COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JANUARY 27,1998 PSA#2019Naval Inventory Control Point -- Mechanicsburg, Code M2522, PO Box
2020, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-0788 43 -- VARIOUS SHIPBOARD PUMPS SOL N0010498RCB14 DUE 031098 POC Ms.
Melody D. Spigelmyer, Purchasing Agent, Code 0211.S, 717-790-6291, or
Ms. Barbara J. Klaiber, Contracting Officer, Code 0211, 717-790-2050
E-MAIL: Click here to contact the purchasing agent via e-mail,
Melody_D_Spigelmyer@icpmech.navy.mil. NOTE: The scope and requirements
section for each item being procured is hereby provided. A complete
purchase description for each pump will be provided with the RFP. NSN
2S 4320-HA3-7284 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION SCOPE: 1. This Contract/Purchase
order contains the requirements for manufacture and the contract
quality requirement for a DISTILLING PLANT FEED PUMP. Applicable
Documents: 1. Applicable Documents -- The document(s) listed below form
a part of this contract/purchase order including modifications or
exclusions. 2. "Document Reference" listed below must be obtained by
the Contractor. ordering information is included as an attachment to
this contract/purchase order. 3. Order of Precedence -- In the event of
a conflict between the text of this contract/purchase order and the
references and/or drawings cited herein, the text of this
contract/purchase order shall take precedence. Nothing in this
contract/purchase order, however, shall supersede applicable laws and
regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
Requirements: 1. Manufacturing and Design -- The PUMP UNIT furnished
under this contract/ purchase order shall meet the material and
physical requirements as follows: A. Rated Capacity: 430 GPM B. Rated
Total Head: 86 FT C. Fluid to be Pumped: SEA WATER D. Specific Gravity:
1.03 E. Temperature of Fluid: 85 DEGREES (F) F. NPSHR: AS REQUIRED G.
Motor Speed: AS REQUIRED H. Suction Condition: FLOODED I. Shut-Off
Head: 120 FT. J. Pump unit shall be horizontally mounted and provided
With a bed plate. K. Shock mounts shall not be used. L. Pump casing
shall be provided with suction and discharge gauge connections.
Connections shall be 1/411 FPT and shipped with Cres material plugs
installed. M. Pumps may be close coupled or coupled. Couplings, when
used, shall be keyed to both shafts. N. All pumps shall be provided
with mechanical seals. Mechanical seals shall meet the requirements of
ASTM F 1511-95, Supplement Sl. Manufacturers of pumps that cannot be
modified to accept the ASTM F 1511-95 seal shall submit a waiver
request with the bid. Waiver request shall indicate which requirements
are not met and provide justifications for not meeting the
configuration/design, materials, or qualification requirements of the
seal specifications. Seal gland plates shall be provided with an
external flush/cooling water supply connection. Connection shall be
1/411 FPT. The minimum operational life of the mechanical seal in the
pump shall be 16,000 hours provided the pump is maintained in
accordance with the manufacturers instruction manual. During any
portion of the service life, the dynamic leakage shall not exceed 5
drops per minute. Seal materials shall be as follows: a. Primary Seal
Ring: Carbon Graphite b. Mating Ring: Tungsten Carbide (Nickel Bound)
or Silicon Carbide C. Metal Components: Feedwater/Brine Pumps: Monel,
(Ni-Cu), Titanium, Alloy 20, 70-30 CuNi d. Metal Components:
Distillate/Condensate Pumps: 316 StainlessSteel, Monel, Alloy 20,
Bronze e. Springs: Feedwater/Brine Pumps: Monel, (Ni-Cu), Hastelloy C
or B, Iconel 625 or 750 f. Springs: Distillate/Condensate Pumps: 316
Stainless Steel, Monel, (Ni-Cu), Hastelloy C or B, Iconel 625 or 750 0.
Motors shall be commercial design meeting IEEE 841 and USCG 259 Marine
Duty Specifications General Motor requirements are as follows: 1 .
Phase -- 3 2. Frequency -- 60HZ 3. Volts -- 440 VAC 4. Enclosure --
Totally enclosed, hostile environment, Fan Cooled. 5. Speed -- AS
REQUIRED P. Pump Suction and discharge connections shall be provided
with flat face flanges meeting the dimensional and surface finish
requirements of ANSI B16.5 for flat face flanges. Q. Pump wet end
materials for feedwater and brine pumps shall be fabricated from either
an austenitic or duplex alloy steel castings or 70-30 copper nickel and
nickel copper (ASTM B369/ASTM B-494/164) construction. Alloy steel
castings shall meet one of the following grades; ASTM A744 (CD-4MCu,
CF-8M, CN-7MS) or duplex alloy per CRES ASTM 193 or Monel, ASTM F468.
Composite pump internal parts such as impellers, sleeves, and wear
rings may be used provided materials are qualified and approved in
accordance with NAVSEA Std drawing 803-7226047. R. Pump wet end
materials for condensate and distillate pumps shall be fabricated from
either an austenitic alloy steel castings or 70-30 copper nickel and
nickel copper (ASTM B369/ASTM B-494/164) construction. Alloy steel
castings shall meet one of the following grades; ASTM A-296/487
(CA-15), ASTM A-452 (316) or better. All casing fasteners shall be CRES
ASTM 193 or Monel, ASTM F468. Composite pump internal parts such as
impellers, sleeves, and wear rings may be used provided materials are
qualified and approved in accordance with NAVSEA Std drawing
803-7226047. S. Pumps shall be designed to permit normal operation with
a momentary roll up to 45 degrees, or a permanent list of 15 degrees to
either side with a permanent list of 15 degrees to either side with a
permanent inclination of 5 degrees fore and AFT with the pump rotating
assembly axis in a fore AFT direction. T. Pumps shall be designed for
continuous service. All wet end casing parts s call have a. minimum
corrosion allowance of 1/8 inch. Parts subject to wear shall have a
design life of 30,000 hours with unlimited number of starts. Rolling
contact bearings shall be selected in accordance with AFBMA Standards
9 and/or 11 and have a calculated minimum LIO life of 15,000 hours. U.
A detailed assembly procedure and parts list containing all steps and
parts necessary to upgrade the commercial pump to pass the grade a
shock requirements shall be provided in the technical manual. V. The
following material shall be prohibited; Magnesium and its alloys, cast
iron (except for nodular iron), semi steel, cadmium plating, asbestos,
mercury, radioactive material. W. Identification Plates; Manufacturer's
name, model number, size, serial number, NSN, capacity (in GPM),
suction requirement- or NPSHR (in ft or "Flooded"), total developed
head (in ft), rated speed, BHP, hydrostatic test pressure. 2.
Commercial drawings -- The manufacturers commercial drawings shall be
provided for government approval, in accordance with the contract data
requirements list (DD form 1423). NSN 2S 4320-LL-HA3-7285 PURCHASE
DESCRIPTION SCOPE: 1. This Contract/Purchase order contains the
requirements for manufacture and the contract quality requirement for
Documents: 1. Applicable Documents -- The document(s) listed below form
a part of this contract/purchase order including modifications or
exclusions. 2. "Document Reference" listed below must be obtained by
the Contractor. Ordering information is included as an attachment to
this contract/purchase order. 3. Order of Precedence -- In the event of
a conflict between the text of this contract/purchase order and the
references and/or drawings cited herein, the text of this
contract/purchase order shall take precedence. Nothing in this
contract/purchase order, however, shall supersede applicable laws and
regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
Requirements: 1. Manufacturing and Design -- The PUMP UNIT furnished
under this contract/ purchase order shall meet the material and
physical requirements as follows: A. Rated Capacity: 14 GPM B. Rated
Total Head: 184 FT. C. Fluid to be Pumped: STEAM CONDENSATE D. Specific
Gravity: 1.0 E. Temperature of Fluid: 198 DEGREES (F) F. NPSHR: 1. 5
FT. AT 14 GPM G. Motor Speed: AS REQUIRED H. Suction Condition:
unit shall be horizontally mounted and provided With a bed plate. K.
Shock mounts shall not be used. L. Pump casing shall be provided with
suction and discharge gauge connections. Connections shall be 1/4" FPT
and shipped with Cres material plugs installed. M. Pumps may be close
coupled or coupled. Couplings, when used, shall be keyed to both
shafts. N. All pumps shall be provided with mechanical seals.
Mechanical seals shall meet the requirements of ASTM F 1511-95,
Supplement Sl. Manufacturers of pumps that cannot be modified to accept
the ASTM F 1511-95 seal shall submit a waiver request with the bid.
Waiver request shall indicate which requirements are not met and
provide justifications for not meeting the configuration/design,
materials, or qualification requirements of the seal specifications.
Seal gland plates shall be provided with an external flush/cooling
water supply connection. Connection shall be 1/4" FPT. The minimum
operational life of the mechanical seal in the pump shall be 16,000
hours provided the pump is maintained in accordance with the
manufacturers instruction manual. During any portion of the service
life, the dynamic leakage shall not exceed 5 drops per minute. Seal
materials shall be as follows: a. Primary Seal Ring: Carbon Graphite b.
Mating Ring: Tungsten Carbide (Nickel Bound) or Silicon Carbide c.
Metal Components: Feedwater/Brine Pumps: Monel, (Ni-Cu), Titanium,
Alloy 20, 70-30 CuNi d. Metal Components: Distillate/Condensate Pumps:
316 Stainless Steel, Monel, Alloy 20, Bronze e. Springs:
Feedwater/Brine Pumps: Monel, (Ni-Cu), Hastelloy C or B, Iconel 625 or
750 f. Springs: Distillate/Condensate Pumps: 316 Stainless Steel,
Monel, (Ni-Cu), Hastelloy C or B, Iconel 625 or 750 0. Motors shall be
commercial design meeting IEEE 841 and USCG 259 Marine Duty
Specifications General Motor requirements are as follows: 1. Phase --
3 2. Frequency -- 60HZ 3. Volts -- 440 VAC 4. Enclosure -- Totally
enclosed, hostile environment, Fan Cooled. 5. Speed -- AS REQUIRED P.
Pump Suction and discharge connections shall be provided with flat face
flanges meeting the dimensional and surface finish requirements of ANSI
216.5 for flat face flanges. Q. Pump wet end materials for feedwater
and brine pumps shall be fabricated from either an austenitic or duplex
alloy steel castings or 70-30 copper nickel and nickel copper (ASTM
B369/ASTM B-494/164) construction. Alloy steel castings shall meet one
of the following grades; ASTM A744 (CD-4MCu, CF-8M, CN-7MS) or duplex
alloy per CRES ASTM 193 or Monel, ASTM F468. Composite pump internal
parts such as impellers, sleeves, and wear rings may be used provided
materials are qualified and approved in accordance with NAVSEA Std
drawing 803-7226047. R. Pump wet end materials for condensate and
distillate pumps shall be fabricated from either an austenitic alloy
steel castings or 70-30 copper nickel and nickel copper (ASTM B369/ASTM
B-494/164) construction. Alloy steel castings shall meet one of the
following grades; ASTM A-296/487 (CA-15), ASTM A-452 (316) or better.
All casing fasteners shall be CRES ASTM 193 or Monel, ASTM F468.
Composite pump internal parts such as impellers, sleeves, and wear
rings may be used provided materials are qualified and approved in
accordance with NAVSEA Std drawing 803-7226047. S. Pumps shall be
designed to permit normal- operation with a momentary roll up to 45
degrees, or a permanent list of 15 degrees to either side with a
permanent list of 1-5 degrees to either side with a permanent
inclination of 5 degrees fore and AFT with the pump rotating assembly
axis in a fore AFT direction. T. Pumps shall be designed for continuous
service. All wet end casing parts shall have a minimum corrosion
allowance of 1/8 inch. Parts subject to wear shall have a design life
of 30,000 hours with unlimited number of starts. Rolling contact
bearings shall be selected in accordance with AFBMA Standards 9 and/or
11 and have a calculated minimum L10 life of 15,000 hours. U. A
detailed assembly procedure and parts list containing all steps and
parts necessary to upgrade the commercial pump to pass the grade a
shock requirements shall be provided in the technical manual. V. The
following material shall be prohibited; Magnesium and its alloys, cast
iron (except for nodular iron), semi steel, cadmium plating, asbestos,
mercury, radioactive material. W. Identification Plates; Manufacturer's
name, model number, size, serial number, NSN, capacity (in GPM),
suction requirement- or NPSHR (in ft or "Flooded"), total developed
head (in ft), rated speed, BHP, hydrostatic test pressure. 2.
Commercial drawings -- The manufacturers commercial drawings shall be
provided for government approval, in accordance with the contract data
requirements list (DD form 1423). NSN 2S 4320-LL-HA3-7286 PURCHASE
DESCRIPTION SCOPE: 1. This Contract/Purchase order contains the
requirements for manufacture and the contract quality requirement for
a DISTILLING PLANT BRINE PUMP. Applicable Documents: 1. Applicable
Documents -- The document (s) listed below form a part of this
contract/purchase order including modifications or exclusions. 2.
"Document Reference" listed below must be obtained by the Contractor.
ordering information is included as an attachment to this
contract/purchase order. 3. Order of Precedence -- In the event. of a
conflict between the text of this contract/purchase order and the
references and/or drawings cited herein, the text of this
contract/purchase order shall take precedence. Nothing in this
contract/purchase order, however, shall supersede applicable laws and
regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
Requirements: 1. Manufacturing and Design -- The PUMP UNIT furnished
under this contract/ purchase order shall meet the material and
physical requirements as follows: A. Rated Capacity: 410 GPM B. Rated
Total Head: 79 FT. C. Fluid to be Pumped: BRINE D. Specific Gravity:
1.04 E. Temperature of Fluid: 115 DEGREES (F) F. NPSHR: 4.4 FT. AT 410
GPM G. Motor Speed: 1750 RPM H. Suction Condition: SURMERGENCE OR
CAVITATION CONTROL I. Shut-Off Head: 93 FT. J. Pump unit shall be
horizontally mounted and provided with a bed plate. K. Shock mounts
shall not be used. L. Pump casing shall be provided with suction and
discharge gauge connections. Connections shallbe 1/4" FPT and shipped
with Cres material plugs installed. M. Pumps may be close coupled or
coupled. Couplings, when used, shall be keyed to both shafts. N. All
pumps shall be provided with mechanical seals. Mechanical seals shall
meet the requirements of ASTM F 1511-95, Supplement Sl. Manufacturers
of pumps that cannot be modified to accept the ASTM F 1511-95 seal
shall submit a waiver request with the bid. Waiver request shall
indicate which requirements are not met and provide justifications for
not meeting the configuration/design, materials, or qualification
requirements of the seal specifications. Seal gland plates shall be
provided with an external flush/cooling water supply connection.
Connection shall be 1/4" FPT. The minimum operational life of the
mechanical seal in the pump shall be 16,000 hours provided the pump is
maintained in accordance with the manufacturers instruction manual.
During any portion of the service life, the dynamic leakage shall not
exceed 5 drops per minute. Seal materials shall be as follows: a.
Primary Seal Ring: Carbon Graphite b. Mating Ring: Tungsten Carbide
(Nickel Bound) or Silicon Carbide C. Metal Components: Feedwater/Brine
Pumps: Monel, (Ni-Cu), Titanium, Alloy 20, 70-30 CuNi d. Metal
Components: Distillate/Condensate Pumps: 316 Stainless Steel, Monel,
Alloy 20, Bronze e. Springs: Feedwater/Brine Pumps: Monel, (Ni-Cu),
Hastelloy C or B, Iconel 625 or 750 f. Springs: Distillate/Condensate
Pumps: 316 Stainless Steel, Monel, (Ni-Cu), Hastelloy C or B, Iconel
625 or 750 0. Motors shall be commercial design meeting IEEE 841 and
USCG 259 Marine Duty Specifications General Motor requirements are as
follows: 1. Phase -- 3 2. Frequency -- 60HZ 3. Volts -- 440 VAC 4.
Enclosure -- Totally enclosed, hostile environment, Fan Cooled. 5.
Speed -- 1750 RPM P. Pump Suction and discharge connections shall he
provided with flat face flanges meeting the dimensional and surface
finish requirements of ANSI 316.5 for flat face flanges. Q. Pump wet
end materials for feedwater and brine pumps shall be fabricated from
either an austenitic or duplex alloy steel castings or 70-30 copper
nickel and nickel copper (ASTM B369/ASTM B-494/164) construction. Alloy
steel castings shall meet one of the following grades; ASTM A744
(CD-4MCu, CF-8M, CN-7MS) or duplex alloy per CRES ASTM 193 or Monel,
ASTM F468. Composite pump internal parts such as impellers, sleeves,
and wear rings may be used provided materials are qualified and
approved in accordance with NAVSEA Std drawing 803-7226047. R. Pump wet
end materials for condensate and distillate pumps shall be fabricated
from either an austenitic alloy steel castings or 70-30 copper nickel
and nickel copper (ASTM B369/ASTM B-494/164) construction. Alloy steel
castings shall meet one of the following grades; ASTM A-296/487
(CA-15), ASTM A-452 (316) or better. All casing fasteners shall be CRES
ASTM 193 or Monel, ASTM F468. Composite pump internal parts such as
impellers, sleeves, and wear rings may be used provided materials are
qualified and approved in accordance with NAVSEA Std drawing
803-7226047. S. Pumps shall be designed to permit normal operation with
a momentary roll up to 45 degrees, or a permanent list of 15 degrees to
either side with a permanent list of 15 degrees to either side with a
permanent inclination of 5 degrees fore and AFT with the pump rotating
assembly axis in a fore AFT direction. T. Pumps shall be designed for
continuous service. All wet end casing parts shall have a minimum
corrosion allowance of 1/8 inch. Parts subject to wear shall have a
design life of 30,000 hours with unlimited number of starts. Rolling
contact bearings shall be selected in accordance with AFBMA Standards
9 and/or 11 and have a calculated minimum L10 life of 15,000 hours. U.
A detailed assembly procedure and parts list containing all steps and
parts necessary to upgrade the commercial pump to pass the grade a
shock requirements shall be provided in the technical manual. V. The
following material shall be prohibited; Magnesium and its alloys, cast
iron (except for nodular iron), semi steel, cadmium plating, asbestos,
mercury, radioactive material. W. Identification Plates; Manufacturer's
name, model number, size, serial number, NSN, capacity (in GPM),
suction requirement- or NPSHR (in ft or "Flooded"), total developed
head (in ft), rated speed, BHP, hydrostatic test pressure. 2.
Commercial drawings -- The manufacturers commercial drawings shall be
provided for government approval, in accordance with the contract data
requirements list (DD form 1423). NSN 2S 4320-LL-HA3-7288 PURCHASE
DESCRIPTION SCOPE: 1. This Contract/Purchase order contains the
requirements for manufacture and the contract quality requirement for
a DISTILLING PLANT DISTILLATE PUMP. Applicable Documents: 1. Applicable
Documents -- The document(s) listed below form a part of this
contract/purchase order including modifications or exclusions. 2.
"Document Reference" listed below must be obtaine (0022) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0176 19980127\43-0001.SOL)
43 - Pumps and Compressors Index Page