Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
January 18, 2001
Contracting Office
US EPA Region 8, Attn: 8TMS-G(Simplified Acquisitions), 999 18th Street, Suite 500, Denver, CO 80202-2466
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
February 1, 2001
Point of Contact
Maureen Martin (303)312-7089
E-Mail Address
Contracting Officer (martin.maureen@epa.gov)
THIS REQUEST FOR QUOTES IS RESTRICTED TO SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS ONLY STATEMENT OF WORK PASSIVE SOIL-GAS INVESTIGATION EPA Region VIII EPA requires a passive soil gas sampling system to identify potential source areas of PCE (tetrachloroethene) and TCE (trichloroethene) in groundwater. Passive soil gas sampling is based upon the time-integrated collection of vapors via a buried, sorbent-based collector/sorber. For this project, sorbent collectors must be kept in place for a minimum of 72 hours to address the area's low soil permeability and potentially high moisture condition. The technology should be able to: Detect a broad range of chlorinated volatile organic compounds. At a minimum, the compound list must include: PCE, TCE, 1,1 DCA, 1,2 DCA, 1,1 DCE, cis-1,2 DCE, trans-1,2 DCE, and 1,1,1 TCA. Yield sensitive compound-specific results. Contain hydrophobic adsorbent materials. Be installed without heavy equipment or disturbance of the surrounding area. Be installed at a depth of 36 inches or less below ground surface. Provide time-integrated results. And, Yield comprehensive analytical reports including color isopleth maps. Samples will be collected in a residential/commercial area in a suburb north of Salt Lake City, Utah. Sample collectors/sorbers will be placed along 6 straight-line transects. Sample transects range between one to nine city blocks. Approximately 50% of the samples will be installed within utility easements, generally found between city streets and sidewalks, in residential neighborhoods. The contract requires that the contractor place sample collectors/sorbers approximately 50 feet apart along each transect. The contract requires that the contractor schedule the sampling event for February or March 2001. The sampling program must include sample collectors/sorbers, installation and removal of the sorbers, shipping, laboratory analysis, creation of up to 8 color isopleth maps by compound, and submission of written reports within 4 weeks of sample collection. EPA will provide the contractor with a site specific Quality Assurance Project Plan and Sampling Analysis Plan. The contractor will be required to prepare a site specific Heath and Safety Plan (i.e., modify a generic Health and Safety Plan) EPA anticipates needing between 250 and 300 passive soil gas sample collectors/sorbers (the sample number is based upon 50 foot centers.) For bidding purposes, the contractor should assume 275 samples including QC samples. Further, the contractor shall assume that the majority of the samples will be installed in soil or vegetated areas. The remaining samples, approximately 35, will be installed under asphalt. EPA, with Utah Department of Environmental Quality support, will obtain access agreements prior to sampling The contractor shall provide EPA with a: 1) "not to exceed" cost estimate based on providing 275 sample collectors/sorbers, installing and removing sample collectors/sorbers, shipping, chemical analysis, and providing detailed interpretation and reporting, 2) unit cost to install and analyze passive soil gas samples collected in soil or vegetated areas, 3) unit cost to install and analyze passive soil gas samples collected under asphalt, and 4) unit cost for quality control samples, e.g., trip blanks, etc. Payment for additional samples and quality control samples will be based on the unit costs established in items 2, 3, and 4, above. Deductions for installation and analysis of fewer than 275 samples will also be based on unit prices, established above. As with any contract of this type and scope, EPA personnel must protect themselves against the appearance of personal services. In all instances where contractor personnel might be assumed to be EPA personnel, they will identify themselves as contractor personnel supporting EPA. The proposals will be ranked by the following factors (in order of importance) 1. Passive soil gas survey project experience and know how. 2) Full (turn-key) service, including, but not limited to: providing sample collectors/sorbers, installing and removing sample collectors/sorbers, chemical analysis, and providing detailed interpretation and reporting. 3) Compatibility with concurrent or previously conducted passive soil gas surveys in the general area. And, 4) Price. Proposers are advised to include information with their proposals which addresses the ranking factors. All questions will be in writing and submitted to Maureen Martin at martin.maureen@epa.gov. Price quotations must be received by 4 PM on February 1, 2001. Quotes may be mailed, faxed or emailed to the following: Mail to: US EPA Region 8 (8TMS-G) Maureen Martin 999 18th St., Ste. 300 Denver, CO 80202-2466 FAX to: (303)312-6339 or (303)312-6363 EMAIL to: martin.maureen@epa.gov THIS REQUIREMENT IS RESTRICTED TO SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS ONLY
Loren Data Corp. 20010122/HSOL001.HTM (W-018 SN50B2C5)

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Created on January 18, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com