CALIFORNIA SOL N68711-99-X-XX03 DUE 122199 POC POC: Paul Simpklins at
(619) 532-1651 WEB: Click here to access the Southwest Division, Naval,
www.efdsw.navfac.navy.mil. E-MAIL: Click here to contact the Contract
Specialist via, simpkinsp@efdsw.navfac.navy.mil. B A C K G R O U N D I
N F O R M A T I O N United States Code 10 USC 2688, "Utility Systems:
Conveyance Authority" grants the Secretary of Defense conveyance
authority of utility systems. The fundamental principle of
privatization is to allow the military to focus on the core mission of
national defense. Owning, operating and maintaining utility systems
are not considered core mission requirements. The Secretary of Defense
ordered the privatization of utility systems where economical. It is
intended that privatization will reduce the Government's life cycle
costs. Subsequent to this order, the Department of Navy established a
Utilities Privatization Program. Objectives of the program includes
engaging industry in the process and eliminating "non-starters" via the
request for information (RFI). This RFI is a required component of a
complete and systematic process to evaluate interested parties. In
order to minimize costs both to potentially interested parties and the
Government, this market survey is being issued to determine the
interest and economic feasibility of proceeding with formal requests
for proposals. Should insufficient credible interest be identified for
a particular system, it is likely that no formal solicitation will be
issued. Should interest be determined sufficient and credible, a
formal request for proposals may be forthcoming. S C O P E The Naval
Facilities Engineering Command, Southwest Division, is seeking interest
and information for the privatization of the electrical, natural gas,
water, wastewater, steam, compressed air and salt water utility systems
located at: 1) NAVAL BASE SAN DIEGO comprising Naval Station San Diego,
Naval Medical Center Balboa, Fleet Industrial Supply Center San Diego
(Broadway Complex), and Engineering Field Division Southwest (1220
Pacific Highway); 2) NAVAL BASE CORONADO comprising Naval Air Station
North Island, Naval Amphibious Base Coronado, Naval Outlying Field
Imperial Beach, and Naval Radio Receiving Facility Imperial Beach; 3)
NAVAL BASE POINT LOMA comprising Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center
(Point Loma Annex), Naval Submarine Base San Diego (Ballast Point),
Fleet Combat Training Center Pacific, Fleet Industrial Supply Center
(Point Loma Annex), Fleet Antisubmarine Warfare Training Center
Pacific, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (Old Town), Chesterton
Housing Area, Admiral Hartman Housing Area, Murphy Canyon Housing
Area, and Gateway Village Housing Area; 4) MARINE CORPS AIR STATION
REGARDING MCRD SAN DIEGO: MCRD San Diego had been included in a
previous RFI issued by this command. Interest is being re-solicited in
relation to interests expressed for the greater San Diego area
activities included within this RFI. 6) NAVAL WEAPONS STATION Seal
Beach (DETACHMENT CONCORD). Should privatization result, the assumption
of ownership, operation, maintenance and the obligation to continue the
service for an indefinite and ongoing period shall transfer to the new
owners. Ownership of the entire utility plant and/or distribution
system may transfer to any municipal, private, regional, district or
cooperative utility company or other entity. All responsibility for
maintaining reliable service, including such items as environmental
compliance, maintenance costs, major system renovations, construction,
equipment, manpower, and overhead costs shall become the new owner's
responsibility. The commodity associated with the systems may or may
not be included. All water rights and rights to federal power shall
remain with the Government and not transfer to the new owners. S T A T
E M E N T S O F I N T E R E S T Interest may be expressed for one or
more of the utility systems located at the above naval installations.
Submitted interest statements shall identify utility system(s) of
interest and as a minimum, address all of the following criteria: (1)
any desired aggregation/bundling of systems and state its benefits; (2)
capability and experience in the ownership operation, expansion and
maintenance of similar systems; (3) financial capacity to purchase,
upgrade, expand, maintain, and operate utility systems; (4) a statement
expressing a willingness and understanding of an obligation to provide
continuous utility service for an indefinite and ongoing period of
time; (5) your company's ability to provide reliable service, respond
to emergency situations, and respond during periods of increased
military mobilization; (6) understanding of any applicable state or
local utility law or franchise requirements, capability of complying
with such requirements, and representation of the legal right to
provide the applicable service; (7) understanding of the federal,
state, and local environmental laws and regulations, and familiarity
and experience with environmental compliance procedures and regulations
for the applicable state(s), and US Environmental Protection Agency,
and a statement of willingness to comply with same; (8) conceptual rate
structure; (9) discussion of your conceptual basis of a proposed
purchase price (e.g. capitalized earnings value, replacement cost new
less depreciation, original cost less depreciation, or other); and,
(10) for water distribution systems, discuss your understanding of
water rights and how it may impact privatization. Provide an
explanation of how water rights under state law may be secured by your
company for current and future Navy needs. Elaborate proposals or
pricing information is neither required nor desired. Any innovative
ideas to achieve the Government's objective of obtaining fair market
value, maintaining service reliability and reducing life cycle costs
are welcomed. Recommendations for utility system aggregation to achieve
stated objectives are encouraged. Joint ventures and partnering
concepts designed to improve the economic and service benefits to the
Government are also acceptable and encouraged and should be identified
in the submitted statement of interest. All interest statements shall
be treated as containing proprietary information and shall bekept in
confidence. The Government considers this process as "procurement
sensitive". Response information shall only be viewed and utilized by
Government officials and personnel of professional services contractors
directly involved with the utilities privatization implementation
process. Therefore, the Government encourages responders to be
forthcoming in their submittals. I N S T R U C T I O N S T O R E S P O
N D E R S Unless extended by an amendment, responses are due on 21
December 1999. System descriptions have been developed for the above
installations. In accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation
5.102(a)(7), availability will be limited to electronic medium. System
descriptions will be available for download on or about 9 November
1999 free of charge via the Internet at
http://www.efdsw.navfac.navy.mil. Hard copies (paper sets) or CD-ROM
will not be provided by the Government. The official system
descriptions (plan) holders list will be maintained on and can be
printed from the web site. All interested parties are encouraged to
register as (plan) holders of the system descriptions on the web site.
System descriptions (plan) holders lists will not be faxed and will
only be available from the web site. Registering parties must provide
a complete name, mailing address, area code and phone number, interest
type (prime contractor, sub contractor, supplier or plan room), email
address and size (large business, small business, small disadvantaged
business, woman owned small business or other). Notification of any
changes (amendments) to this RFI will be made via the Commerce Business
Daily and the above internet site. It will be the contractor's
responsibility to check for any posted changes. Only one statement of
interest should be submitted by any one company, and should not exceed
15 pages in length, plus one additional page specific to each
installation and/or utility system for which interest is expressed.
Responders should provide 5 copies of the response statements.
Electronic responses are not acceptable in lieu of paper submissions.
Interested parties should submit a statement of interest on company
letterhead to: Naval Facilities Engineering Command Public Works Area
Focus Team Attn: Mr. Paul Simpkins, Code 5PW2.PS 1220 Pacific Highway
San Diego, CA 92132-5190 The Government does not intend to issue a
conveyance document on the basis of this announcement or otherwise pay
for the information solicited. It should be noted that other RFI's for
different U.S. Navy installations and utility systems may be issued in
the same time frame, or at a later date. A separate response to each
RFI is required. Site visits are not considered necessary for
preparation and submittal of statements of interest. If site visits are
later determined necessary, notification will be provided by way of an
amendment to this advertisement. Posted 11/05/99 (W-SN398725). (0309) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0073 19991109\S-0004.SOL)
S - Utilities and Housekeeping Services Index Page