Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
August 20, 2001
Contracting Office
US Army Aviation and Missile Command DAAH01, ATTN: AMSAM-AC, Building 5303, Martin Road, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5280
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
September 21, 2001
Point of Contact
Lillie Stanford, 256-876-7298
E-Mail Address
US Army Aviation and Missile Command DAAH01 (lillie.stanford@redstone.army.mil)
17. The United States Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) and the Redstone Technical Test Center (RTTC) are seeking sources for a Facility for Aircraft System Sensors Testing. Purpose and Response Content -- The results of this market survey will b e used to determine if sources capable of satisfying the agency's requirements exist; the extent commercial items are suitable or can be modified to meet the agency's needs; determine the practices of firms engaged in producing comparable items (i.e., warr anty terms, buyer financing, maintenance, and packaging), and compliance with best practice processes. In selecting potential offerors, the following areas will be considered in response to this market survey. For any portion of the facility that is to b e sub-contracted, performance history/experience of the sub-contractor, in comparable effort, should be provided for consideration. The design guidelines and technical requirements in this document are based on preliminary design objectives and are expect ed to be modified during an integrated product team (IPT) specification development phase. As a minimum, provide the following information in: Technical Capability -- Provide sufficient data to demonstrate the technical merits in response to this survey. Performance History (Exciter/Control System) -- Provide a thorough summary of experience (i.e., examples and references) involving motion-replication using comparably sized 6-degree of freedom (DOF) actuator systems. Performance History (Facility) -- Provi de a thorough summary of experience (i.e., examples and references) involving facility design, construction and sub-contractor teaming as applicable. Schedule -- Provide a tentative timetable (i.e., integrated product team phase through full operational ca pability) for delivering the facility based on the information provided. Cost -- Provide a rough order of magnitude based on the information provided. Appendices A.1 -- Linear Performance Curves, A.2 -- Angular Performance Curves, and B -- Construction Requi rements are available by request via electronic mail to Gayle.Norman@redstone.army.mil. Introduction -- The Facility for Aircraft System Sensors Testing (FASST) is a concept currently being analyzed as a potential ground-based test platform to complement f light-testing. The facility will be used to conduct system level functional tests, including armament firing, on an aircraft in simulated flight. The aircraft simulated flight conditions will be generated by a multi-degree-of-freedom motion/vibration sys tem. Response shall be structured as a complete Turn-Key facility per the design guidelines and technical requirements outlined below. Motion Platform -- The term Motion Platform refers to a multi-degree-of-freedom motion/vibration platform system capable of replicating aircraft flight conditions. This system will be housed in a facility located on an existing test range at RTTC, Redstone Arsenal, AL. Control System -The Exciter control system will be remotely located and will be required to perform motio n replication of measured or synthesized reference data (outer-loop). Servo-controllers will also be required to stabilize the actuators and enable manual position commands (inner-loop). Buildings -- Due to the hazardous nature of the testing being perform ed, a control building will be required separate from the vibration test bay. A minimum distance of 500-ft shall separate the two buildings with a 15-ft tall earthen barricade between the buildings. The response shall contain a summary of the power requi rements for the facility, including all required utilities for both buildings. Vibration Test Building -- The Vibration Test Bay will house the exciter system and protect the equipment from the environment. This facility must allow the test article's sens ors (visual, infrared, millimeter wave and radio frequency (RF)) an unobstructed view of down range targets during testing. The structure will also need to wit hstand the back-blast and other effects from weapons systems firings (gun and missile) from the test article onto the test range. Additionally, ancillary equipment housed in this structure must be transparent to dynamic exciter and sensor operations. Des ign concepts should include options such as structures with retractable walls and/or ceilings. Dimensions -- The vibration test bay shall have a footprint of no less than 100-ft x 100-ft. The building height shall be sufficient to house the exciter platfor m and payloads up to 15 ft tall with a minimum 20-ft clearance between the ceiling and the top of the payload at max displacement. A minimum clearance buffer of 6-ft shall be maintained around all sides of the test platform at maximum exciter displacement . Platform Access -- A retractable apron (no less than 6-feet wide) shall be configured to allow access to all sides of the exciter platform when the hydraulic power supply is deactivated. Instrumentation -- All cables directly associated with the exciter system and hydraulic power supplies shall be included and installed. Thermal Chamber -- A complete thermal conditioning system shall be configured to provide long duration temperature conditioning (-650F to 1600F) of the test item while mounted to the exci ter platform when the exciter is not in operation. The conditioning chamber shall be removable by overhead crane for exciter operation. Temperature controls shall be located in the control building. Overhead Crane -- A 20-ton overhead crane shall be incl uded with sufficient mobility to load and unload test items to the exciter platform. Reaction Mass -- A reaction mass shall be included to effectively react the forces of the excitation system. Climate control -- The vibration test bay shall be equipped wi th appropriately sized heating and air-conditioning units. Climate control shall be re-configurable to a one-pass system when explosives are present. Control Building -- The control building will be located a safe distance (no less than 500-feet) from the exciter facility and will house the equipment and instrumentation necessary to remotely control testing. This facility will also include a viewing area with TV monitors, office space, a VIP viewing area, room for cockpit mock-up with TV view out front wi ndshield, and a work area for electronic equipment. The control building shall be a single story facility with a footprint of no less than 75 feet x 50 feet. Instrumentation -- In addition to all cables directly associated with the exciter system and powe r supplies, the following additional instrumentation and cabling is required between the exciter facility and control room: Description Number of Channels Coax-RG8 48 SM Fiber Optic 100 6-Cond Shielded 16-AGW 24 Climate control -- The control building shall be equipped with appropriately sized heating and air-conditioning units. Exciter Specifications -- The minimum performance requirements for the multi-degree-of-freedom motion/vibration platform are summarized by the performance curves provided in Appendix A. Response shall address each of the performance curves in Appendix A. In addition vendors shall complete Table 1 and provide a physical description of the excitation system. Performance Curves -- The minimum pe rformance curves shown Appendix A are based on an empty table (no test article) and a fully loaded table (32,000-pound payload with the center of gravity at 5 feet above the top of the test platform). The center of rotation for both configurations is the top center of the table. However, during testing the center of rotation will vary widely, depending on the motion being replicated. The mounting surface of the table shall be a minimum of 10 ft x 12 ft. The first major bending and torsional modes of the t able shall be greater than 30 Hz. Hydraulic Power Supply -- Response shall include a description of the hydraulic power supp ly required for the excitation system. The hydraulic power supply shall include appropriately sized self-contained closed-loop cooling. Plumbing -- All plumbing between the exciter and hydraulic power supply shall be included. External Forces -- The Excite r/platform system must be capable of accommodating recoil-type forces reacting forces associated with armament firings (as high as 10,000 lbf in any direction) with no significant degradation of system stability. Table 1 -Exciter System Summary Description of Excitation System DOF Specification EU Table Dimension (L,W,H) * ft Table Mass * lb Number & Layout of Actuators * * Actuator 1-n Force Rating * * lbf Hydraulic Power Supply Operating Pressure * psi Hydraulic Power Supply Flow Requirement * gpm Accumulator(s) size & Placement * * gal Note: all items marked with * shall be completed by vendor and submitted with response. Control Systems -- The vendor shall supply and configure all servo-controllers required to stabilize the actuators (inner loop). The vendor shall supply the control system required to perform motion replication of measured or synthesized reference data (ou ter loop). The number of data acquisition controls shall be no less than the number of actuators and the number of reference/ measurement points shall be no less than 64. The control system shall be capable of performing system-identification for over-de termined reference points. All control electronics shall be configured in the remote control building. Construction Requirements -- Any work performed on the Federal Installation, Redstone Arsenal, must meet and comply with the Laws, Regulations and Standa rds referenced in Appendix B. This synopsis for information and planning purposes only, does not constitute a solicitation, and shall not be construed as a commitment by the government.
Web Link
Army Single Face to Industry (http://acquisition.army.mil)
Loren Data Corp. 20010822/CSOL007.HTM (D-232 SN50V4X4)

C - Architect and Engineering Services - Construction Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on August 20, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com