Due to the holiday season and at the request of vendors, the
application deadline for Force Protection Equipment Demonstration II
has been extended through 31 January 1999. Vendors who apply after the
deadline may still be accepted for participation, but this will be
considered on a case by case basis. The U.S. Army Product Manager,
Physi-cal Security Equipment (PM-PSE), under the sponsorship of the
Office of the Under Sec-retary of Defense for Acquisition and Technoloy
(OUSD A&T), the Joint Staff, the Joint Nonlethal Weapons Directorate,
and the Department of Justice will conduct Force Pro-tection Equipment
Demonstration II (FPED II) at Quantico Marine Corps Base, VA dur-ing
the period 3-6 May 1999. The first Force Protection Equipment
Demonstration was conducted 15-18 September 1997 at Quantico Marine
Corps Base and attracted 184 ven-dors who demonstrated and displayed
404 items of force protection equipment. The demonstration was attended
by nearly 2000 Department of Defense (DoD), federal, state, and local
government leaders and decision-makers. The purpose of FPED II is to
demon-strate commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) force protection equipment
available to military commanders and DoD, Federal Department and
Agency, and State and Local Law En-forcement and Corrections
decision-makers for potential procurement and possible future testing.
No testing of the equipment will be conducted during the
demonstration. FPED II has Joint Military Service and other Federal
Agency interest, and will address the needs of actual users for future
test, evaluation, and fielding. Due to limited resources, atten-dance
is by invitation only. PM-PSE invites equipment manufacturers to
submit applica-tions for demonstration of their equipment at FPED II.
Participants will be selected based on information provided to PM-PSE
on the application, available in the FPED II Information Packet.
Equipment must fall within the followingcategories to be consid-ered
for the demonstration: Physical Security Equipment (PSE) Sensor and
Surveillance Systems (Interior, Exterior, Perimeter, Tactical),
Unattended Ground Sensors, Explosive Detection (to include handheld,
static, and under water) and Cargo Inspection Devices (to include under
vehicle surveillance systems), Blast Protection/Mitigation (to include
Structural Building Materials (new or retrofit)), Software
Vulnerability Assess-ment/Analysis Tools, Delay and Denial Technology
(to include Fences, Barriers(active, passive)(portable and fixed), and
Locks), Non-Lethal Weapons and Technology, Individ-ual Soldier
Protective Gear (to include CB protective gear, protective vests),
Automated Entry Control Systems/Equipment, Communications Equipment (to
include personnel alerting systems), or Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Equipment. If active demonstration of equipment is not possible or
practical, a display which might include videotaped demon-strations or
other media presentations will be considered, provided the display
focuses on the commercially available equipment. Criteria for
participation includes the key re-quirement that the equipment must be
COTS and be available for test or procurement by the DoD not later
than ninety (90) days after completion of the demonstration. All
pro-spective participants can obtain an FPED II Information Packet at
http://www.csc.com/fped, or may request one in writing from the Product
Manager, Physical Security Equipment (PM-PSE), c/o CSC (Attn: Mr. Mark
Foelker), 7405 Alban Station Court, Suite B-200, Springfield, VA
22150. The FPED II Information Packet contains application forms and
other necessary information. The participants must trans-port their
selected force protection equipment to the Quantico demonstration site
for set-up and demonstration rehearsals during the week prior to the
demonstration and operate it during the demonstration week. The
demonstration will begin on Monday morning and manufacturers must clear
the site not later than 1300 hrs on Friday.Equipment will be set-up in
a field environment. All applications and demonstrations will be
unclassified. The entire cost of each participant's involvement in the
demonstration will be borne by that participant. However, there is no
fee for demonstration space. Participation in the FPED II does not
constitute Government endorsement of any equipment, nor does it commit
the Government to procurement of any equipment. WEB: click here to
obtain information packet, www.csc.com/fped. E-MAIL: POC Mark Foelker,
www.csc.com/fped. Posted 01/04/99 (W-SN284710). Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0284 19990106\SP-0030.MSC)
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