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325th Contracting Squadron/COP, 501 Illinois Ave, Ste 5, Tyndall AFB, FL, 32403-5526

A -- US/GERMAN BIOREMEDIATION EFFORT SOL TYN 95-004. DUE 021395. Contact Norma Myers, Contract Specialist, 904/283-8665 or Larry G. Edwards, Contracting Officer. This notice completely replaces two previous CDB notices, published 13 May and 26 May 94 for the Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) identified as number TYN 94-003, US/German Biomediation Effort. This announcement changes the scope of effort and the proposed research site. The Technical Description in this announcement encompasses all changes and modificatons. Proposals should be written to address requirements only in this Technical Description. All offerors who responded to the previous announcements shall re-submit based on this new announcement in order to be considered. This is a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) identifiable as number BAA TYN 95-004, US/German Bioremediation Effort. The Armstrong Laboratory Environics Directorate (AL/EQ), is interested in receiving proposals (technical and cost/price) on the research efforts described below. Proposals submitted in response to this announcement shall reference the BAA number identified above. Responders will ensure that the amounts proposed will be valid for a minimum of 180 days from the date of the proposal. Proposals may be submitted until 10 Feb 95. There will be no formal request for proposals or other solicitations regarding this announcement. Proposers shall be submitted with an original plus two (2) copies. Technical proposals shall be limited to 50 double-spaced pages (12 pitch or larger type), single-sided, 8.5 by 11 inches. The page limitation includes all information, i.e. indexes, photographs, foldouts, appendices, attachments, etc. Pages in excess of this limitation will not be considered by the Government. Cost proposals have no page limitations, however, offerors are requested to keep cost proposals to 35 pages. Proposals shall be mailed to 325 CONS/COP, Attn: Norma Myers, 501 Illinois Ave, Suite 5, Tyndall AFB, FL 32403-5526, marked for BAA TYN 95-004. Requirements: Technical Description: The purpose of this effort is to conduct a research effort involving the bioremediaton of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil and groundwater. The U.S. Air Force has approximately 2,000 petroleum hydrocarbon contamination sites that will require some form of cleanup action. There are also numberous such sites at military facilities throughout Germany and other NATO countries. Conventional treatment options include excavation, followed by treatment or disposal, soil vapor extraction which typically requires off-gas treatment, and various pump-and-treat technologies (for groundwater treatment). These methods are expensive and very energy intensive. In-situ biotechnologies offer a large cost saving as well as the capability of transforming the contaminants into innocuous end products. Bioventing has proven to be an effective innovative technology for treating petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants in the unsaturated zone. Bioventing is the process of aerating subsurface soils, thereby stimulatin aerobic biological activity and promoting bioremediation. This technology is currently being tested at over 150 Air Force sites through the on-going US Air Force Bioventing Initiative. All of these bioventing systems are being installed, operated, and monitored in accordance with the "Test Plan and Technical Protocol for a Field Treatability Test for Bioventing" published by the US Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (NTIS #PB 93-209146). The purpose of the effort described herein is to (1) conduct a field demonstratin of bioventing (to include conducting the initial site characterization, design, construction, and operation of the bioventing system; monitoring of system performance; and final sampling and analysis); and (2) evaluate through field sampling and modeling the effects of natural attenuation of the accompanying groundwater contamination plume. The monitoring, sampling, and analysis of the bioventing system will be done in a way to achieve a rigorous mass balance for the hydrocarbon contaminants and oxygen. these efforts will be onducted at an existing fuel contamination site at Rhein Main Air Base, Frankfurt, Germany. Site-specific information includes the following: contamination was caused by a leaking diesel pipeline, contaminated soil exists mainly in an open field (fuel tanks have been removed); depth to groundwater is approximately 6-8 meters; very little is known at this time regarding extend or level of contamination. Proposer should assume an area of approximately 25 meters x 25 meters in which to conduct the bioventing field demonstration. Proposer must be able to install an effective free product recovery system that can easily be integrated with the bioventing system if significant quantities of free product exist at the site. Proposer can propose and cost the free product recovery system as an option since the absence/presence of free product is undetermined at this time. PROPOSAL PREPARATION: Responses submitted shall include a proposal for technical and cost/price as follows: (a) The Technical Proposal shall include a discussion of the nature and scope of the research and the technical approach. Additional information on prior work in this area, descriptions of equipment, data facilities, and resumes of key project personnel who will be participating in the effort should also be included as attachments to the technical proposal and are not included in the page limit. The company must demonstrate previous experience in laboratory and field-scale research of in-situ bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination. The proposer must demonstrate the capability of putting together a capable team of US/German scientists/engineers with the necessary advanced degrees. Proposer must also demonstrate previous experience in working with the German environmental regulatory agencies and demonstrate experience in the generation of reports and documents in both the English and German language. The technical proposal shall include a Statement of Work (SOW) detailing the technical tasks proposed to be accomplished which is suitable for contract incorporation. (b) The Cost/Price Proposal requires submission of cost or pricing data on Standard Form (SF) 1411 together with a supporting detailed cost schedule and shall contain a per person-hour breakdown per task. Copies of the above referenced form, e.g. SF 1411, may be obtained from the contracting specialist cited herein. The cost of preparing proposals in response to this announcement is not considered an allowable direct charge to any resulting contract or any other contract. It is however, an allowable expense to the normal bid and proposal indirect cost in FAR 31.205-18. Offerors should apply the restrictive notice prescribed in the provision at FAR 52.215-12, Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Data, to trade secrets or privileged commercial and financial information contained in their proposals. EVALUATION CRITERIA: The selection of one or more sources for award will be based on an evaluation of an offeror's response (both technical and cost aspects) to determine the overall merit of the proposal in response to the announcement. The technical aspect, which is ranked as the first order of the priority, shall be evaluated based on the following criteria which are of equal importance: (a) the degree to which the proposal demonstrates the offeror's understanding of the problem and potential solutions indicates that their research approach will yield a suitable working system concept which will generate desired data; (b) the offeror's understanding of the scope of the technical effort; (c) soundness of offeror's technical approach; (d) the availability of qualified technical personnel and their experience with applicable technologies, (e) the offeror's past experience with bioventing, free product recovery, and application of natural attenuation models; and (f) organization, clarity, and thoroughness of the proposed SOW. Cost is ranked as the second order of priority. No other evaluation criteria will be used. The technical and cost information will be evaluated at the same time. The Air Force reserves the right to select for award of a contract or grant any, all, part, or none of the proposals received. No further evaluation criteria will be used in the source selection. Deliverable items: (a) Contractor's Progress, Status, and Management Report (Mthly) DI-MGMT-80227/T, (b) Funds and Manhour Expenditure Report (Mthly) DI-FNCL-80331/T, (c) Contract Funds Status Report (Qtrly) DI-F-6004B/T, (d) Presentation Material (As Req) DI-A-3024A, (e) Scientific and Technical Reports DI-MISC-80711, (Draft and reproducible final, Interim and EOC). The contractor shall be required to present two formal briefings at the end of the effort to be held at Tyndall AFB, FL and Rhein Main AB Germany. SIZE STATUS: The appropriate SIC code for this acquisition is 8731 with a size standard of 500 employees. Firms responding should indicate whether or not they are a small business, small disadvantaged business, or a woman-owned business. AWARD INFORMATION: While no parts of this requirement lend themselves to being severed for set-aside to Small Businesses, Small Disadvantaged Business, or Historically Black Colleges and Universities or Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI), the Air Force reserves the right to consider a small business set-aside based on responses hereto. PREFERRED TYPE OF CONTRACT: Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF). PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: The total length of the technical effort is estimated to be 36 months. The contractor shall also provide for an additional 4 months for processing/completin of the final report. GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY: This field demonstration will be conducted at a contamination site on Rhein Main AB, Frankfurt, Germany. Contractor is expected to be self sufficient at the field site. OTHER SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: The contractor must have facilities and staff located in the continental United States and Germany. The contractor must ensure that at least one of the field engineers/scientists is fluent in the German language. NOTICE TO FOREIGN AND FOREIGN-OWNED FIRMS: Such firms are asked to immediately notify the Air Force point cited below upon deciding to respond to this announcement. This action is necessary to begin review and clearance procedures. Foreign firms should be aware that restrictions may apply which could preclude their participation. CONTACT POINTS: Contracting questions for this BAA to 325 CONS/COP, Attn: Norma Myers, 501 Illinois Ave, Suite 5, Tyndall AFB FL 32403-5526, Commercial (904) 283-8665. Technical questions to AL/EQW-OL Attn: Catherine Vogel, 139 Barnes Drive, Suite 2, Tyndall AFB FL 32403-5323, Commercial (904) 283-6208. Offerors are advised that only Contractin Officers are legally authorized to contractually bind or otherwise commit the Government. (011)

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