timent 8 Lot E38 Lot E 3.8 : Syst�me Robot 9 Lot E39 Lot E 3.9 : Equipements �lectroniques 10 Lot E310 Lot E 3.10 : Appareillage de mesure 11 Lot E311 Lot E 3.11 : Outillage /valise d�outillage pour �lectricien 12 Lot E312 Lot E 3.12 : Scanner 3D professionnel avec contenu didactique 13 Lot E313 Lot E 3.13 : R�paration engins et moteurs 14 Lot E4 Lot E 4 : Equipements de M�trologie 15 Lot E71 Lot E 7.1 : Equipement gros �uvres/ma�onnerie 16 Lot E72 Lot E 7.2: Equipement menuiserie aluminium 17 Lot E73 Lot E 7.3 : Outillage 18 Lot D7 Lot D 7 : Equipements de Damasquinerie 19 Lot D8 Lot D 8 : Gros �quipements verre vitrail 20 Lot F1 Lot F 1 Cuisine CFP 79 21 Lot F2 Lot F 2 Cuisine CFP 76 22 Lot F3 Lot F 3 Cuisine CFP 72.1 23 Lot F4 Lot F 4 Cuisine Ecolodge CFP 72.1 24 Lot F5 Lot F 5 P�tisserie CFP 76 et 72.1 For the Projects : - Institut Sp�cialis� de Technologie Appliqu�e - ISTA Had Soualem (CFP 27) - Institut Sp�cialis� du B�timent - ISB Casablanca (CFP 28) - Institut Pluridisciplinaire des M�tiers de l�Industrie et de la Logistique - IPMIL Fahs Anjra (CFP 04) - Institut Sp�cialis� des M�tiers de l�A�ronautique et de la logistique Portuaire � ISMALA Nouaceur (CFP 48) - Institut de Formation dans les M�tiers de la Boulangerie et de la P�tisserie - IFMBP-Casablanca (CFP 76) ; - Institut de Formation dans les M�tiers de l�Elevage - IFME-Bellota (CFP 79) ; - Institut Sp�cialis� de Technologie Appliqu�e H�teli�re et Touristique � ISTAHT Ouarzazate (CFP 72-1) - Institut des Arts Traditionnels � IAT Mekn�s (CFP 03) Awards will be by lot and a Bidder can bid for one or multiple lots. MCA-Morocco now invites bids from eligible bidders for the �Acquisition, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of technical-educational equipment intended for Vocational Training Institutes benefiting from the financial support of the Charaka Fund�. Bidding will be conducted through the Competitive Selection (�CB�) procedures as specified in the MCC Program Procurement Guidelines (PPG) and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the PPG. A complete set of bidding documents may be obtained by interested eligible bidders upon the submission of a written application at the following address: procurement@mcamorocco.ma. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held on December 10, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. (local time) remotely via the following link:�https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81121448517 Attendance is strongly advised for all prospective Bidders or their representatives although it is not mandatory. Bids must be submitted electronically no later than December 30, 2021 at 3 p.m (Rabat time) only via the Dropbox links indicated in clause IS 24.3 c) in section II "" fiche de donn�es de l�appel d�offres "": Please note that Bids submitted by paper or by email shall not be accepted. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidders� designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend via the following link:�https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82636196611�on December,30 2021 at 4 p.m (Rabat time). The Bid Security must be submitted in accordance with the provisions of clauses IS 24.3 (c) and IS 24.3 (j) of the Bid Data Sheet at the address below. Bids Security are: # Lot N� D�signation des lots Garantie d'offre (en dirhams marocains (MAD) ou son �quivalent en dollars am�ricains (USD) 1 Lot E31 Lot E 3.1 : Banc de c�blage - 2 Lot E32 Lot E 3.2 : Bancs didactiques de r�gulation 36 000,00 3 Lot E33 Lot E 3.3 : Bancs Pneumatiques et Hydrauliques 16 000,00 4 Lot E34 Lot E 3.4 : Banc didactique �lectronique et Instrumentation - 5 Lot E35 Lot E 3.5 : Moteurs �lectriques - 6 Lot E36 Lot E 3.6: Automates programmables - 7 Lot E37 Lot E 3.7: �quipement �lectricit� b�timent 23 000,00 8 Lot E38 Lot E 3.8 : Syst�me Robot - 9 Lot E39 Lot E 3.9 : �quipements �lectroniques - 10 Lot E310 Lot E 3.10 : Appareillage de mesure - 11 Lot E311 Lot E 3.11 : Outillage /valise d�outillage pour �lectricien - 12 Lot E312 Lot E 3.12 : Scanner 3D professionnel avec contenu didactique 13 Lot E313 Lot E 3.13 : R�paration engins et moteurs 11 000,00 14 Lot E4 Lot E 4 : �quipements de M�trologie - 15 Lot E71 Lot E 7.1 : �quipement gros �uvres/ma�onnerie - 16 Lot E72 Lot E 7.2: Equipment menuiserie aluminium - 17 Lot E73 Lot E 7.3 : Outillage 13 000,00 18 Lot D7 Lot D 7 : �quipements de Damasquinerie - 19 Lot D8 Lot D 8 : Gros �quipements verre vitrail 98 000,00 20 Lot F1 Lot F 1 Cuisine CFP 79 15 000,00 21 Lot F2 Lot F 2 Cuisine CFP 76 - 22 Lot F3 Lot F 3 Cuisine CFP 72.1 32 000,00 23 Lot F4 Lot F 4 Cuisine Ecolodge CFP 72.1 25 000,00 24 Lot F5 Lot F 5 P�tisserie CFP 76 et 72.1 100 000,00 Contact Information: The address(es) referred to above is (are): Complexe administratif et culturel de la Fondation Mohammed VI des �uvres sociales de l�Education - Formation, Avenue Allal EL FASSI- Madinat AL IRFANE, Hay Riad, Rez-de-chauss�e, Rabat- Maroc Attn: Agence MCA-Morocco Procurement Agent E-mail: procurement@mcamorocco.ma Website:�www.mcamorocco.maOriginal Language:��English Contact Information Address:��Youssef Medouar Procurement director Avenue Allal EL FASSI- Madinat AL IRFAN Hay Riad �Annexe de de la Pr�sidence du Gouvernement �Rabat Rabat, RABAT 10000 MoroccoTelephone:��+212 0537 21 38 38Fax:��+212 0537-77-88-26E-mail:��Click hereWeb site::��http://www.mcamorocco.ma � Goods, Works and Services 42600000 - Machine tools�� Original Text SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE (SPN) Country Morocco Project Name Education and Training for Employability Procurement Title Acquisition, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of technical-educational equipment intended for Vocational Training Institutes benefiting from financial support from the Charaka Fund in 24 lots Procurement Ref. Number DAO/CB/MCA-M/EW-39-DEF/Gov Type of Procurement (goods, works or services as applicable) Goods Employer Millennium Challenge Account-Morocco (Agence MCA-Morocco) Publication Date November 30, 2021 Submission Deadline December 30, 2021 at 3 p.m in Rabat, Morocco The Millennium Challenge Account-Morocco has received financing from the Millennium Challenge Corporation toward the cost of the �Education and Training for Employability and Land Productivity projects� and intends to allocate part of the proceeds relating to the contribution of the Government of Morocco to payments under the contract for �Acquisition, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of technical-educational equipment intended for Vocational Training Institutes benefiting from the financial support of the Charaka Fund in 24 lots�: # Batch N� Batches designation 1 Lot E31 Lot E 3.1 : Banc de c�blage 2 Lot E32 Lot E 3.2 : Bancs didactiques de r�gulation 3 Lot E33 Lot E 3.3 : Bancs Pneumatiques et Hydrauliques 4 Lot E34 Lot E 3.4 : Banc didactique Electronique et Instrumentation 5 Lot E35 Lot E 3.5 : Moteurs �lectriques 6 Lot E36 Lot E 3.6: Automates programmables 7 Lot E37 Lot E 3.7: Equipement �lectricit� b�timent 8 Lot E38 Lot E 3.8 : Syst�me Robot 9 Lot E39 Lot E 3.9 : Equipements �lectroniques 10 Lot E310 Lot E 3.10 : Appareillage de mesure 11 Lot E311 Lot E 3.11 : Outillage /valise d�outillage pour �lectricien 12 Lot E312 Lot E 3.12 : Scanner 3D professionnel avec contenu didactique 13 Lot E313 Lot E 3.13 : R�paration engins et moteurs 14 Lot E4 Lot E 4 : Equipements de M�trologie 15 Lot E71 Lot E 7.1 : Equipement gros �uvres/ma�onnerie 16 Lot E72 Lot E 7.2: Equipement menuiserie aluminium 17 Lot E73 Lot E 7.3 : Outillage 18 Lot D7 Lot D 7 : Equipements de Damasquinerie 19 Lot D8 Lot D 8 : Gros �quipements verre vitrail 20 Lot F1 Lot F 1 Cuisine CFP 79 21 Lot F2 Lot F 2 Cuisine CFP 76 22 Lot F3 Lot F 3 Cuisine CFP 72.1 23 Lot F4 Lot F 4 Cuisine Ecolodge CFP 72.1 24 Lot F5 Lot F 5 P�tisserie CFP 76 et 72.1 For the Projects : - Institut Sp�cialis� de Technologie Appliqu�e - ISTA Had Soualem (CFP 27) - Institut Sp�cialis� du B�timent - ISB Casablanca (CFP 28) - Institut Pluridisciplinaire des M�tiers de l�Industrie et de la Logistique - IPMIL Fahs Anjra (CFP 04) - Institut Sp�cialis� des M�tiers de l�A�ronautique et de la logistique Portuaire � ISMALA Nouaceur (CFP 48) - Institut de Formation dans les M�tiers de la Boulangerie et de la P�tisserie - IFMBP-Casablanca (CFP 76) ; - Institut de Formation dans les M�tiers de l�Elevage - IFME-Bellota (CFP 79) ; - Institut Sp�cialis� de Technologie Appliqu�e H�teli�re et Touristique � ISTAHT Ouarzazate (CFP 72-1) - Institut des Arts Traditionnels � IAT Mekn�s (CFP 03) Awards will be by lot and a Bidder can bid for one or multiple lots. MCA-Morocco now invites bids from eligible bidders for the �Acquisition, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of technical-educational equipment intended for Vocational Training Institutes benefiting from the financial support of the Charaka Fund�. Bidding will be conducted through the Competitive Selection (�CB�) procedures as specified in the MCC Program Procurement Guidelines (PPG) and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the PPG. A complete set of bidding documents may be obtained by interested eligible bidders upon the submission of a written application at the following address: procurement@mcamorocco.ma. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held on December 10, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. (local time) remotely via the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81121448517 Attendance is strongly advised for all prospective Bidders or their representatives although it is not mandatory. Bids must be submitted electronically no later than December 30, 2021 at 3 p.m (Rabat time) only via the Dropbox links indicated in clause IS 24.3 c) in section II "" fiche de donn�es de l�appel d�offres "": Please note that Bids submitted by paper or by email shall not be accepted. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidders� designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend via the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82636196611 on December,30 2021 at 4 p.m (Rabat time). The Bid Security must be submitted in accordance with the provisions of clauses IS 24.3 (c) and IS 24.3 (j) of the Bid Data Sheet at the address below. Bids Security are: # Lot N� D�signation des lots Garantie d'offre (en dirhams marocains (MAD) ou son �quivalent en dollars am�ricains (USD) 1 Lot E31 Lot E 3.1 : Banc de c�blage - 2 Lot E32 Lot E 3.2 : Bancs didactiques de r�gulation 36 000,00 3 Lot E33 Lot E 3.3 : Bancs Pneumatiques et Hydrauliques 16 000,00 4 Lot E34 Lot E 3.4 : Banc didactique �lectronique et Instrumentation - 5 Lot E35 Lot E 3.5 : Moteurs �lectriques - 6 Lot E36 Lot E 3.6: Automates programmables - 7 Lot E37 Lot E 3.7: �quipement �lectricit� b�timent 23 000,00 8 Lot E38 Lot E 3.8 : Syst�me Robot - 9 Lot E39 Lot E 3.9 : �quipements �lectroniques - 10 Lot E310 Lot E 3.10 : Appareillage de mesure - 11 Lot E311 Lot E 3.11 : Outillage /valise d�outillage pour �lectricien - 12 Lot E312 Lot E 3.12 : Scanner 3D professionnel avec contenu didactique 13 Lot E313 Lot E 3.13 : R�paration engins et moteurs 11 000,00 14 Lot E4 Lot E 4 : �quipements de M�trologie - 15 Lot E71 Lot E 7.1 : �quipement gros �uvres/ma�onnerie - 16 Lot E72 Lot E 7.2: Equipment menuiserie aluminium - 17 Lot E73 Lot E 7.3 : Outillage 13 000,00 18 Lot D7 Lot D 7 : �quipements de Damasquinerie - 19 Lot D8 Lot D 8 : Gros �quipements verre vitrail 98 000,00 20 Lot F1 Lot F 1 Cuisine CFP 79 15 000,00 21 Lot F2 Lot F 2 Cuisine CFP 76 - 22 Lot F3 Lot F 3 Cuisine CFP 72.1 32 000,00 23 Lot F4 Lot F 4 Cuisine Ecolodge CFP 72.1 25 000,00 24 Lot F5 Lot F 5 P�tisserie CFP 76 et 72.1 100 000,00 Contact Information: The address(es) referred to above is (are): Complexe administratif et culturel de la Fondation Mohammed VI des �uvres sociales de l�Education - Formation, Avenue Allal EL FASSI- Madinat AL IRFANE, Hay Riad, Rez-de-chauss�e, Rabat- Maroc Attn: Agence MCA-Morocco Procurement Agent E-mail: procurement@mcamorocco.ma Website: www.mcamorocco.ma DISCLAIMER: THIS NOTICE IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. FOR UPDATES ON THIS SOLICITATION PLEASE FOLLOW THE FULL ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE LINK PROVIDED. THIS PROCUREMENT IS NOT CONDUCTED UNDER THE FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATIONS, IS NOT ADMINISTERED BY THE US GOVERNMENT, AND THE RESULTING AWARD WILL BE MADE BY THE COUNTRY INDICATED IN THE FULL ANNOUNCEMENT. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS PROCUREMENT PLEASE CONTRACT THE PERSON NAMED IN THE FULL ANNOUNCEMENT.
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