Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
May 24, 2001
Contracting Office
U.S. DOE, National Energy Technology Laboratory-Morgantown, P.O. Box 880, Morgantown, WV 26507-0880
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
August 2, 2001
Point of Contact
Denise Riggi, Contract Specialist, (304) 285-4241; telefax (304) 285-4683; e-mail: driggi@netl.doe.gov; Raymond D. Johnson, Contracting Officer
E-Mail Address
Click here to contact the Contract Specialist. (driggi@netl.doe.gov)
IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION (FAR) 5.203(a), THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS INTENDED TO SYNOPSIZE SOLICITATION NO. DE-RA26-01NT41178. The Department of Energy (DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) intends to issue Program Research and Development Announcement (PRDA) No. DE-RA26-01NT41178, entitled Advancements for Delivering In Situ Treatment for Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Difficult Conditions at DOE Sites. The purpose is to solicit proposals in support of the U.S. DOE's Environmental Management (EM) Office of Science and Technology's (OST) applied research efforts for the development and demonstration of innovative technologies applicable to the Environmental Restoration Program. The need is focused on innovative, improved technologies for delivery of in situ treatment, removal or immobilization of soil and groundwater contaminants in difficult subsurface conditions at DOE Nuclear Complex sites. Due to the wide variety of subsurface conditions and types of contaminants that must be addressed, multiple technical approaches are anticipated. Operating parameters such as different classes of hazardous and radioactive contaminants requiring treatment, varying surface and subsurface conditions, and anticipated performance requirements as identified by DOE site end-users, will be defined in the PRDA. Two research topics have been identified to address high priority needs for delivery of in situ treatment of soil and groundwater contamination at DOE sites: 1) Research Topic 1 -- Effective Delivery of Bioremediation for Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Contamination; and 2) Research Topic 2 -- Effective Delivery of Treatment for Metals and Radionuclides in the Vadose Zone and Groundwater With Minimal Surface Impact in Environmentally Sensitive Areas. Numerous DOE sites such as Oak Ridge and Hanford have soil and groundwater contaminated with volatile organic compounds, metals, and radionuclides. For example, related to Research Topic 1, an extensive and deep carbon tetrachloride groundwater plume is present at Oak Ridge's Upper East Fork Poplar Creek Characterization Area that contains the Y-12 Plant industrial areas. The dissolved carbon tetrachloride plume that extends to a depth of approximately 400 feet, is considered to originate from a free-product dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) contained in the fractured bedrock underlying an area of the Y-12 Plant. Pump and treatment operations have been implemented, but bioremediation augmentation of these operations is planned; effective delivery of biostimulants to the targeted source and high concentration area contamination present in fractured bedrock to depths up to 400 feet is needed and represents the technical challenge at Y-12. Similarly, related to Research Topic 2, the groundwater in several areas of the DOE Hanford Site is contaminated with chromium from nuclear reactors previously used for plutonium production. The aquifer containing the contamination presents challenges to subsurface access, because it consists of loosely consolidated heterogeneous sedimentary materials ranging from silt to cobbles and boulders. A permeable reactive barrier using strongly reductive chemicals is currently being installed in one of the chromium plumes using access through conventionally drilled vertical boreholes; this barrier effectively removes chromium from the groundwater, preventing it from entering the Columbia River. Innovative, improved technologies are sought for access to the subsurface to cost-effectively emplace the liquid reductant. This work should also be accomplished with a minimum of investigation-derived waste and minimum impact to aquifer permeability. Innovative, improved technologies are sought for delivery of in situ treatment of soil and groundwater contaminants in difficult subsurface conditions at DOE Nuclear Complex sites such as these conditions cited. The projects shall be conducted in two phases. In the first phase, advanced design, fabrication, and control/small scale testing of the technology system shall be completed. This may include laboratory, bench scale, and/or small field-scale testing, as appropriate, to validate the technology system operation and ability to meet performance requirements. In the second phase, full-scale demonstration of the technology system shall be conducted at a site selected jointly by DOE and the Contractor. Novel and breakthrough technologies that do not duplicate existing methods, and that complement or enhance existing or planned work, thereby best serving the needs of the EM program, are desired. Technology must demonstrate clear benefits to DOE (superior technical performance, reductions in cost, schedules, and risks to workers, the public, and the environment) and be acceptable to end-users within the DOE Complex. Proposals submitted in response to PRDA No. DE-RA26-01NT41178 must address only these identified need areas. All responsible individuals, corporations, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and state or local governments may submit proposals for consideration. Proposals submitted by, or substantially relying upon the technical expertise of another federal agency, a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC), or a DOE M&O Contractor will not be eligible for award under this solicitation. Explicit instructions for preparation of proposals will be set forth in the PRDA, as well as the criteria against which all proposals will be evaluated. It is expected that multiple awards will result from this action, and that the award instrument will be a cost-reimbursement/fixed fee contract. A general Site Visit to the Oak Ridge, Tennessee site is being planned for June 19, 2001, to provide potential offerors an opportunity to visit a site with deep VOC contamination in fractured bedrock. Preregistration is required, and attendance is limited to two (2) attendees per offeror. Travel associated with the site visit is at the sole expense of the offeror. Any offeror planning to visit should contact the Oak Ridge Site Visit representative, Janice Hensley, (via e-mail at fjy@bechteljacobs.org, via fax (865)241-3013) with a request for the registration form. The request must be made by no later than June 11, 2001. More specific information regarding time and location will be provided with the preregistration form that is requested. A general Site Visit is also planned to the Hanford, Washington site for June 21, 2001, to provide potential offerors an opportunity to visit a site with chromium contamination in soil and groundwater conditions that present a challenge to deliver in situ treatment. Preregistration is required, and attendance is limited to two (2) attendees per offeror. Travel associated with the site visit is at the sole expense of the offeror. Any offeror planning to visit should contact the Hanford Site Visit representative, Scott Petersen, (via e-mail at, swpeters@bhi-erc.com, via fax (509)372-9718) with a request for the registration form. The request must be made by no later than June 13, 2001. More specific information regarding time and location will be provided with the preregistration form that is requested. PRDA DE-RA26-01NT41178 WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE ONLY VIA THE INTERNET and offerors are advised that the formal solicitation document will be disseminated and proposals received electronically through the Industry Interactive Procurement System (IIPS) located at the following URL: http://e-center.doe.gov/ A notice of the solicitation release and a link will be posted on the NETL Homepage at http://www.netl.doe.gov/business/solicit/ on or about July 2, 2001; the closing date for receipt of proposals will be approximately thirty (30) calendar days after posting of the PRDA. A notice of any amendments to the PRDA will also be posted on the NETL Homepage. In accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) 5.102 (a) (7), interested parties are advised that availability of this PRDA is limited to this electronic medium and DISTRIBUTION WILL NOT BE MADE VIA DISKETTE NOR IN PAPER COPY. All communications concerning the PRDA shall cite the PRDA number (DE-RA26-01NT41178 and be directed in writing to Ms. Denise Riggi, Contract Specialist, at the address, telefacsimile (fax) number, or e-mail address set forth therein. All requests for explanation or interpretation of any part of the PRDA shall be submitted to the Contract Specialist in writing in sufficient time to allow a reply to reach all prospective offerors before the submission of their offers. The information will be furnished as an amendment to the solicitation, if the information is necessary in submitting offers or if lack of it would be prejudicial to other prospective offerors. Questions submitted by telephone or in person will not be accepted. An Information Package setting forth the government's DRAFT technical requirements will be posted on the NETL homepage at http://www.netl.doe.gov/business/solicit/ prior to the official release of the comprehensive solicitation -- this draft is for informational purposes only; it is intended to solicit comments/ suggestions and/or questions prior to release of the PRDA.
Loren Data Corp. 20010529/ASOL011.HTM (W-144 SN50N077)

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Created on May 24, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com