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Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Procurement Operations Branch, MS2500, 381 Elden Street, Herndon, Virginia 20170-4817

D -- MINERALS MANAGEMENT SERVICE INTRANET AND INTERNET REDESIGN SOL 1435-01-99-RP-31012 DUE 052699 POC Betty Estey, Contracting Officer, 703-787-1352 E-MAIL: Contracting Officer, Betty.Estey@mms.gov. The Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service (MMS), intends to competitively award a contract for Redesign of the MMS Intranet and the MMS Internet. The competition will be limited to participants with Federal Supply Schedules (FSS). The following information describes the prospective work effort. The MMS goal for the existing Intranet and Internet is to move from the current tool, a free-flowing non-standard information distribution system, to a structured, simple to use, integrated business process tool. A primary focus for the Intranet will be to provide Administrative information and services to every person throughout the Bureau. The scope of this project includes developing navigation and design standards, techniques, administrative procedures and policies, and recommending a streamlined, efficient Intranet infrastructure. The scope of this Statement of Work encompasses Contractor support to assist the Government in accomplishing a "Quick Start" task, which will identify the scope for additional short and long-term objectives for both the MMS Intranet and Internet. This statement of work will not establish the methods or the means of providing these services to MMS. It will only provide technical requirements and establish the service levels that MMS requires. The follow-on tasks suggested herein will be redefined with the information collected during the Quick Start task. The contractor will report to the MMS Information Resources Management Division, located in Herndon, Virginia. BACKGROUND. The MMS has offices located in several different states. The six major sites are Washington, D.C.; Herndon, Virginia; New Orleans, Louisiana; Denver Colorado; Camarillo, California; and Anchorage, Alaska. There are approximately fifty additional smaller sites located throughout the states of Louisiana, Texas, Colorado, California, Oklahoma, Wyoming, New Mexico, Ohio, Florida, North Dakota, Utah, Arizona and Montana. Most of these smaller sites have fewer than twenty-five people, but are still considered part of the Intranet community. The MMS computer architecture consists of approximately 2400 Intel-based microcomputers and 180 SUN workstations and servers. The microcomputers are running the Windows 98 operating system. The network operating systems include Novell Netware, Microsoft NT and SUN Solaris. Each major site has a switched Fast Ethernet local area network and Oracle databases. The MMS is currently installing Microsoft Exchange as its new electronic mail system. MMS INTRANET. The MMS Intranet, also known as "The Pipeline" made its debut in January 1997. The initial focus of the Pipeline was to promote freedom of expression and design. A Bureau-wide team developed the service over a span of three months in late 1996. Each Program area within MMS (Administration & Budget -- A&B, Policy Management Improvement -- PMI, Offshore Minerals Management -- OMM, and Royalty Management Program -- RMP) identified and published unique information on the Intranet. There are three separate Intranet servers, corresponding to three program areas, in Herndon, Virginia; Denver, Colorado; and New Orleans, Louisiana. MMS INTERNET. The MMS Internet is our vehicle to inform, serve and profile MMS to the public. The Internet report developed for the MMS Quality Council is attached to this document for reference. DESCRIPTION OF TASKS. Task 1: Quick Start Task -- Initial Evaluation. The Contractor shall complete the Quick Start task and provide the required deliverables. The Contractor shall evaluate the existing MMS Intranet and Internet from the point of view of accepted industry and Government standards and industry best practices. Initial Intranet evaluation and improvements will focus on the professional delivery of Administrative information and services. The evaluation shall focus on the following elements at the minimum, but shall not be limited to: (A) Server Architecture; (B) Site Navigation; (C) File Architecture; (D) Content Presentation; (E) Policies and Standards The Contractor may propose other elements found important, from a best practice perspective, in the evaluation. Deliverables for Task 1 are defined below. Task 2: Complete Evaluation and Immediate improvements, as approved, to the Intranet and Internet, and Assist in the Development of Policy and Standards. The Contractor shall complete the evaluation and make improvements based on Government acceptance of recommended improvements detailed in the Deliverable of Task 1. The components of the improvements may include, but are not limited to: navigation schemes, organization and grouping of content, graphical style, layout, back end databases, and forms. In addition, short-term improvements may also include Government or Contractor suggested developed applications that would be quick to implement (in this case, the application developed must meet the infrastructure criteria outlined in Task 3). The Internet requirement may include a separate line item and cost addressing the conversion of the existing DOS based LWCF database to a webappropriate format. The Contractor will also assist with the development of Web Policy and Standards, incorporating their knowledge of industry standard policies and procedures into the development of a MMS Policy and Standards document. The evaluation, improvements and development of policy and standards shall focus on the following elements at the minimum, but shall not be limited to: Graphical design of each page, including: color scheme, position of text and images, ease of use and other human factors concerns: (A) Style consistency throughout the site; (B) Standardized navigation between pages and between Intranet and Internet; (C) Search capabilities; (D) Server and network architecture; (E) File system architecture; (F) File format consistency; (G) HTML 4.0 compliance; (H) Existing organizational support structure; (I) Existing tools. Task 3: Conduct a business process analysis to identify potential long-term Intranet and Internet applications. MMS wishes to shift the focus of our Intranet from "information delivery" to an integral business application tool. The Contractor shall challenge and educate MMS on potential new uses of our Intranet and Internet, and assist MMS in developing a Strategic Plan for long-term development and growth. In this context, the Contractor shall identify a range of products and services that are most effectively delivered by Intranets and Internets. The Contractor must consider our existing infrastructure of MS Exchange, utilizing Public Folders and our upcoming Document Management solution when recommending the appropriate tool for application development. These products and services shall include, but not be limited to: (A) Facilities for collaborative computing and groupware; (B ) Information broadcasting through the use of push technologies or channels; (C)Requests for and dissemination of administrative information; (D) Knowledge Management; (E) Strategic Plan development Other types of products and services found important may be proposed by the Contractor for inclusion in the evaluation. To accomplish this task, the Contractor will work with the MMS Exchange and MMS Document Management teams, and their contractors, to develop an integrated application solution. Task 4: Develop long-term Intranet and Internet applications, as approved by the Government. The long-term recommendations have one of the following characteristics:(A) A lower priority than the immediate recommendations, or (B) (A) Facilities for collaborative computing and groupware (C) (B) Information broadcasting through the use of "push" technologies or "channels" (D) (C) Requests for and dissemination of administrative information and services (E) (D) Knowledge management (F) DESCRIPTION AND DELIVERY SCHEDULE OF DELIVERABLES. Deliverables required under this contract shall be produced using Microsoft Word 97, Excel 97 and Power Point 97 as applicable to graphic presentations. All Deliverables submitted on magnetic media shall be submitted on 3-1/2 inch high density diskettes or PC100 iomega ZIP drives. Additional deliverables may be identified as specific tasks are selected for work. The Deliverables listed below shall be submitted as follows: Task 1, Quick Start Task,14 Calendar days. Deliverables: The results of the evaluation and the list of improvements; including, per improvement: a cost estimate, rationale and dependency on other improvements shall be documented in two separate documents entitled "Evaluation and Recommended Improvements for Minerals Management Service Intranet" and "Evaluation and Recommended Improvements for Minerals Management Service Internet". These documents will include, but are not limited to: Evaluation of the MMS Web-supporting Organization structure; Recommendations on Architecture (File and Server), Navigation, Content and Policy and Standards for both Intranet & Internet; Development Life-Cycle (milestone based immediate and long term improvements) for Intranet and Internet; MMS Intranet Initial page prototype, and one level down to demonstrate recommended navigation and layout standards. Task 2, Complete Evaluation and Immediate improvements, 120 Calendar days, as approved, to the Intranet and Internet, and Assist in the Development of Policy and Standards. Proposed Deliverables: Revised "Evaluation and Recommended Improvements" documents, if significant updates are required after the initial evaluation; Published Intranet and Internet displaying successful completion of enhancements and documentation on approved Intranet and Internet improvements; Facilitation of Policy and Standards meetings and resulting documentation. Task 3, Conduct a business process analysis to identify, 30 Calendar days, potential long-term Intranet and Internet Applications. Proposed Deliverables: The results of the analysis and list of recommendations, along with the rationale for each recommendation, shall be documented in a two part deliverable entitled "Analysis and Recommendations for Long-Term MMS Intranet" and "Analysis and Recommendations for Long-Term MMS Internet". Task 4, Develop long-term Intranet and Internet applications, To Be Determined, as approved by the Government. Proposed Deliverables: The Contractor shall develop Intranet and Internet applications and documentation based on the Government accepted recommended applications detailed in the Deliverable of Task 3. EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR VENDOR SELECTION: The following evaluation criteria will be used in making the determination of vendor proposal selection: (1) Primary expertise in Intranet and Extranet evaluation, design and development; Provide percent of Intranet work compared to total work the company performs; Provide skills, qualifications and number of years company has performed Intranet work; (2) Best overall value to the Government; Show three comparisons of initial estimates vs. final costs for Intranet contracts; Provide estimate for this Statement of Work; (3) Past performance and references with Government Intranet clients (in last 3 years); Provide three recent Government references for Intranet work; Discuss how close contracts came to original time and cost estimates; Briefly define scope of work accomplished for these clients, are they similar to this SOW. (4) Demonstrated skills and experience in a analyzing business processes to develop Intranet applications; Demonstrate three business processes that were developed into an Intranet application; Briefly discuss how long this process took, and your company's methodology for accomplishing this task; (5) Ability to integrate existing systems into a secure web environment; Demonstrate how existing systems security was maintain when integrating with the web. (6) Provide customer education and training; Provide hard copy or electronic examples of customer education and training programs, explain methodology. (7) Publish Process/Standards Documentation; Provide hard copy examples of documentation showing recommendations on Architecture (File and Server), Navigation, Content and Policy and Standards for the Intranet. HOW TO RESPOND. Offerors shall submit their Capabilities Statement in original and five copies to Betty Estey, Contracting Officer, Minerals Management Service, 381 Elden Street, MS 2500, Herndon VA 20170-4817, not later than 3:00 PM, 26 MAY 99. Questions should be FAXED to both Betty Estey and Lane Donley at 703-787-1367, or e-mail addressed to both Betty.Estey@mms.gov and Lane.Donley@mms.gov. All correspondence MUST include the RFP number, your full name, company name and address, phone number, and facsimile number. MMS STRONGLY DISCOURAGES TELEPHONE REQUESTS OR QUESTIONS. Posted 05/08/99 (W-SN329290). (0128)

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