COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF SEPTEMBER 25,1998 PSA#2188Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA),
Office of Acquisition Management, 400 7th St. SW, Washington, DC,
INTEREST SOL DTFH61-99-R-00001 DUE 100798 POC Rick Murray, Contract
Specialist, Phone (202) 366-4250, Fax (202) 366-3705, Email
rick.murray@fhwa.dot.gov WEB: Visit this URL for the latest information
about this,
TFH61-99-R-00001&LocationID=30. E-MAIL: Rick Murray,
rick.murray@fhwa.dot.gov. SUMMARY: The Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) is soliciting comments on the National Summer Transportation
Institute's (STI) current statement of work, expressions of interest to
participate as the National STI Resource Center (RC), and expressions
of interest from Colleges/Universities to host a STI. Responses are due
by October 7, 1998 addressed to Rick Murray at: Office of Acquisition
Management, HAM-40, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Room 4410, Washington,
D.C. 20590-0001. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: STI Program Contact -- Hattie
Brown, Office of Civil Rights at 202-366-1591 or email at:
hattie.brown@fhwa.dot.gov; HAM-40 Contact -- Rick Murray at
202-366-4250 or email at: rick.murray@fhwa.dot.gov. OBJECTIVE: The
objective of the National STI is to: 1) create awareness in middle and
high school students to take maximum advantage of the opportunities
that exist in the transportation industry, 2) attract a broad and
diverse selection of bright minds, and acquaint and stimulate them with
the variousaspects of the transportation industry, and 3) increase the
number of students who choose a career in the transportation industry.
This will be accomplished by enabling selected Colleges/Universities to
implement/continue this successful program, and to expand this proven
concept to other Colleges/Universities. One College/University will be
selected as the National STI RC to administer the National STI,
provide technical assistance and convene a forum for discussing all
aspects of the National STI. The National STI RC will also establish
formal agreements with selected Colleges/Universities, and encourage
public and private support. BACKGROUND: In 1992, the FHWA established
an Historically Black College and University (HBCU) Task Force (TF) to
identify options to enhance the involvement of HBCUs in a wider
spectrum of FHWA programs and projects and to determine the most
effective means to utilize HBCUs as recruiting resources. One of the TF
recommendations was a Partnership Initiative with HBCUs and other
Minority Institutions of Higher Education (MIHE) which includes
Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) and Tribal Colleges and
Universities (TCUs). As a result, the STI Pilot Program began in 1993
at the South Carolina State University (SCSU) as the result of the
partnership formed between FHWA, the South Carolina DOT and SCSU. The
first institute at SCSU had an enrollment of 20 students. To date, the
program has grown nationally with more than 1,000 students,
encompassing 17 additional MIHEs including: Alabama A&M University,
Albany State University, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Benedict
College, Clark Atlanta University, Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community
College, Delaware State University, Florida A&M University, Jackson
State University, Howard University, Kentucky State University, Morgan
State University, City College of New York (CCNY), North Carolina A&T
State University, Southern University and A&M College, Tennessee State
University, and Virginia State University. In addition, FHWA sponsored
a 2-week STI at Arizona State University. The National STI complements
the goals of another U. S. Department of Transportation (USDOT)
national education initiative, the Garrett A. Morgan Technology and
Transportation Futures Program established in 1997. The Program is
designed to 1) improve student's math, science, and technology skills;
2) strengthen the links between the transportation sector and
community and junior colleges, and technical schools; 3) expand
transportation programs at undergraduate and graduate institutions; and
4) promote continuing education programs for transportation
professionals. In addition, the National STI supports the President's
Executive Order (EO) 12876 directing Federal Agencies to make a
substantial effort to increase the amount of funds awarded to HBCUs; EO
12900 mandating Federal agencies to develop a program to promote
recruitment of Hispanic students for Federal employment opportunities;
and EO 13021 charging all Federal agencies to ensure that TCUs aremore
fully recognized as accredited institutions with access to the
opportunities afforded other institutions. PURPOSE: USDOT recognizes
the need for individuals with technical competencies in the
transportation field. The demand for individuals with engineering or
technical backgrounds vastly exceeds the supply, and enrollment of
students in these programs across the Nation remains far below the
number needed by the industry. The purpose of the National STI is to
create awareness and stimulate interest in diverse middle and high
school students to take maximum advantage of the opportunities that
exist in the transportation industry. SUPPORT: FHWA will continue to
provide strong support for the National STI in terms of both financial
support and actual involvement of FHWA personnel in partnership with
State DOTs and the participating Colleges/Universities. However, it is
desirable to have the National STI RC assist in obtaining additional
funding and resources from national, regional and other local
sponsorsfor resources, professional expertise and staffing to ensure
the success of the National STI. CURRENT STATEMENT OF WORK: Task A:
Oversight. The National STI RC will establish a plan in coordination
with the FHWA to implement and administer the National STI. In
addition, FHWA will provide assistance in the selection process for
participating Colleges/Universities. Task B: Student Selection.
Students enrolled in public and private secondary schools in the State
of consideration of the participating College or University, will be
eligible on a competitive basis to participate in that College or
University's STI. Applications will be mailed to guidance counselors in
February and must be returned in March. The Selection Committee,
consisting of the participating College or University STI director,
academic program director and academic faculty (as applicable), along
with a FHWA and State DOT representative, will use the following
criteria to select participants. Students must: 1) be in grades eight
through elevenand currently enrolled in a middle or high school in the
State where applying, 2) have completed, or qualified for enrollment
in, pre-algebra for the coming school term, 3) have a minimum of a
2.5/4.0 cumulative grade point average, 4) have an expressed interest
in engineering, science, transportation, technology, or highway
construction, and 5) have three letters of recommendation. Upon
completion of the selection process, each College or University's STI
director will notify the successful applicants by April and provide
them with detailed STI information. Task C: Administrative Cost.
Federal funds as well as other public and private assistance will be
used to support administrative and student costs (including labor,
fringe, tuition, instructional materials, laboratory usage, field trips
and other necessary elements). In Fiscal Year 1999, FHWA will allocate
approximately $1.5M to the National STI for approximately 35
participating Colleges/Universities. Task D: Academic/Practical
Program. Each STI will focus on conscientious, critical and systematic
educational endeavors to explore all aspects of the transportation
industry and its role in our society, and create awareness and
stimulate interest in secondary school students to take maximum
advantage of the opportunities that exist in the transportation
industry. The goals of the STI are to: 1) expose secondary school
students to and allow them to participate in a series of academic and
practical experiences designed to motivate them toward professions in
the transportation industry, and 2) provide secondary school students
with mathematics, science and technological enrichment to enable them
to pursue a transportation career. Behavioral Goals. 1) become aware of
the occupations and career opportunities in the transportation
industry, 2) become aware of the significance of the past, the
importance of the present and the future direction of transportation,
3) be introduced to the social, economic and environmental impact of
transportation and the possibilities for avoiding, minimizing and
mitigating those impacts, 4) explore the importance of construction
skills and technology as they relate to the transportation industry, 5)
identify methods of moving people and cargo, 6) be able to identify
users and providers of transportation systems, 7) be introduced to the
many devices and methods used to manage transportation systems, 8) be
introduced to local, state and federal regulations as they relate to
the transportation industry, 9) explore the many areas of
transportation safety, 10) become aware of the linkage of one
transportation system to another, and 11) identify current research,
technology and its application in the transportation industry. Program
Evaluation. Educational components of the STI will be evaluated by all
student participants and faculty. Students will evaluate classroom
sessions, field trips, and presenters each week of the STI. Faculty and
the STI director will meet each week to evaluate course content,
student projects, laboratory experiences and unit objectives.
Evaluation for indications of success will be reported using the
following criteria: 1) evaluation related to each academic module will
be conducted on a weekly basis, and 2) final program evaluation by
faculty and students. In addition, each STI director will conduct a
follow-up survey of the STI participants during their senior year in
high school for the purpose of measuring the effectiveness of this
program. This survey should focus on the career decisions made by these
students necessitated by their upcoming graduation from high school,
and provide preliminary information on how many students are actually
considering transportation-related careers. Task E: National Expansion.
The STI director for the National STI RC will provide the following
services: 1) develop, publish and distribute curriculum, instructional
and resource materials, 2) conduct workshops to train staff from
Colleges/Universities that implement STIs, 3) provide on-going
technical support to all STIs, 4) develop STI program guidelines, and
5) receive a final report from each participating College or
University, and submit a comprehensive National STI final report to
FHWA. To ensure continuity and a quality STI at all participating
Colleges/Universities, the National STI director and staff will provide
assistance to all STIs. Task F: Summer Transportation Institutes.
Approximately 35 Colleges/Universities will be selected as sites to
implement a STI on their campus and will be required to: 1) enter into
a partnership agreement with the respective State DOT and the FHWA
Division Office, 2) enter into a sub-agreement with the National STI
RC, 3) establish an intermodal advisory board, 4) conduct a STI, and 5)
submit to the National STI director, a comprehensive final report
summarizing the development, administration, implementation and
accomplishments of their STI. EXPRESSIONS OF INTERESTS: This is not a
request for proposals (RFP) or request for applications (RFA) of
federal assistance. Interested Colleges/Universities areinvited to
comment on the National STI and the current statement of work; and
submit their expressions of interest for participating in the role of
National STI RC, and/or as a host of a STI. The expression of interest
must include College or University's: 1) name, address, phone and
facsimile numbers, point(s) of contact with name, title, phone number
and email address, 2) a brief description and profile including its
capabilities to perform in the role of National STI RC, and/or as a
host of a STI and 3) any innovative ideas to consider in the future
development of the National STI. TIME LINE: It is anticipated that a
RFA will be issued no later than October 30, 1998 for both the National
STI RC and for Colleges/Universities to host a STI. Posted 09/23/98
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