99 -- Lesotho Digital Health Complied RFI Responses
- Notice Date
- 8/3/2022 6:25:06 AM
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— Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
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- 8/3/2022 2:00:00 PM
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- General Information Country:��LesothoCity/Locality:��MaseruPublication Date:��Jul 28, 2022Agency:��Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)Buyer:�� Original Language:��English Contact Information Address:��Lesotho Millennium Development Agency Maseru Lesotho Bidding documents and attachments Questions and answers: Digital Health Compiled RFI Responses (259 KB; Jul 28, 2022) Questions and answers: Lesotho eHealth Strategy DRAFT (4 MB; Jul 28, 2022) �����Download documents Original Text Digital Health Questions Question #3: 1. Can a macro-organogram of the Ministry be provided indicating roles and responsibilities to understand how the DHMTs link up with the Ministry of Health? Answer: There is a 2005 ICT Strategy for Lesotho and a draft eHealth Strategy (which we can include with the final procurement). These will be of more assistance to the Digital Health bidder than an organization chart that shows the linkages between the DHMTs and the MOH. Link to draft eHealth Strategy is here. 2. Are there criteria for the development of Centers of Excellence for PHC? It is envisaged the Health System Strengthening Project�s Centers of Excellence (COEs) will be set up in consultation with the Ministry of Health, including setting out detailed criteria, support needs and timeframe. Establishing the COEs will be achieved in close coordination with the DHMTs. 3. Can the role of Partners in Health in this project be outlined? How will this project interact with all donor funded programmes? Answer: The Digital Health contractor will be expected to consult with all implementing partners and donors in Lesotho to ensure that interoperability of systems serves the Government of Lesotho�s needs, but can also support implementing partner and other donor programming. The priority for the Contractor will be to support Government of Lesotho services. 4. Is there an inter-ministerial structure to integrate the work in this compact? Answer: The Ministry of Science Technology and Communications is the lead for all management information systems and data-based solutions in the country and works closely with the ICT unit at the Ministry of Health. The successful Offeror will have an opportunity to make an assessment of the governance arrangements during the assessment phase of the project. 5. Will the Offeror be required to provide separate costing of the project for two phases at the time of responding to the tender or the phase 2 of the project will be quoted after completion of Phase 1 of the project? In the case of the later, is MCA going to open the tender to other potential suppliers for phase 2? Answer: The Offeror will be required to cost both phases of the project at the time of responding to the tender, with the understanding that after the assessment phase, and based on those results and development of the workplan, that funding may be realigned in line with the final planning. 6. Is the infrastructure upgrade, which includes procurement and installation of computers, LAN/WAN equipment, electric power backup and higher bandwidth Internet connectivity to ensure optimal performance of the site level systems part of the Digital Health or ICT Support and Maintenance contract? Is it part of the $2,000,000 for network equipment highlighted in section (Page 16) to support the work of the LMDA? Answer: The infrastructure upgrade is part of the Digital Health contract. The MCA is expecting the Offeror to create a prioritized list of equipment that will most effectively cover the country�s needs after the assessment period within the $2,000,000 limit and propose their strategy and the results. The equipment is for the facilities and DHMTs, not for the LMDA. Question #7: 1. On page 3, the RFI indicates that the base period is estimated to be 6 months �but may be longer depending on when the Compact begins.� In the HSS/PHC/cGBV Support RFI, it states that the base period will be 8 months. Can the MCA clarify if these contracts are expected to start at different times? Additionally, is there a maximum timeframe for the base period if the Compact is significantly delayed? Answer: The length of the assessment period depends on both when the final Contract is awarded and when the Compact begins. Therefore the time period is an estimate. If the Compact is substantially delayed, the Offeror may have a longer period for the assessment, however they should plan to have the assessment completed within 6 months. 2. Will the two phases (Pre-Compact / Compact) be contracted separately or are these just two project periods within the same contract? Or would the contract be one contract, which, on the basis of a full assessment by MCA after completion of phase one of the contractor�s performance, the same contractor would be asked to continue to be in charge of phase two Answer: The same contractor would be responsible for implementing pre-compact/compact tasks outlined in the Contract assuming successful performance during pre-compact implementation. 3. In the background information it is mentioned that the Digital Health contract will contain elements relating to the health finance system, however, this is not mentioned in the tasks. Is this an element that will still be included in the Digital Health contract? Answer: Yes, the DH Contractor will have tasks related to the health finance system. Please refer to the details under task 4.1.7 IFMIS and CBMS System Assessment to be led by the contractor assess feasibility of interoperability between existing GOL financial systems and the health management information system. 4. On page 8, the RFI states that �The Offeror must also ensure that aggregated data can be made available for public use and transparency.� Is this referring to the general public (citizens), and if so, what type of data is to be made public? Answer: Aggregated data will be made available to the general public. The data to be made available will be determined jointly by MOH, MCA and the contractor. 5. On page 9, there is a reference to PEPFAR-supported development of a shared health record for the transfer of patient health data that is �under development.� How far has this development gone and what is the planned timeline for completion? Answer: The level of progress can be determined during the assessment phase of the contract. 6. The list of health information systems on page 10 does not include any human resource information systems. Can the MCA confirm that such systems are outside the scope of this contract? A (human resource) provider data set is available, and it should be operationalized as part of a fully implemented OpenHIE system. As part of the assessment period, the contractor should review, in collaboration with the MOH, the data available in the government human resource information system and determine how this data may be made available to establish common infrastructure services (terminology services, client registry, master patient index, facility registry, provider registry). See also task 4.2.3: The Contractor will Define and execute on an interoperable framework that will establish common infrastructure services (terminology services, client registry, master patient index, facility registry, provider registry to be done as defined by OpenHIE). 7. On page 10, the RFI states that the MOH �is planning to expand the e-Register beyond HIV and TB� and that other modules already exist. Can the MCA clarify if these plans are underway outside of this Digital Health Contract? Can the MCA also provide an indication of what other modules have already been developed? Answer: It is the MCA�s understanding, that as of March 2022 the following e-Register modules have been developed: HIV Care and Treatment including ART and HIV self-testing, TB treatment, maternal and child health, post-natal care, and cancer. During the assessment period the successful contractor will have an opportunity to make a full assessment of the status. 8. How does the MCA envision that the contractor will work with the HSS/PHC/cGBV contractor in the areas of expanding use of e-Register and improving availability and use of data? Will the two contractors be managed by the same team within the MCA? Answer: Both teams will be managed by the MCA�s Health System Strengthening Unit and an outside contractor providing additional technical support (the MCA Technical Assistance contract). In the RFP we will provide a matrix that illustrates the proposed coordination and responsibilities for the HSS/PHC/cGBV Support and Digital Health contractors. 9. A recent USAID RFI for Key Populations programming indicates that USAID will be supporting the establishment of a national reporting system for electronic and confidential reporting of GBV.� Can the MCA clarify the division of labor between the Digital Health contract and USAID-funded work in this area? Answer: The MCA and the Contractor will coordinate with donors and implementing partners to limit duplication of effort. 10. In what ways, if at all, will the Digital Health offeror work with the ICT Support and Maintenance scope, as well as the Data and Innovation Hub? Answer: The main work of the Digital Health contractor will be to create and roll out functional interoperable systems and data use. The main work of the ICT Support and Maintenance contractor (starting in Year 2 of the Compact) will be to maintain these systems and support facility and DHMT level ICT needs (passwords, application support, hardware issues, etc.). The Digital Health contractor will orient the ICT Support contractor on all systems and equipment so they can be maintained. The Digital Health contractor will support the MOH to create systems and outputs to publish de-identified health data on a routine basis. The Data and Innovation Hub and its grantees will analyze and improve accessibility of MOH public data, driving demand for high quality health data and citizen engagement with such data. There are likely to be other areas of interaction between these components of the project, and it is expected that these components will work collaboratively to achieve project objectives. 11. The RFI states on page 11 that the Offeror is not expected to create a digital data collection system for GBV data, but on page 12 it indicates that GBV referral data should be digital. Can the MCA clarify the expectations on this? Answer: Gender-based violence data collected outside of a clinical setting should continue to be paper-based. Clinical data will be entered into DHIS2. Within clinical services data may be entered into the health management information system in a primary health facility. 12. On page 12, Section 3.2.3 Laboratory Software, it is noted that the interoperability plans between DisaLab and e-Register are led by HIS architects under PEPFAR, and it is expected that the Offeror will support this work. Kindly clarify what support is expected (FHIR support, eRegister support, best practices and guidance related to interoperability, etc.). Answer: The contractor will work to create an interoperable system that includes data from the laboratory software as part of the patient record established. The contractor will assess system compatibility, provide recommendations, and execute an agreed roadmap that leads to a unified health management information system in use. 13. Will MCA fund the changes that need to be made on the proprietary systems like DISA Lab or NDSO Pharmacy System to allow required integration or the Offeror will be expected to negotiate with the relevant Systems suppliers? Answer: During the pre-compact assessment phase, the contractor will need to identify changes to be made by proprietary systems that will allow interoperability of the health management information system. A proposal for the mode of implementation will be agreed in the resulting work plan. 14. On page 14, the RFI indicates that the LGDN is scheduled to roll out to 155 additional health facilities. What is the planned timeframe for this rollout? Answer: During the assessment phase the contractor will assess roll out plans, progress, the stage of completion and final timeline. 15. Please clarify if on page 15 under �4.0 Tasks� the �base period� is synonymous to the �pre-Compact phase�. Answer: Yes, in this case the terms are synonymous. 16. On page 15, it states that the Offeror �may also expand data collection and use systems to selected private providers.� Can the MCA clarify what this may include? Answer: The CHAL and Lesotho Red Cross facilities are included as government partners under this procurement. There may be select private practices that are key to service delivery that may also be included. This will be determined at the assessment or implementation phase. 17. Should all data be locally hosted? Answer: It may be optimal, due to localization and bandwidth constraints, for data collection and transmission to minimize the use of cloud-based services; this will be assessed during the architecture review. The final decision on the system architecture and implementation will be made during the assessment phase in coordination with the MOH and MCST. 18. Under Task on page 16, there is a reference to $2 million for equipment procurement. Is this separate from the ceiling for this contract? Answer: No, the $2 million allocated to equipment is part of the ceiling range provided in the RFI. 19. Task 4.1.7 indicates that the IFMIS and CBMS System Assessment is to be done at district level, but on page 13 it indicates that these systems should be assessed at the national level. Can the MCA clarify this activity? Answer: The assessment should review both national and district level use of IFMIS and CBMS including access to and use of both systems by health facility/health management staff at the district level. 20. Under Task 4.2.7, the RFI suggests that the Offeror should directly train end users as well as build capacity of local training institutions. In the HSS/PHC/cGBV Support RFI, however, it states that the Digital Health Contractor is expected to conduct initial training of instructors at other institutions (page 16). Can the MCA clarify if this contract is responsible for direct training of end users or only expected to work through other training institutions? Can the MCA also clarify if the Offeror is expected to provide sub-contracts to these training institutions to deliver training? Answer: The DH Contractor may, in some instances or project phases, be responsible to train end-users on features including data entry forms, data management, report creation, and other functionality of the unified health information system, as well as create training manuals/videos or other materials. On-going technical and data use training is anticipated to be delivered by relevant training institutions responsible for building capacity of the health care workforce under the HSS/PHC/cGBV contract. 21. The HSS/PHC/cGBV Support RFI mentions ensuring integration of EADEL (a health information system that mirrors the DHIS2 and has been used by EGPAF), but this system is not referenced in the Digital Health RFI. Can the MCA clarify if the Offeror is expected to integrate EADEL (or any other systems specific to individual NGOs)? Answer: The contractor will propose interoperable systems in support of the MOH. During the assessment period the contractor should assess the data needed by PEPFAR and provided by the EADEL system and propose how the HMIS can capture the data required. 22. Does the proposed solution require to use the OpenHIE architecture, interoperability patterns and workflows OpenHIE in a 100%? Answer: We expect the contractor to follow international standards and best practices that are achievable within the existing context to develop a secure and quality system architecture. Should international standards not be met, the contractor should provide recommendations on how best to address gaps without sacrificing quality, privacy and security. 23. If it is needed interoperability features not covered by OpenHIE, can be offered an additional ESB or interoperability platform? Answer: We expect the contractor to follow international standards and best practices that are achievable within the existing context to develop a secure and quality system architecture. Should international standards not be met, the contractor should provide recommendations on how best to address gaps without sacrificing quality, privacy and security. 24. If there is additional functionality (modules or subsystems) not fully covered by OpenHIE and current Health Information Systems in Lesotho, that is it going to be requested or can be offered? Answer: The assessment phase will lead to definition and alignment with the MCA on agreed functionality, modules and features to be developed through this contract. 25. Is it needed a module for the definition of the schedulers (diaries) of doctors or services, with patient appointment process, by the administrative staff? Answer: This will be determined at the pre-compact assessment phase, but the priority is interoperable systems, not new systems at this point. 26. Is it needed a module to be used in the waiting areas of the clinics and hospitals, to manage the patient arrival and optimize queues and patient calls through kiosks and TV monitors? Answer: This will be determined at the pre-compact assessment phase, but the priority is interoperable systems, not new systems at this point. 27. Is it needed a web page or an App so that the patient can request appointments, see their appointments, and their clinical history, among other functions? Answer: This will be determined at the assessment phase, but the priority is interoperable systems, not new systems at this point. 28. Is it needed a module for the medical activity in the outpatient department, usually in OPD or Primary Care centres? Includes the work-list of the doctor, doctor's consultation sheet, record of Clinical History, treatments, analytics, tests in general, etc. Answer: This will be determined at the assessment phase, but the priority is interoperable systems, not new systems at this point. 29. Is it needed a Module for the registration and consultation of the patient�s EMR, in each of its episodes? It includes, among others, the patient's clinical history, allergies, vital signs, diagnoses, procedures, diagnostic tests and results, prescription of medications, etc. Answer: This will be determined at the assessment phase, but the priority is interoperable systems, not new systems at this point. 30. Is it needed a Computerized Physicians� Orders Entry module used by the clinician to request any of the following: Lab analysis, Medical Imaging (radiology) diagnostic report, pathology report, referral to other services/hospital, Inpatient admission, Surgery and Interconsultation. Answer: This will be determined at the assessment phase, but the priority is interoperable systems, not new systems at this point. 31. Is it needed a module that manages admissions, discharges and transfers in the Hospital Emergency Department or Emergency Room, as well as the medical attention? Includes a basic triage. Answer: This will be determined at the assessment phase, but the priority is interoperable systems, not new systems at this point. 32. Is it needed a module for the management of the Inpatients departments of the hospitals and clinics, including all the administrative and clinical processes. Used by clinicians, nurses and admissions staff. Answer: This will be determined at the assessment phase, but the priority is interoperable systems, not new systems at this point. 33. Is it needed a module that allows the planning of surgical operating rooms, including the surgical waiting list? Answer: This will be determined at the assessment phase, but the priority is interoperable systems, not new systems at this point. 34. Is it needed a PACS for capturing and storing digital images obtained from modalities or medical imaging equipment: Tomography (CT scan), Magnetic Resonance (MRI), x-Ray, Echography, Ultrasound, �? Answer: This will be determined at the assessment phase, but the priority is interoperable systems, not new systems at this point. 35. Is it needed a module to dispense the drugs to the patients according to the previous clinical prescription or recipe? It controls that the patient can only receive one dispensation, and other controls. Answer: This will be determined at the assessment phase, but the priority is interoperable systems, not new systems at this point. 36. Is it needed a module for the rehabilitation service, which allows the management of treatment appointments and their follow-up? Answer: This will be determined at the assessment phase, but the priority is interoperable systems, not new systems at this point. 37. Is it needed a module for the health care management of patients at home? It provides the functionality to manage Homecare teams, to schedule the activity (visits and virtual attentions) in order to attend the patients. Answer: This will be determined at the assessment phase, but the priority is interoperable systems, not new systems at this point. 38. Is it needed a module to provide dashboards to obtain Indicators of the clinical activity (OPD, Emergencies, inpatients, surgeries, ...), administrative activity (patients attended, appointments made), and any other kind of reports? Answer: This will be determined at the assessment phase, but the priority is interoperable systems, not new systems at this point. 39. Is it needed a tele-consultation system for second opinions and clinical reports through videoconferencing, when the patient is far away from the practitioner or specialist? Answer: This will be determined at the assessment phase, but the priority is interoperable systems, not new systems at this point. 40. Is it convenient to provide a solution or development being able to use Lesotho local language? Answer: Language requirements should be confirmed during the assessment stage. 41. The HSS/PHC/cGBV Support RFI indicates that the timeline for the design and implementation of a referral system to ensure that patients receive care at the most appropriate level of the PHC system is Year 4, but in the Digital Health RFI the timeline indicated in Year 3 (page 22). Can the MCA confirm this should be Year 4? Answer: The timelines will be reviewed to ensure both RFP�s are synchronized. Annual workplans will provide additional opportunities to align deliverables considering dependencies. 42. Similarly, the HSS/PHC/cGBV Support RFI indicates that the timeline for the institutionalization of e-Register for use with all PHC services and linked to DHIS2 is the end of the Compact, but in the Digital Health RFI the timeline indicated is Year 2 (page 21). Can the MCA confirm this should be the end of the Compact? Answer: The timelines will be reviewed to ensure both RFP�s are synchronized. Annual workplans will provide additional opportunities to align deliverables considering dependencies. 43. MCST policy and governance capacity has been a noteworthy threat to sustainability, coherence and continuity of GOL ICT investments. Will the eventual solicitation incorporate objectives for strengthening governance, administration and business continuity matters? Answer: The contractor will coordinate closely with the MCST, but this contract is intended to support the Ministry of Health�s objectives. Coordination with the MCST may include participating in technical working groups, routine meetings and support for policy development and will be determined during the assessment phase. 44. To ensure that we can appropriately resource this project with the right team of experts, is there any possibility for flexibility of base location for some high-level key personnel? Answer: Key personnel for the Compact must be based in Lesotho. Other staff members could be based in Lesotho, regionally and/or internationally, depending on their role and its suitability for remote location working. 45. Is there a % requirement for the employment of Basotho? Answer: There is no percentage requirement for employment of Basotho in this contract. The Compact is an international treaty that includes the MCC Program Procurement Guidelines as part of it. This means that the local procurement law will not apply. 46. As the expert profiles do not indicate if they should be national or international, can we assume that either will be acceptable? Answer: Yes 47. Can the pre-Compact Assessment Team Leader be the same as Compact Digital Health Team Leader, as they are both foreseen? Answer: Yes, personnel may be the same across pre-Compact and Compact periods with different titles if they meet the proposed requirements. 48. Can proposed personnel be the same across the pre-Compact and Compact periods, but with different titles and roles depending on their breadth of experience? Answer: Yes, personnel may be the same across pre-Compact and Compact periods with different titles if they meet the proposed requirements. 49. Is there a requirement for the employment of women and people living with disabilities? Answer: It is expected that contractors would have policies in place to ensure diversity, equity and inclusion are addressed and all hiring policies are compliant with national policies and laws. 50. Will Withholding tax apply for non-Lesotho entities? Answer: No. 51. Will MCA or LMDA provide office space and equipment? Answer: No. 52. Will MCA assist with work permits for expats expected to work in Lesotho on a more full- time basis? Answer: Bidders will be expected to register their organizations in Lesotho as per local law. The MCA will affirm that the company is supporting the pre-Compact phase and Compact phase for registration and labor purposes. 53. Looking at the possibility that MCA might release other IT Systems related Requests For Proposals (RFP) will suppliers be allowed to participate in more than one assignment? Answer: Yes, bidders may compete in multiple procurements. However, the successful bidder for the MCA Technical Assistance procurement will NOT be able to implement any of the other procurements, because they will be supporting the MCA to oversee contractors. 54. Are there any eligibility criteria for the offeror? Answer: The bidder must be a legally registered entity in their country of incorporation. 55. Please give reasons for this, �Per MCA procurement rules consortia bids only permit the lead organization to be evaluated. Sub-contractors are not considered by the technical evaluation panel�. Answer: For organizations that elect to submit a proposal in a prime contractor and subcontractor arrangement, per the Millennium Challenge Corporation rules for MCA procurements (Accountable Entities), only the lead organization�s past performance will be evaluated. The past performance of all organizations that bid together as a formalized joint venture (where all firms participating in the joint venture are jointly and severally liable) or organizations that bid together expressing the intent to form a joint venture at the time of the proposal submission will be evaluated. The MCA will not require joint ventures or other forms of mandatory association between firms in the RFP. To prevent a prime organization from being awarded a contract based on expertise and experience brought by a subcontractor, to whom they are not legally associated with, the past experience of subcontractors cannot be considered by the TEP. 56. Is there a dedicated Project Management or Change Management methodology that shall be followed throughout the project? Answer: No, the bidder may propose a methodology that is most suitable to their implementation strategy. DISCLAIMER: THIS NOTICE IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. FOR UPDATES ON THIS SOLICITATION PLEASE FOLLOW THE FULL ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE LINK PROVIDED. THIS PROCUREMENT IS NOT CONDUCTED UNDER THE FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATIONS, IS NOT ADMINISTERED BY THE US GOVERNMENT, AND THE RESULTING AWARD WILL BE MADE BY THE COUNTRY INDICATED IN THE FULL ANNOUNCEMENT. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS PROCUREMENT PLEASE CONTRACT THE PERSON NAMED IN THE FULL ANNOUNCEMENT.
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