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United States Agency for International Development, USAID/Egypt, Directorate of Procurement, (D/PRO), 6th Floor, Unit 64902, APO AE 09839-4902

C -- PREQUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE -- CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE WATER MASTER PLAN FOR ALEXANDRIA WATER GENERAL AUTHORITY (AWGA), UNDER USAID GRANT NO. 263-0270.02 SOL 263-98-P-018 POC Contact Point: Mr. James C. Athanas, Contracting Officer, USAID/Egypt, Tel: 011-20-2-357-3257/8, Fax: 011-20-2-356-2932, E-mail: jathanas@usaid.gov The U.S. Agency for International Development Mission to Egypt invites submission of prequlification questionnaires, for the purpose of shortlisting, from U.S. (only) consulting engineering firms. A 20-year comprehensive master plan to guide The Alexandria Water General Authority (AWGA) in planning for future potable water needs in Alexandria, Egypt is the objective. The contractor shall undertake any necessary studies and data collection and analyses activities to enable updating of the 1978 water master plan for Alexandria. The contractor shall be required to: a) Provide an integrated description and evaluation of the present status of water supply, treatment and distribution systems in AWGA s service area, including assessment of AWGA's current operation and maintenance capabilities; b) determine those facilities considered to be of the most critical importance to the immediate service improvement; c) evaluate the existing raw water supply facilities, determine the extent of current deficiencies, assess future needs and identify short-term and long-term improvement programs; d) evaluate existing conditions, make recommendations, and develop a plan for the implementation of approved water improvement programs in the poor neighborhoods of Alexandria; e) prepare a long-term strategic plan and affordable first stage investment program for AWGA to meet its estimated needs for the adequate provision of water supply services; f)Prepare a feasibility study of the First Stage Facilities Improvement and Expansion Program; g) conduct an initial environmental examination to identify potentially adverse environmental impacts resulting from the implementation of the proposed water supply improvements and suggest mitigating measures; h) develop maps, a GIS system, and a hydraulic model of the water system in Alexandria; i) conduct a study and make recommendations relative to the possibility of developing opportunities for private sector participation in water supply services now provided by AWGA. A cost plus fixed fee, completion type contract is contemplated to be awarded. The expected duration of the contract is eighteen months. Issuance of this request does not constitute an award commitment on the part of the Government nor does it commit the Government to pay for costs incurred in the preparation or submission of any information. It is a requirement that the firms must comply with USAID geographic code 000 (USA) for nationality and source regulations. Consulting engineering firms are expected to demonstrate the following, which will be used for evaluating firm qualifications: (A) Applicable international experience and capability to provide the required experienced personnel to implement the work, (B) Organizational capacity and financial resources, (C) Similar services and work experience. Experience in the Middle East and/or Egypt and/or similar developing country environment is desirable. USAID requests that interested consulting engineering firms submit six copies of completed US government standard form (SF) 254, Architect-Engineer (A-E) and related services questionnaire and (SF) 255 (A-E) and related services questionnaire for specific projects. It is anticipated that the selected consultant will sign a contract with USAID to provide services subject to the availability of funds. The firm's current financial statement and affirmative statement that the firm can meet USAID's nationality and source regulations must also be submitted. Copies of interested firm's brochures and annual report may also be of value in presenting the firms qualification. If joint ventures seek prequalification, information must be supplied for all firms in the venture. Consultant's data will be verified. The completed prequalification information and related statements must be received no later than close of business (Cairo time) April 29, 1998, at the following address. Additional information submitted after that date may be rejected by USAID. Submit prequalification forms to the following address: Mr. James C. Athanas, Contracting Officer, Office of Procurement, United States Agency for International Development, USAID/Egypt, Cairo Center Building, Sixth Floor, 106 Kasr El Aini Street, Cairo, Egypt. If sent by U.S. mail: Office of Procurement, Unit 64902, APO AE 09839-4902. No RFP will be issued. Consulting engineering firms will be evaluated in accordance with the evaluation criteria found in the AID Acquisition Regulations, Part 736.602-3 (B): (1) Specialized experience of the firm (including each member of joint venture or association) with the type of service required; (2) Capacity of the firm to perform the work (including any specialized services) within the time limitations; (3) Past record of performance on contracts with AID or other Government agencies and private industry with respect to such factors as control of costs, quality of work, and ability to meet schedules, to the extent such information is available; (4) Ability to assign adequate number of qualified key personnel from the organization, including a competent supervising representative having considerable experience in responsible positions on work of a similar nature; (5) The positions of the work the architect-engineer is able to perform with its own forces when required; (6) Ability of the architect-engineer to furnish or to obtain required materials and equipment; (7) Familiarity with the locality where the project is situated; (8) Financial capacity; (9) Responsibility of the architect-engineer under standards provided in FAR 9.1; and (10) Volume of work previously awarded to the firm by the Agency. USAID will establish a short list of at least three qualified firms as per FAR part 36.602-3(C). USAID will provide the draft statement of work, a list of questions to be addressed and evaluation criteria to the short listed firms for purposes of holding discussions. After the final selection of the most qualified firm or joint venture to perform the work, USAID will request a cost proposal from, and will negotiate with, this top ranked firm or joint venture. If a satisfactory contract cannot be concluded, USAID may negotiate with the next ranked firm or joint venture." The preferred method of distribution of USAID procurement information is via the Internet. This CBD notice can viewed and downloaded using the Agency Web Site. The Worldwide Web address is http://ww.info.usaid.gov. Select "Business and Procurement Opportunities" from the home page, then "USAID Procurements." On the following screen, select "Browse Current CBD Notices, Procurement Information Bulletins & PSC Announcements." It is the responsibility of the recipient of this notice to ensure that it has been received from Internet in its entirety and USAID bears no responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission or conversion processes. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) encourages the participation to the maximum extent possible of small business concerns, small disadvantaged business concerns, and women -owned business concerns in this activity as prime contractors or subcontractors in accordance with Part 19 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation. In this respect, it is anticipated that the prime contractor will make every reasonable effort to identify and, make maximum practicable use of such concerns. All other selection evaluation criteria being found equal, the participation of such concerns may become a determining factor for selection. (0077)

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