COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF MARCH 8,1999 PSA#2297San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, Tribal Administration, P.O. Box
Jenson, Director of Economic Development (909) 382-2222, extension 243
WEB: none, none. E-MAIL: Wil Jenson, Director of Economic Development,
DATE: March 4, 1999 RE: Request for Sealed Bids for Design and
Construction of a Turn-Key Mountain Spring Water Bottling Plant
(Concrete Tilt-Up Building), Including all Engineering Design and
Construction Plan Sheets and all Required Equipment Purchases and
Installation for Production, Storage and Shipment of Mountain Spring
Waters from the San Manuel Indian Reservation, in 0.5L and 1.5L PET
Bottles. The San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, a Federally Recognized
Indian Tribe (the "Tribe"), requests Sealed Bids for all professional
and contracting services necessary for the design (including all
engineering and architectural services and plans) and construction of
a new Turn-Key Water Bottling Plant, as described below, including all
necessary and required Equipment to be purchased and installation of
such Equipment (the "Project"). THE TRIBE EXPECTS THAT UPON AWARD, IF
PROJECT. The project shall be identified as a "Bottled-at-the-Source"
mountain area bottling plant, modeled after the European example of the
same, connected directly to the Tribe's mountain spring water source on
the San Manuel Indian Reservation located in Highland, California. The
Project will initially have one (1) bottling line capable of
production filling 11,520,000 bottles per year at a minimum rate of 100
bottles per minute, per line (Per one (1) eight (8) hour shift, forth
(40) hour work week) of either 0.5L or 1.5L PET bottles, with
corrugated case containers of 24 bottles per case (0.5L) and 12 to 18
bottles per case (1.5L), respectively. Water to be bottled will be
provided from a 4" Mountain Spring Water line located immediately
off-site the finished industrial pad site (Pad Area 108,930 SF or 2.5
Acres). The Tribe will provide geological and foundation engineering
study and civil engineering design for precise grading plan for the
building pad and parking lot layout for eight (8) truck stalls and
fifty (50) spaces for employee parking. The project additionally
includes a gray water reclamation system for recycled rinse water and
clean room floor drains from line spills, designed to be used on-site
for irrigation on plant grounds (includes total reclamation system
design). DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT The Elements and Requirements of
the Project Include the following: 1. A concrete tilt-up building
containing 25,000 square feet of ground floor area and 7,000 square
feet of mezzanine of finished storage & restroom and office space,
accessed by a eight thousand pound (8,000 lb) freight elevator, in
addition to stairwell access. The entire facility walls and interior
walls, shall provide for a four-hour (4) hour fire rating along with
hardware. The roof shall be a Class "A" fire rated roof and specified
over a Rigid Metal System, as overlay. A graded and compacted pad for
the plant building will be provided by the Tribe. The exterior
architectural design for the concrete tilt-up building will be based on
a "streamlined industrial design" utilizing art deco style, including
the extensive use of stainless steel hardware for sanitary purposes.
The Building shall reflect progress and stand as a timeless vision
statement. 2. The first floor space in the plant building is to include
an employee break/lunch room, restroom and a conference room. 3. The
Plant building shall be designed to accommodate at least four (4)
Bottling Lines (with accompanying labeling, packaging and storage
Equipment areas), each of which lines will be capable of producing
11,520,000 bottles per year per line, utilizing an 8-hour shift (40
hour work week); producing 100 bottles per minute, per line. NOTE:
While the design in this Request for Proposals (RFP) specifies four (4)
lines, only one (1) bottling line will be purchased and installed under
this RFP, but the Plant must be designed so as to accommodate three (3)
additional lines, meeting the stated production requirements, in the
future on an integrated basis. This bottling line design (and Equipment
purchased for the initial line) is to be capable of continuous 24-hour
use. 4. The Plant building and Equipment are to be designed so as to
take mountain spring water from a four inch 4" connection located
immediately off-site the finished industrial site. Plant design shall
include design of line extension to inside the building to a 5,000
gallon stainless steel tank to serve the line, connected with stainless
steel pipe. 5. The Project design, Equipment and construction
requirements shall include all Equipment, materials and work necessary
for the following: Architectural design and all required construction
drawings and actual construction of the 25,000 square foot plant site
with 7,000 square foot of mezzanine for an approximate total of 32,000
square feet. Additional industrial grated steel mezzanine within the
plant as required for all required plant storage and Equipment. a. All
floor drains and clean room rinse water shall be reclaimed for outside
irrigation water for plants and trees in landscaping. Landscape
architecture and irrigation design, in addition to the reclamation
system for plant grey water shall be designed and incorporated as a
fixed price element. Includes complete gray water reclamation system
and installation. b. The eight (8) loading dock truck stalls (dock
high), shall be designed and to be constructed with safety in mind
utilizing Kelly "Star" dock truck tailor restraints; Outside employee
parking for a minimum 50 vehicles; c. Certified fire sprinkler system
with outside alarm, and a complete security system with alarm. All
security and alarm systems shall be hard wired. d. Bottling clean room
sufficient to handle production for all lines; e. Clean rooms shall be
designed to include non-static, non-permeable surface floor and wall
coatings which shall have been EPA accepted and FDA approved for this
application. f. On-site first floor water testing laboratory; g.
Nominal 5,000 Gallon Water Storage Tank (approximate 114" diameter X
120" shell, T-304 stainless steel) Vertical constriction on legs which
shall be bolted to floor, dished & fanged top and bottom. Tank shall
include 18" round, below liquid manway, top vent fitting, 4" fanged
inlet, 4" Fanged outlet; sample port; and sight gauge assembly with
valves (Spokane Metal Products or equivalent). h. All necessary
filtration systems, ozone generator and purification systems, including
air and water particulate filtration ("Mechanical Filtration") design,
which is to include (1) Initial Filter to 5,000 gallon tank, (2)
Carbon Filters, then (3) 2. Micron Filter, then (4) 1. Micron Millipore
cartridge filter, then (5) Ozone Generator Purification. The Millipore
Cartridge filter shall be capable of less than ("<1") Micron, in
addition to the carbon filtration systems. In addition, the design and
Equipment selection and purchase shall include everything necessary
for specific treatment for removal of protozoans (i.e. Giardia Lamblia,
Cryptosporidium); i. Warehouse space including palletizing systems and
storage conveyances. Specific Palletizer shall specify a Currie
Machine Company MODEL LSP-8. j. All Plant water convenience piping
shall specify Stainless Steel Piping (NOTE: All primary connections
shall be bolted flanges, otherwise welded connections). 6. Line
Equipment design and Equipment purchase is to include, in addition to
the above, all of the Equipment listed, as required to have the plant
certified, as defined below. 7. Plans shall include "Original Mylar
Engineering Plan Sheets and Construction Drawings" (A complete set of
all sheets will be required to be delivered to the Tribe for approval,
prior to any construction notice to proceed). All plan sheets shall be
signed by the Engineer of Record. Additionally, all mechanical and
electrical load calculations shall be specified in book form. For all
elements of the project, three (3) sets of the Plans developed shall be
submitted to the San Manuel Department of Building & Safety. (NOTE: All
plans shall become the property of the San Manuel Band of Mission
Indians). 8. Design, Equipment required, Equipment layout, and
construction, shall conform to the requirements of the most recent
Uniform Building Code ("UBC"), for human occupancy structures, in
addition to the specific Certification Requirements of NSF
International ("NSF"). P.O. Box 130140, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48113-0140
(Phone Number 734-769-8010). The Firm selected, if any, shall retain
NSF International in their plant certification program for all plant
and Equipment selected, pursuant to the NSF Certification program. 9.
The Project design shall incorporate the criteria described in the
Federal Register, Monday November 13, 1995 (Part III Department of
Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration) 21 CFR 103 et
al. Beverages: Bottled Water; Final Rule, including but not limited to
Part 129- Processing and Bottling of Bottled Drinking Water.
Additionally specific requirements identified in the "Plant Technical
Manuel" developed by the International Bottled Water Association
("IBWA"), 1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 650, Alexandria, VA 22314 (Phone
Number 703-683-5213), shall be incorporated. 10. The Project shall
incorporate the design criteria including Equipment selected and
installed in conformance with European Community Directive EC-80/777 in
order for the plant to be certified as a "Bottled-at-the-Source" Plant.
11. The Plant, line design and Equipment recommended and installed
shall incorporate the Good Manufacturing Practice ("GMP") requirements
of the International Bottled Water Association. 12. Design and
construction shall meet all requirements of OSHA. 13. Equipment
selection and all plant construction specifications shall be indicated
on the engineering plan sheets to be certified by Underwriter
Laboratories ("UL") and included as part of the Project improvements
required so that the Tribe can obtain Plan Check and obtain Permits,
under the most current UBC. 14. The Engineer of Record shall identify
in special provisions on the engineering plan sheets and specifically
in written Book Form (8.5" x 11") document, a Hazardous Analysis and
Critical Control Points Plan, Critical Control Points requiring OSHA
requirements, including but not limited to: Confined Space Permits,
requirements to be identified under Hazard Communication Standards and
Mandated Hearing Conservation Programs. 15. Any additional
requirements (Including Equipment and Supplies) set forth or referred
to in the Four (4) Elements description set forth below, including the
computer system described therein. Element One (1) Preliminary Design
and Construction Report on the Proposed Facility, including a detailed
written report on requirements of the proposed plant construction and
production rates and product development. This report shall specify and
identify all special provisions for plant construction, including any
unique plant requirements. This report shall identify all special
provisions for plant construction and shall provide a detailed time
chart spreadsheet in calendar time, for actual design and plant
construction. Additionally, based on the preliminary selection of plant
equipment, including all machinery and bottling line equipment, a
preliminary cost analysis for all monthly utility costs for the plant
(Based on the standard electric utility rates of Edison International
for southern California); identify any special rebates or credits or
cost reduction programs for which the Tribe may qualify for from any
utility. The report shall include a complete analysis and description
of all staffing needs, including Job Descriptions, and proposed
competitive salary/compensation plan for all employees. Preliminary
Design and Construction Report, Fixed Price. Element Two (2) The
Development of a "Colored Rendering" Plan View (20 Scale) showing
actual layout of the Plant including all design elements, office space,
stainless steel tank(s), stainless steel filtration and piping to each
bottling line and capping system, labeling system, clean rooms,
palletizing system and packaging, pallet racking warehousing and
loading dock system design layout. This shall include all required
elements to be identified and labeled. Title Block on the colored
rendering shall by titled: "San Manuel Tribal Mountain Spring Water
Bottling Facility" subtitled: "Bottled at the Source -- San Manuel
Indian Reservation -- Highland, California" The colored rendering shall
include everything within a 25,000 square foot facility, with 7,000
square feet as mezzanine for an approximate total of 32,000 square foot
facility. In addition to the "Hard Copy" of the colored rendering, a
digital copy of the colored rendering shall be provided as a
deliverable. Colored Rendering, fixed price. Element Three (3)
Architectural Design for a Streamlined Industrial Concrete Tilt-Up
Building and Bottling Line Design and Equipment Identification and
Specifications. Includes all Engineering Design and Plan Sheets and
Construction Drawings, for a complete "Turn-Key" mountain spring water
bottling plant. The Plant will produce 0.5 liter and 1.5 Liter, with
start-up production rate of 100 bottles per line per minute. 25,000
Square foot building, including 7,000 as mezzanine, for a total of
approximate 32,000 square feet (With floor drains, gray water
reclamation system for irrigation and all required "Clean Rooms" in
order to meet all Certification Requirements outlined above), First
floor shall include in addition to Clean Rooms for Bottling Line and
laboratory; a conference room and employee Break Room and restrooms for
men and women. The Mezzanine shall include 7,000 square feet of
finished office (finished defined as including all fixtures, carpet and
paint, with samples approved by the Tribe) and storage area with
restroom facility. The entire Building shall have a certified fire
sprinkler system with outside alarm and the building shall have a
complete alarm and security system. The Building shall be designed
withsafety in all regards including the design will specify eight (8)
loading dock truck stalls with Kelly "Star" dock truck restraints, for
safety purposes. Employee parking outside will be provided for 50
vehicles. (Tribe shall provide Civil Engineering, geotechnical
foundation engineering study and precise grading plan for building pad
and parking lot layout, including truck loading dock stalls. The gray
water reclamation and complete recycle system shall be incorporated
into building design utilizing an underground tank and design of
irrigation system for plant grounds shall be included as a fixed price
expense. Architectural Design Services for the Building and the entire
Project, shall include all required mechanical drawings for the
Engineering of the Bottling Line in a Total amount, not to exceed, as
a fixed price fee. This includes all Building Design and Equipment
Specifications. Architectural and Engineering Design, Fixed Price.
Element Four (4) Actual construction of the 25,000 square feet concrete
tilt-up building, incorporating all floor drains and conduits in the
foundation structures, including 7,000 square feet as mezzanine as
finished drywall shell office and storage space (Building total,
approximately 32,000 square feet). Construction shall include
everything required for all bottling line equipment and machinery
utility hook-up and fixtures and all interior and exterior building
lighting. Specifically including all required clean rooms with air
particulate filtration and HVAC shall specify a "chiller" system.
Specific line items required under Element Four (4) include plant
design and equipment and machinery purchase and installation to include
the following, with fixed price cost to be set forth in the bid: 1. One
(1) bottling line with capacity to fill 100 bottles per minute, 0.5 L
and 1.5 L plastic PET Bottles, labeled and capped. (a) Stainless steel
turntable unscrambler; (b) Bottle Rinser; (c) Filler and Capper
Machine, (Fogg Filler Company, 3455 John F. Donnelly Dr., Holland,
MI49424 USA Telephone 616-786-3644). This machine shall specify the use
of an ALCOA Capper Turret. (d) Stainless Steel Accumulator; (e) Metal
Dector and Rejector on line and Lexon Guard Dusting; (f) Bottle Date
Coder; (g) Bottle Label Machine shall specify a TRINE Quick Change
Model 4500 (Rollfed Label Machine); (h) One Lot of two and one half
million labels (2.5 Million), including artwork and design (Design
shall become property of the Tribe) Labels shall be rollfed fully
wrapped, plastic water proof glossy label, specifically identified as
oriented polypropylene roll-fed labels. (Label design shall be of the
Tribe's approval) 2.5 Million Labels; 2. Nominal 5,000 Gallon Stainless
Steel Tank; 3. 4" Stainless Steel Pipe to connect all systems from
connection point; 4. Filtration Systems: (a) Initial Filter to 5,000
Gallon Tank (b) Carbon Filters (c) 2. Micron Filter (d) 1. Micron
Filter, Millipore Cartridge Filter (Stainless Steel construction for
all systems); 5. Ozone Generator Purification system; 6. Clean Rooms
Design and Layout (Including clean room blowers and air filtration
systems for all elements of the plant bottle filler room and water
Laboratory) As part of the bottling line "Smart Image Sensors (and
product rejector) shall be incorporated into the design, including
sensors for inspecting caps and metal detectors for product safety; 7.
All Stainless Steel Conveyor Systems (Including Air Compressors); 8.
All Stainless Steel Conveying Line Connecting Equipment and
installation; 9. Dual Packing systems (Both to include Box/Tray forms)
system shall incorporate a large character ink jet printer to include
automatic date and time coding, alphanumeric incrementing, and day of
week designation on corrugated cardboard) (1) 0.5 Liter, 24 Bottles
(Per Cardboard Case, Sealed) Shall include a fully automatic 3M-Matic
Case Sealer (2) 1.5 Liter, 12 Bottles (Case Tray formed with Shrink
Wrap) Shall include a High performance Trayformer, and a shrink warp
system. Fixed Price cost; 10. Palletizing System, Currie Machinery
Company MODEL LSP-8 (Includes warehouse pallet rack design and
installation); also includes finished pallet stretch wrap system; 11.
Layout drawings and specifications and calculations and installation of
Caterpillar Stand-by Electric Generator (Sized large enough to run
entire plant, in event of power outage) Includes all equipment purchase
and installation including electrical cable & hook-up and all
coordination with utility company; 12. All Utility Coordination for
Hook-up to Plant (Electric, Telephone, Gas, Water, Sewer); 13. Project
Management for all elements of Building and Plant Construction
(Includes Architect and Engineer of Record Services), NOTE: The
Engineer of Record shall identify special provisions on the engineering
plan sheets and specifically in written Book Form. This inc Posted
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