Numbered NotesNumbered Notes are Footnotes. If a Numbered Note is included in the
description of a notice, the note referred to must be read as part of
the item. 1. The proposed contract is 100% set aside for small business
concerns. 2. A portion of the acquisition is set aside for small or small and
disadvantaged business concerns. 3. The proposed contract is a labor surplus area set-aside. 4. The proposed contract is 100 percent set aside for small
disadvantaged business concerns (SDB). Offers from concerns other than
SDBs will not be considered. 5. The proposed contract is 100% set aside for Historically Black
Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Institutions (MIs).
Offers from other than HBCUs and MIs will not be considered. 6. The proposed contract is a total small disadvantaged business set
aside or is being considered as a total small disadvantaged business
set aside. 7. The proposed contract is 100% set aside for Historically Black
Colleges and Universities and Minority Institutions or is partial set
aside for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority
Institutions. 8. The solicitation document contains information that has a military
or space application. Only businesses that have been certified by the
Department of Defense and have a valid need to know may have a copy of
the solicitation document. All requests for copies of the solicitation
document must include a certified copy of DD Form 2345. To request
this certification, write to the Commander, Defense Logistics Services
Center, ATTN: DLSC-FEB, Federal Center, Battle Creek, MI 49017-3084
and request a copy of Department of Defense Form 2345 or call the
Defense Logistics Services Center on 800/352-3572. 9. Copies of Military and Federal Specifications and Standards,
Qualified Products Lists and Military Handbooks may be obtained from
Commanding Officer, Naval Publications and Forms Center (NPFC), 5801
Tabor Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19120. Urgent requests may be submitted
telex-834295, Western Union-710-670-3321. However, it is preferred
private industry use a simplified order form, DD Form 1425, which
includes a self addressed label. Once a customer orders documents,
will automatically provide the customer with sufficient blank forms to
continue ordering in the preferred manner. Patterns, Drawings,
Deviations Lists, Purchase Descriptions, etc., are not stocked at
NPFC. 10-11. Reserved. 12. One or more of the items under this acquisition may be subject to
Agreement on Government Procurement approved and implemented in the
United States by the Trade Agreements Act of 1979. All offers shall be
in the English language and in U.S. Dollars. All interested suppliers
may submit an offer. 13. The proposed contract is restricted to domestic sources under the
authority of FAR 6.302-3. Accordingly, foreign sources, except
Canadian sources, are not eligible for award. 14-21. Reserved 22. The proposed contract action is for supplies or services for which
the Government intends to solicit and negotiate with only one source
under authority of FAR 6.302. Interested persons may identify their
interest and capability to respond to the requirement or submit
proposals. This notice of intent is not a request for competitive
proposals. However, all proposals received within forty-five days
(thirty days if award is issued under an existing basic ordering
agreement) after date of publication of this synopsis will be
considered by the government. A determination by the Government not to
compete this proposed contract based upon responses to this notice is
solely within the discretion of the government. Information received
will normally be considered solely for the purpose of determining
whether to conduct a competitive procurement. 23. Award will be made only if the offeror, the product/service or the
manufacturer meets qualification requirement at time of award, in
accordance with FAR clause 52.209-1 or 52.209-2. The solicitation
identifies the office where additional information can be obtained
concerning qualification requirements is cited in each individual
solicitation. 24. Architect-Engineer firms which meet the requirements described in
this announcement are invited to submit: (1) a Standard Form 254,
Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire, (2) a Standard
Form 255. Architect Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire for
Specific Project, when requested, and (3) any requested supplemental
data to the procurement office shown. Firms having a current Standard
Form 254 on file with the procurement shown are not required to
register this form. Firms desiring to register for consideration for
future projects administered by the procurement office (subject to
specific requirements for individual projects) are encouraged to
submit, annually a statement of qualifications and performance data
utilizing Standard Form 254, Architect Engineer and Related Services
Questionnaire. Firms responding to this announcement before the
date will be considered for selection, subject to any limitations
indicated with respect to size and geographic location of firm,
specialized technical expertise or other requirements listed.
an initial evaluation of the qualification and performance data
submitted, three or more firms considered to be the most highly
qualified to provide the type of services required, will be chosen for
negotiation. Selection of firms for negotiation shall be through an
order of preference based on demonstrated competence and
necessary for the satisfactory performance of the type of professional
services required, that include: (1) Professional capabilities: (2)
specialized experience and technical competence, as required: (3)
capacity to accomplish the work in the required time: (4) past
performance on contracts with respect to cost control, quality of
and compliance with performance schedules; (5) geographical location
and knowledge of the locality of the project, provided that
of the criterion leaves an appropriate number of qualified firms,
the nature and size of the project; (6) any other special
required under this announcement by the contracting activity. In
addition to the above, special qualifications in the Department of
Defense include the volume of work previously awarded to the firm by
the Department of Defense, with the object of effecting an equitable
distribution of Department of Defense architect engineer contracts
among qualified architect-engineer firms including small and small
disadvantaged business firms, and firms that have not had prior
Department of Defense contracts. 25. Information submitted should be pertinent and specific in the
technical area under consideration, on each of the following
qualifications (1) Experience: an outline of previous projects,
specific work previously performed or being performed and any in-house
research and development effort; (2) Personnel: Name, professional
qualifications and specific experience of scientist, engineers and
technical personnel who may be assigned as principal investigator
and/or project officer: (3) Facilities: Availability and description
special facilities required to perform in the technical areas under
consideration. A statement regarding industrial security clearance.
other specific and pertinent information as pertains to this
area of procurement that would enhance our consideration and
of the information submitted. 26. Based upon market research, the Government is not using the
policies contained in Part 12, Acquisition of Commercial Items, in its
solicitation for the described supplies or services. However,
interested persons may identify to the contracting officer their
interest and capability to satisfy the Government's requirement with a
commercial item within 15 days of this notice. ------- ------- MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY The U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. Government Printing Office
are responsible for only the publication of the Commerce Business
(CBD). For information concerning a notice published in the CBD,
contact the office that has issued the notice. The appropriate office
is usually identified in bold face at the beginning of the notice. For
instructions on how to submit synopses of proposed contract actions to
the CBD see Part 5 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation. For
subscription information refer to the front page of this publication.
For other information please call the U.S. Government Printing Office
at 888/293-6498. END-OF-ISSUE
(National Purchasing System NOTES.CBD 19980430)
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