COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF may 24,1995 PSA#1353Cashier's Office, Room 5441, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116 Z -- OIL AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENT RESPONSE SOL BPB-2496. DUE
072595. Contact Point T.R. Nix, (617) 342-4515. Sealed proposals for
the following project will be received at the Cashier's Office, Room
5441, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, Massachusetts 02116 until the date and
time stated below and will at that place and time be publicly opened
and read: July 25, 1995 at 2:00 PM. Boston: FAP No.: I-93-1 (257).
Central Artery/Tunnel Project. Oil and Hazardous Materials Incident
Response (C25A2). Proposal Guaranty: 5% of Bid. Project Value:
$5,000,000. The Massachusetts Highway Department is committed to
substantive participation of disadvantaged business enterprises in the
performance of the work of this contract and has therefore established
a DBE utilization goal of 11% for this contract. Bidders must be
prequalified by the Department in the category Hazardous Waste
Remediation to bid on the above project. The Work shall include, but
not be limited to, The Oil and Hazardous materials Incident Response
Contract will provide a means of dealing with a change of site
condition caused by a discovery of oil and/or hazardous materials. The
Contractor will ``remediate'' the unexpected site conditions in order
that the mainline contractor(s) may proceed with its construction, and
not be subjected to OSHA 29 CFR 120.20 requirements. This Contract is
not intended as ``clean up'' activities as recognized by the regulatory
agencies. The Oil and Hazardous Materials Incident Response Contractor
will be required to provide emergency services including qualified
personnel, equipment, materials, and other pertinent services and
facilities to respond to contain and clean up hazardous material that
meets the definition of hazardous waste and/or exceeding the clearance
criteria (TPH greater than 3000 ppm and PAH greater than 300 ppm). The
Contractor, at the direction of the Engineer, shall provide services at
any time and at any specified location within the CA/T alignment. The
primary services to be provided under this Contract are the removal,
recovery, containment, packaging, transport, storage, or disposal of
oil products, underground storage tanks and related piping, hazardous
materials, or asbestos. For the purpose of the Asbestos Containment and
Removal category, the Contractor is responsible to respond to
unforeseeable, sudden and unplanned event for which a response is
necessary to contain, stabilize, remove and/or dispose of asbestos
which has been dumped or released into the environment. The bidding for
and award of this Contract are to be in accordance with the
requirements of Massachusetts General Laws Ch. 30, Section 39M. Bidders
are on notice that this project is subject to the schedule of
prevailing wage rates as determined by the Commissioner of the
Department of Labor & Industries (Commonwealth of Massachusetts) and
the United States Department of Labor. The Proposal Guaranty shall be
in the form of cash, bid bond, certified check, treasurer's check or
cashier's check made payable to the Massachusetts Highway Department.
Payment for Specifications/Proposal Pamphlet, may be made in cash,
money order, certified check, treasurer's check or cashier's check and
will be $20.00 payable at Room 5441 at the above address. The amount
will be refundable, for one set only, to official bidders who submit a
formal bid for the project and upon return of the documents in good
condition to the CA/T Project Office at 185 Kneeland Street, within 15
days following the opening of bids, or to a common carrier or the post
office department not later than the Friday following bid opening for
subsequent delivery to the Department at Kneeland Street. Charges for
non-refundable additional copies of the documents are as follows: Set
of Specifications/Proposal Pamphlets, $20.00 each. Upon payment of the
required amount, a prequalified bidder shall be entitled to receive an
officially numbered non-transferable Proposal Pamphlet along with a set
of Plans for the project (if required). Informational copies of plans
and specifications are available to non-prequalified individuals and
firms. A separate remittance should be submitted for each Proposal
Pamphlet requested. Proposal Pamphlets and Plans will be issued only
from the CA/T Project Office at 185 Kneeland Street 5th Floor, after
payment at Park Plaza. The return of documents for refund shall also be
at 185 Kneeland Street. Contract Documents will be on display at the
following locations: Massachusetts Highway Department, Boston Office;
CA/T Project Office; Boston Public Library, Dudley Square, 65 Warren
Street, Roxbury; Contractor's Association of Boston, 25 Centre Street,
Roxbury; Minority Business Development Center, 985 Commonwealth
Avenue, Boston; and the Small Business Administration, 10 Causeway
Street, Boston. Certain reference materials may be reviewed during the
bid period by appointment only. Call T. Nix, Jr. (617) 342-4515 to
make an appointment. An award will not be made to a Contractor who is
not prequalified by the Department prior to the opening of the
Proposals. The right is reserved to waive any informality and to reject
any or all proposals. The Department, in accordance with Title VI of
the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Title 49, Code of Federal
Regulations, Part 21, Non-discrimination in Federally assisted programs
of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such act, hereby
notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any
contract entered into pursuant to this notice that disadvantaged
business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids
in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on
grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an
award. The goal for female workforce participation, applicable to this
proposal, is 6.9%. See Subsection 11.05, Standard Federal Equal
Employment Opportunity Contract Specifications. The goal for minority
workforce participation, applicable to this proposal, is 30%. See
Subsection 11.03, Supplemental EEO, Anti-Discrimination, and
Affirmative Action Program. In order for its bid to be determined
eligible for award of this Contract, the bidder must give satisfactory
assurance that it shall maintain the required ratios of employee hours
to total person hours in each job category. Massachusetts Highway
Department projects are subject to the rules and regulations of the
Architectural Access Board (521 CMR 1.00 et. seq.). Pre-Bid Conference:
A Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled to be held at 10:00 A.M. in the CA/T
Project Office at One South Station in Boston, MA, 5th Floor in
Conference Room No. 2 on June 14, 1995. At this conference, the bid
process will be reviewed and written questions will be taken.
Attendance at this conference is recommended but not mandatory and is
limited to two (2) representatives per bidding entity. (142) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0092 19950523\Z-0001.SOL)
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