Loren Data Corp.




National Medical Technology TestBed(NMTB), 11165 Mountain View Avenue, Suite 121, Loma Linda, CA 92354

A -- BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH USING ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY SOL NMTB98-01 DUE 120397 POC Ms. Lydia Pearson, Contracts Administrator, Phone 909/478-3244, Fax 909/478-3254 The National Medical Technology TestBed, Inc. ("NMTB") located in Loma Linda, California announces continuation of a program and solicitation of proposals that will devise ways to improve the delivery of health care to the nation's people. During the coming year an emphasis will be placed on funding those projects that devise, adapt, use, and evaluate modern technology to accomplish this goal, especially those items of technology and theory developed for use in the aerospace and military fields. Projects that have been funded in the past may resubmit for continued funding on a competitive basis provided a detailed progrss report is provided. Areas of particular interest include research into the management of trauma and shock, hypertension, diabetes, neurological disorders, the prevention of premature delivery, and modalities that may improve the rate of tissue and bone healing. Proposals are solicited that will evaluate and improve the delivery of of health care to underserved populations, the civilian populations genera;;u. retired military population, and those on active duty in hostile environments. Proposals for research into technology development and application of health care areas not mentioned here are not excluded. A wide range of research methods are acceptable, ranging from mathematical models, laboratory bench work, the study of animal models, human individuals, to population studies. However, only those proposals that advance a testable and hence disprovable hypothesis, use or develop advanced technology, and meet the goals listed above will be selected for further evaluation. To respond initially and to obtain further information as to the format to use to make a formal submission at a later time, a brief introductory letter is required. It should state the purpose and biomedical importance of the proposed work, the hypothesis to be challenged, why the proposed work is innovative, the qualifications of the proposer, and should provide an estimate of overall cost for personnel, equipment, and supplies. The introductory letter must be limited to two (2) pages (longer submissions will be returned) and must be received by NMTB prior to December 3, 1997. If the proposed work is judged to all within NMTB's description of goals and purposes given above and found to be otherwise suitable, further information will be sent. A complete formal submission will then be required prior to February 16, 1998 for possible funding for next year; proposals received after this date will be considered for funding in subsequent years. Final submissions will be evaluated competitively by a National Review Panel for significance to biomedicine, innovation, technical and scientific merit, cost effectiveness and relevance to the purposes of NMTB. The program is planned as a multi-year effort. It is anticipated that multiple initial awards totaling up to $7M will be made. All awards for next year and in subsequent years are subject to availability of funds. Use of a medical center, such as Loma Linda University Medical Center, to clinically test and evaluate the practicality of technologies is encouraged, as is industry cost sharing. Proposals concerned with pharmaceutical products, health care organizations and policy do not fall within the scope of the program and will not be considered. . No portion of this solicitation will be set aside for HBCU and MI participation due to the impracticability of reserving discrete or severable areas of research for exclusive competition among those entities. HBCU's and MI's are encouraged to apply however, and to team with other proposers. Participation by the national laboratories, particularly in collaboration with industry, is welcome. (0307)

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