Electronic Commerce, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, 3000
Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-3000. This is to announce that
as of April 24, 1996, the contracting offices listed below have
implemented Interim FACNET in accordance with Federal Acquisition
Regulation 4.505-1. The contracting offices listed have successfully
demonstrated an Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data Interchange
(EC/EDI) capability that conforms to the requirements established by
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition Reform) memorandum dated
June 23, 1995 and Public Law 103-355, the Federal Acquisition
Streamlining Act of 1994. The contracting offices may use the
simplified acquisition procedures in FAR 13, as modified by the
proposed rule (FAR Case 94-770), ``Simplified Acquisition
Procedures/FACNET,'' published in the Federal Register on March 6,
1995, for procurements exceeding $50,000 but less than $100,000 that
are solicited via FACNET. This is to further announce that at a date
not to exceed 90 days following receipt of ``adequate price
competition'' (defined at FAR 15.804-3(b)) for those item(s) being
procured via FACNET, certified Interim FACNET contracting offices shall
require that all FACNET solicitation be responded by offeror(s) via
FACNET, unless otherwise authorized. A separate CBD announcement will
notify industry of the specific date. (Call 1-800-EDI-3414 for
additional information.) If there are any modifications to the
contracting office or DISA EC/EDI architecture as outlined in Project
Management Plan, the certification must be reviewed and revalidated.
ARMY Deployments: Defense Supply Service-Washington, Pentagon; Anniston
AD, AL; Brooke AMC, TX; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE)
Huntsville, AL; Corpus Christi Army Depot, TX; Eisenhower AMC, GA;
Fitzsimmons AMC, CO; Ft. Belvoir, VA; Ft. Benning, GA; Ft. Bragg, NC;
Ft. Campbell, KY; Ft. Carson, CO; Ft. Dix, NJ; Ft. Gordon, GA; Ft.
Hood, TX; Ft. Knox, KY; Ft. Lewis, WA; Ft. McCoy, WI; Ft. Riley, KS;
Ft. Rucker, AL; Ft. Sill, OK (Supports Ft. Chaffee); Ft. Stewart, GA;
ISC-Ft. Huachuca, AZ; Letterkenny Army Depot, PA; Madigan AMC, WA; MDW
Ft. Myers, VA; MICOM, AL; Picatinney Arsenal, NJ; Red River Army
Depot, TX: Tobyhanna Army Depot, PA; TRDC-Ft. Huachuca, AZ; Tripler
AMC, HI; Walter Reed AMC, DC; Watervliet Arsenal, NY; William Beaumont
AMC, TX; Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD; DOC Ft. Eustis, VA; TRADOC Ft
Eustis, VA; TACOM-WRN, MI; Ft. Shafter, HI; FORSCOM-Ft. Sam Houston,
TX; FORSCOM-Atlanta Army Contracting Center-Ft. McPherson, GA, DOC-Ft.
Polk, LA; NGB-USPFO Montgomery, AL; USPFO Camp Lincoln, Springfield,
IL; USPFO Jackson, MS; USPFO Latham, NY; USPFO Annville, PA; USPFO
Lansing, MI; NGB-USPFO Jackson Barracks, LA; USPFO Camp Ripley, MN;
USPFO Concord, NH, USPFO Oklahoma City, OK; FORSCOM DOC-Ft, Irwin, CA;
Charles Melvin Price Support Center Granite City, IL; National Defense
University, Washington, DC; Ft. Ritchie, MD; USACOE, Little Rock, AK;
USACOE, Sacramento, CA; USACOE, Jacksonville, FL; USACOE, Water Ways
Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS; USACOE, St. Louis, MO; USACOE,
Portland, OR; USACOE, Ft. Worth, TX; USACOE, Seattle, WA; USACOE, Walla
Walla, WA: USACOE, Tulsa, OK; Ft. Indiantown Gap, PA; USPFO, Missouri;
USPFO Arkansas; USPFO, Indiana; CBDCOM (formally APC-EA); Ft. Drum,
NY; Headquarters Military Traffic Management Command, Falls Church, VA;
Bluegrass Army Depot, KY; CECOM, Ft. Monmouth, NJ; CECOM, U.S. Army
Military Academy, West Point, NY; USACOE, Baltimore, MD; USACOE,
Mobile, AL; USACOE, Transatlantic Division, Winchester, VA; USPFO,
Iowa; USPFO, Texas; USPFO, Alaska; USPFO, Georgia; USPFO, South Dakota;
USPFO, Utah; USPFO, Wisconsin; Directorate of Contracting, Ft. Lee, VA;
U. S. Army Medical Research and Development Command, Frederick, MD;
U.S. Army Soldier Systems Command, Natick, MA; U. S. Army Test and
Evaluation Command (TECOM), Yuma, AZ; TECOM, White Sands Missile Range,
NM; USPFO Arizona; USACOE Detroit, MI; USACOE, Nashville, TN; MTMC
Falls Church, VA (DAHC24); MTMC Oakland, CA; U.S. Army CECOM Vint Hills
Farms, VA; USACOE Honolulu, HI; USACOE Memphis, TN; USACOE Vicksburg,
MI; USACOE Humphreys Center, Alexandria, VA; USACOE Cold Region R&D
Center, Hanover, NH; USPFO New Mexico; USPFO North Dakota; USPFO Ohio;
USPFO Virginia; USPFO West Virginia; USPFO Wyoming; U.S. Army
Contracting Command Europe (USACCE) Bad Krueznach; USACCE Benelux;
USACCE Wuerzburg; USACCE Grafenwoer; USACCE Sekenheim; USACCE
Stuttgart; USACCE Vicenza; USACCE Livorno; USACCE Weisbaden; USACCE
Tuzla; USACCE Kaposvar; OPTEC, Ft. Hood TX; TRADOC Carlisle Barracks,
PA; TRADOC Defense Language Institute, Presidio, Monterey, CA; USACOE
Los Angeles, CA; USACOE San Francisco, CA; USACOE Construction
Engineering Lab, Champaign, IL; USACOE Omaha, NE; USACOE Galvaston, TX;
USACOE New Orleans, LA; USACOE Albuquerque, NM; USACOE New England,
Waltham, MA; USACOE Huntington, WV; USACOE Louisville, KY; USACOE
Savannah, GA; USACOE Pittsburg, PA; USACOE Wilmington, N.C.; USACOE
Rock Island, IL; USPFO Idaho; USPFO Nebraska; USPFO North Carolina;
USPFO South Carolina; USPFO Tennessee; USPFO Rhode Island; Sierra Army
Depot, Herlong, CA; U.S. Army Research Lab, Adelphi, MD; Ft.
Leavenworth, KS; USACOE Kansas City, MO; USACOE Charleston, S.C.;
USACOE Philadelphia, PA; USACOE Anchorage, AK; USACOE Buffalo, N.Y.;
DSCLOG 5th Signal Command, Worms GE; USPFO Connecticut; USPFO Nevada;
USPFO New Jersey; National Guard Bureau, HQ Falls Church, VA; Charles
Kelly Support Facility, Oakdale, PA; US Army Contracting Command,
Korea; Fort Mead, MD; USACOE Camp ZAMA Japan; Crane Army Ammunition
Activity, Crane IN; USACOE St. Paul MN; Ft. Jackson, SC; Ft. Bliss, TX.
NAVY Deployments: ASO Philadelphia, PA; FISC Norfolk, VA; FISC Puget
Sound, WA; Great Lakes EFA; NAS Fallon; Naval Medical Center, Bethesda,
MD; Naval Observatory, DC; Naval Oceanographic OFC; Naval Postgraduate
School; Naval Security Station; NAVSURWARCENDIV Crane, IN; NPWC Great
Lakes; NSWC Port Hueneme; PWC Pearl Harbor; PWD Gulfport; SPCC
Mechanicsburg, PA; USMC Regional Contracting, Kansas City, Naval Air
Weapons Station-China Lake, CA; Naval Air Weapons Station-Point Mugu,
CA; Naval Undersea Warfare Center-Keyport, WA; FISC Pearl Harbor, HI;
FISC San Diego, CA; Norfolk Naval Ship Yard, VA; Naval Sea Systems
Command; NSWC Dahlgren. AIR FORCE Deployments: Altus AFB, OK; Andersen
AFB, Guam; Aviano AB, Italy; Beale AFB, CA; Bolling AFB, DC; Brooks
AFB, TX; Cannon AFB, NM; Charleston AFB, SC; Columbus AFB, MS; Davis
Monthan AFB, AZ; Dyess AFB, TX; Edwards AFB (AFFTC), CA; Eglin AFB
(AFDTC), FL; Eielson AFB, AK; Elmendorf AFB, AK; Fairchild AFB, WA;
Grand Forks AFB, ND; Hanscom AFB, MA; Hickam AFB, HI; Hill AFB, UT;
Holloman AFB, NM; HQ USAFE/LGC, Ramstein, Germany; Hurlburt Field, FL;
Izmir AB, Turkey; Kadena AB, Japan; Keesler AFB, TX; Kelly AFB, TX;
Lackland AFB, TX; Langley AFB, VA; Laughlin AFB, TX; Little Rock AFB,
AR; Luke AFB, AZ; Maxwell AFB, AL; MCCDC Quantico, VA; McClellan AFB,
CA; McConnell AFB, KS; McDill AFB, FL; Misawa AB Japan; Moody AFB, GA;
Moron AB, Spain; Mountain Home AFB, ID; Nellis AFB, NV; Offutt AFB,
NE; Peterson AFB, CO; Ramstein AB, Germany; Randolph AFB, TX;
Rhein-Main AB, Germany; Scott AFB, IL; Sheppard AFB, TX; Spangdalem AB,
Germany; Tinker AFB, OK; Tyndall AFB, FL; Vandenburg AFB, CA; Warner
Robins AFB, GA; Wright-Patterson AFB, OH (ASC/PK); Yokota AB, Japan;
USAF Academy, CO; Warner-Robins ALC, GA; Andrews AFB, MD; Barksdale
AFB, LA; McGuire AFB, NJ; Ogden ALC, UT; Oklahoma City ALC, OK; Onizuka
AFB, CA; Patrick AFB, CA; Pope AFB, NC; RAF Alconbury, UK; Reese AFB,
TX; San Antonio ALC, TX; Rhein Ordinance, Germany; Sacramento ALC, CA;
Falcon AFS, CO; F.E. Warren AFB WY; Malmstrom AFB, MT; Kirtland AFB,
NM; 9th Air Force, Shaw AFB, SC; Whiteman AFB, MO; Dover AFB, DE;
Goodfellow AFB, TX; Los Angeles AFB, CA; 38th LS/LGCW, Tinker AFB, OK;
Ellsworth AFB, SD; Minot AFB, ND; Seymour-Johnson AFB, NC;
Maxwell-Gunter AFB, AL. MISC DoD Deployments: DIA-Virginia Contracting
Authority (SACONS); DeCA Non-Resale-Ft. Lee, VA (SACONS); Television
Audio Support Activity (TASC) McClellan AFB, CA. Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0361 19960516\SP-0001.MSC)
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