COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF FEBRUARY 18,1999 PSA#2285General Services Administration, Public Buildings Service (PBS),
Mountain-Plains Service Center (8PMP), Denver Federal Center, Building
41, West 6th & Kipling Streets, Denver, CO, 80225-0546 Z -- NEW GAS HEATING SYSTEM AT CLEARFIELD FEDERAL DEPOT IN CLEARFIELD,
UT SOL GS-08P-99-JCC-0022 DUE 033199 POC Tracy McGrady-Barnes,
Contracting Officer, Phone (303) 236-7230, Fax (303) 236-0552, Email
tracy.mcgrady@gsa.gov -- Viola Shull, Contract Specialist, Phone (303)
236-1770, Fax (303) 236-1774, Email vi.shull@gsa.gov WEB: Visit this
URL for the latest information about this,
CC-0022&LocID=182. E-MAIL: Tracy McGrady-Barnes, tracy.mcgrady@gsa.gov.
THIS PROCUREMENT. Project: New Gas Heating Systems at three buildings
on the Clearfield Federal Depot in Clearfield, Utah. Project No.
RUT98024. Scope of Work: (1) For Building C-6: Selective demolition.
Provide new boiler room in the southwest corner of Bay 3(North Bay).
The new boiler room shall supply steam to three new steam coils located
in the air handling unit supply air ducts which heat the building_s
center bay. Make steam and condensate piping revisions. Provide boiler
chemical feed, boiler feed pump unit, and sump pump. Relocate existing
water softener and eye wash to the new boiler room. Provide new
housekeeping pads, boiler room fire rated walls, access door and
stairway at west exterior wall, painting, base, hardware. Remove
existing steam unit heaters and replace with natural gas unit heaters
vented through the roof. Abandon steam and condensate piping in place.
Provide electrical power for mechanical equipment including conduit,
wiring, circuit breakers as required. (2) For Building C-7: Selective
demolition. Remove existing steam unit heaters and replace with natural
gas unit heaters vented through the roof. Extend natural gas piping
from the boiler room to new unit heaters. Abandon steam and condensate
piping in place. Provide new electric unit heaters and thermostats in
the Center Bay men_s and women_s restrooms and mechanical room.
Provide control wiring from existing thermostats to new unit heaters.
Provide new thermostats as required. Provide electrical power for
mechanical equipment, new panel board, conduit, and wiring as required.
(3) For Building D-5: Selective demolition. Remove existing steam unit
heaters and replace with natural gas unit heaters vented through the
roof. Extend natural gas piping from the boiler room to new unit
heaters. Provide control wiring from existing thermostats to new unit
heaters. Abandon steam and condensate piping in place. In the Center
Bay office area remove steam unit heaters and piping and provide gas
furnace and ductwork in the attic space, with ceiling supply and return
diffusers for heated air distribution to the office areas. Provide
combustion vent through roof. In the South Bay office area, remove
existing steam unit heaters. Provide new electric baseboard heaters in
office areas and electric unit heaters in boiler and rest rooms.
Provide electrical power for mechanical equipment, new panel board,
conduit, and wiring as required. This acquisition is being procured
under the Small Business Competitive Demonstration Program, and is open
for competition by both large and small businesses. The estimated
construction cost range is between $250,000 and $500,000. The
evaluation criteria to be used in the evaluation of offers submitted
under this solicitation will be (1) Similar Experience and Past
Performance, (2) Project Management Capabilities, and (3) price. In
addition, those firms determined to be the most highly qualified may be
required to participate in Oral Presentations following review of
initial proposals. The Solicitation Issue Date will be o/a 3/1/99. The
Pre-Proposal Conference / Site Visit date will be o/a 3/16/99. The
date for Receipt of Proposals will be o/a 3/31/99. Award is expected to
take place o/a 4/22/99. Notice to Proceed is expected to be issued o/a
5/3/99, with contract completion in 150 calendar days. All responsible
sources will be considered. For copies of the solicitation, submit your
written requests to the Contracting Officer at the address listed
above, or fax requests to Tracy McGrady-Barnes at (303) 236-0552. All
requests must include the Solicitation Number, project title,
Contractor's company name and STREET address, point of contact with
phone number, and fax number. Only written requests will be honored.
This solicitation is not available electronically. All requests must be
received by COB on 3/19/99, unless the solicitation closing date is
extended. Posted 02/16/99 (D-SN298463). (0047) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0122 19990218\Z-0013.SOL)
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