COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JANUARY 27,1997 PSA#1769R&D Contracting Directorate, Bldg 7, 2530 C Street, WPAFB, OH
DUE 031497 POC Pete Lahanas, WL/POKB, Contract Negotiator,
(937)255-4818, Michael A. Barga, WL/POTP, Project Engineer, (937)
255-2278 INTRODUCTION: "Advanced Turbine Engine Gas Generator (ATEGG)",
The Aero Propulsion and Power Directorate, Turbine Engine Division
(WL/POT) is interested in receiving proposals for the research effort
described below. Proposals in response to the PRDA must be received by
1500 hours, March 14, 1997, addressed to: Wright Laboratory, WL/POTP,
Attn: Pete Lahanas, Room D-237, Building 18D, Area B, 1950 Fifth
Street, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7251. Proposal receipt after the
date and time specified herein shall be treated in accordance with
restrictions of FAR 52.215-10. Proposals shall be submitted in
accordance with this announcement. There will be no formal request for
proposal or other solicitation request in regard to this requirement.
Offerors shall be alert for any required PRDA amendments that may be
published in the Commerce Business Daily. This PRDA may be amended to
allow subsequent proposal submission dates. This is an unrestricted
solicitation. Small businesses are encouraged to propose on all or any
part of this solicitation. Potential offerors shall request a
supplemental package to this PRDA. The supplemental package may be
requested from Wright Laboratory, Directorate of R&D Contracting. The
supplemental package contains the Security Classification Guide,
Contract Security Classification Specification DD Form 254, sample
Contract Work Breakdown Structure (WL Form 66), and a Gas Generator
Design Information Requirements data package. The prerequisite for
participation in the ATEGG program is the possession of advanced
technology gas turbine engine components applicable to a flow of 40
lb/sec class or greater that meet the goals of the Integrated High
Performance Turbine Engine Technology (IHPTET) program. Offerors should
request a copy of the Wright Laboratory guide entitled "PRDA and BAA
Guide for Industry". This guide was specifically designed to assist
offerors in understanding the PRDA/BAA process. Copies may be requested
from Wright Laboratory, Directorate of R&D contracting. B-REQUIREMENTS:
(1) Technical Description: The Integrated High Performance Turbine
Engine Technology (IHPTET) program is a DOD, NASA, and Industry program
focused on the development of revolutionary and innovative gas turbine
engine technologies which offer an affordable approach to future
system requirements. These technologies will permit a doubling of
turbopropulsion capability while reducing engine cost over the baseline
engine configuration established in the 1980s. To achieve this goal,
Wright Laboratory (WL), Aero Propulsion and Power Directorate,
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, integrates advanced technology components
developed under Government Exploratory Development (6.2) efforts,
contractor IR&D efforts, and other company sponsored programs into the
Advanced Turbine Engine Gas Generator (ATEGG) technology demonstrator
program (6.3). The ATEGG program provides the demonstration and
verification required to transition, with acceptable risk, affordable,
high payoff turbine engine component technologies toa wide variety of
advanced growth and/or new propulsion systems. The ATEGG program
conducts gas generator engine testing to assess the turbine engine
component technologies and validate performance, structural, and cost
models/design systems. The ATEGG program includes design, fabrication,
assembly, test and analysis to characterize the aerodynamic,
thermodynamic, mechanical performance, production cost and maintenance
cost of new and/or modified components. It will also include initial
structural assessment research, assessment of life, supportability,
steady state and transient performance, and a verification that
advanced components are sufficiently mature for transition. The initial
structural assessment will emphasize structural life model validation.
Further structural assessment research assesses durability and other
structural characteristics of gas generator component technologies.
Each offeror shall include in his proposal his approach to meeting the
IHPTET Phase III compressor discharge temperature (T3),
Thrust-to-Weight (Fn/Wt), production cost, and maintenance cost goals.
The offeror's approach to meeting the goals should include high cycle
fatigue (HCF) considerations. The offeror should also propose an
approach to defining an IHPTET Phase III development cost goal. Each
offeror shall also provide their Advanced Concepts plan through the
year 2009. The link between the contractor's Phase III plan and their
Advanced Concepts plan should be clearly defined. The offeror's plan
shall be an integrated ATEGG, Joint Technology Demonstrator Engine
(JTDE), and component plan addressing both technical and financial
requirements. Risk reduction strategies such as contractor teaming
arrangements with other IHPTET turbofan/turbojet contractors, component
test plans, enhanced structural readiness/assessment, efforts to
enhance model validation and others as appropriate are considered to be
of extreme importance in meeting the IHPTET goals and are reflected in
the evaluation criteria. Plans for technology transition to product
engines with emphasis on the Joint Strike Fighter are also considered
highly important and should be addressed in the proposal. The desired
technical effort should be separated into a basic effort plus a list of
options proposed by each offeror to effectively implement the ATEGG
program goals. The basic effort consists of design, analysis, test and
post test assessment of an Advanced Turbine Engine Gas Generator
commensurate with IHPTET Phase III goals. The offeror must propose on
the basic effort in order to propose an option program. Each offeror's
program should consist of one or more of the following tasks: (a) Gas
Generator Design Definition, (b) Long Lead Time Material Procurement,
Component Design/Modification, (d) Fabrication/ Hardware Procurement,
(e) Assembly and Instrumentation, (f) Gas Generator Testing, (g) post
Test Assessment, (h) Configuration Definition/Long-Range Planning, (i)
Structural Audit (including a structural/technology readiness
assessment rating -- MERQ), (j) System Safety Analysis, (k) Logistics
Support and System Life Cycle Cost Analysis addressing IHPTET engine
production cost, maintenance cost, and an assessment of engine
development cost, and (l) Manufacturing Process Analysis. Optional
tasks may include any, all or any portion of the following tasks:
design and fabrication of additional hardware, advanced
instrumentation, durability structural assessment tasks, and additional
gas generator testing. The above tasks shall be subject to the
following general constraints, where appropriate: (a) Each task shall
be part of the offeror's existing Air Force coordinated Advanced
Turbopropulsion Plan (ATPP), (b) Government reviews shall be held at
the end of the preliminary and final design tasks with Government
approval required to proceed in each instance. At these reviews, the
offeror shall review the status relative to each of the IHPTET Phase
III goals including the approach and methodology used to determine
component (including major sub-assemblies) production, and maintenance
costs. The IHPTET goals discussion should address bookkeeping required
for instrumentation losses, material changes, etc.. Component
discussions will include life prediction, structural and aerodynamic
modeling. Gas generator testing shall require submittal and
Governmental approval of instrumentation and test plans. (d) Gas
generator performance and cost reduction goals shall be specified by
each offeror and shall represent performance which is characteristic of
IHPTET Phase III. (2) Deliverable Items: The following deliverable item
shall be required: (a) Scientific and Technical Reports-Final Report
DI-MISC-80711/T, (b) Contract Funds Status Report (CFSR)
DI-MGMT-81468/T, Scientific and Technical Reports- Contractor's Billing
Voucher DI-MISC-80711/T, (d) Contract Work Breakdown Structure
DI-MGMT-81334/T, (e) Cost/Schedule Status Report (C/SSR)
DI-MGHT-81467/T, (f) Project Planning Chart DI-MGMT-80507A/T, (g)
Status Report DI-MGMT-80368A/T, (h) Conference Minutes DI-ADMN-81250/T
(i) Presentation Material DI-ADMN-81373/T, (j) System Safety Hazard
Analysis Report (SSHAR) -Preliminary Hazard Analysis DI-SAFT-80101A/T,
(k) Test reports DI-NDTI-80809A/T, (l) Scientific and Technical
Reports-Photographic Plan DI-MISC-80711A/T, (m) Video Tape Presentation
DI-MISC-81275A/T, (n) U.S. Air Force (USAF)-Owned Aviation Fuel Stock
Report DI-MGMT-80791, (o) Maintainability Status Report
DI-MNTY-80828/T, (p) Scientific and Technical Reports-Material Research
and Development Report DI-MISC-80711/T, (q) Test Plans DI-NDTI-80566/T,
Scientific and Technical Reports-Detailed Research Plan
DI-MISC-80711/T, (s) Subsystem Design Analysis Report DI-GDRQ-80567/T,
(t) Scientific and Technical Reports- Structural Audit Checklist
DI-MISC-80711/T, (u) Scientific and Technical Reports-Interim Technical
Report DI-MISC-80711/T, (v) Functional Cost Hour Report-Final Report
DI-F-6007/T. Detailed data item requirements are set forth in the
supplemental package. (3) Security Requirements: The security
classification guidance for this work will be the Security
Classification Guide: Projects 668A/681B/3066 -- Air Breathing Turbine
Engine Aircraft and Missile Propulsion, dated 6 January 1997. Access
to and generation of classified data up to and including SECRET may be
required to support this work effort. Any extracts or use of such data
shall require the application of derivative classification and markings
consistent with the source from which the extracts were made. If
emanation of SECRET information is contemplated, compliance with
TEMPEST evaluation of all equipment and test facilities used in this
effort must either be completed or in process. Offerors must be capable
of assembling, instrumenting, storing and testing classified
demonstrator hardware as well as the generation and storage of
classified data. Offerors responding to this PRDA shall include in any
offer their assigned "Commercial and Government Entity Code," (i.e.,
Federal Supply code for Manufacturers -- a five digit code assigned by
the Commander, Defense Logistics Service Center, At DLSC-CGC, Federal
Center Battle Creek, MI 49016) (Reference DO 5000-12). (4) Public Law
98-94: Since public law 98-94 is applicable to this program, offerors
must prepare a DD Form 2345, Export-controlled DoD Technical Data
Agreement, and forward it to: Commander, Defense Logistics Service
Center, Attn: DLSC-FBA, Federal Center, Battle Creek, MI 49017-3084 or
provide evidence that registration with DLSC is already on file.
C-ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (1) Total Contract Period Anticipated: The
total length of the technical effort for the base program and all
options is estimated to be 55 months. The contractor shall also provide
for an additional 5 months for processing/completion of the final
report. (2) Expected Award Date: August 1997. (3) Government Estimate:
Level of effort for the ATEGG program is estimated at $90,025,000 for
all awards with the following projected fiscal year funding profile:
FY97 -- $.02M, FY98 -- $7.1M, FY99 -- $7.6M, FY00 -- $21.5M, FY01 --
$30.9M, FY02—$22.905M. (4) Type of Contract: Cost Plus Fixed Fee.
(5) Government Furnished Property: Category I petroleum products will
be supplied as GFP, if it is in the best interest of the Government.
Government-owned turbine engine hardware and components developed under
existing previous contracts will be furnished, if available and if
their use is necessary and practical for the performance of technical
tasks under this effort. (6) Size Status: Size standard is 1000
employees (SIC 8731). Firms responding should indicate whether they are
or are not a socially and economically disadvantaged business, whether
or not they are a woman-owned business, and should also indicate their
size status. (7) Notice to Foreign or Foreign-owned Firms: Foreign or
foreign owned firms are asked to immediately notify the Air Force point
of contact cited in this PRDA upon deciding to respond to this
announcement. Certain restrictions may apply which could preclude
foreign or foreign owned firms from participating as a prime in
Instructions: offerors should apply the restrictive notice prescribed
in the provision at FAR 52.215-12, Restriction on Disclosure and Use of
Data, to trade secrets or privileged commercial and financial
information contained in their proposals. The proposal shall be
submitted in five (5) volumes consisting of: (1) Technical volume which
shall be divided into two separate sections. Section 1 is for the basic
IHPTET Phase III effort and all associated options. Section 2 will
contain the Gas Generator Design Information Requirements data package
identified in the supplemental package. All of the classified
information in the proposal shall be in Section 2. Pages shall be typed
double spaced. The entire technical volume shall not exceed 300 pages
with the following page breakout: Section 1, 240 pages; Section 2, 60
pages. (2) The management volume shall be typed double spaced. The page
limit for the management volume is 75 pages. (3) Cost volume shall have
a page goal of' 200 pages. (4) Contract volume shall be typed single
spaced. The contract volume shall not exceed 15 pages. (5) Tempest
volume shall be typed double spaced. Proposal pages beyond the above
specified limits will not be considered during evaluation/ ranking. In
an effort to move toward paperless contracting, you are encouraged to
submit the proposal by electronic means on 20 CD ROM copies. Please
note however, that volume 1, section 2 classified Gas Generator Design
Information Requirements data package shall not be submitted on CD ROM
and is to be submitted in hard (paper) copy only (15 copies). Should
you choose to submit proposals by electronic means, the cost volume
shall be readable by Microsoft Excel for Windows, version 5.0 and all
other volumes shall be readable by Microsoft Word for Windows, version
6.0. The Technical Volume shall include a discussion of the nature and
scope of the research addressing the basic program plus all options, a
status relative to each of the IHPTET phase III goals with full life,
a discussion of how IHPTET Phase III ties to Advanced Concepts, IHPTET
goals discussion, and proposed Statement of Work. The IHPTET goals
discussion should address modeling and all required bookkeeping. For
Phase III and Advanced Concepts engine designs, the cycle definitions,
configuration drawings, and aircraft system level benefits (TOGW,
Range, LCC) must be presented. Advanced engine technologies are to be
prioritized, and quantified (include methodology). The Phase III and
Advanced Concepts engine relationship to product line must be shown.
Component production cost, maintenance cost, and engine development
cost reduction benefits must be quantified in a detailed discussion
comparing proposed technology to technology currently incorporated in
the IHPTET baseline. As a minimum, benefits must be justified at the
major subassembly and component level, engine level, and weapon system
level. The management volume shall include a summary of each section
of the technical proposal,including all options, plans, procedures and
methods for managing the entire program, government owned facilities
required, proposed subcontracting, a summary description of system and
procedures to control cost and measure performance. The Air Force
anticipates Adequate Price Competition (APC) on this PRDA. Therefore
offerors are not required to submit certified cost or pricing data.
However, if after receipt of proposals it is determined that APC does
not exist, certified cost or pricing data (see FAR 15.804-4) will be
required. As a part of their cost volume, the offeror must submit cost
or pricing information together with supporting breakdowns. Therefore,
it is requested that cost proposal information shall be broken down
into Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) level 3. Price breakdown shall
include a personhour and price breakdown per WBS element per fiscal
year quarter, together with supporting schedules. The contract volume
shall include the executive summary, unique terms and conditions,
statement of expiration date of offeror's proposal and other data/
material not required in other volumes. The tempest volume, shall
contain all data necessary to ensure compliance of proposed facilities
and equipment with tempest requirements. E-BASIS FOR AWARD:
Selection/award will be based on an integrated assessment of the
results of the evaluation/ranking of the offerors' proposals
considering technical, management (including contract and tempest
volumes), and cost areas. Listed below are the areas of evaluation in
descending order of importance: Technical, Management, and Cost.
Offerors will be ranked based upon these evaluation areas. Up to four
contracts will be awarded subject to successful negotiations of a
contract and availability of Government funding. The ranking criteria,
in descending order of importance, are: (1) Technical -- (a) Relevancy
of the proposed effort to the goals of the IHPTET program, including
the plan to meet the IHPTET Phase III compressor exit temperature (T3),
thrust-to-weight (Fn/Wt), production cost ($/lb Fn) and maintenance
cost ($/1000 EFH/lb Fn) reduction goals with full life, and the linking
of this plan to the contractor's Advanced Concepts plan (b) Soundness
of approach as demonstrated by risk reduction approaches such as
teaming arrangements with other IHPTET turbofan/turbojet contractors,
component test plans and structural, aerodynamic, and cost modeling
analysis tools, The offeror's understanding of the scope of the work
and the IHPTET program including the need to transition technology to
current and future systems such as Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), (d)
Special technical factors including unique and innovative design
concepts, utilization of advanced design and analysis tools and unique
materials (i.e. casting alloys, metal matrix composites, ceramic
matrix composites, monolithic ceramics, and intermetallics) or
manufacturing processes to reduce risk and system costs and improve
durability, supportability and cost reduction, (e) Compliance with the
ATEGG program requirement topossess an existing advanced gas generator
and/or a defined plan for integration of advanced component
technologies into an advanced gas generator in a flow of 40 lb/sec
class or greater (2) Management -- (a) Management organization and
appropriateness of personnel assigned to the ATEGG program including
the management of proposed turbojet/ turbofan contractor teaming
arrangements, (b) Reporting and procedures for managing the program,
and Financial Management and Cost Control. 3) Cost -- Cost and/or price
will be a substantial factor for award and will be evaluated for
Reasonableness, Realism and Completeness. No further evaluation
criteria will be used in proposal selection. Technical, management, and
cost evaluation shall be accomplished concurrently. Options will be
evaluated in conjunction with the basic program. The total price of
those options selected for inclusion into the contract will be
considered with the basic program to determine the total value of the
program. The selection of options will be based on the overall
assessment by the Government. Selection of an option(s) will not
obligate the Government to exercise the option. The offeror's basic
program need not be selected in order to qualify for a contract award
for any of the optional tasks. Proposals should reference the above
PRDA number. The Air Force reserves the right to select for award all,
part, or none of the proposals received. The technical proposal sha
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