Murray, 2Lt, USAF, Contract Negotiator, (937) 255-5901 Mr. Lawrence W.
Kopa, Contracting Officer, (937) 255-5901. A -NOTICE: THIS
Laboratory (WL/FIIA) is interested in receiving proposals (technical
and cost) on the research effort described below. Proposals in response
to this PRDA shall be submitted by 28 February 1997, 1500 hours Eastern
Time, addressed to Wright Laboratory, Directorate of R&D Contracting,
Building 7, Area B, Attn: (Mr. Larry Kopa, WL/FIKA) Wright-Patterson
AFB OH 45433-7607. This is an unrestricted solicitation, small
businesses are encouraged to propose on all or any part of this
solicitation. Proposals submitted shall be in accordance with this
announcement. Proposal submission after the cutoff date specified
herein shall be treated in accordance with restrictions of FAR
52.215-10, a copy of this provision may be obtained from the
contracting point of contact. There will be no formal Request For
Proposal (RFP) or other solicitation request in regard to this
requirement. Offerors should be alert for any PRDA amendments that may
be published. Offerors who do not already have a copy of the current
Wright Laboratory guide entitled "PRDA BAA Guide for Industry" may
request a copy from the contracting point of contact cited in this
announcement. This guide was specifically designed to assist offerors
in understanding the PRDA/BAA proposal process. This guide is also
available for review on the WL/PK contracting home page:
http://www.wl.wpafb.af.mil/contract/hp.htm. B- REQUIREMENTS: Technical
Description: The Fixed Wing Vehicle Demonstration program (a.k.a.
Future Aircraft Technology Enhancement, "FATE" I) is a subset of the
national Fixed Wing Vehicle program. The overall objective of the Fixed
Wing Vehicle Demonstration program is to 1) define a set of aircraft
technologies that require flight test validation in a new air vehicle
in order to meet the Fixed Wing Vehicle (FWV) Phase I program goals for
a fighter attack class of aircraft. These goals are identified in the
PAYOFF section of this PRDA and address goals for both inhabited and
uninhabited aircraft, and 2) to develop, build and flight test a
demonstrator vehicle to achieve those program goals. The demonstration
program will strike a balance between the FWV goals achieved, the
number and types of technologies flight tested and demonstrated, and
the degree of "missionization" incorporated in the demonstrator
platform(s). The Fixed Wing Vehicle Demonstration program will quantify
the benefits of the chosen technology set both singly and in
combination. The demonstrated technologies will be developed from the
Fixed Wing Vehicle technology plan and roadmap. (This plan and roadmap,
along with goal definitions, will be provided to the offerors upon
request from the technical point of contact). The flight demonstrator
shall be an uninhabited modular system consisting of the vehicle
management system, vehicle platform, sensor packages, data recording
devices, and other systems required to flight validate an identified
subset of technologies from the Fixed Wing Vehicle program thrust
areas: structure, flight control, aeromechanics, and subsystems. An
additional goal of the Fixed Wing Vehicle Demonstration program will be
the capability to demonstrate other technologies such as avionics,
propulsion and weapons after the initial flight test by employing the
vehicle modularity. The initial flight demonstration will specifically
address vehicle performance and maneuverability. Design and analysis
studies and ground test will address the issues of cost/affordability,
reusability, modularity, and transitionability of identified
technologies. 1. PROGRAM STRATEGY: The intent of the Fixed Wing Vehicle
Demonstration program is to develop an uninhabited modular flight test
vehicle(s) to flight demonstrate aircraft technologies. The program
will be executed in two BLOCKS I and II. 1) This PRDA is the
announcement for BLOCK I. The purpose of BLOCK I is to develop specific
program requirements including vehicle specifications and technology
needs in preparation for BLOCK II of the program. BLOCK I will
investigate the interrelated issues of technology candidates, FWV
goals, technology demonstration requirements, vehicle concepts,
"mission" performance requirements, cost, schedule, and BLOCK II
planning. The following information is requested in response to this
PRDA announcement: A) Contractors are asked to submit technical,
schedule, and cost proposals for an uninhabited modular flight test
vehicle. This technical proposal should include a description or
discussion of all systems necessary for the proposed test vehicle. B)
Contractors are also asked to identify a technology set from the Fixed
Wing Vehicle roadmaps to be integrated in the proposed vehicle for
initial flight test. C) Contractors may also suggest studies needed to
define vehicle requirements for the uninhabited modular flight test
vehicle. Based on the proposals received, the Air Force will identify
technical areas in the development and flight test of the vehicle which
require further research. Studies will be awarded within BLOCK I to
investigate these areas with the goal of developing specific vehicle
requirements. At the end of BLOCK I the Air Force will use the results
of the BLOCK I studies, coupled with responses from this BLOCK I PRDA
to develop requirements for BLOCK II. BLOCK I is anticipated to last
from JUN 97- SEP 98. Studies awarded during BLOCK I may have a shorter
period of performance. 2) In order to provide an adequate response to
this PRDA offerors must be cognizant of BLOCK II plans and
requirements. The purpose of BLOCK II is to design, develop, construct,
and flight test modular uninhabited flight demonstration vehicle(s).
The Air Force currently plans to develop two configurations, with two
builds for each configuration for the flight demonstration. A total of
four uninhabited flight demonstration vehicles are envisioned to be
developed. This total is predicated on funding and schedule
constraints. BLOCK II will begin with another PRDA announcement, or
Request for Proposal (RFP) including specific vehicle requirements from
BLOCK I. Within BLOCK II contractor proposals will be evaluated solely
on their response to the BLOCK II solicitation. Teaming arrangements
will be encouraged for BLOCK II. BLOCK II will culminate with the
successful flight demonstration of the uninhabited modular air
vehicle(s). Solicitation for BLOCK II requirements is planned for
OCT-DEC 98 time frame. 3) After successful flight testing, the vehicles
are envisioned to be used to flight test and demonstrate other
technologies for a ten year period. 2. TECHNICAL APPROACH: This section
reiterates the program strategy mentioned above. It is intended to
outline the technical flow of the Fixed Wing Vehicle Demonstration
Program. The Fixed Wing Vehicle Demonstration platform program will
integrate technologies from the Fixed Wing Vehicle Program thrust areas
(structures, aeromechanics, flight control, subsystems), to validate
future aircraft technologies with measured cost and performance data.
The Air Force intends to accomplish this program in two separate parts.
This PRDA announcement will address program objectives and requirements
for BLOCK I. The objective of BLOCK I will be to accomplish development
studies in various technical areas which define requirements for a
modular uninhabited flight demonstration vehicle utilizing one or more
short term Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) type contracts. Studies will be
awarded based on proposals for the development of a modular
demonstration vehicle and technology set to be initially flight tested
on the vehicle. Upon completion of these developmental studies, the
Air Force intends to solicit a subsequent PRDA announcement or RFP for
BLOCK II of the program. The objectives of BLOCK II will include
design development, construction and flight test of air vehicle
platforms. Contractor(s) will be required to aid in flight test of the
air vehicle platform during BLOCK II. BLOCK II program
contractor/consortium team(s) will be tasked to develop the plans
necessary to integrate the BLOCK I study results with the technology
developmentsfrom various technology thrust areas including subsystems,
flight control, aeromechanics, and structures. The Air Force intends
to utilize some form of an assistance instrument (i.e. grant,
cooperative agreement, or other transaction) for the BLOCK II effort in
order that all participating parties may benefit from the potential
military and commercial applications which are anticipated based on the
successful demonstration of one or more of the planned air vehicle
platform(s). It is envisioned that the BLOCK II team leader(s) will be
responsible for the overall integration of the modular air vehicle(s)
including defining required interfaces to subcontractors. The
following vehicle requirements are not meant to be hard constraints,
and therefore should be analyzed for their effects on vehicle cost,
schedule, and flight test capability. These requirements are meant to
communicate the Air Force desire for an air-vehicle platform capable of
performing some type of notional fighter/attack mission. Preliminary
vehicle requirements of the modular demonstration platform are: (1)
maneuvering capability of at least 7g at a dynamic pressure of 500psf,
(2) capable of carrying a payload of no less than 1000 lbs internally
over a 500 mile radius. (3) to incorporate modularity to the highest
degree possible. (4) The vehicle design should be compatible with
signature requirements expected for next generation combat air
vehicles. These signature requirements may be classified (reference:
Security Classification Guide for Air Force Low/Counter Low Observables
(LO/CLO) Programs dated 3 January 1994). (5) The system will be used to
flight demonstrate various technologies over a 10 year period. (6)
Target cost for the initial vehicle is estimated to be no more than
$70M (Offerors are encouraged to show cost reduction options). (7)
Government is willing to take moderate to high risk in the vehicles.
(8) Government intends on providing a production engine and vehicle
control station. Contractors should suggest a production version of
these systems along with modifications necessary to support their
proposed vehicle. (9) The vehicle(s) are intended to only be operated
on test ranges. END OF PART 1 OF 2. (0346) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0002 19961213\A-0002.SOL)
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