Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
November 29, 2001
Contracting Office
US Environmental Protection Agency, Region III Contracts Branch (3PM10), 1650 Arch Street, Phildelphia, PA 19103-2029
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Greenwood Chemical O & M
Response Due
January 14, 2002
Point of Contact
Contract documents may be obtained at the office of Tetra Tech, Inc., Attn.: Shiva Kumar, P.E., 56 West Main Street -- Suite 400, Christiana, DE 19702; 302-738-7551 (phone); 302-454-5988 (fax); shiva.kumar@tetratech.com (e-mail).
E-Mail Address
Tetra Tech, Inc., Attn.: Shiva Kumar, P.E., 56 West (shiva.kumar@tetratech.com)
13. GREENWOOD CHEMICAL SITE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INVITATION TO BID This is an invitation to bid for operation and maintenance (O&M) services to support the O&M activities, for a "pump and treat system" at the Greenwood Chemical (GC) Site, being performed by Tetra Tech/Black & Veatch (Tt/B&V) for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Tt/B&V is seeking an O&M contractor to operate and maintain the groundwater treatment plant at the GC Site. The Site is located in Greenwood, Albemarle County, Virginia. The primary contaminants of concern at the Site include benzene, PCE, TCE, chloroform, toluene, naphthalene, arsenic, and cyanide. The groundwater extraction system consists of five extraction wells; the extracted groundwater is treated at the on-site treatment plant. The treatment system consists of precipitation, sedimentation, filtration, ultraviolet/oxidation (UV/OX), and carbon adsorption followed by stream discharge. The treatment system also includes polymer, ferric chloride, sulfuric acid, caustic, and hydrogen peroxide feed systems. The design flow rate of the treatment plant is 50 gpm. The system has been operating at approximately 500,000 to 600,000 gallons per month due to aquifer limitations. The work generally includes operation and maintenance (routine and non-routine) of the groundwater treatment plant for a period of one year, sampling, cleaning, and sludge dewatering and disposal. Sealed proposals for the O&M services, will be received by Tt/B&V until 4:00 p.m. local time on Monday, January 14, 2002. A MANDATORY Pre-Proposal Meeting at the Site, will be held on Tuesday, December 18, 2001, at 10:00 a.m. local time to review project requirements, answer questions, and conduct a tour of the treatment facility. Representatives of each party to any Joint Venture must attend this meeting. Attendance at this meeting is a prerequisite for submitting a bid. The award of this contract will be made by Tt/B&V based upon the following weighted objective criteria: cost (40%), qualifications (25%), past experience (25%), and small disadvantaged business/woman- owned business entity (10%). Contract documents may be obtained at the office of Tetra Tech, Inc., Attn.: Shiva Kumar, P.E., 56 West Main Street -- Suite 400, Christiana, DE 19702; 302-738-7551 (phone); 302-454-5988 (fax); shiva.kumar@tetratech.com (e-mail). Contract documents may be obtained at the Pre-Proposal meeting if prearranged at least 4 business days in advance with Tetra Tech. Sealed proposals should be addressed to Tetra Tech, Inc., Attn.: Shiva Kumar, P.E., 56 West Main Street -- Suite 400, Christiana, DE 19702. THE OUTER ENVELOPE SHOULD CLEARLY INDICATE: "EPA GREENWOOD CHEMICAL SITE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE -- SEALED PROPOSAL -- DO NOT OPEN." Tt/B&V reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informalities therein. Tt/B&V may extend the time and place for the opening of the proposals from that described in the advertisement, of not less than five calendar days' notice by certified delivery, facsimile machine or other electronic means to those proposers receiving proposal documents. END OF NOTICE TO BIDDERS
Loren Data Corp. 20011203/ZSOL002.HTM (W-333 SN514055)

Z - Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on November 29, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com