Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
November 9, 2001
Contracting Office
Department of State, Office of Logistics Management, Acquisition Management, SA-6, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 9115, Rosslyn Station, Arlington, VA, 22219
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
November 30, 2001
Point of Contact
David Vivian, Contract Specialist, Phone 7038756991, Fax 7038756292, Email viviandw@state.gov -- David Vivian, Contr act Specialist, Phone 7038756991, Fax 7038756292, Email viviandw@state.gov
This modification provides clarifications, specific changes and questions and responses concerning the original CBD no tice. All requirements not specifically changed by this mod., remain as listed in the original CBD notice. The original CB D notice published on October 22, 2001 is the Phase 1 solicitation and call for prequalification packages. Offerors need to complete and forward documentation that addresses all EVALUATION FACTORS. For instance, Factor 1 is a Management Plan -- th is must be included in your submission. You must provide information that addresses all evaluation factors and subfactors t o the fullest extent possible. Information on joint venture firms and any other team member should be included in your pack age to improve your evaluated score. This is not a pass/fail type evaluation. Only those receiving the highest evaluated r atings will proceed to phase II. . PREQUALIFICATION PROPOSAL PACKAGE SUBMISSION FORMAT: Submissions must be provided in original and three copies, and formatted and tabulated by evaluation factor: Factor 1 -- Tech nical Approach, Factor 2 -- Technical Qualifications, 2a -- Professional Qualifications, 2b -- Design Professional Qualificatio n, 2c -- Security, 2d -- Capacity, Factor 3 -- Past and Present Performance. Maximum page limit for submissions is 200 single sided pages/100 doubled sided pages. The required SF Form 254 and 255s are limited to 100 single sided pages and is include d in the total maximum page count of 200 pages. No more than 50 of the total 200 pages may be foldouts, maximum size 11.5' by 14'. Offers shall be submitted in size twelve (12) font, except the SF Forms 254 and 255 which may be prepared in size t en (10) font. The pages comprising the preprinted package required for the Certifications Relevant To Public Law 99-399 and the copy of the Joint Venture Agreement, when applicable, are not included in the maximum page count. . PAMPHLET "CERTIFICATIONS RELEVANT TO PUBLIC LAW 99-399, STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR PURPOSE OF SECTION 402 OF THE OMNIBU S DIPLOMATIC SECURITY AND ANTITERRORISM ACT OF 1986." A General, Construction or Design/Build firm is expected as lead team member. That lead company is the one that must complete the pamphlet so that we can verify the firm's status as a "US perso n." If a joint venture is formed, the company having 51 percent or greater interest in the JV must be the one completing th e pamphlet. PROPOSAL PACKAGE DELIVERY: Offerors are advised to hand delivery or submit proposals by courier to the following address (D O NOT USE the U.S. POSTAL SERVICE or the USPS ADDRESS) COURIER ADDRESS: U.S. Department of State: Attn: David Vivian; A/LM/A QM/FDCD/CON, Room L-600, SA-6; 1701 North Fort Meyer Drive, (17th St. Entrance); Arlington, VA 22209. Include the solicitat ion number, SALMEC-02-R0006 on the face of the package. . QUESTION 1: Could you please clarify: Do the up to four successful design-build teams have to compete with each other for e ach task order. If yes, is the decision based on price? RESPONSE 1: Under solicitation SLAMEC-02-R0007 for large and small businesses, the awardees will be competing for all task o rders. SOL SLAMEC-02-R0006 is reserved for 8(a) firms. Under that solicitation, we plan to award task orders under $3 mill ion on a sole source basis to the 8(a) firms. Task orders greater than $3 million but less than $7 million will be competed between the awardees. We plan to limit the number of competing firms to two under either of the solicitations. The compet itive selection process for individual task orders will be based on technical and price. Specifics on the selection criteri a and evaluation process will be identified in the task order request for proposals. . QUESTION 2: In reviewing the pre-qualifying pamphlet for the above-stated project, the "issuance date" on page 3 states "Dec ember 1998". What is the "issuance date"? RESPONSE 2: Please ignore the date. Complete the pamphlet and include it in your proposal. The date will be corrected to r ead "Spring 2002" in future distributions of the pamphlet. . QUESTION 3: What is the minimum dollar amount task order to be issued? RESPONSE 3: The minimum will most likely be $10,000. Depending of the requirements of the site visit and the required submi ssions, task orders may be issued for small amounts. In my experience, a design build task order for a site visit and requi red submission is normally considerable more, but we have to allow for the unusual in the contract perimeters. . QUESTION 4: Is there going to be cost reimbursable items such as travel, time, etc.? RESPONSE 4: There will be -- air fair, per diem for meals and actual lodging/hotel rates within the allowable rates listed in the Joint Travel Regulation, and the costs of Defense Base Act Insurance. NOTE: contractors are required to lease apartments rather than remain in hotels for lengthy projects. Reimbursement would change to the cost of the apartment which should be cheaper than the hotel. . QUESTION 5: What locations of the world will be involved in this project? RESPONSE 5: It's easier to describe what's excluded. The Department of State has buildings: Embassies, consulates, foreign missions, Public Affairs Office building, etc. in almost every country, and in some countries, numerous buildings, in multip le cities. The only countries in which we don't have some kind of facility, are those that we don't currently have diplomat ic relations with -- Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Afghanistan, Serbia, Tajikistan. That's all I can recall -- not many. . QUESTION 6: How will we price this solicitation? Example: line items, coefficients, lump sum? RESPONSE 6: The pricing required in phase II will be by labor discipline. I will list every construction labor category and professional Architectural and Engineering labor category our Program Management team can think of in the solicitation. Of ferors will enter pricing for each category to be used during the base year and pricing for each option year. We will negot iate as necessary to reach agreement of fair and reasonable rates. Proposals will be required for each individual project t ask order. The labor categories rates in the contract will be considered maximums. At task order proposal, offerors may pr opose a rate for a required labor category that is less than that listed in the contract, but the contract rates shall not b e exceeded. . QUESTION 7: Will we be able to use foreign labor or products? RESPONSE 7: Foreign labor is encouraged. Only US personal with the appropriate clearance will be allowed to perform certain tasks, and in specified areas. Not all projects will require cleared American workers, but most do, but not for all work. Some products may be procured from foreign sources; concrete, soil, bricks -- bulk construction materials (reference the Fed eral Acquisition Regulation Part 25 the parts on Buy American Act and Balance of Payments Programs). A listing of materials and equipment that don't have to be "US End Products" will be attached to the task order. The list may contain numerous it ems. I've found that while the list may be quite extensive, most foreign items don't meet the requirements of US code as li sted in the specification and drawings for each project. So the lists turn out to be very short. Some equipment must be US for security reasons. . QUESTION 8: Will any or all employees need to carry a Secret Security Clearance? RESPONSE 8: No, not all. Only those that are performing specific task in certain areas. . QUESTION 9: Will those receiving award of the contracts after Phase II be expected to shoulder the cost of proposal submiss ion (site visit, conceptual design submissions, etc.) as required for the individual project task orders. RESPONSE 9: No. Initial identification of a project will include information on the compensation to offerors for the site v isit and proposal submission. Offerors may be asked for a proposal for performing the site visit and preparation of the pro posal documents or a stipend may be identified. We plan to limit the number of firms competing for any single project to tw o. We intend to award task orders for the site visit and proposal documentation submission as negotiated and agreed and a s eparate task order will be awarded to the firm competitively selected to continue design and perform construction. The Cont racting Officer must determine the price fair and reasonable prior to issuance of any task order. . The date set for submission of offers remains unchanged, November 30, 2001, 4:00 PM EST. . Request for clarifications must be submitted in writing to David Vivian at facsimile (703), 875-6699, or e-mail VivianDW@sta te.gov. Voice contact telephone (703) 875-6991.
Web Link
Visit this URL for the latest information about this (http://www.eps.gov/spg/State/A-LM-AQM/A-LM-AQM/SALMEC-02-R0006/listing.html)
Loren Data Corp. 20011114/YSOL003.HTM (A-313 SN5127S9)

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Created on November 9, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com