Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
May 24, 2001
Contracting Office
Commercial Acquisition Department, Bldg 11, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, Newport, Code 59, Simonpietri Dr., Newport, RI 02841-1708
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
BAA -- 014005 (Part 1 of 2)
Response Due
July 27, 2001
Point of Contact
R. Hall, Contracting Officer at (401) 832-1522; FAX (401) 832-4820
E-Mail Address
R. Hall, Contracting Officer (hallrl@npt.nuwc.navy.mil)
The Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Newport Division (NAVUNSEAWARCEN DIV NPT) is soliciting new and innovative designs for an Upper Frequency Band (High Frequency) conformal acoustic module and all outboard electronics. This high frequency, broadband array module(s) is envisioned to be the single building block for an upper frequency band conformal array having potential application on the horizontal centerline of a submarine dome. The upper frequency band conformal array will be integrated with a Medium Frequency (MF) conformal array located separately on the dome surface. The upper frequency band conformal array when integrated with the MF conformal array forms an Integrated Bow Conformal Array (IBCA) System. The IBCA system is presently a concept that has not been adopted by any class of submarine. CONCEPT: The upper frequency band conformal array of the integrated bow conformal array concept is envisioned to replace current submarine Sail and Chin Array sensors and shall provide all high frequency broadband sonar transmit and receive functionality necessary for Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), Mine Avoidance (MA), Ice Keel Avoidance (IKA), and Precision Underwater Mapping (PUMA). The Division expects the upper frequency band conformal array transmit and receive acoustic module(s) to be based on (1) innovative application of transducer material and electronics for broadband transmit and receive at high frequency, (2) industry standard data telemetry networks, (3) innovative approaches to transmit signal delay, amplification, receive signal conditioning, noise suppression, transmit and receive circuit switching, power conditioning / distribution, and (4) pressure-tolerant commercial-off- the-shelf (COTS) components. For the purposes of these contracts, the T/R module design shall include everything necessary to achieve the acoustic and mechanical performance requirements stated in the UFBCA T/R Module requirement document when connected to an inboard sonar signal processing system; such as: all high frequency broadband hull array system sensors, receive signal conditioning and data transmission functions to the optical data transmission lines carried through submarine hull penetrators, transmit signal delay and amplification, sensor downlink control, transmit-receive circuit switching, power conditioning and distribution, test signal injection, array performance monitoring and fault location, and environmental packaging. INITIAL CONTRACTS: The initial contracts awarded under this announcement will be for (1) a review of the stated minimum requirements contained in the UFBCA T/R Module requirement document; (2) decomposition and trace of the array system level requirements to the proposed module and element level; (3) a design of a full-scale UFBCA T/R Module and array in sufficient detail to proceed to the next step which is downselect. We require an engineering model in "breadboard" form of the critical sensor and electronic technology sufficient to prove the feasibility of the design; including, as a minimum, transducer element, transmit-receive circuit switch, transmit power amplifier, and receive signal preamplifier (signal conditioning). We also require that all test equipment unique to the engineering model design be provided, to conduct in-water test and evaluation of the acoustic performance relative to the performance goals stated in the UFBCA T/R Module Requirement Document (GFI); and (4) conducting test and evaluation of the "breadboard" engineering model, witnessed by the Government. In-water testing of the "breadboard" engineering model can take place at a facility of the offeror's choice given Government approval. The Government offers the use of test tanks and facilities at NUWCDIVNPT. The Government expects to award more than one firm fixed price contract for the UFB-CAM design and "breadboard" engineering model development, up to $200,000 each. The program schedule objective is that the initial contract lasts nine (9) months, and option one lasts an additional fifteen (15) months. OPTION: These contracts will also provide one option, which will be evaluated after the initial contracts are substantially complete. The task requirements of option one will consist of (1) producing a "brassboard" advanced model of a full-scale T/R Module based on the "breadboard" engineering model designed, developed and tested under the initial phase of this contract, and packaged for application on the centerline and conformal to the exterior of a submarine sonar dome. The "brassboard" advanced model will extend the "breadboard" engineering model to include everything necessary to achieve the acoustic and mechanical performance requirements stated in the UFBCA T/R Module requirement document; such as all transmit delay lines, receive signal digital telemetry, power distribution, and environmental packaging in the UFBCA T/R Module form factor designed under the basic contract; (2) providing and producing all equipment (hardware and software) necessary to function as a test set receiver unit for purposes of in-water test and evaluation of the T/R Module "brassboard" advanced model performance relative to the performance goals stated in the UFBCA T/R Module Requirement Document; such as all array module power supplies, cables, interface cards, computers, monitors, software and all auxiliary equipment; (3) conducting test and evaluation of the "brassboard" advanced model witnessed by the Government. In-water testing of the "brassboard" advanced model can take place at a facility of the offeror's choice given Government approval. The government offers the use of test tanks and facilities at NUWCDIVNPT. The Government expects to exercise option one from at least one of these contracts, based on Technical Merit and Price. Technical Merit includes: (1) acoustic performance of the breadboard engineering model relative to the performance goals stated in the UFBCA T/R Module Requirement Document; (2) potential for the T/R Module design meeting the mechanical packaging and environmental goals stated in the UFBCA T/R Module Requirement Document; (3) estimated production price; (4) performance during the basic contract; (5) probability of meeting the proposed schedule; and (6) architectural potential for increasing capacity; (7) use of Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) electronics, industry standard data networks, and pressure-tolerant components, with proven availability and performance. INFORMATION AVAILABILITY: Potential offerors may request the (1) UFBCA T/R Module Requirement Document (U) (classified CONFIDENTIAL), (2) UFBCA T/R Module Tradespace Definition Document, and (3) UFBCA T/R Module development deliverable list from Code 2153, Mr. David Grande, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, 1176 Howell Street, Building: 1320 Room: 256, Newport, RI 02841-1708. GrandeDW@npt.nuwc.navy.mil. Offerors must provide their CAGE number for security clearance. LEGAL BASIS: This synopsis constitutes a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) per FAR 6.102; there will be no formal request for proposals (RFP) or other solicitation in regard to this announcement. Potential vendors should submit their technical (5 copies) and cost (3 copies) proposals no later than 1400 hours on July 27, 2001 to the following address: Commercial Acquisition Department -- Building 11, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, Newport, Code 5913 -- R. Hall, Simonpietri Drive, Newport, RI 02841-1708. DFARS 252.227-7016 and 7017 apply. The resultant contract will include DFARS 252.227-7013 and other appropriate data clauses per DFARS part 227. Specific deliverables, delivery schedules, and contracts will be negotiated with the successful offerors. The Government expects to award contracts under this announcement in September 2001 and to exercise its first option at the end of the third quarter (3RD Qtr) of FY02 (June 2002). Questions should be directed to the contracting officer by email: hallrl@npt.nuwc.navy.mil. Responses will be posted on NUWCDIVNPT's web-site http://www.npt.nuwc.navy.mil/contract/. Cutoff data for questions is June 22, 2001.
Web Link
NAVAL UNDERSEA WARFARE CENTER DIVISION, NEWPORT (http://www.npt.nuwc.navy.mil/contract/)
Loren Data Corp. 20010529/ASOL013.HTM (W-144 SN50N061)

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Created on May 24, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com