COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF OCTOBER 18,1995 PSA#1454Space and Missile Systems Center, MILSATCOM Joint Program Office, 2420
95-99 DUE 112095 POC Contact: Technical POC Lt Charles Gadda, (310)
336-4752; Buyer: Ms Hayley Philbrick, (310) 336-4748 or Contracting
Officer: Mr Joseph Schleifer, (310) 336-4729 Space and Missile Systems
Center, MILSATCOM Joint Program Office (SMC/MC) requests proposals for
a research study entitled ''Military Integrated Satellite
Communications Study.'' This study will augment internal government
studies to determine cost effective solutions for meeting future (post
2003) military communication requirements. Future requirements include
increased satellite communication services ranging from low speed
secure data and voice networks to high data rate video and LAN
extension in support of mobile, tactical users. A specific goal of the
study is an increased understanding of how 1) emerging commercial
communication systems can be used to augment or supplant dedicated
military satellite communication systems; 2) emerging commercial
satellite system designs could be adapted and/or replicated for use at
military frequencies; 3) components, subsystems and segments of
current and emerging commercial satellite systems could be used.
Leveraging commercial communications systems quantities (satellites,
terminals, etc.) to reduce overall SATCOM costs is the primary
objective. Military satellite communication systems have been built for
meeting general purpose, core (operate through some interference) and
hard core (operate under highly stressed jamming and scintillation
environment) requirements. The study will focus on how to satisfy the
general purpose and core military requirements through use of military
systems, commercial systems adapted to military frequencies and/or
commercial systems. The hard core requirements will be satisfied with
a dedicated military system. The system concepts should address the
entire communications system, including the space segment,
communication management, network control, spacecraft control, and
fixed, transportable, and mobile terminals capable of being interfaced
with existing and planned government command, control, and
communications systems. Different procurement strategies should be
considered to include streamlined development o DOD unique systems,
government owned/commercially operated systems and leasing
arrangements, military use of commercial systems, and commercial
equipment transitioned to military frequencies. The overall objectives
of the study are: 1) develop a concept of how planned commercial
communication systems can be used by the military, 2) develop a system
concept for the military satellite communication system, 3) recommend
the most cost effective procurement strategies to minimize system life
cycle cost. PROPOSED TASKS: The contractor will be expected to perform
the following task(s): Task 1. This task examines how emerging
commercial satellite systems/services (commercially owned and operated)
can satisfy military SATCOM needs. a. Review the current Government
allocation of requirements to different SATCOM segments, including the
split between commerical and military SATCOM. The Government will
provide a functional requirements document for the military satellite
communications requirements. In addition to the requirements
allocation, the process used to allocate the requirements will be
described. b. Identify and characterize emerging commercial SATCOM
systems. Evaluate how well they support the military's requirements in
the functional requirements document, including unique needs such as
anti-jam, anti-scintillation and unique network configurations such as
netted voice. c. For the commercial systems characterized in Task 1.b.
with the potential to meet military SATCOM requirements, develop a
system concept for utilizing commercial systems that includes end to
end communication management, network control and end-user terminals.
Determine if the emerging commercial systems are forecasted to have
sufficient surge capacity to support a major regional conflict
scenario. Identify how these services interface to/complement the
systems addressed by Tasks 2 and 3. d. For the system concepts from
Task 1.c., determine the usage and terminal costs of the emerging
commercial SATCOM systems in satisfying these military SATCOM
requirements. Task 2. This task examines how current and emerging
commercial satellite systems (space, terminal, and control segments)
could be procured by the DoD either without modification or modified to
operate at a military frequency for the DoD's sole use. a. Identify
possible minor modifications that commercial providers may be willing
to make to purely commercialsystems that could satisfy the unique
military requirements. Modification of a commercial system to a
military frequency band is considered a more significant modification
and will be covered by Task 2.b. b. Evaluate the feasibility (including
frequency allocation issues) of DoD procuring a complete current or
emerging commercial SATCOM system for worldwide operation: 1. At the
existing/planned commercial frequency band, 2. Transitioned to a
military frequency. c. Identify the military-unique SATCOM requirements
that should/could be satisfied most cost-effectively by this type of
SATCOM system rather than by the systems explored in Task 3. d.
Identify any issues such as international laws, treaties and frequency
landing rights that may impact world wide system operations of a DoD
unique system operating at commercial frequencies. e. Develop a system
concept (space, ground, control) to meet those military requirements.
Identify how this system interfaces to/complements the system
addressed in Task 3. f. Develop a schedule for procurement,
development/design and production of the system concept developed in
Task 2.e. Develop a streamlined program management concept that would
increase efficiency and reduce the acquisition cost of the system. g.
For the system concept developed in Task 2.e., evaluate system
performance and identify time-phased life-cycle costs. Identify and
evaluate the relative trade-offs in system performance between the
proposed modified commercial system(s) and exisisting/planned DoD
MILSATCOM systems in terms of numbers of networks supported, capacity,
O&M loading, ease of use and ability to meet unique military
requirements. Task 3: This task examines how to reduce system
life-cycle costs for a DoD owned/operated military-unique SATCOM
system. a. Develop a system concept (space, ground, control) to meet
the MILSATCOM requirements. 1. Develop a ground segment concept that
includes end-to-end communications management, network control and
spacecraft control; 2. Develop a communication terminal segment concept
that interfaces with the military communication infrastructure,
including the Defense Information Systems Network (DISN); 3. Evaluate
different satellite concepts, including various satellite sizes and
orbits, for the space segment. Develop conceptual satellite functional
designs for the space segment elements. b. Evaluate system performance
and identif time-phased life-cycle costs for the system concept
developed in Task 3.a c. Develop a schedule for procurement,
development/design and production of the system. Develop a streamlined
program management concept that would increase efficiency and reduce
the acquisition cost of the system. DELIVERABLES INFORMATION: Two to
six Firm-Fixed Price contract awards are anticipated, for a period of
performance of approximately six (6) months. Expected contract award(s)
is Feb 96. Proposals are to be valid through 30 Apr 96. Two types of
contract awards are anticipated. The first type of award will include
all three SOW tasks at an anticipated value of approximately $1M each.
The government reserves the right to make multiple awards to Small
Business (SB), Small and Disadvantaged Business (SDB) and Historically
Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU/MI) if capability to perform is
determined. In the case of submissions of equal caliber, preferance
will be given to SB, SDB and HBCU/MI. SB, SDB and HDCU/MI are
encouraged to participate. The second type of award will include only
Task 1 (characterization of commercial systems) at an anticipated value
of approximately $400K each which will be restricted to SB, SDB and
HDCU/MI. For purposes of this acquisition, the size standard is 1,000
employees (SIC 8731). Firms responding should indicate their size
status. The contract deliverables will include (but are not limited to)
commercial utilization report, system concept, life-cycle cost
reporting, recommended program management concepts, top level segment
designs, contractor cost reports, meeting minutes and presentations,
and a final report. Products will be delivered to the Government
throughout the course of the contractual period. The data derived from
the study may be used in future Government procurements. Progress
reviews will be held at two months and five months after contract
start. BASIS FOR CONTRACT AWARD: The selection of sources for contract
award will be based on four separate criteria, given in descending
order of relative importance. The first criterion is utility to the
government. Given the Government's emphasis on low-cost system
concepts, the offeror's ability to generate credible cost data will be
a prime focus in evaluating utility to the government. The offeror's
past experience will also be factored into this evaluation. The second
criterion is soundness of approach wich is based on the depth of the
offeror's understanding of the problem, the approach to accomplish the
technical objective, the availability and competence of experienced
engineering and other personnel for the study. Depth of the offeror's
total system perspective, to include system operations, terminals and
ground control, will also be a factor in the soundness of approach. The
third criterion are new and creative solutions which will be based on
the merit of the ideas and concepts proposed (including novel, original
or innovative ideas or concepts.) The fourth criterion is the proposed
cost of the study, which will be evaluated on reasonableness of the
labor and other resources required to perform the proposed effort.
Contracts will not be awarded to offerors who exceed the cost target or
do not demonstrate in their proposals that they can exercise adequate
management control of costs. Any award is subject to the availability
of funds. The first, second and third criteria above will be evaluated
solely on the content of proposal volumes II, III, and IV (see below
for description of proposal volume content). The fourth criterion will
be evaluated using proposal volumes IV and V only. No further
evaluation criteria will be used in selecting the proposals.
INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS: Proposals in response to this Program
Research & Development Announcement (PRDA) should be submitted in five
volumes: Volume I, Executive Summary with an integrated Statement of
Work (SOW), 10 copies, no more than 5 pages; Volume II, Technical
Management with an integrated schedule of work to be performed based on
the tasks described in this announcement, and suggested data items to
be provided by the study, 10 copies, no more than 25 pages; Volume III,
Relevant Past Performance, a brief resume of past experience, to
include commercial system experience, of both company and proposed
study team members with emphasis on the offeror's experience and
capabilities in proposed areas and how the experience and capabilities
would be employed in support of this program, 4 copies, no more than
5 pages; Volume IV, Management Plan describing offeror's work
organization and detailing how the effort described in this
announcement will be managed (to include discussion of manning over the
contractual period and scheduling of tasks), 10 copies, no more than 5
pages; and Volume V, Cost Proposal, in clear and concise format,4
copies, no limit on pages. Pages in excess of the above limitations
will not be considered by the government. Proposals must be submitted
on 8 1/2 X 11 inch paper, printed on single side, elite or equivalent
type not smaller than 12 point character height (vertical size) and no
more than 12 characters per inch with type spacing of one and a half
spaces. Responses should reference PRDA 95-99 and are due by 3:00 PM.
on 20 Nov 95 to SMC/MCK, Los Angeles AFB, 2420 Vela Way, Suite 1467-A8,
Los Angeles AFB, CA 90245-4659, Attn: Hayley Philbrick. In order that
proposals are afforded proper handling, offerors must mark their
proposals with restrictive language stated in FAR 15.509(a). There will
be no formal Request for Proposal or other solicitation in regard to
this requirement. Offerors should be alert to any PRDA amendments that
may be published. POINTS OF CONTACTS: All technical questions/comments
must be submitted in writing to SMC/MCX, Lt Chuck Gadda (Voice#
310-336-4752, Fax# 310-336-4905). Contractual issues should be referred
to the buyer, Ms. Hayley Philbrick (Voice# 310-336-4748, Fax#
310-336-4681). Potential offerors may contact the above individuals for
clarification of technical/contractual issues and cost response format.
SECURITY AND OTHER INFORMATION: At the time of contract award, DoD
SECRET clearances for all personnel working on the effort and SECRET
facility clearances are required. Some of the requirements information
to be used for this study will be classified SECRET/NOFORN. Responders
are cautioned that only contracting officers are legally authorized to
commit the Government. This announcement is an expression of interest
only and does not commit the government to pay for any proposal
preparation costs. Furthermore, the cost of preparing proposals in
response to this announcement is not considered an allowable direct
charge to any resulting contract or any other contract. However, these
costs are allowable as expenses to the normal bid and proposal
indirect costs specified in FAR 31.205-18. The Air Force reserves the
right to select for award any, all or none of the proposals received to
this announcement. Award of any contract is subject to availability of
funds. An industry conference will be held, details of which will be
published in the CBD. (0289) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0001 19951017\A-0001.SOL)
A - Research and Development Index Page