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GSA, PBS, Property Development, Ohio Branch (5PCO), JCK Federal Building, 230 S Dearborn Street, Room 3512, M/S 35-3, Chicago, Illinois 60604

C -- ARCHITECT/ENGINEER SERVICES, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, FORT BENJAMIN HARRISON, BUILDING ONE, MODERNIZATION AND RENOVATION SOL GS05P96GBC0013. Contact Yvonne Flores, 312/886-6920/Contracting Officer. The General Services Administration (GSA) announces an opportunity for design excellence in architecture, renovation, mechanical and electrical engineering. Architect-Engineering (A/E) Services are required for the Modernization and Renovation at Fort Benjamin Harrison of Building One, at 8899 East 56th Street in Indianapolis, Indiana for GSA Great Lakes Region (5), Solicitation No. GS05P96GBC0013. The building was constructed in 1951 and contains approximately 1.6 million gross square feet. The building currently houses nearly 4000 employees primarily from the Defense Finance Accounting Service (DFAS). The estimated total construction cost for the project is estimated to range between $90,000,000 and $120,000,000 and will be accomplished through phased construction. The design will require that DFAS continue to operate fully during the renovation process. The Design Team will be responsible for the development of a phasing plan for the renovation program that will allow the building occupants to carry on their business efficiently and safely throughout the construction period. The modernization of Building One will consist of the general rehabilitation/renovation of the building in an asbestos environment. All new work will coordinate with the existing construction and utilities that remain in the building. The design may include but not be limited to: asbestos abatement, replacement of windows, miscellaneous exterior repairs, reglazing skylights, miscellaneous roof repair, modernization of restrooms, new ceiling systems, miscellaneous interior improvements (wall partition replacement, carpet, painting), providing electrical for lighting, computers, exterior lighting and new emergency generator along with other miscellaneous electrical improvements, replace air distribution systems, other miscellaneous HVAC improvements, upgrade interior/exterior for accessibility and adding islands to parking lots. Improvements shall include compliance with the current accessibility and firesafety standards. The project is to be designed in metric units only. Use hard metric dimensions and units to the maximums extent feasible. The scope of A/E services under this proposed Fixed Price Contract may include, but not be limited to the following: pre-design programming; survey of existing conditions; studies; developing concepts; presentations for client agencies; energy conservation analysis; development of housing plans and support for the relocation of tenants into swing space; development of phasing plans; complete architectural and engineering design; preparation of specifications and CADD drawings for Construction Documents; Value Engineering; Cost Estimating; Space Planning; Interior Design; Post Construction Contract Services (PCCS) consisting of shop drawing review, photography, record drawings and Construction Phase Inspection Services). The A/E selection will be completed in two stages as follows: STAGE I: The first stage will establish the Architectural, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, and Industrial Hygienist Design capabilities of the A/E design firms and their key designers. In this process, the key design individuals and the associated A/E firms that will develop the philosophy, design intent and conceptual design for this building are herein identified as the ``A/E Design Firm''. The Mechanical/Electrical Engineering requirements and how they are implemented in an asbestos containing environment form a large portion of the total scope of this project and it is essential that for this project the term ``A/E Design Firm'' includes the team of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers that will have the primary responsibility to conceive the design concepts and methods of accomplishing them. In the first stage, a short list minimum of three (3) A/E design firms will be selected for continuation into the second phase. The short list will be based on the A/E Design Firms' submittal in response to this Request For Qualifications (RFQ). The A/E Design Firm will provide specific evidence of its capabilities to deliver Design Excellence in Office Design and Engineering, and will express its design approach and philosophy. Interested firms shall submit Standard Forms 254 and 255 for the A/E Design Firm only along with the following additional information. Qualifications submitted by each firm will be reviewed and evaluated based on the following criteria which is in descending order of importance: (1) PAST PERFORMANCE ON DESIGN: The A/E Design Firm shall submit 8'' x 10'' graphics (maximum of three per project) and a written description (maximum of one page per project) of five (5) relevant projects completed within the past 10 years. Three (3) projects shall demonstrate architectural accomplishments and the incorporation of new complex state-of-the-art facilities within existing structures. Two (2) projects shall demonstrate electrical and mechanical engineering accomplishments (minimum of one of each). The narrative shall address the design approach and salient features for each project (including tangible evidence where possible i.e. certificates, awards, peer recognition; etc. demonstrating design excellence) and discuss how the design constraints were satisfied by the design solution. (2) PHILOSOPHY AND DESIGN INTENT: In the Key Designers' words (maximum of one page for each of the following: architectural, mechanical and electrical engineering) state their overall design philosophy, and parameters that apply specifically to the modernization of buildings with the focus on the unique aspects of installing flexible state of the art building systems in existing structures. (3) KEY DESIGNERS' PORTFOLIO: The Key Designers' (architectural, electrical and mechanical engineering) shall submit 8'' x 10'' graphics (maximum of three per project) and a written description (maximum of one page per project) of two (2) relevant projects each (total of six) completed within the past 10 years directly attributable to the Key Designers. Narrative shall include a discussion of design challenges for both architectural and engineering disciplines and the resolution and lead designers philosophy, responsibility and influence on the design solution. (4) KEY DESIGNERS' PROFILE: Submit a biographical sketch including education, professional experience, and recognition for design efforts inclusive of examples of similar projects for each Key Designer (architectural, electrical and mechanical engineering). Identify and describe areas of responsibility and commitment to this project. STAGE II: In this stage, the entire project team, including the A/E Design Firm selected in the first stage, its designated Key Designers, and all the consultants who will work on the project will be evaluated. The A/E design firms will submit Standard Forms 254 and 255's which reflect the entire project team. Continuity of key personnel for the duration of the project will be essential. It is not necessary to submit portfolio/graphic information submitted in Stage I. An interview with each project team will be included in this stage. The Government will establish the criteria and date these submittals are due and provide the selection criteria for the interviews and final selection process, with the Stage I short list announcement. Once announced, the short list will be published in the CBD. Sufficient time will be provided for the A/E design firm to establish the project team. The A/E design firm must have an active production office within the tri-state region (Illinois, Indiana, Ohio) which has been active for a minimum of one year and will remain so throughout the life of the contract. Interested firms with more than one office must indicate on their SF 255, the staffing composition of the office in which the work will be performed. If the A/E design firm is a partnership, corporation, association or other legal entity, one of the associated firms must satisfy this requirement. If the A/E design firm is comprised of a partnership, corporation, association or other legal entity permitted by law to practice architecture or engineering, a complete description of the proposed internal responsibilities of the components must be included in the Stage I submittal. This entity must be in place at the time of contract award. This solicitation is open to both large and small business concerns in accordance with the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program. Although this procurement is open to large business, small and minority owned A/E firms are strongly encouraged to participate. The Government recognizes the talent existing in smaller firms and encourages the contributions of new and innovative designers to public architecture. In accordance with Public Law 95-507 the Design Firm will be required to provide the maximum practicable opportunities for small business concerns, women-owned small business concerns and small business concerns owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals to participate as subcontractors in the performance of the contract. The use of subcontractors/consultants shown on the submitted SF 254's and SF 255's will be reflected in a Small and Small Disadvantaged Business Subcontracting plan included in the contract. The detailed plan is not required to be submitted with the SF 255, but must be prepared prior to award. However, this requirement should be taken into consideration when assembling the teams for the SF 255. The minimum acceptable subcontracting target goals for this project will be determined by each individual firm. Firms seeking consideration for this contract shall demonstrate a proactive effort to achieve the highest subcontracting goals possible for small business, women-owned small business and small disadvantaged business concerns. These goals will be reviewed and approved by the Small Business Administration (SBA) prior to award of the contract. Firms must also provide a brief written narrative of outreach efforts made to utilize small, small disadvantaged, and women-owned businesses. The narrative shall not exceed one typewritten page and should be included in item 10 of the standard form 255. An acceptable subcontracting plan must be agreed to before contract award. Small Businesses are not subject to this requirement. Firms having the capabilities to perform the services described in this announcement are invited to respond by submitting the information requested in the four evaluation criteria for Stage I included herein with a letter of interest identifying this announcement by solicitation number no later than June 17, 1996 by 4:00 pm (CST). The information is to be submitted to the above referenced address. The following information must be on the outside of each submittal package: (1) Solicitation No. and Title, (2) Due Date and (3) Closing Time. Late responses are subject to FAR provision 52.215.10. Each 255 submitted must make the following certification as the last entry in Block 10: ``I hereby certify the firm (or joint venture) and consultants listed for this project meet the geographic locations stated in the CBD announcement for this solicitation.'' A follow-up listing of firms to be interviewed will appear in this publication. All other A-E firms and consultants interested in participating in the design team should submit a one-page letter of interest only, which will be forwarded to the short-listed firms. Award of this contract is contingent upon funding approval. All GSA employees are governed by GSA Order ADM6420.4, GSA Standards of Conduct, as published in the Federal Register, February 12, 1980, pages 9272-9283. No other general notification to firms will be made. This is not a request for fee proposal. See Note 24. (134)

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C - Architect and Engineering Services - Construction Index Page