Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
January 24, 2001
Contracting Office
Honduran Social Investment Fund (FHIS) with financing assistance from USAID/Tegucigalpa
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
01-012 (PDM 014-2000)
Response Due
January 29, 2001
Point of Contact
Carlos Fortin, Chief Engineer of the Directorte of Major I infrastructure of the Honduran Social Investment Fund (DIM/FHIS), Tel: 011-504-234-5157/233-1762, Fax: 011-504-234-5265
E-Mail Address
http://www.usaid.gov (none given)
The Honduran Social Investment Fund (FHIS), hereby informs to the Construction Companies that have taken documents for the International Bid PDM 014-2000 the following: 1. The Subproject: Extension of the Sanitary Sewerage System of the City of Copan Ruinas, Copan, will not be part of this Bid whereby must be eliminate from your offer. 2. In none subproject will be done work by Delegated Administration whereby this activity must be eliminated and not appear in the offer. 3. The section 7.1.4 from the Precalification Document (VOLUME IA) was modified, and has to be read like this: " Specific experience during the last five years". Information is required from the last five years instead of the last ten years like originally appeared in the document. 4. In the Form No. C-3 from the Part II of the Precalification Document (VOLUME IA), it is required to provide information related only with those contracts that has been awarded and executed by the Contractor. Do not include information associated with contracts not awarded. 5. The companies from United States can present the information related with their financial status, in English if it is convenient for them. 6. In relation with the delivery of the bid documents signed by the bidder to the DIM/FHIS, in particular with the Volume II that contains the Specifications of Construction, the bidder can send a signed letter in which it states that he has knowledge of its content and agrees with them. 7. Clause V in draft contract from the Bidding Document (VOLUME IB) has to be read like this: " CLAUSULA V: MONTO DEL CONTRATO: El monto de este contrato comprende dos cap tulos independientes entre si, de la siguiente forma: 1).Monto de Ejecuci n de las Obras. Calculado de acuerdo a las cantidades de obra proporcionadas por el FHIS y los precios unitarios propuestos por el CONTRATISTA y aceptados por el FHIS. Como este contrato es por precios unitarios, este monto puede variar al final de la ejecuci n del mismo, dependiendo de las cantidades de obra realmente ejecutadas por el CONTRATISTA, en atenci n a las instrucciones recibidas del FHIS a trav s de la SUPERVISION. El monto m ximo estimado para la ejecuci n de las obras objeto de este contrato asciende hasta la cantidad de _____________________________ DOLARES AMERICANOS (US$_________________), (V ase Anexo No. 1), 2. Pago por Movilizaci n. Adem s del pago del Monto de Ejecuci n de las Obras, EL CONTRATISTA podr recibir un Pago por Movilizaci n, de acuerdo al presupuesto preparado para este efecto por el CONTRATISTA siempre y cuando sea aprobado por el FHIS. En ning n caso el Pago por Movilizaci n podr ser mayor del seis (6%) del Monto de Ejecuci n de las Obras y el mismo se har efectivo hasta que EL CONTRATISTA demuestre mediante la presentaci n de las facturas correspondientes que ha incurrido en gastos de movilizaci n, como se indica en la Cl usula VI de ste contrato. El monto m ximo estimado del Pago por Movilizaci n para los efectos de este contrato asciende hasta la cantidad de _____________________________ DOLARES AMERICANOS (US$_________________), (V ase Anexo No.1). El FHIS se reserva el derecho de rechazar cualquier solicitud de pago que considere fuera de lugar. Por lo tanto, el MONTO TOTAL ESTIMADO DE ESTE CONTRATO ES DE: _________________________ DOLARES AMERICANOS (US$ _______________), seg n el detalle que aparece en el Anexo No. 1 de ste Contrato, sin perjuicio de las posibles variaciones que pueda experimentar seg n lo arriba establecido." 8. As a result of specific revisions we invite you to take some revised and modified information in the DIM/FHIS Office, about the following projects: Water System in La Lima: Bill of Quantities, Corrected Plans, Additional Specifications and Description of the Project. Sanitary Sewerage System of El Progreso: It adds Treatment Plant to the project (stabilization lagoons), modifying plans, bill of quantities, technical specifications and description of the project. Sanitary Sewerage System of Trinidad: Bill of Quantities, Corrected Plans, Additional Specifications, and Description of the project. 9. The delivery of the prequalification documents and offers, will be postpone for Monday, January 29 of the present year, at 10:00 a.m. official hour of Honduras, in Hotel Camino Real in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Mois s Starkman Pinel,MINISTRO. The pre-qualification questionnaire, once issued, can be downloaded from the Agency web site. The Worldwide Web address is http://www.info.usaid.gov. Select Business and Procurement opportunities from the home page, then "USAID Procurements." On the following screen, select "Download Available USAID Solicitations." Receipt of this questionnaire through INTERNET must be confirmed by written notification to the contact person noted above. It is the responsibility of the recipient of this solicitation document to ensure that it has been received from INTERNET in its entirety and USAID bears no responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission or conversion processes.
Web Link
http://www.usaid.gov (http://www.usaid.gov)
Loren Data Corp. 20010126/CSOL004.HTM (W-024 SN50B6Y9)

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Created on January 24, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com