SOFTWARE SOL USA-SSU-A02 POC Allison R. Maddox, (281) 282-6953 E-MAIL:
Click here to contact USA via e-mail, Purpose of this Request
for Information (RFI): United Space Alliance (USA), LLC, a joint
venture company of The Boeing Company and Lockheed-Martin Corporation,
through its offices located in Houston, Texas, anticipates the
issuance of a Request for Proposal (RFP) on or about August 18, 2000
for the acquisition of flight software in support of the Space Shuttle
Orbiter Cockpit Avionics Upgrade System. This acquisition is in
support of USA's prime contract NAS9-20000 -- Space Flight Operations
Contract (SFOC) with the NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC)
located in Houston, Texas. This RFI is a revision to the RFI released
on June 7, 2000 and is being provided to determine the interest of
potential vendors/contractors in attending a bidders conference
scheduled for August 25, 2000 at the USA facility located at 1150
Gemini Avenue, Houston, Texas. The tentative agenda for the bidders
conference is as follows. Morning Session: Program Overview,
Procurement Strategy Overview, Hardware Architecture Overview, Software
Architecture Overview and Responses to Previously Submitted Questions.
Afternoon Session: Scheduled One-on-One Sessions for Proprietary
Discussions. Characteristics of the individual vendors or vendor teams
with whom USA wishes to do business for this portion of the cockpit
avionics upgrades project are: Have an established and verifiable
software safety program; Have an established and verifiable software
quality program; Have verifiable past performance in developing safety
critical software; Possess an SEI CMM rating of 3 or higher or can
pass a Software Development Capability Evaluation (SDCE) of comparable
scope; Can provide verifiable productivity statistics for development
of safety critical software; Can provide verifiable information
attesting to the first-time quality of previous software development
efforts; Have established and verifiable configuration management and
change control systems; Can identify past customer points of contact to
verify performance; and Have auditable financial and work scheduling
systems which plan, track, and report cost, technical performance, and
schedule progress. Interested firms may request copies of the RFP on
or after August 15, 2000, and may submit questions of clarification
that will be answered at the bidders conference. After the bidders
conference, firms intending to bid must submit a bid letter to USA no
later than August 28, 2000. Firms not responding by this date will not
receive further consideration. USA anticipates the formal RFP will be
released August 18, 2000 with the proposal due September 15, 2000. USA
further anticipates contract award and start-up prior to October 15,
2000. This notice is solely for invitation to attend the bidders
conference and does not in any way constitute a RFP, Invitation for
Bid, or Request for Quotation and is not to be construed as a
commitment by USA to enter into a subcontract. Firms interested in
participating in this project are subject to the requirements of the
U.S. Department of State International Traffic and Arms Regulation
(ITAR) and/or the U.S. Department of Commerce Export Administration
Regulations (EAR) including the bidders conference. Program
Description: The Space Shuttle Orbiter Cockpit Avionics Upgrade project
is a limited scope effort to modify the Orbiter cockpit avionics system
to improve the flight crew situational awareness and to simplify and
reduce the crew's workload. This particular element of the project is
limited to the development of the flight software, support of the
integration of the flight hardware and software, and support of the
system certification for flight. The flight hardware, which will be
integrated with a real time operating system, is being procured under
a different contract. Details of the hardware procurement will be
described at the bidders conference. The current process monitors,
commands, and controls the Orbiter subsystems during normal operations
and determines projected abort scenarios for anomalous conditions
(abort situational awareness) during ascent, de-orbit and landing.
Changes to both the cockpit avionics hardware and software are required
to increase the flight crews' insight into and understanding of the
Orbiter health / status during all operations. These changes will
improve the content and quality of the control mechanisms available to
the crew. The portion of the Space Shuttle Orbiter Cockpit Avionics
Upgrade project addressed by this procurement is the development of
Command and Display Processor (CDP) resident applications software to
drive enhanced displays for the Vehicle Display Management System. USA
anticipates use of the C++ Programming Language for this project.
Procurement Strategy: To compensate for a compressed procurement
schedule, USA has adopted for this program an approach for developing
the flight software in a "team" environment where USA uses its unique
experience and capabilities in Shuttle flight software in concert with
contractor capabilities in development and testing. Software
development will be conductedin two increments with the first increment
focused on Shuttle Abort Flight Management (SAFM) and displays and the
second on Enhanced Caution and Warning (ECW). The base contractual
effort will consist of requirements development and initial design. USA
will lead this initial effort with personnel familiar with the existing
Shuttle systems with which this new software must interface. Planning
for this activity is underway and the contractor will join the team
upon contract award. The software identified above will be delivered in
2 increments. Option 1 (Increment 1) will feature contractor-led
software development but with extensive USA participation for the
purpose of making USA expertise and experience available to the
development contractor and to insure that USA will be fully capable of
maintaining and sustaining the software at the completion of the
contract. Increment 1 will require detailed design, unit coding and
debug, software integration and unit test of the SAFM system and
associated cockpit displays. Contractor support will also be required
for USA-led efforts in integration and test of the flight software with
the flight hardware, certifying the upgraded avionics suite for flight
as well as support for the first flight of the new system. Option 1
(Increment 2) will also feature contractor-led development of ECW
software and associated displays with USA participation as in Increment
1 and will include the contractor support of USA-led efforts in
integration and test of the flight software with the flight hardware.
Contractor support will also be required for USA-led efforts in
certifying the upgraded avionics suite for flight as well as support
for the first flight of the new system. Schedule Summary: The following
are key dates regarding this procurement: Notice of Intent to Attend
Bidders Conference -- August 15, 2000; RFP Release -- August 18, 2000;
Bidders Conference -- August 25, 2000; Notice of Intent to Bid -- NLT
August 28, 2000; Proposals Due -- September 15, 2000; and Contract
Award -- October 15, 2000. Intent to attend the Bidders Conference: USA
requests that firms interested in attending the bidders conference
notify USA in writing no later than August 15, 2000 to confirm
attendance. Attendance will be limited to three (3) company
representatives who are U.S. citizens and/or permanent resident aliens.
All questions and responses will be shared and distributed to
conference attendees. Correspondence should be sent to: United Space
Alliance, LLC, 555 Gemini Avenue, Houston, TX 77058, Attention: Allison
Maddox, Subcontracts Management, Mail Code USH 801A, E-Mail:, Telephone: (281)
282-6953, Fax: (281) 282-3703. Posted 08/04/00 (W-SN482221). (0217) Loren Data Corp. (SYN# 0187 20000808\18-0001.SOL)
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Created on August 5, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. --