032400 POC Gary A. Golinski, Contracting Officer, Phone (216) 433-2790,
Fax (216) 433-2480, Email Gary.A.Golinski@grc.nasa.gov WEB: Click here
for the latest information about this notice,
06. E-MAIL: Gary A. Golinski, Gary.A.Golinski@grc.nasa.gov. STATEMENT
CONCEPT AND DEMONSTRATION UNIT Background The purpose of this project
is to demonstrate the viability of a lithium-based (i.e., lithium
metal or lithium-ion intercalation compound as negative electrode),
polymer electrolyte regenerative battery system as the on-board energy
source for reusable launch vehicle (RLV) systems. This project is part
of a larger effort intended to demonstrate new, mission-enabling
technologies for advanced RLV concepts. The advanced RLV is envisioned
as an all-electric vehicle, with energy for all on-board requirements,
including electromechanical flight control actuators, provided by the
electrical energy source. Technology efforts under this project are
intended to demonstrate that the lithium-based polymer electrolyte
regenerative battery, plus the associated ground service equipment
(GSE) required by these batteries for charge/discharge control and cell
protection, can be designed AS A SYSTEMthat will contribute
significantly to the ultimate RLV goal of reducing payload launch costs
to hundreds, rather than thousands of dollars per pound. The
development of cost-effective RLVs is currently of great interest to
NASA, DOD and commercial launch providers. A significant market seems
assured for a successful vehicle and its associated components and
equipment. The anticipated operational life for such a vehicle is about
one hundred flights over a four year span. Objective This project is
intended to develop a lithium-based polymer electrolyte battery SYSTEM
CONCEPT for a generic advanced RLV, involving the equipment and the
operating protocols for in-flight battery operation and for
ground-based charging, rebalancing, maintenance and testing of the
batteries. It is expected that this concept will minimize the
production and replacement cost for the batteries, the cost of the GSE
and the expenses related to operations and ground servicing. The
validity of the concept and the selection of lithium-based, polymer
electrolyte batteries will be confirmed by fabrication and evaluation
of a DEMONSTRATION UNIT. This required Demonstration Unit shall
comprise: (1) A charge/discharge control and cell protection system
that will demonstrate the economies available when virtually all the
system electronics are ground-based and free of strict reliability and
other flight requirements; (2) A set of lithium-based, polymer
electrolyte batteries of sufficient size and number to adequately
evaluate the performance of both the charge/discharge control and cell
protection system and the batteries themselves; (3) A simulated flight
vehicle main bus, including the battery unit discharge controller (if
required), data acquisition for on-board battery unit health
monitoring, and an electrical load controlling the Demonstration Unit
discharge profile; and (4) A "universal" interface for the battery set
that provides simple connection either to the ground-based control and
protection system, or to the simulated flight vehicle mainbus. A final
objective is to demonstrate, by flight qualification tests, a
FLIGHT-QUALIFIED BATTERY structural design that is compatible with the
rigors of multiple mission launches. Scope The program shall consist
of the following principal parts: 1. Definition of RLV power and
performance requirements. 2. Definition of integrated battery/control
system concept. 3. Definition of Demonstration Unit components and
performance requirements. 4. Evaluation of existing cell technology
relative to Demonstration Unit requirements. 5. Design of Demonstration
Unit battery. 6. Fabrication and evaluation of Demonstration Unit
battery cell. 7. Design and preliminary evaluation of electronic
charge/discharge control and cell protection system. 8. Design and
preliminary evaluation of the simulated flight vehicle main bus. 9.
Design and integration of battery system electrical interface. 10.
Fabrication and evaluation of prototype Demonstration Unit battery. 11.
Fabrication and characterization of Demonstration Unit battery set. 12.
Performance evaluation of the Demonstration Unit. 13. Design and
qualification of flight battery. 14. Reporting The contractor shall
perform the following tasks in conjunction with their standard Quality
Assurance practices. Task 1. Technology Survey 1.1 The Contractor
shall arrange and attend a meeting with RLV Project personnel at the
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Contractor shall acquire the most
recent plans and goals that will influence RLV battery system design.
This information shall be used (Task 3) to define, for subsequent
evaluation, a sub-scale Demonstration Unit that will validly represent
the Contractor's integrated battery/control system concept (Task 2).
Task 2. Integrated Battery/Control System Concept Definition 2.1
Contractor shall develop a battery SYSTEM concept that will satisfy RLV
mission requirements and focus upon the goal of low-cost multiple,
rapid turnaround orbital launches per vehicle each year. Advantage
shall be taken of the inherent characteristics of the lithium-based,
polymer electrolyte battery: low weight and volume, high voltage per
cell, design flexibility, safety and long life. The system concept
shall stress the minimization of overall cost for cells and batteries,
the ground service equipment, and for maintenance and operations.(See
Footnote (1)) Footnote (1) Things to be considered shall include use
of commercial off-the-shelf components for ground-based equipment;
battery design incorporating cells replaceable in situ; cells and
batteries without built-in electronics; and centralization of all
electronic control and protection components with the GSE. Task 3.
Demonstration Unit Definition 3.1 Consistent with the data acquired in
Task 1.1, Contractor shall define a Demonstration Unit of sufficient
size and complexity to provide a meaningful evaluation of the
battery/control system concept defined in 2.1.(See FootNote 2) The
definition shall include an appropriate mission power profile that will
stress Demonstration Unit batteries to the same degree as would be
actual flight batteries. Footnote (2) Factors to be considered shall
include reliability/redundancy requirements, which may dictate battery
system configuration, redundancy and series-parallel arrangements. To
the extent that such considerations may affect battery performance or
the design and operation of the electronic control and protection
system, they shall be incorporated into the Demonstration Unit
definition. Task 4. Existing Battery Cell Technology Evaluation 4.1
Based on the requirements defined in 3.1, Contractor shall
experimentally evaluate its existing cell technology relative to the
Demonstration Unit requirements. Factors to be considered shall include
power profile, thermal environment during simulated operation in flight
or standby on the ground, cycle life, stand life, etc. Minor
adjustments may be made to electrolyte chemistry and/or electrode
composition to bring performance into conformance with the
requirements. The changes shall be validated by further testing. Task
5. Demonstration Unit Battery and Battery Cell Design 5.1 Battery
design shall conform to the capacity and performance requirements of
3.1, the performance capability of the existing cell technology
evaluated in 4.1, and the requirements imposed by 2.1, the overall
system concept.(See FootNote 3) Other design considerations shall
include thermal control at the cell and battery levels, proper
containment and support of cells, and structural integrity. In
addition, each battery shall have a wiring harness for plug-in
connection to an electrical interface providing access to either the
ground-based electronic control and protection system or a simulated
flight vehicle main bus and data acquisition /health monitoring system
(see Task 9). Footnote (3) For example, consider a decision that there
would be no response taken to a cell failure during flight as long as
the cell did not actually reverse; the affected battery would remain
on-line, and the faulty cell would be replaced after landing. This
would require a battery design allowing easy (non-destructive) access
to cells, and simple in situ cell replacement. Task 6. Battery Cell
Fabrication and Evaluation 6.1 Based on the battery design of 5.1,
battery cells shall be fabricated and placed on test. In addition to
conventional characterization tests, cells shall be cycled according to
the Demonstration Unit power profile. They shall also be evaluated in
the thermal environments they are expected to encounter. Task 7.
Battery Control Unit Design and Preliminary Evaluation 7.1 Based upon
the integrated battery/control system concept of 2.1, the Demonstration
Unit requirements of 3.1 and the RLV goal of significant cost reduction
for equipment, operations and maintenance, Contractor shall design the
electronic charge/discharge control and cell protection equipment for
the Demonstration Unit.(See Footnote (4)) The system control unit
concept and design shall be validated with sub-scale tests, as needed.
The full-scale system shall then be assembled and undergo function and
continuity tests prior to incorporation in the Demonstration Unit.
Footnote (4) The design shall reflect a detailed understanding of the
safety and performance requirements and vulnerabilities of the
particular lithium-based technology to be used: some technologies
require very precise and complex control at the single-cell level;
others are quite "forgiving" and are controllable at the battery level.
The design shall reflect the cost reduction possibilities available if
the battery charge/discharge control and cell protection unit is
ground-based: commercial off-the-shelf components can be used; control
concepts need not be rejected because they require heavy components;
similarly, components need not be compactly packaged, thus allowing
simple repair and parts replacement in the GSE. Task 8. Simulated
Flight Vehicle Main Bus Design and Preliminary Evaluation 8.1 Based on
the RLV definitions of 1.1, the integrated battery/control system
concept of 2.1 and the Demonstration Unit power profile of 3.1,
Contractor shall design a simulated RLV main bus for the Demonstration
Unit. This simulation shall include battery system data recording for
system health monitoring, any necessary on-board cell discharge
protection, and an electrical load to reproduce the Demonstration Unit
power profile. This simulated main bus shall be equipped to plug
directly into the Demonstration Unit electrical interface. Task 9.
Electrical Interface Design and Integration 9.1 In parallel with the
design of the Demonstration Unit battery and control systems, and the
simulated flight vehicle main bus, the battery electrical interface
shall be designed. The design shall permit easy connection of each
battery (or, group of batteries), through the interface, to either the
control system for charging and testing of the batteries, or to a
simulated flight vehicle main bus, including the battery set data
acquisition/health monitoring system and discharge controller, if
required. It shall be of prime concern to integrate the efforts of the
battery system, control system and simulated flight vehicle system
designers to assure compatible and proper connections. Task 10.
Reporting 10.1 Technical, financial and schedule reporting shall be in
accordance with the Reports of Work Provision of the Contract. As part
of the Project Final Report, an Executive Summary containing major
results and conclusions shall be presented. Optional Task O-1.
Prototype Battery Fabrication and Evaluation O-1.1 Battery structural
and interface components shall be fabricated, and battery assembly
shall be completed by incorporating cells based on the design validated
in 6.1. Testing of this prototype battery shall be relevant to the
mission requirements of the Demonstration Unit, and shall evaluate the
electrical and thermal characteristics of the battery. Optional Task
O-2. Demonstration Unit Battery Set Fabrication and Characterization
O-2.1 Upon successful testing of the prototype battery, fabrication and
characterization shall proceed for the remaining Demonstration Unit
batteries. Optional Task O-3. Demonstration Unit Evaluation O-3.1 Upon
fabrication and check-out of the battery set, the system interface,
the electronic charge/discharge control and cell protection system and
the simulated flight vehicle main bus, the complete Demonstration Unit
shall be evaluated. Proper electrical continuity from the battery,
through the interface, to the control system or to the simulated main
bus shall be verified. Battery discharge for simulated flight operation
shall be according to the power profile of 3.1. It shall confirm proper
data acquisition, and validate the chosen mode, if any, of battery
control during discharge. Simulation of ground operations shall confirm
the ability of the controller to properly charge the batteries and
equilibrate the individual cells, and to carry out standard cycling for
testing purposes. Evaluations shall include thermal conditions defined
for the various mission segments. Optional Task O-4. Flight Battery
Design and Qualification O-4.1 To the extent necessary, the prototype
battery design of 5.1, evaluated in O-1.1, shall be modified to reflect
those RLV requirements of 1.1 that are relevant to flight
qualification. This redesigned battery shall be fabricated and tested
to verify its ability to withstand the critical environmental exposures
of launch and flight. Testing shall include functional performance,
tolerance to the shock, acceleration and vibrational launch stresses
over a multi-mission lifetime, and operation in the flight thermal and
vacuum environment.
***************************************************** SUPPORTING
proposed shall be sufficiently advanced that no significant effort will
be required to develop cell chemistry, increase cell or battery size or
upgrade production capabilities. Automated, continuous cell production
facilities shall be operational and capable of producing cell
components, cells and batteries of sufficient size and quantity to
support estimated Project requirements. Minimum acceptable cell size
shall be twenty (20) ampere-hours. Because the number and the rating of
batteries required for the Demonstration Unit will not be defined until
completion of Task 3 of the Contract effort, assume initially, for
sizing and costing estimates in the Proposal, that the battery system
for the Demonstration Unit consists of two parallel strings, each of
two series-connected batteries. Each of the four batteries shall be
assumed rated at twelve (12) volts, twenty (20) ampere-hours. In the
Proposal and the Schedule, Offerer shall suggest procedures for the
review of system definitions, system and component designs and test
plans. These reviews shall take place via written communication,
teleconference or formal meetings, as appropriate in each case. After
each review, NASA GRC concurrence shall be obtained before proceeding
with the respective and subsequent tasks. In the Proposal, Offerer
shall suggest test items and quantities to be delivered to NASA GRC for
concurrent evaluation.
***************************************************** The government
will choose the proposal which it deems to be the Best Value. The best
value characteristics are as follows: 1. Adequacy of proposed level of
cost sharing relative to the proposed Contract effort and cost to the
government. 2. Evidence of maturity of battery technology and
production capability: Current cell size of at least twenty (20) ampere
hours; cell-level energy density >250 watt hours/liter; cell-level
specific energy >125 watt hours/kilogram; automated, continuous
production capability adequate for estimated Project requirements. 3.
Evidence of relevant electric/electronic control system development
experience, and an understanding of the proposed battery technology's
vulnerabilities and requirements for control and protection. 4. Quality
of discussion of the proposed approach to developing and meeting the
Demonstration Unit performance requirements, and how this approach will
contribute to RLV cost-reduction goals. 5. Quality of proposed Project
Plan regarding schedule, deliverables and review/approval scenario.
The Government does not intend to acquire a commercial item using FAR
Part 12. See Note 26. The SIC Code and Size Standard are 3691 and 500
employees, respectively. The DPAS Rating for this procurement is DO-C9.
The provisions and clauses in the RFO are those in effect through FAC
97-14. It is estimated that the Government's share of the costs of the
Basic effort will have a value equivalent to three engineering
man-years. It is estimated that the Government's share of the costs of
the Optional effort will have a value equivalent to five engineering
man-years. All qualified responsible sources may submit an offer which
shall be considered by the agency. An ombudsman has been appointed --
See Internet Note "B". Prospective offerors shall submit four copies
of a Technical and Cost Proposal to Gary Golinski at Mail Stop 500-306
before close of business March 24, 2000. The cost proposal should be
at a minimum separated into Basic and Option portions and should be in
sufficient detail for the government to perform a Price Analysis. It
is the offeror's responsibility to monitor the Internet site for the
release of amendments (if any). Potential offerors will be responsible
for downloading their own copy of the amendments (if any). Any
referenced notes can be viewed at the following URL:
http://genesis.gsfc.nasa.gov/nasanote.html Posted 02/04/00
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