COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF AUGUST 30,2000 PSA#2675 Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Procurement
Operations Branch, MS2500, 381 Elden Street, Herndon, Virginia
1435-04-00-RP-31085 DUE 092900 POC Betty M. Estey, Contracting Officer,
703-787-1352 E-MAIL: Contracting Officer's email,
Minerals Management Service is soliciting White Papers for the U.S.
Army Simulation, Training and Instrumentation Command (STRICOM)
Foundation Initiative 2010 project, entitled "Test and Training
ENabling Architecture (TENA) 2nd Middleware Prototype", for research
and prototype development of a cross-domain technical framework defined
by the Foundation Initiative (FI) 2010 Test Capabilities Requirements
Document (TCRD). BACKGROUND DESCRIPTION: The FI 2010 vision is to
enable interoperability among ranges, facilities and simulations in a
quick and cost-efficient manner, and to foster reuse of range assets
and of future range system developments. The conceptual framework for
military operations defined in Joint Vision 2010 is of a size, scale,
and scope that cannot be physically, technically, or economically
recreated within the existing Department of Defense (DoD) Test and
Training infrastructure. FI 2010 is an interoperability initiative of
the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E), funded through
the Central Test and Evaluation Investment Program (CTEIP). The FI 2010
TCRD describes a common architecture to enable cost-effective
interoperability and instrumentation reuse among the Department's
ranges and facilities. This common architecture, called 'TENA', will
use the Defense Modeling Simulation Office (DMSO) High Level
Architecture (HLA) to support interoperability between the live
testing/training range domain and the larger M&S community and will
allow range engineers to 1.) define and allocate T&E resources, 2.)
facilitate the use of modular solutions, 3.) Provide structure for a
library of resources, 4.) Create consistent standards for development,
and 5.) Leverage existing DoD architecture work, being built upon the
High Level Architecture. These five capabilities make the FI 2010
common architecture beneficial to the ranges and facilities. This
product provides the test and training communities with enhanced
capabilities by being able to integrate test resources more easily. The
ability to assemble a more complex test or exercise in a shorter
period, keeping the costs in check, depends on a well-built
architecture. TENA components shall include a broad domain object model
of the live range and range support world, a common set of services for
manipulating objects, as well as other standards, protocols, rules, and
supporting software. The first prototype of TENA was developed in FY99
by the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), and was tested at six
major DoD test sites. This first prototype included an implementation
of the most fundamental object services, objects representing typical
range assets, and an interface to HLA. The 2nd prototype will add
functionalities as described in the Statement of Objectives and will
also be tested at multiple sites. Tests conducted at each site will
determine if the prototype can successfully meet the requirements
described in the Statement of Objectives, including the definition and
exchange of range-specific test data among range instrumentation
systems (such as, sensors, data processors, displays systems, and
HLA-compliant simulations), i.e., the testing will verify that software
built using TENA is 1.) Portable, 2.) Reusable, 3.) Interoperable and
meets performance requirements. EVALUATION FACTORS: A technical review
board will use the following criteria to evaluate the white papers and
they are in order of importance: 1.) Offeror's understanding of the
technical issues, 2.) Overall technical merit, 3.) feasibility of the
approach, 4.) The Offeror's ability to implement the proposed approach
as demonstrated by adequate detailed analysis and supported by
specific accomplishments, 5.) Background or past experience of the
Offeror in developing the proposed technology, and 6.) Technical
experience, education and availability of qualified personnel with the
requisite expertise and experience to accomplish the proposed work.
HOW TO RESPOND: Technical discussion of the effort's objective,
approach, and level of effort shall be submitted. Include the nature
and extent of the anticipated results and, if known, the manner in
which the work will contribute to the accomplishment of the FI 2010
mission and how this would be demonstrated. The type of support, if
any, that the Offeror requests of the Government, such as facilities,
equipment, demonstration sites, test ranges, software, personnel or
materials, shall be identified as Government Furnished Equipment (GFE),
Government Furnished Information (GFI), Government Furnished Property
(GFP), Government Furnished Data (GFD). Offerors shall indicate any
Government coordination that may be required for obtaining equipment or
facilities necessary to perform any simulations or exercises that would
demonstrate the proposed capability. Offerors are encouraged to
describe any unique capabilities or benefits of their proposed approach
to FI 2010. Interested parties are encouraged to submit a white paper
of no more than 10 pages (submit an original and a copy) describing
your overall technical approach. Submit as an addendum to the white
paper information addressing criteria five and criteria six above.
White papers should: 1.) Present the Offeror's technical approach, 2.)
Identify physical products and data to be delivered to the Government
and any equipment, information and support required from the
Government, and 3.) Proposed duration of the effort. Offerors should
identify residual equipment or capabilities that, after demonstration,
will remain property of the Government. The following reference
documentation relevant to this announcement is available via the
Internet at HTTP:// 1.) FI 2010 Joint Overarching
Requirements Document (dated Oct 31 1998), 2.) FI 2010 Test
Capabilities Requirements Document (dated Sept 12 1999), 3.) Common
Test and Training Range Architecture (CTTRA) Workshop X Materials
(dated Feb 22-25 2000), and 4.) Draft Statement of Objectives (dated
Aug 21 2000). Additional information may be obtained from Mr. Minh
Vuong via electronic mail at All white
papers shall be sent to Gov.Works, Minerals Management Services, and
381 Elden Street, MS 2500, Herndon, Virginia 20170, Attention: Betty
Estey. White papers must be received no later than 4:00pm Eastern
Standard Time on September 29, 2000. This date and time is what will
determine timeliness of your response. All parties that submit White
papers will be notified via electronic mail by October 19, 2000 of the
status of their submission. However, only those that submit favorable
white papers will be expected to submit a technical and cost proposal
by November 17 2000. Format of their submissions for these documents
will be provided later. It is also possible that the Offeror will be
required to give an oral presentation of their proposal. The
anticipated contract award date is No Later Than December 18 2000
unless these dates are changed via an amendment to this request. White
paper submissions must include point of contact information, including
an electronic mail address. In addition to the hardcopy, offerors are
encouraged to submit white papers (using Microsoft Word97)
electronically to Ms. Estey at and Mr. Minh Vuong
at the above stated electronic mail address. (NOTE: Offerors
transmitting proposal submissions electronically are reminded not to
transmit classified information or information of a proprietary nature,
as they will be doing so in a non-secure environment). Any proprietary
data that the Offeror intends to be used only by the Government for
evaluation purposes must be identified. The Offeror must also identify
any technical data contained in the white paper that is to be treated
by the Government as limited rights data. In the absence of such
identification, the Government will assume to have unlimited rights to
all technical data in the white paper. Records or data bearing a
restrictive legend may be included in the white paper. It is the intent
of the Government to treat all white papers as privileged information
before the award and to disclose their contents only for the purpose of
evaluation. The Offerors are cautioned, however, that portions of the
white papers may be subject to release under terms of the Freedom of
Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552, as amended. Offerors shall not submit
facsimile white papers in response to this BAA. Please note this is not
a set-aside but for information purposes this applies: SMALL
Acquisition Regulation authorizes the use of price and evaluation
credits in industries where SDB prime contractors and subcontractors
have been underutilized. We ask that you inform your SDB subcontractors
that they should contact SBA's Office of Certification and Eligibility
at 800-558-0884 to obtain an application, or to log on to SBA's
website ( If you are an SDB prime contractor
who is not SBA-certified, we also ask that you apply for certification.
Effective October 1, 1999, certified SDB prime contractors were
eligible for a price credit when bidding on Federal prime contracts.
Effective January 1, 1999, prime contractors who subcontract with
SBA-certified or self-certified SDBs are eligible for evaluation
credits. Please note that prime contractors may continue to rely on
self-certification of their SDB subcontractors through June 30, 1999.
For solicitations issued on or after July 1, 1999, prime contractors
must use SDB-certified SDB subcontractors in order to be eligible for
evaluation credits. Questions should be e-mailed to both and The Solicitation
number should be in the subject line of the E-mail. All questions
should include your full name and title, Solicitation number, your
organization, complete address, and telephone and fax numbers.
Telephone inquiries WILL NOT be accepted. The White Paper shall
identify clearly the Offeror's company organization, point of contract,
address, telephone and facsimile numbers. If offerors hand deliver
their White Papers to MMS, which is a secure facility should use the
courtesy phone located by the elevators at the back entrance to the
building. Call extension 1354 and request that a procurement official
pick up your submittal. Posted 08/28/00 (W-SN490809). (0241) Loren Data Corp. (SYN# 0001 20000830\A-0001.SOL)
| A - Research and Development Index
Issue Index |
Created on August 28, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. --