COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF FEBRUARY 21,1997 PSA#1787U.S. Department of Energy, Oakland Operations Office, 1301 Clay St.,
Satsangi, Project Manager, (301) 903-8059, Contracting Officer -- W.E.
"Bill" O'Neal, (510) 637-1880. Sources Sought/Notice of Interest for
participation in a new financial assistance program supporting
high-energy-density science research projects relevant to the inertial
confinement fusion (ICF) component of the Stockpile Stewardship
Program. CURRENT ACTION SUMMARY: The purpose of this notice is to
stimulate interest and actively seek sources for participation in the
Inertial Fusion Science in Support of Stockpile Stewardship Financial
Assistance Program. The Department of Energy Office of Defense Programs
hereby announces its plans to fund competitively selected grants for
performance of unclassified innovative research in high-energy-density
science relevant to inertial fusion within the stockpile stewardship
program. A second announcement will be published about March 1997, to
provide notification of the availability of the specific solicitation
and to request applications from eligible parties interested in
participating in this program. The solicitation and resultant awards
under this financial assistance program will be issued by the DOE
Stockpile Stewardship (SBSS) is an approach to meeting the challenges
of ensuring the safety, reliability, and performance of the nuclear
stockpile in the absence of underground nuclear testing. SBSS stresses
increased fundamental understanding of the basic physical phenomena
associated with nuclear weapons and the preservation of core
intellectual and technical competencies. The DOE Office of Defense
Programs has responsibility for the overall Stockpile Stewardship
program. The Defense Programs Office of Inertial Fusion and the NIF
Project (DP-18) conducts ICF research and other high-energy-density
studies in support of Stockpile Stewardship. These ICF research
activities are conducted primarily at the three DOE weapons
laboratories (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory -- LLNL, Los
Alamos National Laboratory -- LANL, and Sandia National Laboratories,
Albuquerque -- SNL), the Naval Research Laboratory -- NRL, and the
University of Rochester Laboratory for Laser Energetics -- UR/LLE. The
Inertial Fusion Science in Support of Stockpile Stewardship Financial
Assistance Program is sponsored by the Office of Inertial Fusion and
the NIF Project. The objectives of this new Inertial Fusion Science in
Support of Stockpile Stewardship Financial Assistance Program are to
(1) Increase U.S. efforts in high-energy-density science relevant to
ICF through funding of small research projects at universities and
other private sector institutions; (2) promote interactions between
such investigators and scientists at the Department of Energy weapons
laboratories, and; (3) assist in training scientists in areas relevant
to stockpile stewardship. Subject to the availability of appropriated
funds, the Office of Inertial Fusion and the NIF Project intends to
provide up to $2 million in Fiscal Year 1998 for multiple grant awards
under this Inertial Fusion Science in Support of Stockpile Stewardship
Financial Assistance Program. DOE anticipates providing continued
annual funding for this new program in order to support high-quality,
multi-year research projects by private sector investigators in areas
relevant to the inertial fusion component of stockpile stewardship (see
research areas, below). GRANT AWARDS: Applicants will compete for one-
to three-year grant awards through open competition with peer review
for both scientific/technical merit and stockpile stewardship
relevance. Applications for up to $1 million/year will be accepted with
preference for smaller amounts. For those applications which propose
the use of DOE ICF laboratory facilities (see below for additional
facility information), a further evaluation and determination of
acceptability by the host facility will be part of the selection
process. Details will be contained in the solicitation document.
ELIGIBILITY: The solicitation document (available in March 1997) will
invite applications from all segments of the U.S. private sector
(non-federal). Any U.S. university or other institution of higher
education or other non-profit or for-profit organization, non-federal
agency or entity will be eligible for a grant award under this new
financial assistance program. Non-US citizens, though ineligible to
receive a grant award directly, are not otherwise restricted from
participating in research projects funded by this financial assistance
program. However, DOE must be notified of any foreign nationals
involved in the funded work, and there may be some restrictions on
their participation at certain facilities and conferences. RESEARCH
AREAS: Under this new financial assistance program, DOE will consider
applications for research in high-energy-density science that is
relevant to stockpile stewardship and which falls within the areas of
research supported by the Office of Inertial Fusion. Both theoretical
and experimental proposals are encouraged. All work funded through this
program will be strictly unclassified. Examples of the areas of
research (and some subfields) eligible for support under this financial
assistance program are: Hydrodynamics, fluid instabilities, behavior of
complex systems; Radiative properties and atomic physics, dense plasma
behavior, plasma spectroscopy, radiative transfer, opacity; Plasma
physics, interpenetrating plasmas, plasma streaming in magnetic fields,
laser-plasma instabilities, beam-plasma interactions,
high-energy-density plasmas; Material properties, equation of state,
extreme high temperature and high pressure regimes, material/radiation
interactions; Development of Diagnostics, particle (neutron and
charged particle), spectroscopic (e.g. x-ray); Computational Physics,
radiation-hydrodynamics codes, material-radiation interactions, new
modeling techniques. Since one of the goals of this program is to
promote interactions between the U.S. private sector and the DOE
weapons laboratories, potential applicants are strongly encouraged to
discuss possible research areas with individuals at the weapons
laboratories. Detailed technical collaboration with any of the five ICF
laboratories, foreign institutions, or other private sector
institutions is acceptable, although not required. FACILITY USE: For
applicants who propose the use of facilities at one of the ICF
laboratories, arrangements will need to be made with the specific
laboratory. Potential applicants should contact the appropriate
laboratory directly to discuss any facility-related concerns and to
determine the laboratory's procedures and schedule for submittal of a
facility use proposal. The laboratory's review of facility use
proposals for acceptability will take place prior to the DOE
application evaluation and selection. Points of contact at each
facility are listed below as well as on the ICF program home page. Nova
(LLNL), Omega (UR/LLE), and Trident (LANL): The Nova, Omega, and
Trident facilities will require a proposal submitted directly to the
facility in addition to the ICF grant application. For the sakeof
simplicity the same proposal may be submitted to the facility and the
grant program if desired by the investigator. The information required
by each facility will be incorporated into the requirements of the
grant applications specified in the solicitation. Due to the scheduling
differences (see timeline below) duplicate proposals may not be
appropriate in the case of applicants proposing work on Omega. PBFA
(SNL), Saturn (SNL), and Nike (NRL): Applicants proposing the use of
the PBFA, Saturn, and Nike facilities will not be required to submit a
separate facility use proposal. Proposed experiments at the SNL or NRL
facilities will be reviewed by these laboratories for acceptability
concurrent with the DOE application evaluation and selection process.
SOLICITATION DOCUMENT AND PROCESS: A second notice announcing the
availability of the solicitation and inviting grant applications under
this program will be published early in 1997 in both the Federal
Register and the Commerce Business Daily and will also bemade available
on the Internet. This notice will further define the program and the
research areas of interest and will provide the DOE administrative
point of contact for solicitation information and application
submission. When the solicitation is released (approx. March 1997),
interested parties will be able to obtain copies of the complete
solicitation document by downloading it from the Internet by accessing
the "Current Business Opportunities at DOE Headquarters Procurement
Operations" Home Page (http://www.pr.doe.gov/solicit.html) or via a
link from the DOE Office of Inertial Fusion Home Page
(http://www2.dp.doe.gov/ifnif/grants.html). Prospective applicants who
do not have the electronic capability to download the solicitation
from the Internet may submit a written request to the contracting
officer for a diskette copy of the solicitation. The requester must
include a self-addressed stamped envelope and an MS-DOS formatted high
density 3-1/2", virus free diskette suitable for downloading of the
electronic solicitation. DOE does not intend to provide paper copies of
the solicitation document. Potential applicants will be encouraged to
submit a preapplication consisting of two to three pages of narrative
describing the research objectives and methods of accomplishment. The
purpose of the preapplication is to provide some feedback to applicants
on the relevance of their ideas to the program. This is particularly
important in a new program such as this where the stewardship aspect
may be unfamiliar to some applicants. Preapplications will be reviewed
relative to the stewardship goals of the program. The DOE will respond
to each preapplication with a letter informing the applicant whether or
not the proposed work is within the bounds of the program.
Preapplications are not required, but will be strongly encouraged.
Preapplications should be submitted to: Office of Inertial Fusion and
the NIF, U.S. Department of Energy, 19901 Germantown Road, Germantown,
MD 20874, Attn.: Ann Satsangi. Responses may also be submitted
electronically to: ann.satsangi@~dp.doe.gov. DATES: The second notice,
announcing the availability of a specific solicitation, is expected to
be issued about March 1997. The anticipated date for submission of
preapplications is May 1, 1997 and the anticipated date for submission
of proposals is July 1, 1997. Initial grant awards under this new
financial assistance program are planned for about November 15, 1997.
interested parties may obtain additional programmatic information
related to the DOE Inertial Fusion and Stockpile Stewardship programs
and ICF laboratory facility information from the following sources: DOE
Office of Inertial Fusion and the NIF Project (DP-18): DP-18 Home Page
at: http://www2.dp.doe.gov/itnif/grants.html Ann Satsangi, (301)
903-8059, ann.satsangi@~dp.doe.gov. ICF Laboratory Experimental
Facilities: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Nova): Robert
Kauffman, (510) 422-0419, kauffman2~@llnl.gov. Los Alamos National
Laboratory (Trident): Sam Letzring, (505) 667-1957, letzring@~lanl.gov.
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque (PBFA; Saturn): Tom Mehlhorn,
(505) 845-7266, tamehlh~@sandia.gov. Laboratory for Laser Energetics at
the University of Rochester (Omega): John Soures, (716) 275-3868,
jsou~@lle.rochester.edu. Naval Research Laboratory (Nike): John
Sethian, (202) 767-2705, sethian@~nrl.navy.mil. NOTICE OF SOLICITATION
AVAILABILITY: Interested parties may be placed on the email list to be
notified of the availability of the solicitation document, by sending
email to: ann.satsangi@~dp.doe.gov. Also, please check the ICF program
home page periodically for grant program information. (0050) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0005 19970221\A-0005.SOL)
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