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A -- NASA AERO-SPACE TECHNOLOGY SMALL DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS QUARTERLY FORUM NASA Dryden Flight Research Center is seeking small, small disadvantaged and small women-owned business as well as Historically Black College and Universities (HBCU's) and Other Minority Institution (these businesses are hereafrter refer to as SDB's) participate in the NASA Aero-Space Technology Small Disadvantaged Business Quarterly Forum. The forum will be conducted at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California on October 14, 1999. In partnership with the Office of Aero-Space Technology, the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization sponsors Quarterly Forums where certain high tech Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB's) deliver technical presentations to senior Aeronautics managers and NASA Prime Contractors regarding their technical capability related to the Aeronautics program. NASA is seeking to identify high-tech SDB's to participate in the Aeronautics Forum with expertise in the targeted areas of capability described below. The forums are a means of identifying high-tech SDB's capable of participating in our most complex aeronautics programs as future contractors and subcontractors. Additional information on the forums can be found on the NASA Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization homepage at URL: http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/codek/osdbu.html#sdbforum. Dryden is NASA's primary installation for flight research for more than half a century, and is chartered to conceive and conduct experimental flight research. In carrying out this mission, Dryden operates some of the most advanced research aircraft in the nation. We are looking for small businesses and educational institutions with expertise or capabilities in: experimental flight research for integrated flight and propulsion controls; advanced optical sensors and controls; viscous drag reduction; advanced configurations; high-altitude, long-endurance aircraft; remotely piloted vehicle technology; hypersonic vehicle experiments; high-speed research for civil transportation; atmospheric tests of advanced rocketand air breathing propulsion concepts; instrumentation systems; and flight loads predictions. Small businesses and educational institutions interested in participating as a presenter, at the forum, should submit their capabilities statement to Robert Medina at the address listed above, no later than Tuesday, August 24, 1999. Capability statements should target the areas of expertise mentioned above. While there is no prescribed format for the capabilities statement the business or educational institution should provide information which demonstrates or provides evidence of their technical expertise in the areas related to Dryden's mission; including a cover page, which shall consist of the following information: Name and type of business (small, SDB, women-owned small or minority institution); address, phone and Fax numbers, e-mail address, name of point of contact and alternate, including phone number and e-mail address; and a one paragraph summary, fifty to one-hundred words in length, of the firms technical capabilities. Three (3) to five (5) participants will be selected. Selection of participants will be soley at the discretion of NASA. Notification of the firms selected to participate will be made via the Internet. No separate notification will be made. No expenses for participation will be reimbursed by the government. Past presenters at NASA Dryden are not eligible for participation. Government and contractor (large and small) personnel are welcome to attend this event on Thursday, October 14, 1999. Notification of attendance is essential for planning purposes. Please contact Robert Medina of your intent to attend at the telephone number, fax number or e-mail address listed below. WEB: Click here for the latest information about this notice, http://nais.nasa.gov/EPS/DFRC/date.html#SDBF10-14-99-RNM. E-MAIL: Robert Medina, robert.medina@mail.dfrc.nasa.gov. Posted 08/03/99 (D-SN362449).

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