Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
December 11, 2001
Contracting Office
3610 Collins Ferry Road (MS-002) P.O. Box 880 Morgantown, WV 26507-0880
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Point of Contact
Raymond Johnson, Contracting Officer, 412-386-6109, johnson@netl.doe.gov;James Huemmrich, Contract Specialist, 412-386-6597, huemmric@netl.doe.gov
E-Mail Address
James Huemmrich, Contract Specialist (huemmric@netl.doe.gov)
Due to size limitations, the complete Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) cannot be posted here. Please visit the Industry Interactive Procurement System (IIPS) for the complete document. The IIPS URL is https://e-center.doe.gov. After accessing this address, Open Browse Opportunities, Opportunities by Contracting Activity, then click-on Open Within Frame, open folder entitled National Energy Technology Laboratory, and then open the Master BAA Solicitation. The complete BAA file can be downloaded from the Master BAA Solicitation in either WordPerfect or PDF. After reviewing the BAA file, questions can be entered by utilizing the "SUBMIT QUESTIONS" feature within the IIPS for this Announcement. PART I -- INTRODUCTION: This document is a Broad Agency Announcement sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL). This BAA is issued under provisions of paragraph 6.102(d)(2) and paragraph 35.016 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) which provides for competitive selection of research and development proposals submitted in response to this announcement. Accordingly, proposals selected for award are considered to be the result of full and open competition and fully compliant with PL 98-369, "The Competition in Contracting Act of 1984." Prospective offerors should note that this BAA is an expression of interest only and does not commit the Government to make an award or pay proposal preparation costs generated in response to this announcement. The cost of proposal preparation for response to a BAA is not considered an allowable direct charge to any resultant contract or any other contract. However, it may be an allowable expense to the normal bid and proposal indirect cost specified in FAR 31.205-18. The BAA is intended for the development of research efforts in support of the NETL. The BAA supports the mission of specific Focus Areas in the Office of Science and Technology within DOE's Office of Environmental Management (EM). The objective of this solicitation is to request proposals from industry, universities and non-profit organizations for research and development of innovative and improved technologies that will reduce the cost of, or time to remediate environmental problems found in the Department of Energy (DOE) complex. Specific information on program goals is provided in the following section, Program Description. Potential offerors are reminded that only a duly warranted Contracting Officer may obligate the government to an agreement involving the expenditure of Government funds. Again, any questions concerning this BAA should be forwarded by utilizing the "SUBMIT QUESTIONS" feature of the IIPS at the website referenced above. In order for any proposals to be considered, the proposed effort MUST meet the definition of basic or applied research and development found at FAR 35.001. The selection of one or more (if any) proposals for award will be based on a peer and scientific evaluation of each offeror's response (to include both technical and cost aspects) to determine the overall merit of the proposal in response to this announcement. No discussion is to be held with offerors by the technical staff after proposal submission without the permission of the Contracting Officer. Pursuant to the requirements of FAR 52.219-9, if the total amount of the proposal exceeds $500,000, a large business offeror(s) selected for award will be required at that time to submit a Subcontracting Plan for Small, Small Disadvantaged, and Woman Owned Small Business Concerns. There will be no formal request for proposal or any further solicitation document issued in regard to this BAA. Therefore, interested parties should be alert for any amendments that maybe published. This BAA will be open through the end of calendar year 2002, unless otherwise amended. Proposals may be submitted by way of the IIPS anytime through the end calendar year 2002. Presently, funds are not available and, therefore, any award is subject to the availability of funds. Any resultant contract award would include all clauses required by Federal Acquisition Regulations and appropriate supplements. PART II -- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION -- RESEARCH INTERESTS: The BAA supports the mission of Focus Areas in the Office of Science and Technology within DOE's Office of Environmental Management (EM). The areas of research and development under this BAA are: 1) Tanks Focus Area (TFA), 2) Transuranic and Mixed Waste Focus Area (TMWFA), 3) Deactivation and Decommissioning Focus Area (DDFA), 4) Subsurface Contamination Focus Area (SCFA), and 5) Nuclear Materials Focus Area (NMFA) The offeror must start technology development at one of the following DOE-defined stages: Stage 2 -Applied Research or Stage 3 -Explora tory Development. While technology development generally begins at stage 2 or 3, to be co nsidered for the proposed solicitation, however, it is desired to select projects that have a sound scientific basis, advance DOE's understanding of cleanup requirements and seek breakthrough approaches to resolve problems. Conversely, it is not desired to pursue fully-developed technologies that offer minimal improvements to base-line techniques. This BAA includes research needs identified in the areas of robotic and remote sensors, characterization and monitoring, separation processes, deactivation and decommissioning methodologies, remediation of subsurface contamination, handling and processing of transuranic mixed waste, disposition of nuclear materials, and remediation of high level waste tanks. Specific Focus Areas Topics are: 1) TFA Topics: 1.1 -- Safe Waste Storage, 1.2 -- Characterization and Process Monitoring, 1.3 -- Waste Mobilization and Retrieval, 1.4 -- Remote Systems Operations, 1.5 -- Waste Pretreatment, 1.6 -- Waste Immobilization, and 1.7 -- Closure; 2) TMWFA Topics: 2.1 -- Concepts for Characterization of Radionuclides in Remote Handled Waste Containers, 2.2 -- Concepts for Characterization of Remote Conservation and Recovery Act Materials (metals and organics) in Remote Handled Waste Containers, 2.3 -- Understanding the Generation Mechanisms of Dioxins and Furans in Non-Thermal Treatment Facilities, 2.4 -- Concepts for Separation and Extraction (alternatives to incineration) of Plutonium in Transuranic Mixed Waste, and 2.5 -- Next Generation Hydrogen Gas Getters; 3) DDFA Topics: 3.1 -- Facilities and Equipment Characterization, 3.2 -- monitoring of Facilities to Support Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance, 3.3 -- Characterization to Support Segregation/Disposition of TRU-contaminated Material, 3.4 -- Next Generation Decontamination Technologies (metal and concrete), 3.5 -- Improved Size Reduction and Demolition Techniques, 3.6 -- Systems to Reduce Worker Heat Stress, 3.7 -- Airborne Contaminants/Emissions Monitoring and Control Systems, 3.8 -- Advanced Manipulators and End Effectors for D&D Operations, 3.9 -- Tetherless Power and Communication Systems, 3.10 -- Advanced Systems Control and Task Planning; 4) SCFA Topics: 4.1 -- Source Zone Stabilization, Containment, and Treatment, 4.2 -- Subsurface Access, Delivery, and Characterization/Monitoring, 4.3 -- Subsurface Modeling: Development, Vadose Zone, Ecological Risk Assessment, and Validation, 4.4 -- Treatment, Removal, and/or Stabilization of Low Concentration -- Large Area/Volume Sites; 5) NMFA Topics: 5.1 -- SNF Remote Moisture Monitor, 5.2 -- Spent Nuclear Fuel NDA/NDE and Monitoring Devices, 5.3 -- Standardized Spent Nuclear Fuel Packaging, 5.4 -- Understanding the mechanisms of gas generation and corrosion in SNF canisters. The expected results and benefits to the Government for performance of this effort will be the selection of innovative concepts/techniques for EM applications. Projects should have clear decision points so the that the DOE can perform periodic reviews to determine if the research should continue, be redirected, or discontinued The complete BAA will also be posted on the NETL Homepage. The URL is "http://www.netl.doe.gov/business/". Offerors are encouraged to download the BAA once it becomes available, as paper copies will not be distributed. It is DOE's desire to encourage the widest participation including the involvement of individuals, corporations, non-profit organizations, small and small disadvantaged businesses, educational institutions, and state or local governments or other entities. PARTS III -- EVALUATION FACTORS AND IV -- PROPOASL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS: Due to size limitations, the Evaluation Factors and Proposal Preparation Instructions cannot be posted here. This information is also contained in the complete BAA file. Please visit the Industry Interactive Procurement System (IIPS). The URL is https://e-center.doe.gov.
Web Link
Click here for further details regarding this notice. (http://e-center.doe.gov/iips/busopor.nsf/Solicitation+By+Number/DE-PS26-02NT41417?OpenDocument)
Loren Data Corp. 20011213/ASOL002.HTM (D-345 SN5148Q0)

A - Research and Development Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on December 11, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com