COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF FEBRUARY 19,1999 PSA#2286Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Procurement
Operations Branch, MS2500, 381 Elden Street, Herndon, Virginia
1435-01-99-RP-3993 DUE 040599 POC J. Callas, Contracting Officer or L.
Donley, Procurement Assistant: (703) 787-1354 E-MAIL: Contracting
Officer and Procurement Assistant E-mail, Jaci.Callas@mms.gov AND
Lane.Donley@mms.gov. The United States (U. S.) Government, and
specifically, the Minerals Management Service (MMS), a bureau within
the U. S. Department of the Interior, has jurisdiction over all mineral
resources on the Federal Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), a zone which
extends from three miles seaward of the coastal State boundaries out to
two hundred miles. Until recently only oil and gas resources were
harvested from within this area. However, the potential for
exploitation of sand resources located on the OCS as a source of
material for beach and barrier islands restoration has grown rapidly in
the last several years as similar resources in State waters are being
depleted or polluted. Several OCS areas are also being examined as
possible sources of aggregate for construction purposes. Resources in
U. S. Federal waters may also be environmentally preferable, due to
concerns over changes in resident physical oceanographic conditions as
large quantities of material are extracted from areas within the
existing wave base.This has generated a need for technical information
and environmental studies to ensure that offshore minerals are
developed in a safe and environmentally sound manner. The MMS'
International Activities and Marine Minerals Division (INTERMAR) has
been developing and procuring contracts to provide needed environmental
information in regards to environmental management of these resources.
This request for proposal (RFP) is in accordance with the FY99
National Studies List (NSL), #NT99-1 entitled "A Numerical Modeling
Evaluation of the Cumulative Physical Effects of Offshore Sand Dredging
for Beach Nourishment". This RFP addresses the need for environmental
information to support potential lease decisions offshore the east
coast of the U.S. from northern New Jersey to central Florida. The
objective of the twenty four (24) month study is to examine, via
numerical wave refraction modeling, the potential for negative impacts
to the coastal and nearshore area due to long-term dredging and
significant removal of sand from the Federal shoals and sand deposits
identified as potential borrow sites on the east coast of the U.S.
offshore the states of New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, North
and South Carolina, and Florida. By virtue of cooperative agreements
with MMS, and in consultation with the States and the U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers, the MMS has identified several potential sites of
high-quality clean sand deposits in Federal waters, offshore northern
New Jersey south to central Florida. The locations of these deposits
will be provided to the successful offeror. The information gathered
during this project will be used should decisions be made to proceed
with preparation of an environmental impact statement or assessment to
support negotiated agreements with the States, local jurisdictions, or
other Federal Agencies for access to Federal sand resources. The
information gathered during the course of this study will also enable
the MMS to assess the potential impacts of long-term offshore dredging
activities andto identify ways in which the dredging operations can be
conducted so as to minimize or preclude long-term adverse impacts to
the environment. The offeror shall provide the necessary personnel,
facilities, and services required for the successful performance and
completion of the study objectives set forth herein. BRIEF SUMMARY OF
TASKS: Item 1 -- Wave Refraction Modeling (Task 1): The Offeror will
use an existing off-the-shelf numerical wave refraction/diffraction
model to study shoal response for identified areas offshore the U.S.
east coast from northern New Jersey to central Florida, relative to
wave energies, both normal and storm-induced, assuming that significant
amounts of sand will be removed during several dredging episodes. Item2
-- Collection of Relevant Data (Task 2): Prior to initiation of any
modeling work, the Offeror will collect relevant physical data
necessary to run the model. Item 3 -- Preparation of the Draft and
Final Technical Manuscript (Task 3): After all modeling work is
complete, the Offeror shall prepare a report with clear, concise
writing at a level suitable to a technical audience familiar with the
various facets of the marine sciences. The document will contain all
relevant modeling output as agreed upon between the Offeror and MMS.
Item 4 -- Draft and Final Executive Summary (Task 4): The Offeror shall
submit a draft Executive Summary. Item 5 -- Technical Draft and Final
Summary (Task 5): The Offeror shall prepare a Draft Technical Summary.
Item 6 -- Submission of Draft and Final Non-Technical Summary (Task
6): The Offeror shall prepare a separate draft non-technical document
describing the study. Item 7 -- Submission of Scientific Paper to
Refereed Journal (Task 7): After completion and acceptance of the final
manuscript, the Offeror shall prepare a scientific paper describing the
study, its purpose, methods, conclusions, etc. for submission to an
appropriate refereed journal. Item 8 -- Presentation at MMS Information
Transfer Meeting or Scientific Conference (Task 8): The Offeror shall
present details of this study at the annual MMS Gulf of Mexico
Information Transfer Meeting (ITM) or at another scientific conference,
as agreed upon between the Offeror and MMS. Item 9 -- Bi-Monthly
Progress Reports (Task 9): The Offeror shall submit bi-monthly, a
concise report in letter format. Item 10 -- Presentation Slide Sets.
(Task 10): The Offeror shall submit two identical sets of presentation
slides with captions showing the model output for the various
simulations. A coded, written description of each slide should
accompany submittal. Item 11 -- Kickoff Meeting (Task 11): An initial
meeting shall be held after the contract award in order to meet with
the main personnel to be involved in the project (the Program Manager
and all principle investigators) to review all project schedules and
objectives and resolve any technical or managerial problems. The
logistics involved and the plan for collecting relevant data will be
discussed at this meeting. Item 12—Program Management and Control
Requirements: The Offeror shall adhere to the Program Management Plan
that was submitted to the MMS Contracting Officer (CO) and Contracting
Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) in the RFP. Item 13 -- Data
Management: The Offeror shall operate under a data management plan and
system designed to ensure continuous evidence of data possession,
comparison, and security with signatures, dates, times, and location of
data being noted. HOW TO RESPOND: Interested parties will be must
submit a request IN WRITING in order to receive a copy of the RFP.
These requests may be faxed to the attention of Contracting Officer,
Ms. J. Callas and the Procurement Assistant, Ms. L. Donley at (703)
787-1387. Requests may also be E-mailed to Jaci.Callas@mms.gov AND
Lane.Donley@mms.gov (the RFP number MUST be in the subject line of the
Email). Interested parties may also request a copy of the RFP via mail
at the following address: Minerals Management Service; 381 Elden
Street; ATTN: J. S. Callas, MS 2500; Herndon, VA 20170. If offerors
desire to hand deliver their requests for an RFP then they are informed
that this is a secure office complex and MUST NOT enter the building
beyond the lobby. There is a courtesy telephone near the elevators to
which you must call extension 1354 for a procurement official to
requests MUST BE received NOT LATER THAN NOON on March 2, 1999. The
Contracting Officer intends to issue the RFP via the U.S. Postal
service approximately March 3, 1999. The RFP will contain specific
instructions regarding proposal preparation, due dates, etc. Dates in
the RFP will override any conflicting dates contained herein. Questions
should be faxed or E-mailed as soon as possible to the above fax number
or E-mail addresses. Again, the RFP number MUST be in the subject line
of the E-mail. All questions should additionally include your full
name and title, RFP number, your organization, complete address, and
Posted 02/11/99 (W-SN297782). (0042) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0023 19990219\B-0006.SOL)
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