COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JANUARY 25,2000 PSA#2522Commander, Naval Air Systems Command (Code 2.2), 47123 Buse Road, Bldg
2272, Patuxent River, MD 20670-1547 16 -- BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT SOL N00019-00-R-0251 DUE 022900 POC
Contact: Terrence P. O'Connell, Contracting Officer, (301)757-7135
E-MAIL: OconnellT@navair.navy.mil, OconnellT@navair.navy.mil. Broad
Agency Announcement E-2C post multi-year procurement upgrade
engineering and manufacturing development phase. E-2C 00-1. Due 022900.
Contact Terrence O'Connell, Contracting Officer, (301) 757-7135, or CDR
Jim Clifton, Technical Point Of Contact, (301) 757-7185. Broad Agency
Announcement N00019-00-R-0251. Introduction: The Program Executive
Officer Tactical Aircraft Programs (PMA-231) is interested in receiving
proposals (both technical and cost) on the research effort described
below. Proposals in response to this announcement shall be submitted by
29 February 2000, 1400 hours, local time, addressed to Naval Air
Systems Command, 47123 Buse Road, Unit # IPT, Suite 453, Patuxent
River, MD 20670-1547, Attn: Mr. Terrence O'Connell, Contracting
Officer. This is an unrestricted proposal. Proposals submitted after
the cutoff date specified herein shall be treated in accordance with
restrictions of (Federal Acquisition Regulations) FAR 52.215-1 entitled
Instructions to Offerors Competitive Acquisitions; a copy of this
provision may be obtained from the contracting point of contact. There
will be no other solicitation issued in regard to this requirement;
however, potential offerors should be alert for any announcement
amendments that may be published. PMA-231 intends to conduct an
industry day on 2 February 2000 to provide information to industry as
well as respond to questions. PMA-231 is the Program Office for
development and acquisition of U.S. Navy Airborne Early Warning (AEW)
systems and aircraft. The current baseline AEW system and aircraft is
the E-2C with the Hawkeye 2000 weapons suite. The Hawkeye 2000 system
is currently being procured via a five year Multi-Year Procurement
(MYP) contract with aircraft purchased in the years FY 99 to FY 03.
PMA-231 is currently planning for the development and acquisition of
the follow on AEW system and aircraft. These aircraft and systems will
be developed during an E&MD phase starting in FY 02. This aircraft
must support the U.S. Navy's requirement for the airborne surveillance
element of the FY 2010 Theater Air and Missile Defense (TAMD)
architecture. All elements of the mission system are being considered
for upgrade. Completely new architectures that may result in changes to
the current mix of sensor classes may also be considered. The design
shall also address life cycle cost reduction, manufacturing cost
reduction and obsolescence issues. Production quantities for each year
are being evaluated but in no case are they anticipated to exceed six
aircraft per year. As the sole designer, developer, and manufacturer
of the E-2C Hawkeye 2000 aircraft, Northrop-Grumman, will continue to
produce the airframe and will retain the role of prime integrator in
conjunction with its airframe-related integration work. Requirements:
Technical Description: PMA-231 is seeking studies on how to perform all
or part of the E&MD and aircraft production not related to the airframe
as described above. Potential competitive elements include, but are not
limited to: *Logistics *Radar *Mission software *Other elements of the
mission suite The study must provide, as a minimum: *Proposed system
or subsystem architecture (as appropriate) *Technical approach to the
E&MD phase *Proposed E&MD teaming arrangements including the details of
how the teaming will be executed and the details of work share and
responsibilities *Proposed production teaming arrangements including
the details of how the teaming will be executed and the details of work
share and responsibilities *Life cycle cost reduction approach
including all phases from development through production and service
retirement *Proposed acquisition strategy *Risk assessment with
proposed risk mitigation The deliverable of the studies will be a
report, in Microsoft Office 97 format and a one day presentation with
all presentation material provided separately in Microsoft Office 97
format. The presentations will be at either the contractor's facility
or at Patuxent River, MD at the discretion of the government. The
deliverables will be used as input into the development of the
acquisition strategy for the post-MYP aircraft described above. All
information provided as deliverable will become government property and
may be used in subsequent acquisitions without regard to the identity
of the contractor(s) selected. It is anticipated that all inputs will
be made available to at least the post MYP aircraft prime contractor
which is expected to be Northrop-Grumman. Each respondent may propose
to perform any combination of the competitive elements. Teaming is
encouraged where it enhances the overall quality of the effort. Each
response should include at least the following elements: *A Work
Breakdown Structure (WBS) outlining the effort that the respondent is
proposing to provide during the study *A list of major deliverables
*Overview of the respondent's and any proposed sub contractor's
historical performance in the competitive elements proposed
*Respondent's view of the most significant risks for the applicable
competitive elements (not to exceed 10) along with proposed risk
mitigation *Level of Independent Research and Development (IR&D) the
respondent and its subcontractors are willing to contribute to the
study effort. Additional Information 1) Anticipated period of
performance: Total length of the technical effort is estimated to be
three months after award. 2) Expected award date: 30 March 2000 3)
Individual contracts may be awarded in amounts up to $100,000. Multiple
contract awards (approximately 4) are anticipated. The proposals sent
in response to this BAA may contain proprietary information. The
deliverable of the selected studies shall not contain proprietary
information. 4) Type of contract: Cost Plus Fixed Fee 5) Government
Furnished Equipment/Information (GFE/GFI): None anticipated. Responses
should clearly indicate requirements for GFE/GFI. 6) Size Status:
Firms responding should indicate size status and whether Historically
Black College/University (HBCU) or Minority Institution (MI). 7) Notice
to Foreign OwnedFirms: Such Firms should be aware that restrictions may
apply which could preclude their participation in this acquisition.
Prospective offerors shall contact the contracting point of contact
cited below upon deciding to respond to this announcement. Proposal
Preparation Instructions: 1) The proposal security classification shall
be no higher than secret. 2) Offerors shall include a one (1) page
executive summary with all proposals. PMA-231 may make partial awards
on the basis of a proposal. To facilitate partial award, the costs
should be easily identifiable for each severable task. Offerors should
apply the restrictive notice prescribed in the provision (Federal
Acquisition Regulation) FAR 52.215-1, entitled Instructions to Offerors
Competitive Acquisitions, to trade secrets or privileged commercial and
financial information contained in their proposals. Proposals should be
directed to the contracting point of contact cited below. Technical and
cost proposals, shall be submitted in separate volumes and shall be
valid for 180 days. Proposals must reference the above BAA number.
Proposals shall be submitted as an original plus one copy on electronic
media. Electronic submissions shall be in Microsoft Office format. All
responsible sources may submit a proposal, which shall be considered
against the evaluation criteria set forth herein. Offerors are advised
that only Contracting Officers are legally authorized to contractually
bind or otherwise commit the government. 3) Cost Proposal: The
accompanying cost proposal and price breakout shall be supplied on a
(Standard Form) SF1411, together with supporting schedules, and shall
contain person hour breakdown per task. Copies of the above referenced
form may be obtained from the Contracting Officer cited below. 4)
Technical Proposal: The technical proposal shall clearly demonstrate
the offeror's understanding of the technical and programmatic
requirements for the post-MYP aircraft E&MD and production; identify
relevant past performance and experience the respondent company, and
the proposed subcontractors have in the competitive areas proposed; the
offerors understanding of the risks involved in the post-MYP aircraft
E&MD and production, and identify any innovative architectures,
processes, techniques, etc. proposed. 5) Page Limitations: The
Executive Summary shall be limited to one (1) page. The technical
proposal shall be limited to 15 pages. A WBS of up to five (5)
additional pages may be appended to the technical proposal. Cost
proposals shall be limited to fifteen (15) pages. Both the technical
and cost volumes shall be twelve (12) pitch or larger type, double
spaced, single sided on 8.5 by 11 inch paper. Foldouts may be used for
enhanced presentation of drawings, but not as a means of increasing
descriptive verbiage. 6) This announcement is a solicitation and does
not commit the Government to pay for any response preparation costs.
The cost of preparing proposals in response to this BAA is not
considered and allowable as a direct charge to any resulting or any
other contract. It is however, an allowable expense to the normal bid
and proposal indirect cost as specified in FAR 31.205-18. 7) Format:
Contractor format is acceptable for the proposed submittals. 8)
Proprietary Technical Data: In accordance with the (Defense Federal
Acquisition Regulation Supplement) DFARS 252.227-7013, entitled Rights
in Technical Cata Non Commercial Items, limitations of the
Government's ability to use or disclose such technical data or computer
software will be included as a cost consideration. Accordingly, the
offeror shall submit a price for which it would provide proprietary
technical data to the Government with Government Purpose License Rights
including disclosure of the study results to potential Post MYP
aircraft prime and sub contractors. Security: It is anticipated that
work performed under this contract could be classified up to and
including Top Secret. Respondents must have the ability to perform work
at this level. An approved processing facility is required for
proposals where classified information is to be processed. Classified
proposals must cite classification authority. Respondents intending to
submit classified proposals should contact Shana Greenwell (301)
757-7215. Industry Day: A single industry day will be held on 2
February 2000 to allow questions. The security classification level of
this meeting shall be secret. Attendees must submit classified visit
requests to Marna Achterberg (301) 757-7232, (301) 757-7238 (Fax).
Attendees will be limited to three persons per responding contractor.
Several documents will be made available during the industry day. Notes
may be made using the documents; however, copies will not be provided.
The documents to be made available for review will include the draft
operational requirements document for the system to be built, the
current Hawkeye 2000 specification and others as determined by the
government. These documents will be made available to each respondent
during business hours on one other day during the response period. The
date for viewing of the documents may be selected by the responding
contractors during the industry day. The government will make every
effort to accommodate the requested dates. Each responding contractor
or team may submit up to two questions prior to the industry day. The
questions may be submitted until three working days prior to the
industry day. Questions should be submitted to the contracting point of
contact cited below. Submission of the questions will enable the
government to provide more complete responses during the industry day.
The government will make every effort to answer the questions as
completely as possible. Early submission of the questions may increase
the quality of the answers. During the industry day, a program
presentation will be provided to all attendees by the government,
followed by a two hour question and answer session. No handouts will be
provided. No information beyond this venue will be provided to the
potential respondents. The industry day will be held at Building# 2044
NAS Patuxent River, MD starting at 0900 and ending at 1400 with an
hour break for lunch. Other Requirements: a) Notice to Foreign Owned
Firms: Such firms should be aware that restrictions may apply which
could preclude their participation in this acquisition. EVALUATION
FACTORS FOR AWARD: No submissions will be considered from organizations
which cannot show evidence of being able to meet the security
requirements for the proposed period of performance. The selection of
sources for this contract award(s) will be based on an evaluation of an
Offeror's response (both technical and cost aspects) to determine the
overall merit of the proposal response to the announcement. The
proposal shall be evaluated on the following criteria which are in
descending order of importance: (a) The offeror's understanding and
contribution to E-2C program objectives; 1) The offeror shall identify
how they will leverage off of other programs, including Internal
Research and Development (IR&D), in executing the studydescribed in
this BAA. (b) Technical merit of the proposed approach (credibility,
quality and innovativeness). This includes: 1) Proposals shall be
evaluated based on the offeror's content, clarity, brevity, and logical
organization of the data submitted which demonstrates the offeror's
complete understanding of the technical and programmatic requirements
for the E-2C post-MYP aircraft E&MD and production. The offeror shall
demonstrate an understanding of the U.S. Navy's requirement for the
airborne surveillance element of the 2010 TAMD architecture including
potential sensor and mission avionics systems requirements. The offeror
shall demonstrate a disciplined system engineering approach to
performing analysis, design, development, integration, and test for the
systems as applicable. The offeror shall demonstrate an understanding
of issues related to life cycle cost reduction, aircraft and system
manufacturing cost reduction, and obsolescence. 2) The offeror shall
identify their perspective of the mostsignificant risks for the
applicable competitive elements (not to exceed 10) and the proposed
risk mitigation for each of the elements. 3) Proposals shall be
evaluated based on the offeror's identification of innovative concepts,
architectures, processes, techniques, or methods proposed for the E-2C
post-MYP aircraft E&MD and production program. (c) Management and
ability to execute (planning, scheduling, past performance, and
resources available); and 1) Proposals shall be evaluated on the
offeror's performance under existing and prior contracts for similar
products and services. References other than those identified by the
offeror may be contacted by the Government and the information received
will be used in the evaluation of the offeror's past performance. The
offeror's past performance will be based on the following subfactors:
a. Quality of product or service b. Cost control c. Business
relationships d. Corporate experience 2) Proposals shall be evaluated
based on the offeror's understanding of the life cycle cost risks
associated with all phases from development, through production,
service and retirement. (d) Cost realism and affordability -- The
realism of the offeror's proposal will be assessed and adjusted
accordingly. Cost realism will be determined, in part by reference to
the costs which, under FAR 31.201.3, the offeror can reasonably be
expected to incur in the performance of this requirement. Congruence
between technical and cost proposals shall also be utilized to
determine the realism of proposed costs. Costs shall also be reviewed
to determine reasonableness and fairness. Unrealistically low labor
rates shall be considered and may result in an increased cost
adjustment. No other evaluation criteria will be used. The technical
and cost information will be evaluated at the same time. PMA-231
reserves the right to select for award any, all, part, or none of the
proposals received. Selection will be based on the judgement of a peer
committee evaluation consisting of program office, engineering and
contracting personnel. Points of contact: Contracting Officer, Mr.
Terrence O'Connell, (301) 757-7135; Technical Point of contact, CDR.
Jim Clifton (301)757-7185. NAVAIR Synopsis No. 20012-00, Commander,
Naval Air Systems Command, AIR-2.2.6, Patuxent River MD 20670. Posted
01/21/00 (W-SN417490). (0021) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0094 20000125\16-0001.SOL)
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