Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
December 12, 2001
Contracting Office
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, R-2 Rocky Mountain Region, 740 Simms Street Regional Office, Golden, CO, 80401
ZIP Code
San Juan National Forest, Beaver Meadows Stewardship Pilot Project, INTERESTED CONTRACTORS MEETING. The Beaver Meadows Stewardship Pilot Project is one of 28 Stewardship Pilots authorized by Congress in 1999. This pilot project is located on Columbine Ranger District of the San Juan National Forest. The project involves ecosystem restoration and management activities in a mixed conifer forest. A Pre-Solicitation Conference is scheduled for TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2002, AT 1:00 PM, in the conference room of the Upper Pine River Fire Station, 75 Clover Drive, Bayfield, CO. The meeting will serve to introduce prospective contractors to the project as well as help USDA Forest Service staff gather information about the kinds and type of details, specifications, requirements, etc. that prospective contractors would like to see included in the Solicitation. The pilot nature of the project allows new and unique service contracting opportunities. The authorizing legislation allows for increased flexibility in meeting ecosystem objectives. Specifically, this legislation is allowing for: contract award based on a ?best value? determination; multi-year contracts, up to a term of 10 years; application of the value of timber or other forest products removed as an offset against the cost of services received, i.e. ?trading goods for services?; the Forest Service to retain monies from contracts to be available for expenditure at the demonstration project site; and establishment of multiparty monitoring and evaluation of the effects and results of the project, including cooperating governmental agencies and any other interested groups or individuals. The area involved in this pilot project is a warm, dry mixed conifer forest that has been actively and intensively managed for many years. Past timber harvesting has greatly reduced the amount of desirable ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir, while effective fire suppression has allowed a large increase in white fir and aspen, dense under-stories of Gambel oak, and reduced grass/forb herbaceous vegetation. These past management activities have created a large mingled network of old roads, many of which are no longer needed. The goals of the Beaver Meadows Stewardship Pilot Project are to restore this forest area to a condition which is more ecologically resilient by: (1)cutting and/or removing white fir; (2)favoring existing fire-resistant ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir, and creating conditions conducive to regeneration of these species; (3)cutting, removing, and stimulating regeneration of aspen clones; (4)closing and rehabilitating unnecessary roads; (5)establishing conditions favorable for reintroducing frequent, low-intensity prescribed fire. To accomplish these goals, VARIOUS WORK ACTIVITIES such as the following may occur: Cutting and removing merchantable white fir and aspen sawtimber, totaling approximately 4000 CCF from about 800 acres; Lopping and scattering logging slash; Cutting, lopping and scattering unmerchantable white fir trees within harvest units; Rehab and seed log skidding trails and landings; Piling landing slash; Spot road reconstruction and maintenance of approximately 17 miles of system roads; Opening, road maintenance and closure of approximately 3 miles of existing non-system roads used for timber harvest and removal; Construction and closure of approximately 0.3 miles of temporary road; Decommissioning and seeding approximately 5 miles of existing non-system roads; Construct or clean approximately 20 miles of fire line; Construct fire line around high-value wildlife and seed trees; Treat noxious weeds by hand and chemical means; and Possible mechanical site prep for tree planting. The Beaver Meadows Stewardship Pilot Project is located in the vicinity of Jungle Canyon on the Columbine Ranger District, San Juan National Forest. It is about 10 air miles northeast of Bayfield, CO. Access to the project area is provided by the Beaver Meadows Road, FDR 135. It encompasses an area of about 5700 acres. Work on this project is anticipated to start in September of 2002. Contract time may last for 3-4 years. We anticipate the Contract Solicitation for this project will be available to interested parties in late April at this website ? http://www.fedbizopps.gov. For more information, contact Dave Crawford, Columbine Ranger District, PO Box 439, Bayfield, CO, 81122, or phone 970-884-1428.
Web Link
Visit this URL for the latest information about this (http://www.eps.gov/spg/USDA/FS/82X9/Reference-Number-RMAST-02-SJ-BV R-MDWS-SPP/listing.html)
Loren Data Corp. 20011214/SPMSC010.HTM (D-346 SN5149S0)

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Created on December 12, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com