- Notice Date
- May 8, 2001
- Contracting Office
- Department of the Air Force, Air Education and Training Command, Laughlin AFB Contracting Squadron, 171 Alabama Ave, Bldg 7, Laughlin AFB, TX, 78843-5102
- ZIP Code
- 78843-5102
- E-Mail Address
- Michelle Bosarge (
- Description
- This synopsis replaces the synopsis posted on 28 Apr 01. Title I, Services A & B, and Title II, Services C, for Architectural, Civil, Mechanical, Structural, Environmental and Electrical Projects at Laughlin AFB, TX will be required under this contract. Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) capability, compatibility with Auto CADD Release 14 and capability to digitize existing drawings for CADD use are also required. Delivery orders will consist of but not limited to: (1) Making Technical Studies, Analysis, Surveys, Investigations, and Reports (2) Planning of Site Developments and Installations (3) Preparation of designs, plans, drawings, and specifications, (4) Supervising and Inspecting Maintenance, Repair and Construction Projects and (5) Performing the necessary supervision and coordination of all phases of A-E work. One indefinite quantity contract will be awarded. The relative order of importance of the criteria to be used to evaluate and select the A & E firm is as follows. Note: Oral presentations will be required of approximately 3 to 6 of the highest rank firms. The criteria for A-E evaluation consists of the following: a Professional Qualifications necessary for satisfactory performance of required services to include evaluation of professional disciplines and key personnel. b Specialized Experience and Technical Competence in the type of work required, including experience in energy conservation, pollution prevention, waste reduction, and the use of recovered materials c Professional Capacity to accomplish the work within contract schedules considering timeliness of contract completion of services and delays. Evaluation will also include quality control program, innovative forms and patterns in building design, prescribe metric standards, AUTOCADD 14, document projects on CD and worksheets on Excel and preparing project/contract documents for Internet advertising. The following shall be submitted with the SF 254 and 255; (1) quality control plan, (2) awards and/or samples of innovative forms and patterns in building design, (3) evidence of the use of metric standards, AUTOCAD 14, document projects on CD and worksheets on Excel and (4) samples of project/contract documents that were used for internet advertising. d Past Performance on contracts with Government agencies and private industry in terms of cost control, quality of work, construction inspection/surveillance and compliance with performance schedules. Telephone interviews with the references listed on the SF254 and 255 and references obtained using the central database will be the means of obtaining past performance data. e Location in the general geographical area of the project and knowledge of the locality of the project f Commitment to SBA regarding the extent to which potential contractors identify and commit to small business, to small disadvantaged business and to historically black college or university and minority institution performance as subcontractors g Volume of DoD Work during the previous 12 months and superior performance evaluations on recently completed DoD contracts Note: Included in the evaluation is each firm_s ability to provide Title II Services in the form of construction inspection and surveillance (Criterion d. above). 4. Rating Summary: Each evaluator will be given a copy of ATC Form 319 Architect-Engineer Selection Rating Summary sheet. The seven criteria are ranked in order of importance. (Note: Oral presentations will be required of approximately 3 to 6 of the highest rank firm and does not rank in the relative importance of the criteria listed below.) Point values shall be assigned to each criterion by the Pre-selection board as follows: a. Professional Qualification _ 27 points b. Specialized Experience- 25 points c. Professional Capacity -- 20 points d. Past Performance _ 15 points e. Location _ 6 points f. Commitment to SBA -- 4 points g. Volume of DoD Work -- 3 points Total 100 points Bonus _ Oral Presentation 10 points TOTAL 110 points RATING CONSIDERATIONS A. Professional Qualifications (27 points) 1. Professional Disciplines: Firms employing a complete in-house staff offering basic professional disciplines of architectural, civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, and environmental engineers. Additional services of landscape architects, asbestos designers, fire protection engineers, communications, specification writers, estimators, geo-tech specialists, surveyors and construction inspectors will be considered. Firms that joint venture or subcontract a major part of the A-E disciplines shall be required to provide resumes of the other firms. Points shall be awarded accordingly. (17 points) High Range (13 to 17 points): Firm have all basic professional disciplines and many of the additional services in-house. Mid Range (7 to 12 points): Firm have at least half of the basic professional disciplines in-house and all others with outside consultants. Low Range (1 to 6 points): Firm with less than three basic professional disciplines and all others are outside consultants. 2. The type and quality of projects that key persons of the firm have been involved with in the past. Refer to resumes on Form 255. (10 points) High Range (7 to 10 points): Highly qualified staff experienced with projects similar to AF Base level projects. Mid Range (4 to 6 points): Staff moderately experienced with projects similar to AF Base level projects. Low Range (1 to 3 points): Staff with little to no experience on projects similar to AF Base level projects. B. Specialized Experience and Technical Competence in the type of work required, including experience in energy conservation, pollution prevention, waste reduction, and the use of recovered materials.(25 points) Consider projects where the planning, design and surveillance of both new construction and renovation of the following types of Housing, Dormitories, Lodging facilities, Recreation facilities, Pavements both base and airfield offices, Aircraft Facilities, Environmental, POL, repair and remodeling, planning and other projects. Consider basic professional disciplines and additional services per paragraph A. Firm_s that design structures with finishes that are recyclable and recoverable for reuse. Designs for minimum wastage of construction material. Building design uses day lighting, energy efficient fixtures and equipment that reduce owner_s building life cycle costs. 1. Design experience on Air Force projects. (10 points) High Range (7 to 10 points): Firm has accomplished projects for the Air Force in five or more of the types and/or services. Mid Range (4 to 6 points): Firm has accomplished projects for the Air Force in three to four types and/or services. Low Range (1 to 3 points): Firm or joint venture has accomplished projects for the Air Force in two or less types and/or services. 2. Design experience on DoD projects. (5 points) High Range (4 to 5 points): Firm has accomplished many DoD projects in five or more of the types and services. Mid Range (2 to 3 points): Firm has accomplished DoD projects in three to four types and services. Low Range (1 point): Firm has accomplished DoD projects in two or less types and/or services. 3. Design Experience in Non-DOD projects. (5 points) High Range (5 points): Firm has accomplished many Non-DoD projects in five or more of the types and/or services. Mid Range (3 to 4 points): Firm has accomplished Non-DoD projects in three to four types and services. Low Range (1 to 2 points): Firm has accomplished Non-DoD projects in two or less types and services. 4. Prescribe use of recovered and recyclable materials, pollution prevention and minimize building waste in building construction. (3 points) High Range (3 points): Firms that consistently prescribe these elements and projects that are successfully constructed using the same design. Mid Range (1 to 2points): Firms that occasionally prescribe these elements and few of those projects get constructed because the design was insufficient. Low Range (0 points): Firms that rarely prescribe these elements. 5. Utilize or design energy efficient lighting, electrical and mechanical equipment, and energy efficient construction. (2 points) High Range (2 points): Firms that consistently select and engineer these elements and projects that are successfully constructed using the same design. Mid Range (1 point): Firms that occasionally select and engineer these elements and few of those projects gets constructed because the design was insufficient. Low Range (0 points): Firms that rarely select and engineer these elements. C. Professional Capacity to accomplish work (20 points) Consider all projects completed in the last five years. Capacity to work within contract schedules. Consider timeliness of contract completion, of services and any delays. Consider the firm_s program for check and balance of A-E design work to provide highest quality of design work. Consider post-construction performance of the facilities design to determine how firm_s experience is compatible with the project requirements. 1. Completed projects and workload: (10 points) High Range (7 to 10 points): Firm shows evidence of steady workload of projects and always is ahead of design schedule. Mid Range (4 to 6 points): Firm shows evidence of uneven workload at times but meets design schedules. Low Range (0 to 3 points): Firm shows evidence of work overload and does not always complete work on design schedule. 2. Program of Quality Control: (4 points) How does the firm ensure the highest quality of design work? High Range (4 points): Firm shows evidence of having a quality control plan together with specialized experience in continuous quality control improvement of design. Mid Range (2 to 3 points): Firm shows evidence of having and strictly adhering to the quality control plan. Low Range (0 to 1 point): Firm shows evidence of having a quality control plan. 3. Innovative forms and patterns in building designs. (2 points) High Range (2 points): Firms that have won five or more awards for their exceptional designs and completed projects. Mid Range (1 point): Firms that have five or less awards for their designs. Low Range (0 points): Firms that have one or no award for their designs. 4. Prescribe metric standards, AUTOCAD 14, document projects on CD and worksheets on Excel. (2 points) High Range (2 points): Firm that has all of the above capabilities to produce documents in-house. Mid Range (1 point): Firm that has some of the above capabilities to produce documents in-house. Low Range (0 points): Firm that has none of the above capabilities to produce documents in-house. 5. Preparing project/contract documents for Internet advertising. (2 points) High Range: (2 points): Firm that has prepared contract documents that have been advertised on-line including the use of Sourceview for construction bid by Government agencies. Mid Range: (1 point): Firm that is currently preparing contract documents for on-line advertising for construction bid including the use of Sources for construction bid by Government agencies. Low Range: (0 points): Firms that do not prepare contract documents for on-line Internet advertising including the use of Sourceview. D. Past Performance (15 points) Past performance for design work shall be verified through telephone interviews (conducted by the Pre-selection board) with references listed in the AF Form 254/255. The following topics will be discussed: changes in design during construction, construction award compared to cost estimate, concepts, design, contract documents, estimates, construction inspection and surveillance, accuracy, completeness, cooperation, coordination, management, meeting schedules and work quality of past projects. Firm_s SF 1421s obtained from the central database will also be reviewed. The volume of DoD work provided within the last five years will be considered. 1. Past performance of firm on contracts with DoD other than AF. (5 points) High Range (4 to 5 points): Completed complex projects by the firm are of high quality and performance is exceptional. Mid Range (1 to 3 points): Completed complex projects by the firm are of satisfactory quality and performance. Low Range (0 points): Completed complex projects by the firm are not of high quality and unsatisfactory performance. 2. Past performance of firm on contracts with Non-DoD. (5 points) High Range (4 to 5 points): Completed complex projects by the firm are of high quality and performance is exceptional. Mid Range (1 to 3 points): Produces work that is of satisfactory quality and performance. Low Range (0 points): Produces work that is not of high quality and unsatisfactory performance. 3. Past performance of firm on contracts with the Air Force. (5 points) High Range (4 to 5 points): Completed complex projects by the firm are of high quality and performance is exceptional. Mid Range (1 to 3 points): Completed complex projects by the firm are of satisfactory quality and performance. Low Range (0 points): Completed complex projects by the firm are not of high quality and unsatisfactory performance. E. Location of A-E firm (6 points) Firms located in close proximity of Laughlin Air Force Base shall be considered to be more readily available to resolve issues or expedient consultations. Points shall be awarded to firms according to distance from LAFB. High Range (5 to 6 points): Within 0 to 250 miles from LAFB. Mid Range (3 to 4 Points): Within 251 to 500 miles from LAFB. Low Range (0 to 2 points): Beyond 501 miles travel distance from LAFB. F. Commitment to SBA (4 points) Evaluators are tasked to include in their evaluation any due consideration for the extent to which offerors commit to small business, small disadvantaged business, historically black colleges and universities or minority institutions. The following table shows the point allotment system for this criterion: High Range: (3 to 4 points) Commitment to SBA fully documented and support provided. Mid Range: (1 to 2 points) Commitment to SBA documented. Low Range: (0 point) Commitment not documented. G. Volume of DoD Work (3 points) Consider the volume of DoD work during the previous 12 months and superior performance evaluations on recently completed DoD contracts High Range (3 points): Firm_s data showed superior performance evaluations and has a low volume of DoD work. Mid Range (2 points): Firm_s data showed superior performance evaluations and has a moderate volume of DoD work. Low Range (0 -- 1 point): Firm_s data showed superior performance evaluations and has a high volume of DoD work. . Other Evaluation: A. Oral Presentations: (10 bonus points) Oral presentations will be required of approximately 3 to 6 of the highest rank firms. Top firm oral presentation selection shall occur after the Final Selection Board evaluations of the DD254s and DD255s but prior to final rankings. The Firms will be required to demonstrate how they are most qualified to provide A-E Services by verbal presentation of their qualifications in regards to the six selection criteria. Questions shall be prepared by the Final Selection Board and shall be provided to the firms selected to make oral presentations prior to the presentation date. Using the data generated through the oral presentations, a _bonus_ point value will be developed in which points are assigned as follows: High Range: (7 to 10 points): Offeror received Excellent ratings. Mid Range: (4 to 6 points): Offeror received mainly Good ratings. Low Range: (1 to 3 points): Offeror received mainly Satisfactory Ratings In addition to the above, each firm shall be required to perform the following disciplines: (a) Architectural including Landscape Architects, (b) Civil Engineer (General plus Airfield Design), (c) Structural, (d) Mechanical (Primarily HVAC and Plumbing), (e) Environmental (Hazardous Waste Identification and Design), and (f) Electrical (Building Design, Electrical Lighting and Underground Distribution). Contractor is guaranteed a minimum of $5,000.00 in fees. The initial order issued against this contract may exceed $299,000.00. Each order after the initial delivery order shall not exceed $299,000.00. Fees under a particular indefinite delivery quantity contract may not exceed $750,000.00 for any year or option period. The maximum dollar value of the total contract including option years is $3,750,000.00. Accomplishment time for the contract is 365 days with four one-year option periods. This project is open to small and large business firms. The applicable North American Industry Classification System Code (NACIS) for this requirement is 541310 and the size standard is $4 million. Those desiring consideration shall submit a Standard Form 254 and Standard 255 and the requested information mentioned above to the 47th Contracting Squadron, Attn: Michelle Bosarge, 171 Alabama Ave., Bldg. 7. Laughlin AFB TX 78843-5102, no later than 4 Jun 01. This is not a request for proposal.
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- Record
- Loren Data Corp. 20010510/SPMSC009.HTM (D-128 SN50L5C4)
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Created on May 8, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. --