011698 POC Thea Thomas (907)424-5800 WEB: Broad Area
Announcements/Current Announcements,
http://www.pwssc.gen.ak.us/osri/osri.html. E-MAIL: E-mail:
frontdes@grizzly.pwssc.gen.ak.us, frontdes@grizzly.pwssc.gen.ak.us.
Broad Area Announcement for Education and Outreach Programs of the
Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI) P.O. Box 705
-- Cordova, AK 99574 -- (907) 424-5800; fax (907) 424-5820
http://www.pwssc.gen.ak.us/osri/osri.html --
frontdes@grizzly.pwssc.gen.ak.us Deadline for receipt of applications:
January 16, 1998 The OSRI announces a competition for Homepage Manager
Applications are now being accepted for the position of Homepage
Manager. Public education and outreach are essential components in the
success and integration of the Oil Spill Recovery Institute's (OSRI's)
applied technology and predictive ecology programs. Many of the new
technologies require education and outreach efforts to minimize
controversy and achieve public approval. The OSRI Home Page provides
for the dissemination of oil spill related research information with an
intention to communicate with and educate a diverse audience. This
audience includes the public, industry, government agencies and
academic institutions. It is OSRI's intent to have available data and
information from the technology, predictive ecology and community
education programs on a continuing basis via the Internet. This
individual will responsible to: (1) make monthly updates to the OSRI
Home Page. (2) post all relevant documents and announcements on the
OSRI internal homepage. This may be required on a weekly or bimonthly
basis. The updates will begin in February 1998. Grants will be awarded
for one year with options to renew. Grants will not exceed $9,000.
Application Process Interested applicants must submit an OSRI grant
application package. This application may be obtained as a downloadable
file from the OSRI homepage (http://www.pwssc.gen.ak.us/
osri/osri.html). As part of the application package, submit a project
description of no more than 3 pages including summary, objectives,
methods and a time line. Attach the applicant's curriculum vitae and a
budget showing total project cost and the amount requested as an OSRI
grant. The curriculum vitae must include the applicant's educational
background, work experience, awards received and a list of
publications. Applicants must also submit the names of three
references. The proposal text should be single-spaced with a 12-point
font (or larger) and one inch margins on all sides. Proposal Evaluation
Experience -- Applicants should have demonstrated ability to perform
the project tasks and experience in homepage management and Internet
technology. Need/Benefits -- Project should address objectives of the
OSRI business plan. Education and outreach using electronic information
systems is intended to improve public understanding of oil spill
prevention and response, the local marine environment and natural
resource monitoring in Arctic and subarctic regions. Submission
Procedure Other than instructions stipulated above, preparation and
submission of proposals must follow the guidelines given in the
application package. Required OSRI forms are found in the application
package which can be obtained from the OSRI Homepage listed above or
from: P.O. Box 705 Cordova, AK 99574 Tel: (907) 424-5800 FAX: (907)
424-5820 The original and three copies of proposals, including the copy
bearing the signed cover page, should be mailed directly to: Dr. Gary
Thomas, Director Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute P.O.
Box 705 Cordova, AK 99574 Who May Submit Qualified individuals, schools
or organizations with an educational background in oil spill prevention
and response technology are invited to submit proposals. Awards
Proposals, due by January 16, 1998 will be evaluated by the Staff
and/or a committee appointed by the OSRI and the disposition
communicated to applicants by February 6, 1998. The awards will be made
as soon as contract negotiations allow with support up to $9,000 per
year. The initial award will be for one year with continued support
dependent on successful completion of proposed projects, and pending on
the availability of funds. Awards made as a result of this competition
will be administered in accordance with the terms and conditions of
OSRI Grant Policy Manual. Additional Information Potential applicants
are encouraged to contact: Dr. Gary Thomas, Director Prince William
Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute P.O. Box 705 Cordova, AK 99574
E-mail: frontdes@grizzly.pwssc.gen.ak.us The OSRI provides awards for
research in the sciences and engineering. The awardee is wholly
responsible for the conduct of such research and preparation of the
results for publication. The OSRI, therefore, does not assume
responsibility for the research findings or their interpretation. The
OSRI provides awards for research in the sciences, engineering and
technology as well as educational programs. The awardee is wholly
responsible for the conduct of such programs, research and preparation
of the results for publication. The OSRI, therefore, does not assume
responsibility for the research findings, their interpretation or
implementation of programs. The OSRI welcomes proposals from all
qualified scientists, engineers and educators and strongly encourages
women, minorities, and persons with disabilities to compete fully in
any of the research related programs described here. In accordance with
federal statutes, regulations, and OSRI policies, no person on grounds
of race, color, age, sex, national origin, or disability shall be
excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be
subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving
financial assistance from the OSRI. Facilitation Awards for Scientists
and Engineers with Disabilities (FASED) provide funding for special
assistance or equipment to enable persons with disabilities
(investigators and other staff, including student research assistants)
to work on OSRI projects. See the program announcement or contact the
program coordinator at (703) 306-1636. Privacy Act and Public Burden.
The information requested on proposal forms is solicited under the
authority of the Oil Pollution Act 1990. It will be used in connection
with the selection of qualified proposals and may be disclosed to
qualified reviewers and staff assistants as part of the review process;
to applicant institutions/grantees; to provide or obtain data regarding
the application review process, award decisions, or the administration
of awards; to government contractors, experts, volunteers, and
researchers as necessary to complete assigned work; and to other
government agencies in order to coordinate programs. Submission of the
information is voluntary. Failure to provide full and complete
information, however, may reduce the possibility of your receiving an
award. (0363) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0011 19980102\D-0003.SOL)
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