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S -- UNARMED SECURITY GUARD SERVICES, BARNES BUILDING COMPLEX, BOSTON,MA SOL DAKF11-97-T-0314 DUE 103097 POC Contract Specialist JANIE P WRIGHT (404) 464-4104 (Site Code DAKF11) This is an amendment to synopsis/solicitation DAKF11-97-T-0314 for UNARMED GUARD SERVICES AT THE BARNES BLDG, BOSTON, MA. The original solicitation was advertised in the Commerce Business Daily on 22 September 1997. The following changes are made to the statement of work that has been previously mailed under separate package to all who requested a copy. Substitute these changes for the same numbered paragraphs. 23. SECURITY GUARD MANNING CHART: The Contractor shall provide personnel as indicated below: Post Location Personnel Hrs/Day Days/Week Wks/Yrs #1,Control Post, Lobby 2* 24 7/Sun-Sat/ 52 Holidays #2,Detex/Access Control 1 12 5/Mon-Fri/ 52 Patrol 0600-1800 Except Holidays #3,Loading Dock 1 12 5/Mon-Fri/ 52 0600-1800 Except Holidays Note: One guard shall be appointed as the supervisor for each shift. 23.4 Post #2 -- Detex/Access Control Patrol (1 Guard, Monday-Friday, 0600- 1800 hours, except holidays). 23.4.1 The guard will assist in controlling personnel access in and out of the facility. The guard will be posted at the E Street entrance during the morning, lunchtime and evening rush hours to insure unauthorized personnel or visitors do not gain access via this entrance. Personnel and visitors without a Barnes Building ID Badge will be directed to enter the building through the main entrance only, and report to the Control Post for instructions. 23.4.2 The guard will observe the immediate area outside the building for violations of security and will report any violation immediately to the Control Post. 23.4.3 The guard will only allow those personnel wearing Barnes Building badges to enter or exit the building. All personnel wearing "V" badges will be directed to the Control Post to be logged out. 23.4.4 The patrol shall provide continuous surveillance for the entire facility, to include the parking lots. This patrol will be conducted at a minimum of once before twelve (12) noon and once after twelve (12) noon Monday -- Friday using the location /security requirements previously provided with the statement of work. 23.4.5 While on patrol with the Detex Clock, the guard will be especially observant for trespassers, building security, fire, safety hazards, color- coded badges worn by employees and visitors on the appropriate floors/locations, unsecured classified documents/materials and unsecured security containers. 23.4.6 The Roving Patrol (DETEX Key Locations) identifies the security checks to be made at each Detex Key location. Caution shall be taken to guard against establishing a frequent time pattern. Times and routes should be staggered. The sequence given is an example of only one possible route and indicates only the location of each Detex Key. 23.4.7 The Detex patrol shall be observant for unsecured, unattended offices or classified documents and materials. The Detex Patrol shall physically check all doors and classified containers after normal operational hours to ensure they have been secured. Any open doors or containers, or unsecured and unattended material shall be immediately reported, to the appropriate personnel on the Activity Notification Roster. All occurrences and actions taken shall be documented in the Daily Activity Report. 23.4.8 The patrol shall be observant for energy conservation. All unnecessary lights, typewriters, coffee machines, calculators and other such items shall be turned off after normal operational hours. A Conservation Reminder Card, furnished by the Government, shall be left in the office of the activity and the violation shall be noted in the Daily Activity Report. 23.4.9 While checking the parking lots, patrols will physically check all government vehicles to ensure they are secure and have not been vandalized. 23.4.10 The patrol shall be observant of custodial personnel in all sensitive/restricted areas. 23.4.11 The patrol shall raise the American flag at 0630 hours and lower the flag at 1700 hours daily, including holidays. 23.4.12 Literature, newspapers, magazines, or other unofficial printed material shall not be kept or used by the patrol. 23.4.13 Personal radios and tape cassette players with headphones are not authorized for use. 23.4.14 No guest or visitor shall be permitted to loiter within the facility. Polite, but firm refusal must be given to all personnel that endeavor to engage in unofficial conversation. 23.4.15 Should an employee request an escort to their vehicle, the patrol shall provide such escort, if possible. Normal guard patrolling shall not be disrupted when such disruption would violate any provision of this contract. Personnel requesting such escorts will be asked if they desire to wait for the guard to return from his patrol. 23.4.16 This guard will be available to assist at the Shipping/Receiving dock, Control Post, alarm response, entrances and any other area deemed necessary by the Shift Supervisor. 23.5 Post #3 -- Loading Dock (1 Guard, Monday -- Friday, 0600-1800 hours, except holidays) 23.5.1 During peak delivery hours (generally 0700-1700 hrs, Monday-Friday), the Loading Dock guard will be available to control access to theloading dock area. Doors to the loading dock will be kept locked at all times unless a delivery is being made. 23.5.2 Upon arrival of delivery personnel, the guard will notify a representative of the agency receiving the delivery to report to the loading dock area to accept the delivery. A "V" badge will be issued to delivery personnel if they require access to other areas of the building. 23.5.3 The guard will maintain a Delivery Log which will include date, driver's name, company name, carrier's name, agency point of contact and time in/time out. Upon completion of the delivery, the guard will secure loading dock doors, collect the 'V" badge, and sign out delivery personnel. Under no circumstances are contract personnel to sign receiving documents for any tenant. 23.5.4 When the shift supervisor deems it necessary to utilize this guard in other areas of the building, the Control Post will monitor the loading dock area. The loading dock entrance is equipped with an audio/video exterior door entry system wired to the Control Post. Upon notification from the Control Post, a representative of the agency receiving the delivery will be required to report to the loading dock and accept the delivery. The guard will meet the agency representative at the loading dock to unlock the doors and issue a "V" badge to delivery personnel, if necessary. 23.5.5 No guest, visitor, or site employee will be permitted to enter the loading dock area and guard booth unless authorized. 23.5.6 Personal radios and tape cassette players with headphones are not authorized. Literature, newspapers, books, magazines or other unofficial printed material shall not be kept or used on this post. 23.5.7 Meals shall not be consumed by the guard while manning this post. Smoking is not permitted at this post. The guard shall police the post upon the conclusion of each duty period. 23.5.8 This guard will be available to assist at the Control Post, entrances, alarm response, Detex patrol, and any other area deemed necessary by the shift supervisor. In addition to the above changes to the SOW, The guantity for Clin 0001 is changed from 10 months to 9 months with the Base Period to begin 1 Jan 1998 to 30 Sep 1998 instead of 1 Dec 1997 to 30 Sep 1998. Also add DFAR clause 52.243-7002, Certification of Requests for Equitable Adjustment. The receipt date for proposals is extended to 30 October 1997 at 3:00 PM LOCAL TIME. This amendment must be acknowledge when submitting your proposals. The internet address for the for offerors to access hard copies of the Representations and Certification to be submitted with their proposal is http://wwww.arnet.gov/far/. There are no other changes at this time. (0293)

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